Sato CL4NX operation manual

Operator Manual
For printer model:
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Be sure to perform a virus check for the USB memory before connecting it to the printer. SATO Corporation shall not be held responsible for any printer malfunctions caused by a virus spread via USB memory.
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Version: GBS-CL4NX_CL6NX-r08-01-08-16OM
© 2016 SATO Corporation. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................... 1
Before You Start ..................................................................................... 7
Features of the Product............................................................................................ 7
Safety Precautions.................................................................................................... 8
Precautions for Installation and Handling ............................................................ 11
Regulatory Approval............................................................................................... 12
1 Parts Identification............................................................................. 15
1.1 Parts Identification of the Printer .................................................................... 15
1.1.1 Front View ............................................................................................................... 15
1.1.2 Rear View ................................................................................................................ 16
1.1.3 Internal View............................................................................................................ 17
1.2 Parts on the Operator Panel............................................................................. 18
1.2.1 Operator Panel ........................................................................................................ 18
1.2.2 LED Indicator........................................................................................................... 19
2 Installing the Printer .......................................................................... 21
2.1 Installation Precautions.................................................................................... 21
2.2 Installation Space.............................................................................................. 22
2.2.1 Front View (CL4NX) ................................................................................................ 22
2.2.2 Front View (CL6NX) ................................................................................................ 22
2.2.3 Side View (CL4NX/CL6NX) ..................................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Bottom View (CL4NX) ............................................................................................. 24
2.2.5 Bottom View (CL6NX) ............................................................................................. 24
2.3 Checking the Bundled Accessories ................................................................ 25
2.4 Connecting the Interface Cable ....................................................................... 26
2.4.1 Available Interfaces ................................................................................................. 26
2.4.2 Interface Settings..................................................................................................... 27
2.4.3 NFC Interface Connection ....................................................................................... 27
2.5 Connecting the Power Cord............................................................................. 28
2.6 Power On/Off the Printer .................................................................................. 29
2.6.1 Power On the Printer ............................................................................................... 29
2.6.2 Power Off the Printer ............................................................................................... 30
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
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2.7 Starting Up the Printer (Startup Guide)........................................................... 31
2.7.1 Startup Screen......................................................................................................... 31
2.7.2 Language Selection................................................................................................. 31
2.7.3 Region Setting with Optional RTC........................................................................... 32
2.7.4 City Setting with Optional RTC ................................................................................ 32
2.7.5 Date Setting with Optional RTC............................................................................... 32
2.7.6 Time Setting with Optional RTC .............................................................................. 33
2.7.7 Print Method Setting ................................................................................................ 33
2.7.8 Ribbon Setting ......................................................................................................... 34
2.7.9 Setting the Media Sensor Type ............................................................................... 34
2.7.10 Media Setting......................................................................................................... 35
2.7.11 Confirmation Screen.............................................................................................. 36
2.7.12 Startup Guide Cancelation .................................................................................... 36
3 Loading the Ribbon and Media........................................................... 37
3.1 Checking the Ink Side of the Ribbon............................................................... 37
3.2 Loading the Ribbon .......................................................................................... 38
3.3 Removing the Ribbon ....................................................................................... 41
3.4 Usable Media ..................................................................................................... 42
3.4.1 Adjusting the Position of the Media Sensor............................................................. 42
3.5 Loading Media ................................................................................................... 43
3.5.1 Loading Media Roll.................................................................................................. 43
3.5.2 Loading Fan-fold Media........................................................................................... 45
3.5.3 Loading Media with the Optional Cutter .................................................................. 46
3.5.4 Loading Media with an Optional Dispenser and Liner Discharge Outlet ................. 46
3.5.5 Loading Media with an Optional Dispenser and Liner Rewinder............................. 47
3.5.6 Removing the Liner from the Rewinder ................................................................... 49
4 Operation and Configuration .............................................................. 51
4.1 Display and Operation ...................................................................................... 51
4.1.1 Online Mode/Offline Mode....................................................................................... 51
4.1.2 Status Icon............................................................................................................... 52
4.1.3 Error Icon................................................................................................................. 55
4.1.4 Guidance Video ....................................................................................................... 58
4.1.5 Adjusting the Print Settings During Printing............................................................. 61
4.1.6 Canceling the Print Job ........................................................................................... 62
4.2 Settings Mode.................................................................................................... 63
4.2.1 Changing to Settings Mode ..................................................................................... 63
4.2.2 Log In to/Log Out of the Settings Mode................................................................... 64
4.2.3 Item Selection.......................................................................................................... 65
4.2.4 Setting Value Input or Selection .............................................................................. 66
4.3 Settings Menu Tree Structure .......................................................................... 69
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
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4.4 Details of the Settings Menu Screen ............................................................... 83
4.4.1 Shortcut Menu ......................................................................................................... 83
4.4.2 Printing Menu .......................................................................................................... 84
4.4.3 Interface Menu....................................................................................................... 105
4.4.4 Applications Menu ................................................................................................. 177
4.4.5 System Menu......................................................................................................... 205
4.4.6 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 216
4.4.7 Information Menu................................................................................................... 238
4.5 Web Configuration .......................................................................................... 248
4.5.1 Dashboard ............................................................................................................. 248
