Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for optimum
product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or
maintaining this product.
Within the United States, Emerson
Customer Central:
Technical support, quoting, and order-related questions.
United States - 1-800-999-9307 (7:00 am to 7:00 pm CST)
Asia Pacific- 65 777 8211
Europe / Middle East / Africa - 49 (8153) 9390
North American Response Center:
Equipment service needs.
1-800-654-7768 (24 hours a day — includes Canada)
For equipment service or support needs outside the United States, contact your local Emerson Process
Management representative.
Title Page
Process Management has two toll-free assistance numbers.
June 2016
There are no health hazards from the Rosemount 5400 Level Transmitter. The microwave power density
in the tank is only a small fraction of the allowed power density according to international standards.
Title Page
Title Page
June 2016
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Failure to follow safe installation and service guidelines could result in death or serious injury.
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the protection
provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any services other than those contained in this manual unless you are qualified.
Process leaks could result in death or serious injury.
Make sure the transmitter is handled carefully. If the process seal is damaged, gas might escape from
the tank if the transmitter head is removed from the antenna.
Explosions could result in death or serious injury.
Verify that the operating environment of the transmitter is consistent with the appropriate
hazardous locations specifications.
In an Explosion-proof/Flameproof installation, do not remove the transmitter cover when power is
applied to the unit.
Before connecting aField Communicator in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the instruments in
the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive field wiring practices.
Do not remove the gauge cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is alive.
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect power before servicing.
To avoid process leaks, only use O-rings designed to seal with the corresponding flange adapter.
All connection head covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proof requirements.
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury.
Avoid contact with the leads and terminals. High voltage that may be present on leads can cause
electrical shock.
Make sure the main power to the Rosemount
external power source are disconnected or not powered while wiring the transmitter.
High voltage that may be present on leads could cause electrical shock.
Avoid contact with leads and terminals.
Make sure the main power to the Rosemount 5400 is off and the lines to any other external power
source are disconnected or not powered while wiring the gauge.
Antennas with non-conducting surfaces.
Antennas with non-conducting surfaces (e.g. rod antenna and process seal antenna) may generate
an ignition-capable level of electrostatic charge under extreme conditions. Therefore, when the
antenna is used in a potentially explosive atmosphere, appropriate measures must be taken to
prevent electrostatic discharge.
5400 Level Transmitter is off and the lines to any other
Title Page
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Any substitution of non-authorized parts or repair, other than exchanging the complete
transmitter head or antenna assembly, may jeopardize safety and is prohibited.
Unauthorized changes to the product are strictly prohibited as they may unintentionally and
unpredictably alter performance and jeopardize safety. Unauthorized changes that interfere with the
integrity of the welds or flanges, such as making additional perforations, compromise product
integrity and safety. Equipment ratings and certifications are no longer valid on any products that
have been damaged or modified without the prior written permission of Emerson
Management. Any continued use of product that has been damaged or modified without the written
authorization is at the customer’s sole risk and expense.
The products described in this document are NOT designed for nuclear-qualified applications.
Using non-nuclear qualified products in applications that require nuclear-qualified hardware or
products may cause inaccurate readings.
For information on Rosemount nuclear-qualified products, contact your local Emerson Process
Management Sales Representative.
Title Page
June 2016
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Title Page
June 2016
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Title Page
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Section 1Introduction
1.1Using this manual
This manual provides installation, configuration and maintenance information for the Rosemount™ 5400
Level Transmitter.
Section 2: Transmitter Overview contains an introduction to theory of operation and a description of the
transmitter. Information on applications, process and vessel characteristic, and an antenna selection
guide are also included.
Section 3: Mechanical Installation contains mounting considerations and mechanical installation
Section 5: Basic Configuration/Start-up provides instructions on configuration of the transmitter using
the Field Communicator, the Rosemount Radar Master software, AMS™ Device Manager, and DeltaV™.
Information on software functions and configuration parameters are also included.
June 2016
Section 6: Operation contains operation techniques such as viewing measurement data and display
Section 7: Service and Troubleshooting provides troubleshooting techniques for the most common
operating problems, as well as diagnostic and error messages, and service instructions.
Section 8: Safety Instrumented Systems (4-20 mA Only) contains identification, commissioning,
maintenance, and operations information for safety-certified transmitter used in Safety Instrumented
Systems (SIS) applications.
Appendix A: Reference Data supplies reference and specification data, as well as ordering information.
