Removing reductant catalytic converter
The reductant catalytic converter contains vanadium pentoxide. Vanadium pentoxide
can constitute a health hazard.
The reductant catalytic converter is fitted in the silencer and does not constitute a
health hazard during normal use and handling.
When carrying out work on the reductant catalytic converter which may result in exposure to dust, safety precautions must be taken. Such work includes, for example,
opening the silencer, machining and scrapping the catalytic converter.
• Inhalation: If dust is inhaled, the person should be provided with fresh air immediately. Seek medical attention if significant amounts are inhaled.
• Eye contact: Rinse eyes with water immediately. Seek medical attention with
continued irritation.
• Skin contact: Wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothes.
• Ingestion: If large amounts have been ingested, drink plenty of water and induce
vomiting. Seek medical attention.
• Vanadium pentoxide is toxic to water organisms and can cause detrimental longterm effects to the water environment.
03:62-00 Issue 1 en-GB 1 (10)
Scania CV AB 2012, Sweden

Removing reductant catalytic converter
• Any dust or spillages should be collected in a container for recycling or disposal
in compliance with local regulations. It should not be drained into watercourses
or into the public sewage system.
• A scrapped reductant catalytic converter should be disposed of in compliance
with the relevant EU, national or local regulations. The constituent parts are classified as harmful to the environment by the EU.
03:62-00 Issue 1 en-GB 2 (10)
Scania CV AB 2012, Sweden

Removing reductant catalytic converter
Work description
• Carry out the work on the SCR catalytic converter in a well ventilated area.
• Use protective goggles and gloves if there is any risk of splashing or spraying of
reductant or coolant.
• When the engine is running, the exhaust system parts can reach such high temperatures that there is a risk of personal injury. Make sure that the exhaust system
temperature has fallen to a suitable level before starting work.
• The SCR system is heated by water from the engine cooling system. The cooling
system runs at overpressure and when the engine is hot the coolant is hot. Do not
open any hoses without first stopping the coolant flow in the hose.
• A P3 type respirator/filter mask or a type FFP3 fine dust musk, protective goggles
and gloves should be used for any work where there is a risk of exposure to dust
from the SCR catalytic converter.
• Use a disposable overall and throw it away after machining.
• Eating, drinking or smoking while working is not permitted.
• Any dust from the SCR catalytic converter should be removed using a vacuum
cleaner with microfilter to minimise exposure.
• Make sure that the work surface is cleaned after completed work; vacuum first
and then swab.
• Make sure you clean your hands after working with a SCR catalytic converter to
avoid unintentional ingestion.
Work description
03:62-00 Issue 1 en-GB 3 (10)
Scania CV AB 2012, Sweden