Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication,
those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must
satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that
each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements,
including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in
this guide are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are
many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation,
Allen-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability (to include
intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown
in this publication.
Allen-Bradley publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application,Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State Control(availablefromyour
local Allen-Bradley office), describes some important differences between
solid-state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken
into consideration when applying products such as those described in this
Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or in
part,without writtenpermissionofAllen-Bradley Company,Inc.isprohibited.
Throughout this manual we make notes to alert you to possible injury to
people or damage to equipment under specific circumstances.
WARNING: Tells readers where people may be hurt if
procedures are not followed properly.
CAUTION: Tells readers where machinery may be damaged or
economic loss can occur if procedures are not followed properly.
Warnings and Cautions:
- identify a possible trouble spot
- tell what causes the trouble
- give the result of improper action
- tell the reader how to avoid trouble
Important: We recommend that you frequently back up your application
programs on an appropriate storage medium to avoid possible data loss.
PLC is a registered trademarkof Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.
Paramacro and PALaretrademarks of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc.
Summary of Changes
9/Series Mill
Operation and Programming Manual
October 2000
New Information
The following is a list of the larger changes made to this manual since its
last printing. Other less significant changes were also made throughout.
Error Message Log
Paramacro Parameters
Softkey Tree
Error Messages
We use revision bars to call your attention to new or revised information.
A revision bar appears as a thick black line on the outside edge of the page
as indicated here.
7300 Series Features NotSupportedD-10...............................................
Using This Manual
Manual Design
This chapter describes how to use this manual. Major topics include:
how the manual is organized and what i nformation can be found in it.
how this manual is written and what fundamentals are presumed to be
understood by reader.
definitions for certain key terms.
We intend this manual for use by those who program and/or operate any one
of the family Allen-Bradley 9/Series CNCs. We assume that a person has
some familiarity with the operation and programming of a CNC.
1ManualOverviewManualoverview,intendedaudience, definition of key terms, how toproceed.
2BasicControlOperationAbrief descriptionofthe control’sbasic operationincluding powerup, MTBpanel, operatorpanel,
accesscontrol,and E-STOP.
3Offset Tablesand SetupBasicsetupof theoffsettable,other initialoperatingparameters.
4Manualand MDIOperationHowto use the manualoperate modeincluding,homingthe machine,jog hand-wheel,jog
continuous,and jogincrement. Alsocovered are thebasics forMDI operation.
5Editing ProgramsOn LineHowto create,edit,andsave a partprogramonline.
6EditingPartProgramOffLineHowto create,edit,and save a partprogramsfromODS offline.
7Runninga ProgramHowto selectand execute a programautomatically. Thiscovers programcheckingas well as part
production. Alsodetails on specialrunning conditions.
8Displays/GraphicsHowto access and interpret the differentposition displays. How to use theQuick Check and Active
9CommunicationsCommunications withperipheral devices. Includes sectionson communication port parameters,
inputtingand outputting AMP,PAL,Offsets, and programs.
10Introduction toProgrammingTape format,structure and formatofthe programminglanguage forthe control.
11CoordinateSystemOffsetsMachine coordinate system,PresetWorkcoordinate systems,PAL offsets, and external offsets
12Overtravels and Programmable
Zones (G22,G23)
13CoordinateControlDescribesabsolute/incrementalmodes, inch/metric modes,radius/diameter modes,and scaling
14Axis MotionG-wordsdefinehow the toolis positioned tothe endpointof a move. Alsosectionson automatic
Hardwareand softwareovertravels, programmable zone 2 (G22,G23), programmable zone 3
(G22.1,G23.1),and resetting overtravels
machinehome,dwell,mirroring, and axis clamp
RandomTooland ToolLife Management.
Describesthe fixed cycles (cannedcycles) for drillingoperations and theG-wordsandparameters
programwhenevera signal correspondingto thatprogramis sent toPALby the operator.
Chapter 1
Using This Manual
Table 1.A (cont.)
Manual Organization
AppendixA SoftkeysDescribes softkeysand theirfunctionsforsoftkeylevels 1 and 2. Alsothe softkeytreedisplaying all
levelsof softkeysand theirlocationis shown.
AppendixB Errorand OperatorMessagesAnalphabetical listingof 9/Seriessystemmessages withbrief descriptions.
AppendixC Gand M Code TablesListsthe G-codesusedto programthe control.
AppendixD A-B7300 SeriesCNC TapeReaderDetailed7300 Series CNC tapecompatibility featuredeveloped on the control.
