SANYO M0000582 User Manual

User's Guide


Thank you for purchasing the “PY Remote Operator for Windows”.
Contents page
Conventions Used in This Manual ...................................... iv
Chapter 1 Before Starting ...................................... 1
1-1 Overview ...................................... 2
1-2 Package contents ...................................... 2
1-3 Hardware requirements ...................................... 2
1-4 Setup ...................................... 2
Chapter 2 Basic Operations ...................................... 3
2-1 Radio buttons ...................................... 4
2-2 Combo boxes ...................................... 4
2-3 Confirmation dialog box ...................................... 4
2-4 Notes on operation ...................................... 4
Chapter 3 Initial Screen and Main Menu ...................................... 5
3-1 Initial screen ...................................... 6
3-1-1 Setting up RS232C port ...................................... 6
3-2 Main Menu screen ...................................... 7
3-2-1 Main Menu screen ...................................... 7
3-2-2 Connecting servo driver to computer ...................................... 7
3-3 Printer configuration ...................................... 9
3-4 Loading files ...................................... 10
3-5 Saving files ...................................... 11
Chapter 4 Editing Parameters ...................................... 13
4-1 Accessing parameter file ...................................... 14
4-2 Parameter mode ...................................... 14
4-3 Editing parameters ...................................... 14
4-4 Printing parameters ...................................... 15
4-5 Disk I/O ...................................... 15
Chapter 5 Save Onto Disk ...................................... 17
5-1 Saving onto disk ...................................... 18
Chapter 6 Loading From Disk ...................................... 19
6-1 Loading parameters into the servo driver ...................................... 20
Chapter 7 Parameter Matching ...................................... 21
7-1 Matching parameters ...................................... 22
Chapter 8 Setting Parameters ...................................... 23
8-1 Set parameters ...................................... 24
8-2 Parameter setting ...................................... 24
Chapter 9 Monitor Display ...................................... 25
9-1 Displaying monitored values ...................................... 26
Chapter 10 Displaying Alarm History ...................................... 27
10-1 Displaying alarm history ...................................... 28
Chapter 11 Test mode ...................................... 29
11-1 Selecting test mode ...................................... 30
11-2 JOG operation ...................................... 31
11-2-1 Using JOG operation ...................................... 31
11-3 Servo tuning ...................................... 33
11-3-1 Precautions under operational conditions and load conditions ....... 33
11-3-2 Using servo tuning ...................................... 33
11-4 Adjusting directed offset ...................................... 35
11-4-1 Using Adjust directed offset ...................................... 35
11-5 Absolute encoder clear ...................................... 36
11-5-1 Using Absolute encoder clear ...................................... 36
Chapter 12 Display Graphic Monitor ...................................... 37
12-1 Using Graphic Monitor ...................................... 38
12-1-1 Changing displayed data on CH 1 to 4 ...................................... 39
12-2 Loading existing waveform data ...................................... 39
12-3 Saving waveform data ...................................... 39
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting ...................................... 40
13-1 Unable to install ...................................... 40
13-2 Unable to set up parameters ...................................... 40
13-3 Unable to print ...................................... 40
13-4 Unable to display waveforms ...................................... 40
13-5 Unable to perform Test mode ...................................... 40
Appendix A Cable Connection Diagram ...................................... 41
Index ...................................... 42

