Rated travel, adjustable Direct attachm. 5 to 30mm
Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR), 5 to 255 mm or 30 to 120° C
Reference variable Two-wire connection, signal range 4 to 20 mA, span 4 to 16 mA
Min. cu rrent = 3 .6 mA , load ≤10.8 V (corresponding to 540 Ω at 20 mA),
static destruction limit 500 mA
Supply Supply air from 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psi)
Sign al pres su re (out pu t) 0 ba r t o p ressu re of supp ly ai r
Characteristic, adjustable Linear, equal percentage, reverse equal percentage, user-programmable
Deviation from characteristic ≤1 %
Dea d ban d Adj ustable f rom 0. 1 to 10 %, d efault 0.5 %
0.05 %
Transit time to travel Up to 75 s, separately adjustable for exhaust and supply air
Moving direction Reversible, adjustment via software
Air consumption Independent of supply air <90l
Air delivery Actuator filled: for Δp = 6 bar 9.3 m
/h, for Δp = 1.4 bar 3.5 m
Actuator vented: for Δp = 6 bar 15.5 m
/h, for Δp = 1.4 bar 5.8 m
Perm. ambient temperature− 20 to 80 °C, with metal cable gland − 40 to 80 °C
Devices with position transmitter only − 20 to 80 °C
For explosion-protected devices, see type examination certificate in appendix
Effects Temperature: ≤0.15 %/10 K, supply: none, vibrations: none up to 250 Hz and 4 g
Explosion protection EEx ia IIC T6, see type examination certificate
Degree of protection IP 65 by using the filter check valve included
Requirements stipulated in EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 as well as NAMUR
Recommendation 21 have been met
Electrical connections 1 cable gland M20x1.5, black plastic;
other threaded hole M20x1.5 available
Fault alarm output For connection to switching amplifier acc. to EN 60947-4-6, static destruction limit 16 V
Forced venting
(model index .03 or
Activated/deactivated by a switch inside case
Input: 6...24 V DC, R
appr ox . 6 kΩ, at 24 V D C ( de pendin g o n volta ge ), swit ch ing poi nt
for "1" signal at ≥ 3 V, si gnal "0 " o nl y at 0 V, K
val ue 0.17; st at ic dest ru ction l im it 45 V
Technical data
EB 8380-1 EN