Reading this Manual
To make this manual easier to understand, we included these explanations
of terms and symbols:
All explanations, illustrations, and charts presented are based on
standard CNC functions. Operations may differ from the basic
information provided in this manual depending on the configuration of
the machine tool. For details, refer to the manuals prepared and supplied
by the system installer.
Some of the softkey functions may be purchased as optional features.
This manual assumes that all of the optional features have been
Explanations and illustrations are presented based on the movement of
the cutting tool on a fixed workpiece.
The control allows the use of any alphabetic character for expressing a
numerically controlled axis. This manual uses X, Y, and Z for the first,
second, and third axes on the basic coordinate system respectively. I, J,
and K represent the integrand words for the axes.
The term AMP is an abbreviation for Adjustable Machine Parameters.
These parameters are used to configure a control to a specific machine.
Setting of AMP is usually done by the system installer.
Key names designated between the [ ] symbols are found on the
operator panel.
Key names designated between the { } symbols are softkeys found
below the CRT.
Switch and button names on the standard MTB panel are designated
between the < > symbols.
Chapter 1
Using This Manual
The term PAL is an abbreviation for Programmable Application Logic.
This is a ladder logic program that processes signals between the CNC
and the machine. It is usually programmed by the system installer.
System Characteristics:
Terms andConventions
To make this manual easier to read and understand, we shortened the full
product names and features. Shortened terms include:
AMP — Adjustable Machine Parameters
Backup — Memory storage area not requiring battery maintenance
CNC — Computer Numerical Control
CPU — Central Processing Unit (the computing part of the control)
CRT — Cathode Ray Tube (the control’s monitor screen)
the control — the 9/230, 9/240, 9/260 or 9/290 CNC
modal — an operating condition that remains in effect on the control
until cancelled or replaced
MTB — Machine Tool Builder
ODS — Offline Development System
PAL — Programmable Application Logic
RAM — Random Access Memory resident on the 9/240
softkeys — the row of keys directly below the screen
system installer — the company or contractor responsible for installing
this control on the machine
Chapter 1
Using This Manual
Warnings, Cautions, and
Important Information
Related Publications
We indicate information that is especially important by the following:
WARNING: indicates circumstances or practices that can lead
to personal injury as well as to damage to the control, the
machine, or other equipment.
CAUTION: indicates circumstances or practices that can lead
to damage to the control or other equipment.
Important: indicates information that is necessary for successful
application of the control.
We also tell you about the control conditions automatically assumed at
power up.
Operator Panel Operations
Use the operator panel to perform these operations:
display a part program
display control status and tool position
edit a part program
display and enter tool offset data
display the status of input/output signals
display and enter programmable zone boundaries
set the level of protection of part programs, tool offset data, AMP data,
Use the operator panel to perform many other operations. We describe
these operations in the remaining chapters of this manual.
Chapter 2
Basic Control Operation
Figure 2.1 shows the different operator panels available. The color
operator panel has identical keys and softkeys in a slightly different
configuration. The portable operator panel has the same key locations as
the monochrome operator panel but can be removed from the 9/Series I/O
Figure 2.1
Operator Panels
Monochrome Operator Panel
Removable Operator Panel
(CRTand FlatPanel)
Chapter 2
Basic Control Operation
Table 2.A explains the functions of keys on the operator panel keyboard.
In this manual, the names of operator panel keys appear between [ ]
Transmit Key [TRANSMIT]Thedata enteredand displayed ontheinput linesis sent to
BlockReset [RESET]Thisperforms a block reset. See page 2-4 .
ControlReset[RESET] +
End of Block [E.O.B.]Usethiskey to enteran End of Blockcharacterwhen
[PROC SELECT]This keyis used for dual processlathe systemsonly.
[SHIFT] and [• ]Pressthe [SHIFT] keywhile holding down the[• ]
Usethese keys tomove the cursorleft,right,up and down
inthe data displayarea (lines4-21)of thescreen. We
refertothese keys as theleft,right,up, and downcursor
keys respectively.
Pressthe rightor leftcursorkeys while holdingdown the
[SHIFT] keyto move thecursor rightand lefton any
lineon which thatdata is being input. (normallyscreen
Pressthe up ordown cursorkeywhile holding down the
[SHIFT] keyto roll thedisplay page forwardor
control. Basicmathematicalexpressionsmay be evaluated
usingthis feature. For details,see page2-4.
cursoron inputlines.
displayedon input lines.
thecontrolwhen the [TRANSMIT] keyispressed,for
examplea password ora programblock.
