Saba CENTRA User Manual

Data Sheet
Saba Centra
 Reduce your total collaboration costs:
online meetings, virtual training, and webinars in one integrated platform
 Eliminate Web conferencing failures: a proven
enterprise-class solution designed to operate in a global environment
 Connect your people more effectively, from
anywhere, with a wide range of flexible clients including iPhone, Web browser, and desktop
 Increase the effectiveness of your education
initiatives with integration into your LMS system
 Tailor the implementation to meet the needs
of your organization with on-premise/private cloud and OnDemand/public cloud options
 Easy, highly intuitive user interface
 iPhone, Web browser, and desktop clients
 Easy-to-use agenda builder
 Meeting management tools that promote
active participation
 Simplified recording, editing, and off-line
delivery of meetings and classes
 Full support for breakout rooms
 Unified conferencing: Saba Centra VoIP fully
integrated with your teleconferencing service of choice
 Support for rich multi-media including Flash,
Shockwave, JavaScript, animated GIFs, and streaming audio/video
 Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Instant
 Rich APIs and off-shelf adaptors
 Choice of audio codes to manage
bandwidth needs
Saba Centra Enterprise Web Conferencing is an integrated collaboration platform that delivers the most cost-effective online meetings on the market, a virtual classroom from the leader in e-learning, and webinars that simplify audience participation and maximize the impact of every event.
Video, application sharing, whiteboarding, text chat, surveys, polling, and markup tools...interactivity keeps sessions lively and participants engaged.
Engage With Your Worldwide Team Quickly and Easily
Information-rich toolbars and menus let users know instantly what they need to do. The user interface mirrors a face-to-face meeting and gives you the ability to raise your hand, applaud, laugh, and respond yes or no to a question. Rich multimedia and multiple video views enrich the meeting experience. Saba Centra Where You Work enables seamless integration with instant messaging, email, calendaring, and Microsoft Office applications to simplify user adoption. Saba Centra is available in 13 languages.
Emoticons drive interactivity and participant engagement.
Lower Your Cost to Collaborate Globally
Telephony can be one of the most expensive components of Web conferencing, and one of the biggest opportunities for savings. By providing a choice of leading-edge audio codecs, Saba Centra delivers the highest-fidelity VoIP on the market tuned to meet bandwidth needs. With high-quality, free VoIP from Saba as a viable alternative, customers can dramatically reduce Web conferencing telephony charges.
Data Sheet n Saba Centra
Connect Your Mobile Users
iPhone users can now take advantage of the strength and breadth of Saba Centra to collaborate with their extended community from anywhere. By downloading the free Saba Centra on the iPhone application from the Apple iTunes App Store, the iPhone becomes a Saba Centra client with all the capabilities of a Saba Centra participant.
Editing recordings is simple and fast.
Teach Virtual Classes More Effectively
Delivery of meeting content is simplified with the capability to easily drag and drop presentation materials, in multiple formats, into a meeting agenda that can be saved and reused. Instant sharing of applications, real-time creation of polls with instant results, easy-to-use whiteboard and markup tools, export of presentations to PDF, and online evaluations and testing all make Saba Centra virtual classes as effective as face-to-face sessions. Recordings can be easily edited and there are no additional charges or expensive editing applications necessary. To minimize the challenge of managing recordings, these can be stored for easy access and reuse. URL links from the live session persist in the recorded version, and graded tests and evaluations are functional. With off­the-shelf integration into Saba Learning, customers can get a
solution to support all e-learning needs. Saba Centra supports accessibility requirements such as U.S. Section 508.
Find New Customers, Globally
Generate excitement about your offerings with a webinar environment that encourages people to participate. Instant surveys, hand raising, laughter and applause emoticons, real-time application sharing, and extensive markup tools lead to interactive sessions that your prospective customers remember. With Saba Centra’s advanced webinar capabilities, you can accelerate new sales processes or more effectively
build loyalty with your existing
Give IT the Tools to Better Manage Web Conferencing
Optimized for both on-premise/ private cloud and OnDemand/ public cloud implementations,
Saba Centra is designed to meet enterprise standards for security, scalability, redundancy, and availability. Its modular architecture helps you easily scale your Web conferencing infrastructure to support your changing needs. The domain structure simplifies implementation and management. Cost center and domain usage reports simplify charge-back processes. Broadcasts can be tuned to the available bandwidth. Compression can be adjusted in real time, while in a session. Integration into your current application environment is simplified with Saba Centra Web Services, standards-based APIs that enable third­party applications to access the integration, reporting, and management capabilities of Saba Centra remotely through a Web Services interface.
For over a decade, Saba Centra has helped millions of customers increase efficiency and reduce costs through better collaboration. Trust Saba Centra Enterprise Web Conferencing to increase the power of your people to build competitive advantage.
Saba n Power Up Your People
Saba is the premier provider of people systems that enable today’s people-driven enterprises. By combining learning, people management and collaboration technologies, Saba delivers solutions that help mobilize and engage people to drive new strategies and initiatives, align and connect people to accelerate the ow of business, and cultivate individual and collective knowhow to achieve exceptional results.
© 2010 Saba Software, Inc. All rights res erve d. Saba, the Saba logo, Sab a Centra, and the mark s relatin g to Saba pr oduct s and services referenc ed herein are either trademarks or re giste red tradem arks o f Saba Soft ware, Inc. o r its a flia tes. A ll oth er tra demar ks are the p roper ty of their respe ctive own ers.
Saba 2400 Bridge P arkway, Redwood Sho res, CA 9406 5-1166 USA (+1) 877.SABA.101 or (+1) 650.779.2791 www. saba .com
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