Ricoh sr-dtb-2 Service Manual sr2 p

Setup Guide


ScanRouter V2 Professional is a delivery server that can deliver the documents read by a scanner, re­ceived by fax, or delivered from DeskTopBinder V2 to the specified destination using a network. You can use the attached ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility to set how to process documents for each destination and set up the delivery server.
This manual explains how to set up ScanRouter V2 Professional. For how to use ScanRouter V2 Pro­fessional, see the ScanRouter V2 Professional Management Guide and Help after installing ScanRout­er V2 Professional.


Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Outlook, PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpo­ration in the United States and other countries.
Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
Other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. They are used for explanations in this manual and the rights of their owners. Use of these marks does not infringe on the rights of the owners.
The proper name of Windows
The proper name of Windows
95 is Microsoft® Windows® 95
98 is Microsoft® Windows® 98
The proper name of Windows® Me is Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition
The proper names of Windows NT® 4.0 are as follows: Microsoft Microsoft
The proper names of Windows® 2000 are as follows: Microsoft Microsoft
Windows NT® Server 4.0
Windows NT® Workstation 4.0
Windows® 2000 Professional
Windows® 2000 Server


1.System Requirements
System Requirements of the Delivery Server......................................... 1
Computer ...................................................................................................... 1
Device ........................................................................................................... 2
Before Installation ......................................................................................... 2
Mailing Environment ................................................................................. 4
Mail Server .................................................................................................... 4
Mail Software (SMTP Mail) ........................................................................... 4
Mail Software (MAPI Mail)............................................................................. 5
Fax Environment ....................................................................................... 6
2.Server Setup
Account Settings....................................................................................... 8
When a Member of a Domain ....................................................................... 8
When Not a Member of a Domain................................................................. 9
Mailing Environment Setup .................................................................... 11
Installing the Mail Software (SMTP Mail) .................................................... 11
Installing the Mail Software (MAPI Mail) ..................................................... 11
Installing Service Pack and Restarting Windows........................................ 12
Setting Up Mail Client Software and Confirming Transmission................... 13
3.Fax Delivery Setup
For a Device for Fax Delivery using RS232........................................... 15
For Windows NT ......................................................................................... 15
For Windows 2000 ...................................................................................... 16
Microsoft Outlook 2000 Setup..................................................................... 16
4.ScanRouter V2 Professional Setup
Installing ScanRouter V2 Professional.................................................. 20
Initialization After Installation ................................................................ 22
Profile Settings............................................................................................ 22
Setting up the Information Service When Not Using E-mail........................ 28
Installing ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility in a Client Computer
System Requirements................................................................................. 29
Installing ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility ........................................... 29
Uninstalling ScanRouter V2 Professional............................................. 31
Uninstalling ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility.............................. 32
... 29
5.After Installation
Device Setup............................................................................................ 33
Start Menu................................................................................................ 34
Basic Settings.......................................................................................... 35
Server Printer Setup................................................................................ 37
Setting up MAPI Mail/Fax Delivery Later............................................... 38
Related Application Setup...................................................................... 39
Microsoft Office 2000/Office 97................................................................... 39
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 40
INDEX........................................................................................................ 41

1. System Requirements

To use ScanRouter V2 Professional, the computer must meet the following sys­tem requirements:
Do not install ScanRouter V2 Professional in a computer used as a database
or a mail server.
You cannot connect to ScanRouter V2 Professional from the following:
• ScanRouter Client Software
• ScanRouter Browser