Pressingthe resetkey whileholding down the shiftkey
performs a controlreset. See page 2-4 fordetails.
Usethis key todisplay the differentaxis positiondisplay
softkeytojump to theonline searchmonitorscreen. Press
thesekeys again toreturntothe previousscreen.
Chapter 2
Basic Control Operation
Reset Operations
Block Reset
Use the block reset feature to force the control to skip the block execution.
To use the block reset function, program execution must be stopped. If
program execution stops before the control has completely finished the
block execution, a block reset aborts any portion of that block that has not
been executed. If program execution stops after the complete block
execution (as in the case of single block execution or a M00 etc.), the
control aborts the execution of the entire following block.
[RESET] key on the operator panel to perform a block reset.
Control Reset
You can return the control to the default parameters, clear any
programming errors, and cancel any MDI commands by executing a
control reset. After you execute a control reset, any active program resets
to the first block; any programmed offsets or rotations of the coordinate
systems reset to default, and any MDI command is discarded. All of the
operating parameters return to the standard AMP-assigned values,
including any AMP-assigned G-codes active at power-up (except
Inch/Metric which remains in its last programmed state at control reset).
Calculator Function
Press the
[SHIFT] key to execute a control reset.
[RESET] key on the operator panel while holding down the
The 9/Series control is equipped to evaluate simple mathematical
expressions during the course of operation or programming.
To use the calculator function, line 2 of the screen must be blank. There
can be no prompt on the input line of the screen when you attempt to do
calculations. This completely disables any calculation operation when in
MDI mode. If you attempt to enter the calculator function while another
prompt is active, the control generates the error message “CANNOT
Use the calculator function as follows:
1.Press the
[CALC] key on the operator panel. The “CALC:”prompt
appears on the input line of the screen (line 2).
2.Enter a mathematical equation on the input line by pressing the
desired keys on the operator panel.
3.Press the
[TRANSMIT] key to evaluate the expression. The answer to
the expression is displayed on the input line.
Chapter 2
Basic Control Operation
Expressions entered on the input line cannot exceed a total of 25
characters. Only numeric or special mathematical operation characters as
described below can be entered next to the “CALC:”prompt. Any
character that is not numeric or an operation character you enter on the
input line generates the error message “INVALID CHARACTER.”
The largest number you can enter for a calculate function is 214748367.
You cannot enter a number larger than 10 digits. If control displays a
number that is too large (longer than 10 digits), the control displays t he
error message “NUMBER IS OUT OF RANGE”. If the number entered or
calculated is greater than 10 digits, control displays the error message
Any fractional numbers cannot exceed .999999 (6 decimal places). If you
exceed this number of decimal places, the control automatically rounds off.
If this seventh digit is less than 5, the control rounds down. If this seventh
digit is 5 or greater, the control rounds up.
Any data entered on the input lines can be edited as described on page
To disable the calculator function, press the
[CALC] key again. The
“CALC:”prompt is removed from the input line.
Use the characters in Table 2.B to indicate mathematical operations.
Table 2.B
Mathematical Operators
The control executes mathematical operations in this order:
1.Any part of the expression that is between the brackets [ ] is
evaluated first. The values of paramacro variables are also
substituted for the #xxxx as the first operation performed.
2.Multiplication and division are evaluated second.
3.Addition and subtraction are evaluated last.
If the same level of evaluation is performed the left most operation takes
Chapter 2
Basic Control Operation
Example 2.1
Mathematic Expressions
Expression EnteredResult Displayed
Table 2.C lists the function commands available with the [CALC] key.
Table 2.C
Mathematical Functions
SINSine (degrees)
TANTangent (degrees)
ASINArc Sine (degrees)
ACOSArcCosine (degrees)
SQRTSquare Root
ABSAbsolute Value
BINConversion fromDecimalto Coded Decimal
BCDConversion fromCoded Decimalto Decimal
ROUNDRoundingOff(nearestwhole number)
FIXTruncation Down
FUPTruncation Up
When you program these functions, place the value that the function is to
be performed on in brackets, for example, SIN [10]. The exception to this
is the arc tangent function. The format for ATAN requires the division of
two values. For example, ATAN [10]/[2] is used to calculate the arc
tangent of 5.
The functions in Table 2.C are executed from left to right in a program
block. These functions are executed before the control executes any
mathematical operators like addition or subtraction. This order of
execution can only be changed by enclosing operations in brackets [ ].
Operations enclosed in brackets are executed first.
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