Installation Instructions
F la sh Fir m ware Kit
Catalog Number F1770-KFC(D)15
What’s in These
Installation Instructions?
These installation instructions describe how to upgrade the
1770-KFC and 1770-KFCD ControlNetTM RS-232 Interfa ce M odule
firmware from ControlNet phase 1.25 to phase 1.5.
Importa nt: A qualified service tech nician must perform the firmware
upgrade procedure.
The upgrade procedures appl y to the 1770-KFC and 1770-KF CD
modules listed below. You can find the series and revision on the
product ID label on the bottom of the module as shown in the figure
to the left.
• 1770-KFC, series A, revision A (non-CE module)
• 1770-KFC, series B, revision A (CE module)
Bottom of Module
• 1770-KFCD, series A, revision A (CE module)
Before You Begin Importa nt: The 1770-KFC series A requires a factory ha rdware
modification before it can be upgra ded. If it has been
modified, you will see “1770-KFCD Phase 1.5” on the
label. If you have a series A module that needs to be
modified, exchange it through the Allen-Bradley parts
hub through your local sales office.
What the Kit Contains The 1770-KFC and 1770-KFCD firmware upgrade kit includes:
• one jumper
• one disk with flash utilitie s and binary files
• one patch label
• these Flash Firmware Kit Installation Instructions
Publication 1770-5.9 - May 1998

2 Flash Firmware Kit
What You Must Provide You must provide the following two pieces of hardware for this
• A 386 (or better) IBM-comp atible PC booted in DOS 6.22 or later .
ATTENTION: Do not run this utility from
Microsoft® Windows 95® or Windows NT™ in the
You can run the flash upgrade tool from the disk or from your
PC’s hard drive.
• A serial cable to connect your comput er’s COM port to the module,
such as:
•1784-CP10 (9 pin to 25 pin)
•1784-CP11 (25 pin to 25 pin)
DOS window while operati ng Windows 95 or Windows
NT .
Both cables require a female-to-female gender changer.
Prepare the Module The 1770-KFC and the 1770-KFCD firmware are comprised of a
boot section and an executive (main code) section. You must first
upgrade the executive section and then the boot section.
Install the Jumper
ATTENTION: Disconnect power be fore openin g the
module. A qualified service techni cian must perform
the upgrade procedure.
ATTENTION: Circuit boards are highly sensitive to
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Ha ndling a circui t board
without ESD protection ca n cause ser ious dam age that
might not be apparent during ins tallation or initial use.
T o guard against ESD damage, before handling the
module, put on a grounding wrist-strap and touch a
grounding object to d ischarge any built- up static charge.
Publication 1770-5.9 - May 1998

Flash Firmware Kit 3
1. Carefully remove the cover by removing the four screws on the
bottom of the module.
2. Enable the boot section by insta lling the jumper onto the Boot
Block Enable header. The Boot Block Enable he ader i s l ocated on
the main printed circuit board inside the module as shown below.
Inside of Module
Boot Block Enable header
Now that the jumper is installed, you will not need to remove it
during the life of the module.
3. Replace the cover and four screws.
4. Connect the module to either available COM port of your
Importa nt: Do not connect the module to the ControlNet
network. (Do not make connec tions t o BNC or NAP
5. Connect the AC or DC power cord and apply power.
Next you will reset the module parameters.
Publication 1770-5.9 - May 1998