The Rosemount 5400 Level Transmitter is a smart, two-wire continuous level transmitter. A Rosemount
5400 is installed at the top of the tank and emits short microwave pulses towards the product surface in
the tank. When a pulse reaches the surface, part of the energy is reflected back to the antenna for
subsequent processing by the transmitter electronics. The time difference between the transmitted and
reflected pulse is detected by a micro-processor and is converted into a distance, which calculates the
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
The product level is related to the tank height and the measured distance by the following expression:
Level = Tank Height - Distance
Figure 2-1. Measurement Principle for the Rosemount 5400
A.Signal amplitudeD.Distance
B.Radar pulseE.Level
C.TimeF.Tank height
Tra nsm itter Overvi ew
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
2.2Application examples
Tanks, vessels, and containers with calm surfaces
Non-contacting radar can be used in less challenging applications, such as storage
and buffer tanks:
It is easy to mount, maintenance-free, and highly accurate
Gives precise monitoring and control of the process
Overfill and underfill detection
The Rosemount 5400 can be advantageous in risk reduction systems:
Continuous measurement may reduce or simplify proof-tests
Multiple Rosemount 5400s can be used in the same tank
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Radar measurement is ideal for most corrosive products, such as caustics, acids,
solvents, and many other chemicals:
Does not contact the process product
Wide material offering such as PTFE, Alloy C-276 and Alloy 400
Works well in non-metallic tanks also
Sticky, viscous, and crystallizing products
The best-in-class Rosemount 5400 provides an accurate and reliable level reading
with difficult products, such as resins and adhesives:
Non-contacting is best practice
Almost unaffected by coating and build-up because of the uniquely designed
condensation resistant antennas
Sludges and slurries
Applications like mud, pulp-stock, and lime slurries are ideal for non-contacting
Immune to splashing and solids content
Unaffected by density changes
No re-calibration, no or little maintenance
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Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
Reactor vessels
The innovative design of the Rosemount 5400 makes it an excellent choice for the
most difficult applications, such as reactor vessels:
Unique circular polarization provides greater mounting flexibility – no tank
wall clearance distance is needed
Direct measurement – independent of most variations in process conditions,
such as density, dielectric, vapor, temperature, and pressure
Can handle turbulent conditions created by agitation, top-filling, or process
Mounting flexibility
The versatile Rosemount 5400 can be used in mounting configurations other than
standard nozzles:
Fits most existing pipes: 2- to 8-in. (50-200 mm)
Easy to isolate from the process – use a ball-valve
Still-pipes reduce the influence of foam, turbulence, and tank obstructions.
Ball-valves can be used on both still-pipes and nozzles.
Tra nsm itter Overvi ew
Underground tanks
The mounting flexibility of the Rosemount 5400 makes it an excellent choice for
many underground tanks:
Easy top-mounting
Can handle long narrow nozzles up to 6 ft (2 m) as long as they are clean and
smooth, and pipes
Unaffected by dirty products with solids content
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
2.3System architecture
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
The Rosemount 5400 is loop-powered, and uses the same two wires for power supply and output signal.
The output is a 4-20 mA analog signal superimposed with a digital HART
, FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus or
By using the optional HART Tri-Loop™, the HART signal can be converted up to three additional 4-20 mA
analog signals.
With the HART protocol, multidrop configuration is possible. In this case, communication is restricted to
digital, since current is fixed to the 4 mA minimum value.
The transmitter can be connected to a Rosemount 751 Field Signal Indicator, or it can be equipped with
an integral display.
The transmitter can easily be configured using a Field Communicator or a PC with the Rosemount Radar
Master (RRM) software. Rosemount 5400 can also be configured with the AMS™ Suite and DeltaV™
software, and other tools that support Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) functionality.
Figure 2-2. HART System Architecture
A.Integral displayF.3 x 4-20 mA
B.Rosemount 5400G.Tri -L oo p
C.4-20 mA/HARTH.HART modem
D.Rosemount 751 Field Signal IndicatorI.Rosemount Radar Master or AMS Suite
E.Field CommunicatorJ.DCS
For HART communication, a minimum load resistance of 250 within the loop is required.
Tra nsmit ter O vervi ew
Reference Manual
Intrinsically safe
installations may
allow fewer devices
per I.S. barrier due to
current limitations.
6200 ft (1900 m) max
(depending upon cable
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Figure 2-3. FOUNDATION Fieldbus System Architecture
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
A.475 Field CommunicatorF.Maintenance
B.Host/DCS system (e.g. DeltaV)G.Configuration with RRM (hooked up on Fieldbus segment)
C.Rosemount 5401H.H2 - High speed field bus
D.Rosemount 5402I.H1 - Low speed field bus
E.Rosemount 5601J.Fieldbus modem
The RS-485 Modbus version communicates by Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, and Level Master Protocols.