System Requirements of the Delivery Server


❖❖❖❖ Main unit
PC/AT compatible
❖❖❖❖ CPU
Pentium MMX 233 MHz or faster (Pentium III 450 MHz or faster recommend­ed)
❖❖❖❖ Operating Systems
• Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 + Service Pack 5 or later
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Server + Service Pack 1 or later
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional in the stand-alone server. Do not install
it in the primary domain controller or backup domain controller.
❖❖❖❖ RAM
64 MB or more (for Windows NT, 128 MB or more recommended, for Win­dows 2000, 256 MB or more recommended)
❖❖❖❖ Hark Disk Space
At least 200 MB of disk space is required for installation.
In addition to the disk space for installation, reserve 500 MB or more to
save documents.
System Requirements
❖❖❖❖ Protocols
TCP/IP protocol
Do not use ScanRouter V2 Professional in a WAN environment. Depending
on the network time-outs may occur while connected, and documents may not be delivered normally.
Do not install ScanRouter V2 Professional in a dial-up connection computer.
A total of 1000 documents can be managed by ScanRouter V2 Professional.
One in-tray can receive 100 documents. If this limitation is exceeded, perfor­mance may deteriorate.
The processing of some images sent to ScanRouter V2 Professional may take time. These include grayscale images, color images, large images, and images with a resolution of 600 dpi. If you normally use such images, we recommend that you increase the capacity of the CPU, memory, and hard disk of your computer.


A device for ScanRouter V2 Professional is necessary to deliver documents. For information about devices, see the Readme file.

Before Installation

If you upgrade to ScanRouter V2 Professional, follow the appropriate procedure below to install ScanRouter V2 Professional.
❖❖❖❖ Upgrade from ScanRouter V2 Lite to ScanRouter V2 Professional
Document data and destinations can be inherited. Be sure to back them up us­ing ScanRouter V2 Lite before starting work. See the ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide for uninstallation information.
Uninstall ScanRouter V2 Lite. If you want ScanRouter V2 Professional to
inherit the ScanRouter V2 Lite document data and destinations, do not de­lete the settings data/content data during uninstallation.
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional. Make settings to inherit the data from
ScanRouter V2 Lite.
❖❖❖❖ Upgrade from ScanRouter to ScanRouter V2 Professional
Only the Address Book can be inherited. Document data cannot be inherited and used.
Download all ScanRouter documents in advance using client software.
Back up the documents with ScanRouter.
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional.
At this time, set a new data path for use in ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Convert the Address Book, and then uninstall ScanRouter automatically.
Delete the data for ScanRouter if necessary.
See the manual for ScanRouter for how to delete the data.
System Requirements of the Delivery Server
❖❖❖❖ Upgrade from ScanRouter Professional to ScanRouter V2 Professional
The Address Book and document data can be inherited.
Back up the data with ScanRouter Professional.
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional.
At this time, set a new data path for use in ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Convert the Address Book and document data, and then uninstall Scan-
Router automatically.
Delete the data for ScanRouter Professional if necessary.
See the manual for ScanRouter Professional for how to delete the data.
System Requirements

Mailing Environment

SMTP or MAPI mail is used to deliver documents or send various notifica­tions. By e-mail, you can:
Deliver documents read by a scan­ner or received by fax.
Notify the administrator of an er­ror or a shortage of disk capacity.
Notify the sender that documents were saved in the undelivered data tray.
Notify clients that documents were saved in the fax in-tray.
Set up the mail server in a computer different from the delivery server in advance. The software required for the delivery server depends on the mail server. See the table below.
❖❖❖❖ When the OS of the delivery server is
Windows NT
Type of mail server
SMTP - -
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
Lotus Notes Server
Software required for MAPI mail environment
Windows Messaging
Windows Messaging
Windows Messaging
Mail client software
Microsoft Exchange Client 5.0 or Microsoft Outlook 97/98/2000
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Lotus Notes Client
❖❖❖❖ When the OS of the delivery server is
Windows 2000
Type of mail server
SMTP - -
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
Lotus Notes Server
Software required for MAPI mail environment
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Mail client software
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Lotus Notes Client
Windows Messaging can be in-
stalled from the Windows NT CD-ROM. Other software must be obtained separately.

