Data Sheet
Saba Goals & Objectives
 Drive revenues by dynamically aligning the
workforce with growth initiatives and changing business priorities
 Ensure focus on the right activities to drive
both growth and customer satisfaction
 Increase manager visibility into performance
 Create a performance-driven culture
 Set and manage goals and objectives
throughout the organization
 Align and cascade goals along people-centric,
organizational, or cross-functional lines
 Track measurable (SMART) goal metrics
 Make goals and objectives actionable by
associating them directly with specific skills and learning activities
 Update goal progress information quickly and
easily through email
 Log performance journal comments and link
them to specific goals
 Manage performance-planning processes such
as balanced scorecards, performance plans, development plans, and MBOs
 Facilitate the prioritization of goals and
 Automate the bulk assignment of goals and
plans to teams and organizations
 Report on goal and plan achievement,
progress, and status, or create your own ad hoc reports
 Includes embedded career and competency
management capabilities
 The industry’s strongest global capabilities,
including support for 26 languages
 Choice of delivery models; in the cloud or
Keeping groups and individuals aligned with changing business priorities enables organizations to execute to their fullest potential. However, many organizations fail to effectively communicate strategy and performance expectations to their workforce, resulting in misalignment, wasted time and resources, and lowered productivity. Even those that do set and align goals often do so just once a year, hampering the organization’s ability to execute against new business objectives. This failure to proactively manage performance can also contribute to a culture of blame and distrust that lowers morale and increases turnover.
Saba® Goals & Objectives is a powerful solution that facilitates the dynamic alignment of priorities and the ongoing, proactive management of the performance of both individuals and organizations. With Saba, you can establish a relevant performance process that aligns both goals and skills with top priorities, clarifies the metrics for success, increases accountability, and improves your organization’s ability to execute against its growth initiatives.
Users have a clear line of sight to view how their goal contributes to the success of others.
Dynamic Alignment With Changing Priorities
Saba Goals & Objectives provides the means to connect corporate strategy with individual execution, ensuring that the workforce is focused on the right activities. Key objectives and strategies, set by the executive team, can be cascaded throughout the organization. This ensures that managers and executives have ongoing visibility into progress against those objectives. Saba Goals & Objectives ensures alignment with changing priorities by:
 Enabling the quick and easy sharing of progress: Whether goal progress
is accessed via your employee portal in one of our easily shared portlets, or updated right from your email while using your iPad, our Saba Where U Work approach makes staying up-to-date quick and easy.
 Embedding social capabilities to help foster cross-functional alignment:
Achieving goals often requires critical resources from a cross-functional
Data Sheet n Saba Goals & Objectives
team. Only Saba provides innovative initiative management capabilities to enable the formation of cross-functional teams around specific goals. Owners of the initiative can cascade relevant goals to the membership and monitor the progress of both the initiative and the supporting goals. Social processes such as chat and community discussions are embedded in the process as well, ensuring an engaging process for your workforce.
 Flexibility to allow for course changes: Agility is critical to
achieve success. Goal management and performance planning processes must be flexible and allow for frequent course corrections not only in the goals themselves, but also with the associated skills, tasks and learning actions. With Saba, you can define and track progress toward goals in real time, refocus attention on new and existing initiatives and make the course corrections you need in today’s dynamic economic environment.
Communicate Metrics for Success
Saba Goals & Objectives enables clear definition of priorities with embedded metrics and development actions and activities. With Saba’s innovative “My Success Plan,” individuals see and track all activities (such as goals, skill requirements, and learning assignments) required for successful performance through a single dashboard. Activities can be categorized, weighted, and updated throughout the performance period to further clarify expectations. At the end of the performance period, these plans can directly populate the individual’s performance review, so that the agreed-upon priorities drive the measurement of success. This process ensures a more relevant, engaging performance process that helps drive performance, retention, and alignment.
My Success Plan also brings the concept of integrated learning and performance management to an entirely new level. When Saba Learning Suite is enabled, this solution becomes even more powerful by providing a fully unified view of performance and development activities including goals, competencies, courses, certifications, and curricula.
Most importantly, My Success Plan was designed with process governance in mind. Multiple plan configurations and workflow choices are supported, and each organization, geography, or business unit can define the process that
best drives success in their organization. Preconfigured plan templates for performance, development, learning, and compliance activities are designed with best practices in mind, but new plan templates can also be created and configured by administrators, without employing coding or technical skills. These templates can support processes such as:
 Balanced scorecards
 Individual development plans (IDPs)
 Management by objectives (MBOs)
 Performance improvement plans (PIPs)
Drive Development for Actionable and Continual Performance Improvement
Deployable as a single, seamless solution, Saba Goals & Objectives and Saba Learning Suite can provide a unified view of performance and development. This unified approach helps organizations take action to close skill gaps and remedy identified performance problems. This not only leads to better­performing employees, but also helps drive adoption of both the performance and learning management processes. Saba helps the workforce take action by:
 Leveraging recommended learning and experts to close
critical competency gaps and improve business performance
 Linking learning directly to the competency being developed
 Identifying gaps and strengths against the requirements of
current and desired jobs
 Managing development initiatives with a personalized My
Success Plan
Saba Goals & Objectives is the ideal environment for effectively communicating corporate strategy and ensuring the dynamic alignment necessary for success in today’s constantly changing markets. Unlike solutions designed for annual goal setting, Saba’s fluid and ongoing approach ensures performance processes are more relevant, proactive, and actionable. Saba Goals & Objectives can help your organization establish a performance-driven culture, increase employee engagement, increase retention, and proactively improve both performance and productivity to ensure the success of your growth initiatives.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
© 2010 Saba Software, Inc. All rights res erve d. Saba, the Saba logo, Sab a Centra, and the mark s relatin g to Saba pr oduct s and services referenc ed herein are either trademarks or re giste red tradem arks o f Saba Soft ware, Inc. o r its a flia tes. A ll oth er tra demar ks are the p roper ty of their respe ctive own ers.
Saba 2400 Bridge P arkway, Redwood Sho res, CA 9406 5-1166 USA (+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791 www. saba .com
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