4.5.2 Settings.................................................................................................................. 249
4.5.3 Tools...................................................................................................................... 251
4.5.4 Certificates............................................................................................................. 253
5 Cleaning and Performing Printer Adjustments ................................ 255
5.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................... 255
5.2 Maintenance of the Print Head and Platen Roller ........................................ 256
5.2.1 Maintenance using the Cleaning Kit ...................................................................... 256
5.2.2 Additional Procedure for the Optional Linerless Cutter Kit (CL4NX only).............. 259
5.2.3 Maintenance using the Cleaning Sheet................................................................. 260
5.3 Adjusting the Base Reference Point ............................................................. 262
5.3.1 About the Base Reference Point ........................................................................... 262
5.3.2 Adjusting the Print Position.................................................................................... 263
5.3.3 Adjusting the Media Stop Position......................................................................... 265
5.3.4 Notes on the Stop/Cut Position of Different Media ................................................ 266
5.4 Adjusting the Print Quality............................................................................. 268
5.4.1 Adjusting the Print Darkness ................................................................................. 268
5.4.2 Adjusting the Print Speed ...................................................................................... 269
5.5 Adjusting the Buzzer Volume ........................................................................ 271
5.6 Adjusting the Head Pressure Balance .......................................................... 272
5.6.1 Head Pressure Setting .......................................................................................... 272
5.6.2 Pressure Balance Setting ...................................................................................... 273
6 Troubleshooting................................................................................ 275
6.1 When an Error Message Occurs.................................................................... 275
6.1.1 More Information about Command Error............................................................... 283
6.2 When the LED Lights Red/Blue ..................................................................... 285
6.3 Troubleshooting Table ................................................................................... 286
6.3.1 No Power/Nothing on the Screen .......................................................................... 286
6.3.2 Cannot Feed the Media ......................................................................................... 286
6.3.3 Can Feed the Media but Cannot Print ................................................................... 287
6.3.4 Bad Print Quality.................................................................................................... 288
6.3.5 Incorrect Print Position .......................................................................................... 289
6.3.6 Cannot Read Barcodes When Using the Barcode Check Function ...................... 290
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
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6.4 Interface Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 291
6.4.1 USB Interface ........................................................................................................ 291
6.4.2 LAN Ethernet Interface .......................................................................................... 291
6.4.3 Bluetooth Interface ................................................................................................ 291
6.4.4 NFC Interface ........................................................................................................ 292
6.4.5 RS-232C Interface................................................................................................. 292
6.4.6 IEEE1284 Interface ............................................................................................... 292
6.4.7 External Signal Interface (EXT) ............................................................................. 293
6.4.8 Wireless LAN Interface.......................................................................................... 293
7 Appendix ........................................................................................... 295
7.1 List of Initial Values ........................................................................................ 295
7.1.1 Printing Menu ........................................................................................................ 295
7.1.2 Interface Menu....................................................................................................... 298
7.1.3 Applications Menu ................................................................................................. 308
7.1.4 System Menu......................................................................................................... 311
7.1.5 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 313
7.1.6 Information Menu................................................................................................... 315
7.2 Media Sensor Positions and Media Stop Positions..................................... 316
7.3 Replacing the Print Head................................................................................ 318
7.4 Replacing the Platen Roller............................................................................ 320
7.4.1 Guideline to Replace the Linerless Platen Roller (CL4NX only)............................ 321
7.5 Optional RFID Configuration (CL4NX only) .................................................. 322
7.5.1 Printing RFID Tag Errors ....................................................................................... 325
7.5.2 RFID Error and Reset Timing ................................................................................ 329
7.5.3 External (EXT) Signal Interfaces when RFID Mode is Enabled ............................ 332
7.5.4 RFID Printing Tips ................................................................................................. 332
7.6 Optional Barcode Check Function Configuration........................................ 333
7.6.1 Basic Specifications of the Barcode Check Function ............................................ 333
7.6.2 Setting Up the Barcode Checker ........................................................................... 339
7.6.3 Changing How the RS-232C Interface is Used
(When Using the KEYENCE Barcode Checkers)........................................................... 340
7.6.4 Doing a Test Read with the Barcode Checker ...................................................... 342
7.6.5 Enabling the Barcode Check ................................................................................. 345
7.6.6 Restrictions for the Barcode Check Function ........................................................ 349
7.7 Printer Specifications ..................................................................................... 351
7.7.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................... 351
7.7.2 Ribbon and Media ................................................................................................. 354
7.7.3 Interface................................................................................................................. 356
7.7.4 Built-in Functions ................................................................................................... 357
7.7.5 Printer Languages ................................................................................................. 357
7.7.6 Fonts/Symbols/Barcodes....................................................................................... 358
7.7.7 Options .................................................................................................................. 361
7.7.8 Accessories ........................................................................................................... 361
7.7.9 Standards .............................................................................................................. 362
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
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7.8 Interface Specifications.................................................................................. 363
7.8.1 USB Interface ........................................................................................................ 364
7.8.2 LAN Ethernet Interface .......................................................................................... 365
7.8.3 Bluetooth Interface ................................................................................................ 366
7.8.4 NFC Interface ........................................................................................................ 366
7.8.5 RS-232C Interface................................................................................................. 367
7.8.6 IEEE1284 Interface ............................................................................................... 369
7.8.7 External Signal Interface (EXT) ............................................................................. 371
7.8.8 Wireless LAN Interface.......................................................................................... 380
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Table of Contents
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CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual

Before You Start

Thank you for purchasing this SATO CL4NX/CL6NX printer (hereafter referred to as “the printer”). This manual supplies basic information on how to operate the printer. Read the manual carefully to understand each function before operation.
Features of the Product
This SATO CL4NX/CL6NX printer is a high-performance labeling system with a robust casing made of metal and equipped with versatile functions. The main features of the printer are as follows:
• Simple and stylish design
• High-quality printing
• Designed for better usability
• Equipped with high legibility TFT color 3.5 inch LCD and LED
• Onboard Guidance Videos
• Print head and platen roller can be replaced without using extra tools
• Supports a 600 m ribbon
• Supports thirty-one languages for display and forty-seven languages for printing scalable fonts
• Supports various communication interfaces
• Supports protocols such as IPv6, SNMP and NTP
• Certified by Wi-Fi alliance
• Compatible with Cisco CCX V4.0
SATO CL4NX/CL6NX printer has tested compatible with Cisco CCX, version 4.0. The Cisco Compatible logo signifies that SATO product has undergone interoperability testing by SATO together with Cisco and a third-party test house based on testing criteria set by Cisco. SATO is solely responsible for the support and warranty of its product. Cisco makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to SATO product or its inter operation with the listed Cisco product(s) and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or against infringement.
• Conforms to international ENERGY STAR
The products described herein comply with the requirements of the ENERGY STAR. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, SATO Corporation has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Safety Precautions
This section describes how to safely operate the printer. Be sure to read and understand all instructions carefully before you install and use the printer.
Pictographic Symbols
This operator manual and printer labels use a variety of pictographic symbols. These symbols show the safe and correct operation of the printer and how to prevent injury to others and property damage. The symbol explanations are as follows.
The Warning symbol indicates that you can cause death or serious injury if you do not follow the
Example Pictographs
Place the printer on a stable area.
Do not place containers filled with liquid on the printer.
instruction or procedure.
The pictograph means “Caution is required”. The pictograph includes a specified warning symbol (for example, the left symbol shows electric shock).
The pictograph means “Must not be done”. The pictograph includes a specified prohibited symbol (for example, the left symbol means “Disassembly prohibited”).
The pictograph means “Must be done”. The pictograph includes a specified mandate action symbol (for example, the left symbol means “Disconnect the power plug from the outlet”).
• Place the printer on a stable area. Do not place the printer on an unstable table, slanted surface or an area subject to strong vibration. If the printer falls off or topples, it could cause injury to someone.
• Do not place flower vases, cups, or other containers filled with liquids, on the printer. If any liquid spills into the printer, immediately power off the printer and disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then contact your SATO reseller or technical support center. If you operate the printer in this condition, it could cause a fire or electric shock.
The Caution symbol indicates that you can cause injury or property damage if you do not follow the
instruction or procedure.
Do not place objects into the printer.
• Do not place metal or flammable objects inside the printer’s opening. If a foreign object gets into the printer, immediately power off the printer and disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then contact your SATO reseller or technical support center. If you operate the printer in this condition, it could cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not use other than the specified voltage.
• Do not use other than the specified voltage (AC 100 V - 240 V). Doing so could cause a fire or electric shock.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Always ground connections.
• Always connect the printer’s ground wire to a ground. Not grounding the ground wire could cause an electric shock.
Handling the power cord
• Do not break or change the power cord. Do not place heavy objects on the power cord, heat it, or pull it. Doing so could cause damage to the power cord and cause a fire or electric shock.
• If the power cord becomes damaged (core is exposed, wires broken, etc.), contact your SATO reseller or technical support center. Using the power cord in this condition could cause a fire or electric shock.
• Do not change, overly bend, twist, or pull the power cord. Using the power cord in such a way could cause a fire or electric shock.
When the printer has been dropped or broken