Mail Server

When you want to deliver documents by e-mail, one of the following mail servers is required:
Microsoft Mail Server 3.51 or later
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 or
Lotus Notes Server 4.5 or later (ex­cept for 4.56 and 4.57)

Mail Software (SMTP Mail)

No software is particularly required.
Mailing Environment

Mail Software (MAPI Mail)

The appropriate mail software for the mail server must be installed to use MAPI mail.
Setup an e-mail account for Scan-
Router V2 Professional in each mail server.
Use SMTP mail for Internet mail.
For Windows NT
❖❖❖❖ Required mail software
Windows Messaging
Windows Messaging can be in-
stalled from the Windows NT CD-ROM.
For Windows 2000
❖❖❖❖ Required mail software
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Even if documents are not de-
livered by e-mail, software is necessary for receiving faxes.
Since Microsoft Outlook 2000 is
not included in this product, ob­tain it separately.
❖❖❖❖ Mail software required to use Lotus
Notes Server
To use the Lotus Notes Server as a mail server, Lotus Notes Client (Release 5.03 or later) is required in addition to Microsoft Outlook
❖❖❖❖ Required mail software depending on
the mail server
If you want to use one of the fol­lowing mail servers, the appropri­ate mail software for that server is required in addition to Windows Messaging:
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0
One of the following clients is required:
Microsoft Exchange Client
Microsoft Outlook 97/98/ 2000
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5
Microsoft Outlook 2000
Lotus Notes Server
Lotus Notes Client (Release
4.52 or later)
You cannot use Outlook Ex-
System Requirements

Fax Environment

The required fax environment depends on the device.
❖❖❖❖ When you use a device for delivering fax documents using a network
No environment is particularly required.
❖❖❖❖ When you use a device for delivering fax documents using RS232
The MAPI mail environment is required. The following software must be in­stalled:
Set up the computer to use RS232.
Install the necessary software for each OS.
For Windows NT Windows Messaging (the Windows NT CD-ROM)
For Windows 2000 Microsoft Outlook 2000 (obtained separately)
Delivery of fax documents using a network
Software required to receive faxes
Software required for the MAPI mail environment
Delivery of fax documents using RS232
Fax Delivery Software (installed from ScanRouter V2 Professional's CD-ROM)
For Windows NT:Windows Messaging
For Windows 2000:Microsoft Outlook 2000

2. Server Setup

First, set up the TCP/IP environment. For information about setting up TCP/IP, ask the network administrator.
Next, set up the computer as the delivery server, then install ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Setup flow
Server setup
Windows NT
Set up the TCP/IP network environment
Account settings
Mailing environment setup
(When you use e-mail delivery or e-mail notification)
Windows 2000
Install software for
MAPI mailing environment
Install MAPI Mail Client
Install Windows
Service Pack
Set up mail client software
Confirm transmission
Fax delivery setup
(for a device for fax delivery using RS232)
Install ScanRouter V2 Professional
Initialization after installation
Server Setup

Account Settings

Create an account for launching Scan­Router V2 Professional in Windows and give the Administrator permis­sion. You can use the existing ac­count; however, we recommend that you create an account for ScanRouter V2 Professional.
The procedure for setting an account differs when a server is a member of a domain and when it is not.
The account for launching Scan-
Router V2 Professional is also used when ScanRouter V2 Professional is installed.