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following conventions are used to describe mouse and key operations.
Mouse operation
- Click: Indicates a quick press and release of the left mouse button.
- Double-click: Indicates two quick clicks of the left mouse button. The product can be operated only with click and double-click operations.
Key operation
[Enter] [Shift] + [ F 1 ] : A plus sign (+) indicates a two-key combination. This
: Key names are enclosed in brackets ([ ]).
example indicates to press the [F1] key while pressing the [Shift] key. [Return] : Commands and menu buttons are also enclosed in brackets ([ ]).
Arrow key : Indicates[],[],[],or[] key.
Key notation
This guide uses standard generic key notation to explain key operations. Keyboard notation may be different depending on manufacture or machine type. For details, refer to the section explaining "keys list" in your Windows manual or the manual provided with your computer.
Chapter 1 Before Starting
1-1 Overview
PY Remote Operator for Windows allows you to change servo driver parameters,
perform batch saves and loads, monitor operational conditions, display waveforms, and run miscellaneous test modes by means of serial communication between your computer and servo driver.
1-2 Package contents
Your package contains the following items:
- This User’s Guide one
- Cable for connecting driver and computer one
- 3.5" floppy disk one
1-3 Hardware requirements
The following hardware is required as well as a servo driver and servo motor.
Configure the system according to the instructions provided with the devices. Computer : Personal computer running Windows 95
3.5" floppy disk drive Hard drive: At least 4 MB free space At least one free serial port (depending on the connector type of the serial port, third-party converting connector may be necessary). Display : Supporting at least 800 x 600-pixel resolution and 256 colors.
1-4 Setup
Set up the software by following this procedure:
1. Stop all applications that are running.
2. Insert the installation floppy disk into the floppy disk drive, and find and double-click setup.exe on the floppy disk, or press the Start button and use “Run..." to execute setup.exe. When the installation process starts, follow the instructions appearing on the screen.
NOTE: Copying the shortcut from the PY Remote Operator for windows window to PYIF.exe onto the desktop makes starting the PY Remote Operator for Windows more convenient.
This completes installation.
3. Connect the OP connector on the PY servo driver to the serial terminal (COM) on the computer with the provided cable.
This completes the setup procedure. To start the software, click [Start] from the Start menu, [Programs], [PY Remote Operator], and [PYIF].
Chapter 2 Basic Operations
2-1 Radio buttons
Use these buttons to select one of the preset value groups. A black circle indicates the selected value. To select a value using the mouse, place the mouse cursor on the circle and click. To select a value using the keyboard, use arrow keys to select the value and press the [Enter] key.
The example in the left figure shows "ON LINE"
2-2 Combo boxes
Use a combo box to select a value from a range or from a number of data,
including masters. Selecting a value from a list is far easier than remembering a specific value and typing it in.
To display the selection box, click the button. If an entire list is not visible, use the or key to scroll through the list until desired value appears.
The scroll bar indicates the current position in the
Combo box.
2-3 Confirmation dialog box
The system displays a confirmation dialog box to confirm your decision; for
example, to make sure that you really want to save data. To proceed to the next step, check the message and select the appropriate response.
The following figure shows an example of the confirmation dialog box that
appears after parameter settings have been modified and the [Main Menu] button has been pressed. Selecting [Yes] opens the existing screen, selecting [No] returns to the Main menu without saving the changes, and selecting [Cancel] closes the displayed confirmation dialog box and returns to the [Set parameters] dialog box.
Conformation dialog box for exiting from parameter setting
2-4 Notes on operation
- Numeric values entered into the [Edit/Set parameters] dialog box must be half-size characters. Full-size characters can be used for filenames and comment entries.
- This software does not support removal of a parameter file.
Chapter 3 Initial Screen and Main Menu
3-1 Initial screen
Use the PY Remote Operator for Windows initial screen to select the RS232C port on the computer that connects to the servo driver.
Initial screen
3-1-1 Setting up RS232C port
Click either COM1 or COM2 in section . A black dot indicates the selected radio button. Then click the [NEXT] button to set up the RS232C port. The
Main menu reappears.
Description of items [RS232C port] : This section is for selecting the RS232C port on the
computer that connects to the servo driver.
[NEXT] : Accesses the Main menu. [QUIT] : Exits from the PY Remote Operator for Windows.
3-2 Main Menu screen
3-2-1 Main Menu screen
Change from the initial screen to the Main menu. From the Main menu, you can connect to the servo driver, set up or edit the parameters or display the alarm history, test mode, or operation waveform. As the system moves from the initial screen to the Main menu, the connection to the servo amplifier appears as OFF LINE status. In the OFF LINE status, only editing parameters (see Chapter 4, “Editing Parameters”) is available.
Main Menu screen under OFF LINE status
3-2-2 Connecting servo amplifier to computer
1. Use the provided cable to connect the serial terminal (COM) to the OP connector of the PY servo driver.
2. Turn on the servo driver.
3. Click [ON LINE] in section . The connection to the servo driver is confirmed. Click the [Yes] button in the message dialog box to establish the connection. When the connection is established, the process buttons (parameter settings, monitors display, etc.) are enabled.
Confirmation Dialog Box
Main Menu screen under ONLINE status
Description of items [Software version] : Displays the versions of this software and servo driver CPU.
Pressing any of the following buttons starts its associated action.
[Driver <-> PC] : Connects/Disconnects the computer to/from the servo driver. [Edit parameters] : Edits the parameters on the disk. [Save onto disk] : Saves the set parameters of the servo driver onto the disk. [Load from disk] : Loads the parameters from the disk to the servo driver. [Match parameter] : Matches the parameters on the servo driver with those on the
[Set parameters] : Sets the parameters of the servo driver. [Display monitored values]: Displays the monitored values. [Display alarm history]: Displays alarm history. [Test mode] : Runs the following test mode operations:
- Jog operation
- Servo tuning
- Directed offset adjustment
- Absolute encoder clear
[Display operation waveform]: Displays the operation waveform. [Printer configuration]: Change the printer configuration. [QUIT] : Exits from the PY Remote Operator for Windows.
3-3 Printer configuration
The [Printer configuration] dialog box is for selecting the destination printer and the form size before printing a parameter editing list or alarm history list.
Printer connection configuration
[Printer configuration] dialog box
In section Printer, the name of the printer driver configured for printing from the PY Remote Operator for Windows appears in the [Name] field and the connection configuration appears under the field.
- Size: For selecting the form size for printing. (Note that the form selection may vary depending on the printer type.)
- Feeding: For selecting printer form feed method. Example: Cut-sheet guide: Manually feeds sheets one by one. Automatic-sheet feeder: Sets more than one sheet of paper together. Cut-sheet feeder: Same as the automatic-sheet feeder.
NOTE: For some printers, an auto-sheet feeder (and/or cut-sheet feeder) is a separate option.
Printing orientation
Specifies the direction of printing, either landscape or portrait, without regard to
the direction of paper insertion.
(1) Portrait 
Direction of feeding (2) Landscape
Direction of feeding
NOTE: Select Printer configuration SIZE: A4 Printing orientation: Portrait Please don’t select other configuration.
3-4 Loading files
1. The following [Load parameters from disk (File name confirmation)] dialog box appears when data is loaded from a file.
[File name confirmation] dialog box
The dialog box has the following four panels:
 ① Drive: ... The drive where parameter folders reside.  ② Folder: ... The folder containing parameter files.  ③ Parameter file name: ... The parameter file to be edited.  ④ File list: ... The list of files in the folder in②.
2. Make sure the files are listed in Parameter file name (or type in the desired file name directly) and click the [Load] button.
3. The comment on the selected parameter appears. Read the comment and click the
[OK] button to retrieve the file.
To cancel the loading, click the [Cancel] button.
Description of items (excluding ①, ②, ③ and ④) [Cancel]: Returns to the Main menu.
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