HART communication is used for configuration via HART terminals, or tunneling via the RS-485.
Figure 2-4. RS-485 with Modbus Communication
Tra nsm itter Overvi ew
A.Rosemount 5400F.PC 5400 Setup in Rosemount Radar Master
B.PowerG.Control System
C.Field CommunicatorH.RS-232/RS-485 Converter
D.Modbus, Levelmaster Emulation/RS-485I.PC 5400 Setup in Rosemount Radar Master via Tunneling
E.HART modem
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
2.4Process characteristics
Dielectric constant
A key parameter for measurement performance is reflectivity. A high dielectric constant of the media
provides better reflection and enables a longer measuring range.
Rosemount 5400 Series Radar Transmitter measurement in foamy applications depends on the foam
properties; light and airy or dense and heavy, high or low dielectrics, etc. If the foam is conductive and
creamy, the transmitter may measure the surface of the foam. If the foam is less conductive, the
microwaves may penetrate the foam and measure the liquid surface.
Turb ul enc e
A calm surface gives better reflection than a turbulent surface. For turbulent applications, the maximum
range of the radar transmitters is reduced. The range depends on the frequency, the antenna size, the
dielectric of the material, and the degree of turbulence. Consult Table 2-2 on page 11 and Table 2-3 on
page 12 for the expected maximum range with the variables listed.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Temperature/pressure/density and vapor
Temperature, pressure, product density, and vapor generally have no impact on measurements.
For applications where heavy condensation and vapors may occur, the low frequency version Rosemount
5401 is recommended.
Tank characteristics
The conditions inside the tank have a significant impact on measurement performance. For more
information see “Vessel characteristics” on page 34.
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Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Solid surface
The surface of solid materials is rarely flat or horizontal. The surface inclination will change as the vessel
fills and empties. There is often a lot of dust during the fill cycle. The dielectric value of many solids is
fairly low. See Table 2-1 on page 9 for common solids characteristics.
For solids applications, the high frequency version Rosemount 5402 with 4 inch cone or parabolic
antenna is available.
Table 2-1. Sample Solids Applications
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
Common characteristics
Particle sizeVapor space
Dust or
Wood chip binsYesYesYesYesPossible
Grain silo - small
kernel grains
Grain silo - large kernel
Lime stone siloNoYesYesPossibleNo
Cement - raw mill siloYesYesNoYesNo
Cement - finished
product silo
Coal binYesYesYesYesYes
Saw dustYesYesNoYesNo
High consistency pulp stock
(<1 in.)
(>1 in.)
Steam or
1. Air purging might be needed in dusty environments.
Tra nsm itter Overvi ew
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
2.5Components of the transmitter
The Rosemount 5400 is available with a die-cast aluminum or stainless steel (SST) housing containing
advanced electronics for signal processing.
The radar electronics produces an electromagnetic pulse that is emitted through the antenna. There are
different antenna types and sizes available for various applications.
The transmitter head has separate compartments for electronics and terminals, and can be removed
without opening the tank. The head has two entries for conduit/cable connections.
The tank connection consists of a Tank Seal and a flange (ANSI, EN (DIN) or JIS).
Figure 2-5. Transmitter Components
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
A.Display PanelE.Ter min al s ide
B.Cable Entry: ½" NPT
Optional adapters: M20
C.Ta nk SealG.Transmitter head with Radar electronics
F.Cable Entry: ½" NPT.
Optional adapters: M20
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Reference Manual
Transmitter Overview
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
2.6Antenna selection guide/measuring range
The measuring range depends on the microwave frequency, antenna size, the dielectric constant (r) of
the liquid, and process conditions. A higher dielectric constant value produces a stronger reflection. The
figures in the tables below are guidelines for optimum performance. Larger measuring ranges may be
possible. For more information, contact your local Emerson
A. Oil, gasoline or other hydrocarbons, and petrochemicals (
surface conditions, for some liquefied gases (
B. Alcohols, concentrated acids, organic solvents, oil/water mixtures, and acetone
= 4.0-10.0).
C. Conductive liquids, e.g. water based solutions, dilute acids, and alkalis (
Table 2-2. Rosemount 5402, Maximum Recommended Measuring Range, ft (m)
Dielectric constant
Process Management representative.
= 1.4-4.0).
= 1.9-4.0). In pipes or with ideal
> 10.0).