• If the printer is dropped or broken, immediately power off the printer and disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Contact your SATO reseller or technical support center. Using the printer in this condition could cause a fire or electric shock.
Do not use the printer when something is unusual about it.
• Continuing to use the printer in the event something is unusual about it, such as smoke or unusual smells coming from it, could cause a fire or electric shock. Immediately power off the printer and disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Then contact your SATO reseller or technical support center for repairs. Under no circumstances should you attempt repairs on your own; it is too dangerous.
Do not disassemble the printer.
• Do not disassemble or modify the printer. Doing so could cause a fire or electric shock. Contact your SATO reseller or technical support center to perform internal inspections, adjustments, and repairs.
Regarding the cutter
• Do not touch the cutter with your hands, nor place objects into the cutter. Doing so could cause an injury.
Using the head cleaning fluid
• Use of flame or heat around the head cleaning fluid is prohibited. Do not heat it or subject it to flames.
• Keep the fluid out of reach of children. If a child accidentally drinks the fluid, immediately consult with a physician.
Laser beam
• Do not look into the laser radiation window of the barcode checker, and do not direct the laser beam at someone. If the laser beam hits eyes, it may cause visual disturbance.
Print head
• The print head will become hot after printing. Be careful not to touch it when replacing media or cleaning immediately after printing, to avoid being burned.
• Touching the edge of the print head immediately after printing could cause an injury. Use caution when replacing the media or cleaning the print head.
• Never replace the print head if you have not received the correct training.
Do not use in hazardous locations.
• The printer is not explosion proof certified.
• Do not use in a potentially explosive environment or atmosphere.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Do not use in areas of high humidity.
• Do not use the printer in areas of high humidity or where condensation forms. If condensation forms, immediately power off the printer and do not use the printer until it dries. Using the printer while condensation is on it could cause an electric shock.
Carrying the printer
• When moving the printer, always disconnect the power cord from the outlet and check to make sure that all external wires are disconnected before moving it. Moving the printer with the wires still connected could cause damage to the cords or connecting wires, resulting in a fire or electric shock.
• Do not carry the printer while it contains media. The media could fall out and cause an injury.
• When setting the printer on the floor or a stand, be sure not to get your fingers or hands pinched under the printer feet.
• Do not carry the printer with the barcode checker stand installed. The barcode checker stand could fall out and cause injury.
Handling the barcode checker stand kit
• Be careful avoid injury from pointed part of the barcode checker stand kit.
Top cover
• Be careful not to get your fingers pinched when opening or closing the top cover. Also, be careful that the top cover does not slip off and drop.
Loading media
• When loading a media roll, be careful not to get your fingers pinched between the media roll and the supply unit.
When not using the printer for a long time
• When not using the printer for a long time, disconnect the power cord from the outlet to maintain safety.
During maintenance and cleaning
• When maintaining and cleaning the printer, disconnect the power cord from the outlet to maintain safety.
Power supply
• If your hands are wet, do not operate the power button, connect the power cord or disconnect the power cord. Doing so could cause an electric shock.
Power cord
• Keep the power cord away from hot devices. Placing the power cord near hot devices could cause the cord’s covering to melt and cause a fire or electric shock.
• When disconnecting the power cord from the outlet, be sure to hold the plug. Pulling the cord could expose or break the wires and cause a fire or electric shock.
• The power cord set that comes with the printer is designed especially for this printer. Do not use it with any other electrical devices.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Place the printer on a surface that is flat and level.
If the surface is not flat and level, this may cause bad print quality. This may also cause a malfunction and decrease the life span of the printer.
Do not place the printer on a location that produces vibration.
Giving serious vibration or shock to the printer may cause a malfunction and shorten the life span of the printer.
Keep the printer out of high temperature and humidity.
Avoid locations subject to extreme or fast changes in temperature or humidity.
