Installation Instructions for 11-(70-73-43)
Small Format Interchangeable Core Cylinders
FOR ASSISTANCE, CONTACT SARGENT AT 800-727-5477 or www.sargentlock.com
1. Install cylinder set screw (#12-24), slotted end first in to cylinder housing.
2. Using a 1/8" flat blade screw driver inserted through the "figure 8"
opening, screw the set screw in until the pointed end is just below the
threads on the outside of the cylinder body.
3. Orient the cam upright and install the mortise cylinder housing into the
trim/lockset by turning clockwise.
4. When mortise cylinder housing is installed into the trim/lockset, tighten
the cylinder set screw to fix the mortise cylinder housing in place. Use
caution so that the set screw tightens into the mortise lock case and
does not fall into lock body. This set screw is used with a mortise cylinder
housing to prevent unauthorized removal of the cylinder and lock.
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