When a Member of a Domain

If you want to create a new ac­count, ask the network administra­tor to add an account in the domain server exclusively for ScanRouter V2 Professional.
Add the account added in the domain server to the Administrators group of the computer in which ScanRouter V2 Professional will be installed.
Select [Administrators] from the
groups list, and then select [Prop- erties] from the [User] menu.
The local group properties are dis­played.
Click [Add].
A list of the users and groups which belong to the domain is dis­played in the [Add Users and Groups] dialog box.
Select an launching account from
the [Names] box, and then click [Add].
If the account is not displayed, check if the correct domain server is selected from the [List Names From] drop-down menu.
After the launching name is add-
ed to the [Add Names] box, click [OK].
Make sure that the launching ac-
count has been added to the [Mem- bers] box, and click [OK].
Close User Manager.
For Windows 2000
For Windows NT
Log on as a member of the Ad­ministrators group.
Click [Start], point to [Programs], and then select [User Manager] or
[User Manager for Domains] in the [Administrative Tools (Common)]
Log on as a member of the Ad-
ministrators group.
Right-click [My Computer], and
then select [Manage].
Select the [Groups] folder of [Local
Users and Groups] from the console tree. Select [Administrators], and then select [Properties] from the [Action] menu.
Account Settings
Click [Add].
The [Select Users or Groups] dialog box is displayed, and a list of the users and groups which belong to the domain is displayed.
From the upper box, select the
launching account, and then se­lect [Add].
If the account is not displayed, check if the correct domain server is selected from the [Look in] drop­down menu.
After the launching account is
added to the lower box, click [OK].
Make sure that the launching ac-
count has been added to [Mem- bers], and click [OK].
Close Computer Management.
Click to clear the check box for
[User Must Change Password at Next Logon], and then enter the other
Select [Groups].
Select [Administrators] from the
[Not member of] box, and then click [Add].
[Administrators] is added to [Member of].
Click [OK].
Click [Add] .
Click [Close] to close "New User".
Close User Manager.
For Windows 2000

When Not a Member of a Domain

Add a new account to the computer in which ScanRouter V2 Professional will be installed.
For Windows NT
Log on as a member of the Ad-
ministrators group.
Click [Start], point to [Programs],
and then select [User Manager] from the [Administrative Tools (Com- mon)] folder.
Select [New User] from the [User]
The [New User] dialog box is dis­played.
Log on as a member of the Ad-
ministrators group.
Right-click [My Computer], and
then select [Manage].
Select the [Users] folder of [Local
Users and Groups] from the console tree, and then select [New User] from the [Action] menu.
The [New User] dialog box is dis­played.
Click to clear the check box for
[User Must Change Password at Next Logon], and then enter the other
Select [Create], and then click
Select [Groups] of [Local Users and
Groups] from the console tree.
Server Setup
Click [Administrators] from the
window area in detailed informa­tion, and then select [Properties] from the [Action] menu.
Click [Add].
The [Select Users or Groups] dialog box is displayed, and a list of the users and groups are displayed.
Select to highlight the launching
account from the upper box, and then click [Add].
After the launching account is
added to the lower box, click [OK].
Make sure that the launching ac-
count has been added to "Mem­bers", and then click [OK].
Close Computer Management.
The WWW service must be installed in the delivery server to access the de­livery server from the client computer using Web Document Viewer. You can also install the WWW service af­ter ScanRouter V2 Professional is set up. In this case, suspend the WWW service and delivery server in ad­vance.
For more information, see Web Docu­ment Viewer Setup Guide.

Mailing Environment Setup

SMTP or MAPI mail is used to deliver documents or send various notifica­tions.
For delivery by e-mail, obtain the
e-mail account in each mail server exclusively for ScanRouter V2 Pro­fessional from the network admin­istrator .
Be sure to log on with a launching
account for ScanRouter V2 Profes­sional. Documents cannot be deliv­ered properly by e-mail with other accounts.

Installing the Mail Software (SMTP Mail)

Separate software need not be in­stalled. Create an e-mail account for SMTP/POP in advance.

Installing the Mail Software (MAPI Mail)

When you want to deliver documents by MAPI mail, the following software must be installed.
Software for the MAPI Mailing En­vironment
MAPI Mail Client
Installing software for the MAPI mailing environment
❖❖❖❖ For Windows NT
Log on with a launching ac-
count. If you log on with another ac­count, log off and then log on again with the launching ac­count.
Double-click [Inbox] on the
After the confirmation message
appears, select [Yes] and follow the messages. Windows Messaging is in­stalled. Next, install MAPI Mail Client software.
Mailing Environment Setup
❖❖❖❖ For Windows 2000
Log on with a launching ac-
count. If you log on with another ac­count, log off and then log on again with the launching ac­count.
Install Microsoft Outlook 2000.
Install the required mail soft-
ware for the mail server to be used. Next, install MAPI Mail Client.
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