Do not place the printer in a location subject to water or oil.
Do not place the printer in a location where it will be exposed to water or oil. Water or oil entering inside the printer may cause a fire, electric shock or malfunction.
Avoid dust.
Dust build up may result in bad print quality.
Keep out of direct sunlight.
This printer has a built-in optical sensor. Exposure to direct sunlight will make the sensor less responsive and may cause the media to be sensed incorrectly. Close the top cover when printing.
This printer requires an AC power supply.
Be sure to connect the printer to an AC power supply.
Connect the power cord to a grounded power outlet.
Make sure that the printer is connected to a grounded power outlet.
Supply a stable source of electricity to the printer.
When using the printer, do not share its power outlet with other electrical devices that could cause power fluctuations and performance issues with your printer.
Precautions for Installation and Handling
Printer operation can be affected by the printer environment. Refer to the following instructions for installation and handling of the CL4NX/CL6NX printer.
Select a Safe Location
Power Supply
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Regulatory Approval
FCC Warning
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded cable must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.
FCC Statement for Optional Wireless LAN
This device complies with RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all people and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Bluetooth/Wireless Communication
Compliance Statement This product has been certified for compliance with the relevant radio interference regulations of your country or region. To make sure continued compliance, do not:
• Disassemble or modify this product.
• Remove the certificate label (serial number seal) affixed to this product.
Use of this product near microwave and/or other wireless LAN equipment, or where static electricity or radio interference is present, may shorten the communication distance, or even disable communication.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
Industry Canada (IC) Statement for Bluetooth
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
• This device may not cause interference.
• This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This equipment complies with IC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment should be installed and operated keeping the radiator at least 20 cm or more away from person’s body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and ankles).
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
• L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage.
• L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements énoncées pour un environnement non contrôlé et respecte les règles d’exposition aux fréquences radioélectriques (RF) CNR-102 de l’IC. Cet équipement doit être installé et utilisé en gardant une distance de 20 cm ou plus entre le dispositif rayonnant et le corps (à l’exception des extrémités : mains, poignets, pieds et chevilles).
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
A product marked with this symbol on itself or on its packaging shall not be treated as household waste. Instead, it shall be handed over to an appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with local regulations. Inappropriate waste handling of this product may cause detrimental consequences for the environment and damage to human health. The recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources and contribute to your community. For more detailed information on recycling of this product, contact your local municipal organization, your household waste disposal service or the dealer where you purchased the product.
EN55022 Warning
This is a class A product.
In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
EN55022 Warnung
Warnung! Dies ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A.
Diese Einrichtung kann im Wohnbereich Funkstörungen verursachen. In diesem Fall kann vom Betreiber verlangt werden, angemessene Maßnahmen durchzuführen.
Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz vorgesehen. Um störende Reflexionen am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld platziert werden.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Before You Start
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CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
Top cover
NFC antenna location
*This feature is supported on printers from
serial number 6B~ and above.
Color LCD
Operator panel
Media discharge outlet
USB connector (Type A)
Enable the storage of printer setting information with USB memory and for connecting other devices like a barcode checker, barcode scanner or a keyboard.
Be sure to perform a virus check for the USB memory before connecting it to the printer. SATO Corporation shall not be held responsible for any printer malfunctions caused by a virus spread via USB memory.