June 2016
2-in. Cone/
Process seal
3-in. Cone/
Process seal
4-in. Cone/
Process seal
1. A. Oil, gasoline or other hydrocarbons, and petrochemicals (
= 1.4-4.0)
B. Alcohols, concentrated acids, organic solvents, oil/water mixtures, and acetone (
C. Conductive liquids, e.g. water based solutions, dilute acids, and alkalis (
= 1.9-4.0) In pipes or with ideal surface conditions, for some liquefied gases
> 10.0)
= 4.0-10.0)
20 (
Tra nsm itter Overvi ew
Transmitter Overview
June 2016
Table 2-3. Rosemount 5401, Maximum Recommended Measuring Range, ft (m)
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
Dielectric Constant
= 1.4-4.0)
3-in. Cone
4-in. Cone /
6-in. Cone
8-in. Cone
1. A. Oil, gasoline or other hydrocarbons, and petrochemicals (r = 1.9-4.0) In pipes or with ideal surface conditions, for some liquefied gases
B. Alcohols, concentrated acids, organic solvents, oil/water mixtures, and acetone (
C. Conductive liquids, e.g. water based solutions, dilute acids, and alkalis (
2. Pipe installations only. NA = Not Applicable.
3. Pipe installations are not allowed with rod antennas.
This table gives guidelines on which
model and antenna to select, depending
on application.
G = Good
AD = Application Dependent (consult
your local Emerson Process
Management representative)
NR = Not Recommended
Best choice for a
broad range of
applications, free
propagation and
pipe installations.
Tank considerations
Installation close to smooth tank wallGGADGG
Multiple units on the same tankGGGGG
Internal obstructions, directly in path
Internal obstructions, avoidance
2” 19°
Beam angle
3” 14°
4” 9°
Antenna extends below nozzleGGGGG
Antenna recessed in smooth nozzle up
to 6 ft (2 m)
Antenna recessed in nozzle with
irregularities, such as bad welds
Stilling well mountingG (2- to 4-in. pipe)G (2- to 4-in. pipe)NRG (3- to 8-in. pipe) NR
Long ranges (>115’ / 35 m)NRNRNRNRNR
Procedures and instructions in this section may require special precautions to ensure the safety of the
personnel performing the operations. Information that raises potential safety issues is indicated by a
warning symbol (). Refer to the following safety messages before performing an operation preceded
by this symbol.
Mechanical Installation
June 2016
Mechanical Installation
Mechanical Installation
June 2016
Failure to follow safe installation and service guidelines could result in death or serious injury.
Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Use the equipment only as specified in this manual. Failure to do so may impair the protection
provided by the equipment.
Do not perform any services other than those contained in this manual unless you are qualified.
Process leaks could result in death or serious injury.
Make sure the transmitter is handled carefully. If the process seal is damaged, gas might escape from
the tank if the transmitter head is removed from the antenna.
Explosions could result in death or serious injury.
Verify that the operating environment of the transmitter is consistent with the appropriate
hazardous locations specifications.
In an Explosion-proof/Flameproof installation, do not remove the transmitter cover when power is
applied to the unit.
Before connecting aField Communicator in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the instruments in
the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive field wiring practices.
Do not remove the gauge cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is alive.
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, disconnect power before servicing.
To avoid process leaks, only use O-rings designed to seal with the corresponding flange adapter.
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury.
Avoid contact with the leads and terminals. High voltage that may be present on leads can cause
electrical shock.
Make sure the main power to the Rosemount
external power source are disconnected or not powered while wiring the transmitter.
Antennas with non-conducting surfaces.
Antennas with non-conducting surfaces (e.g. rod antenna and process seal antenna) may generate
an ignition-capable level of electrostatic charge under extreme conditions. Therefore, when the
antenna is used in a potentially explosive atmosphere, appropriate measures must be taken to
prevent electrostatic discharge.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4026, Rev KB
5400 Level Transmitter is off and the lines to any other
Any substitution of non-authorized parts or repair, other than exchanging the complete
transmitter head or probe assembly, may jeopardize safety and is prohibited.
Unauthorized changes to the product are strictly prohibited as they may unintentionally and
unpredictably alter performance and jeopardize safety. Unauthorized changes that interfere with the
integrity of the welds or flanges, such as making additional perforations, compromise product
integrity and safety. Equipment ratings and certifications are no longer valid on any products that
have been damaged or modified without the prior written permission of Emerson™ Process
Management. Any continued use of product that has been damaged or modified without prior
written authorization is at the customer's sole risk and expense.
Mechanical Installation
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