Parts Identification


Parts Identification of the Printer

Front View

The pictures in this manual show the CL4NX unless otherwise stated.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
1 Parts Identification
Wireless LAN antenna (optional)
Connector for installation of optional wireless LAN antenna.
RS-232C connector
To connect the printer to the computer using the RS-232C serial interface.
You can also connect a barcode checker.
Usage of the RS-232C interface can be selected in the Interface > RS-232C > Interface menu.
IEEE1284 connector
To connect the printer to the computer using the IEEE1284 interface.
EXT connector (External signal interface)
Interface connector for external signals. Connect an optional device to this terminal.
USB connector (Type B)
To connect the printer to the computer using the USB interface.
USB connector (Type A)
Enable the storage of printer setting information with USB memory and for connecting other devices like a barcode checker, barcode scanner or a keyboard.
Be sure to perform a virus check for the USB memory before connecting it to the printer. SATO Corporation shall not be held responsible for any printer malfunctions caused by a virus spread via USB memory.
LAN connector
To connect printer to the network using the LAN interface.
AC input terminal
Supplies power to the printer through the inserted power cord.
Before connecting, make sure that the AC voltage of your region is in the range of AC 100 to 240 V, 50 to 60 Hz.

Rear View

CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
1 Parts Identification
Ribbon supply spindle
Ribbon rewind spindle
Ribbon roller
Print head (Consumables)
Creates an image directly on the media or by using a ribbon. Highest print quality is achieved when regular maintenance is performed.
Platen roller (Consumables)
Front cover
Media holder guide
Used to hold the media roll.
Media roll holder
Hang the media roll to the bar.
Media guide
Head lock lever
Used to release the print head assembly.

Internal View

CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
1 Parts Identification
Power button
Press the power button until the LED lights up in blue to power on the printer.
Press the power button for more than two seconds to power off the printer.
LED indicator
Color LCD
Soft buttons
The functions change depending on the screen. The functions of the buttons are indicated on the bottom of the screen.
(For example, when in offline mode, left soft button: ONLINE; right soft button: FEED)
Back button
Returns to the previous screen.
Line button
Toggle between online/offline mode or playback/pause the video.
Enter button
Confirm the selected item or setting value.
/ / / Arrow buttons
Navigate the selection in the screen menu.

Parts on the Operator Panel

Operator Panel

CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
1 Parts Identification
Flashes at intervals of two seconds.

LED Indicator

LED Indicator Color Description
Blue Online mode
(Light off) Power off or offline mode
Red Printer error (For example, when the ribbon runs out)
Blue Sleep mode (energy saving mode)
• If the printer enters sleep mode during a printer error status (LED lights red), the LED indicator will flash blue
at intervals of two seconds.
• By default, the printer goes into sleep mode after 60 minutes of inactivity. Refer to Section 4.4.5 System
Menu to change the period before the printer enters sleep mode.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
1 Parts Identification
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CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual

Installing the Printer

Install this printer in a location as follows:
• A location that is horizontal and stable.
• A location that has sufficient space for operating the printer.
Do not install this printer in a location as follows. Doing so could cause the printer to malfunction.
• A location that is subject to vibration.
• A location with high temperature and humidity.
• A dusty location.
• A location exposed to direct sunlight.
• A location with a lot of electrical noise.
• A location with a large fluctuation in power.
• A location with an explosive atmosphere (flammable gas or vapor).

Installation Precautions

CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
737 mm (29”)
271 mm
150 mm
150 mm
729 mm (28.7”)
321 mm (12.6”)
150 mm
258 mm (10.2”)
579 mm (22.8”)
Standard model
111 mm
853 mm (33.6”)
337.5 mm (13.3”)
150 mm
778 mm (30.6”)
321 mm (12.6”)
150 mm
307 mm (12.1”)
628 mm (24.7”)
Standard model
150 mm
150 mm
111 mm

Installation Space

Make sure that there is sufficient space around the printer so that the top cover can be fully opened when operating or cleaning the printer, or replacing consumables.

Front View (CL4NX)


Front View (CL6NX)

CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
757 mm (29.8”)
457 mm
150 mm
150 mm
Printer front view

Side View (CL4NX/CL6NX)

Make sure that there is sufficient space on the rear side of the printer so that no stress is applied to the power cord or cables connected to the printer.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
135.9 mm
6 mm (0.2”)
120.4 mm
102 mm
100 mm
15 mm (0.6”)
13 mm (0.5”)
60 mm
346.4 mm (13.6”)
205.6 mm
297.5 mm
81.5 mm
8.5 mm (0.3”)
19.7 mm (0.8”)
18 mm
Rubber foot
Printer front view
6.2 mm (0.2”)
19.2 mm (0.8”)
18 mm
148.5 mm
6 mm (0.2”)
120.4 mm
102 mm
100 mm
15 mm (0.6”)
13 mm
58.4 mm
315 mm (12.4”)
280 mm (11.0”)
Rubber foot

Bottom View (CL4NX)

Bottom View (CL6NX)

335 mm (13.1”)
Printer front view
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
User documents (Quick guide, Warranty, etc.)
AC power cord*
* The shape of power plug varies depending on the region in which it was purchased.
After unpacking the printer, make sure that you have all the bundled accessories: if there are any missing items, contact the SATO reseller where you purchased the printer.

Checking the Bundled Accessories

Keep the packaging box and cushioning material after installing the printer. You can pack the printer with this packaging box for shipment when requesting for repairs.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
The connection of the interface cable is explained as follows:
This printer supports the following interfaces. A printer connected with multiple interface cables can continue to operate when receiving data. However, you cannot receive data from more than one interface at a time. Normally, do not use multiple interfaces at a time. The printer prints the received data in the reception order. The next received data is stored in the receive buffer while the first data is printed.
• NFC (front side)
*This feature is supported on printers from serial
number 6B~ and above.
• Bluetooth
• RS-232C
• IEEE1284
• External signal (EXT)
• Wireless LAN

Connecting the Interface Cable

Available Interfaces

• The wireless LAN interface is optional.
• The NFC interface supports the handover function that simplifies the Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connection setup with
Android devices. For details, refer to Section 2.4.3 NFC Interface Connection. In addition, the NFC interface can be used for changing printer settings with an Android device while the printer is powered off and the power cord is not connected.
Do not connect or disconnect the interface cables (or use a switch box) with power supplied to either the printer or computer. This may cause damage to the interface circuitry in the printer or computer and is not covered by warranty.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
You can set the various interface settings of the printer through Interface in the Settings menu. For details, refer to Interface in chapter 4 Operation and Configuration.
The NFC interface of the printer supports a handover function that simplifies the Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connection setup with Android devices. The handover function only performs the connection setup, such as the pairing and authentication with NFC, and passes the actual interface to the more advanced Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when communicating between NFC supported devices. In general, the pairing and authentication require some procedures to enter authentication information, but the connection can be completed simply by holding the Android devices over the printer while using NFC. Touch the NFC antenna

Interface Settings

NFC Interface Connection

q of the printer with the NFC mark on the Android device.
• This feature is supported on printers from serial number 6B~ and above.
• If it does not communicate well, shift the Android device to the front, back, left and right, and then hold it up again.
• For the operation of the NFC for the Android device, refer to the user manual for the Android device.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
2 Installing the Printer
• Do not touch the power button, connect or disconnect the power cord while your hands are wet. Doing so could cause an electric shock.
• Always connect the ground wire to a ground terminal. Electric shock could occur if you do not.
• The attached power cord is designed exclusively for this printer.
• Do not use the attached power cord with other devices.

Connecting the Power Cord

1 Connect the power cord to the AC input
terminal q at the rear of the printer.
Take note of the orientation of the connector. Secure the printer with one hand, and insert the connector tightly.
2 Insert the power plug into an AC outlet.
Make sure that the AC voltage of your region is in the range of AC 100 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz. If your local voltage is not in the stated range, contact your SATO reseller or technical support center.
*The shape of the power plug varies depending on the region in which it was purchased.
This product is also designed for IT power distribution system with phase-to-phase voltage 230 V.
CL4NX/CL6NX Operator Manual
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