Ricoh sr-dtb-2 Modification Bulletin sr2 l

Management Guide


This guide explains how to use ScanRouter V2 Lite. For information about setting up ScanRouter V2 Lite, see the ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide. For information about using ScanRouter V2 Lite, see ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility Help.
Network devices used in the illustrations of this guide are examples. They may differ from actual net­work devices.


Other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. They are used for explanations in this guide and the right of their owner only. This use does not infringe on the right of the owner.
The proper name of Windows
98 is Microsoft® Windows® 98
The proper name of Windows® 95 is Microsoft® Windows® 95
The proper name of Windows NT Microsoft Microsoft
Windows NT® Server 4.0
Windows NT® Workstation 4.0
4.0 are as follows:


1.Overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite
ScanRouter V2 Lite Delivery System....................................................... 1
Delivery System Layout ................................................................................ 1
Features of the Delivery System ................................................................... 2
2.Using the Delivery System
Network Administrator Duties.................................................................. 5
Before You Start............................................................................................ 5
Launching/Quitting the Delivery Server......................................................... 6
Daily Operations............................................................................................ 7
Other Operations........................................................................................... 8
3.Using ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility
ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility.................................................... 11
ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility Features ........................................... 11
Launching ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility......................................... 11
Using Help................................................................................................... 12
Screen Layout ............................................................................................. 13
Suspending and Resuming Service ...................................................... 14
Server Settings ........................................................................................ 15
Select Server............................................................................................... 15
Set Administrator......................................................................................... 15
Set Preferences .......................................................................................... 15
Set I/O Device ............................................................................................. 16
Set Delivery Feature Defaults ..................................................................... 16
Delivery Table Settings........................................................................... 17
Destinations ................................................................................................ 17
Senders....................................................................................................... 19
Undelivered Data Tray ................................................................................ 20
Log Administration.................................................................................. 22
Scan Delivery Log Administration ............................................................... 22
Error Log Administration ............................................................................. 23
Maintenance............................................................................................. 24
Backing Up and Restoring .......................................................................... 24
System Recovery ........................................................................................ 25
Returnnig to Installation Defaults ................................................................ 25
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 27
Error Log .................................................................................................. 29
Uninstalling ScanRouter V2 Lite............................................................ 30
Dial-up Connection.................................................................................. 31
Using Dial-up Router with ScanRouter V2 Lite ........................................... 31
Using a Dial-up Network Computer............................................................. 31
INDEX........................................................................................................ 32
1. Overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite

ScanRouter V2 Lite Delivery System

ScanRouter V2 Lite allows you to save scanned documents in remote folders or to deliver documents to multiple destinations.

Delivery System Layout

The diagram below shows the layout of the ScanRouter V2 Lite delivery system. Scanned documents are delivered to the destination with the selected delivery method.
1. Network Devices
Select a destination, and then scan.
2. Delivery Server
The server works with other devices on the network to ensure document deliv­ery. The system administrator uses the delivery table to configure delivery set­tings for each user.
Available delivery methods:
•In-Tray save
• Save as Windows file
P.2 “Available delivery methods”
3. In-Tray
The ScanRouter V2 Administration Utili­ty configures an in-tray for each user. When [In-Tray save] is selected, docu­ments are saved in the in-tray.
4. Client Computer
Install DeskTopBinder V2 and/or Scan­Router V2 Link on the client computers.
• DeskTopBinder V2 can read, copy and/or delete documents in the in­tray.
• ScanRouter V2 Link can automatically retrieve documents or notify users that new documents have arrived.
Overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite
5. Shared Folder on the File Server
When [Save as Windows file] is selected, you can send and save documents to a shared folder of the file server.
For information about available net-
work devices, see the ScanRouter V2 Readme or Compatible Device List.
Scanned documents are delivered to
the delivery server over the network.
The scanner can display the preset
destinations on the operation panel, but this requires appropriate opera­tion on the scanner.
Undeliverable documents are saved
in the undelivered data tray.
Do not use ScanRouter V2 Link or
ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility installed on a client computer con­nected to WAN, as this may result in system timeouts and incomplete de­livery.
Be sure to correctly configure any
computers that use dial-up access.
P.31 Dial-up Connection

Features of the Delivery System

ScanRouter V2 Lite has the following functions to ensure that the right docu­ment reaches the right person efficiently.
Deliverable Documents
The following type of document is deliverable:
Scanned documents
Available delivery methods
The following delivery methods are available for each user.
In-Tray save
Save as Windows file
ScanRouter V2 Lite Delivery System
❖❖❖❖ In-Tray save
Documents can be saved in the in-tray on the delivery server. The in-tray properties are set for individual users.
You can read documents saved in the in-tray by DeskTopBinder V2.
ScanRouter V2 Link can retrieve documents from the in-tray.
1. The scanner sends scanned docu-
ments to the delivery server.
2. The delivery server saves scanned
documents in the in-tray.
3. A client computer installed with
ScanRouter V2 Link can retrieve documents or notify users of docu­ment arrival. Retrieved documents are deleted from the in-tray.
4. A client computer installed with
DeskTopBinder V2 can read docu­ments saved in the in-tray.
P.17 Delivery Table Settings
Overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite
❖❖❖❖ Save as Windows file
You can save documents in the shared folder of a client computer.
1. The scanner sends scanned docu-
ments to the delivery server.
3. You can use documents on a client
computer on the network.
2. The delivery server saves the doc-
ument in a shared folder on the se­lected target computer.
Before setting up ScanRouter V2 Lite, create a shared folder in the client
You can also save documents to the delivery server Windows folder in this
P.17 Delivery Table Settings

2. Using the Delivery System

Network Administrator Duties

There are several things that the net­work administrator must do before bringing the delivery server in opera­tion. Daily maintenance is required after the server is brought in opera­tion. The network administrator must also be ready to deal with any prob­lems that arise.
Constant maintenance of the network is required to ensure that all clients have convenient access to the deliv­ery service.
Use the ScanRouter V2 Adminis-
tration Utility to manage the net­work and maintain optimal performance settings.

Before You Start

Before the system is usable, the envi­ronment and other settings must be configured.
For assistance with the installation, see Help.
❖❖❖❖ Setting Administrator's Password
The administrator's password is used to control access to the Scan­Router V2 Administration Utility.
The administrator's password is
requested only when the Scan­Router V2 Administration Utili­ty is launched.
If you have a system with more
than one delivery server, you will need to set passwords indi­vidually for each server.
P.15 Set Administrator
❖❖❖❖ Environment Settings
Environment settings are broken down into the following subsec­tions.
Default Image Format
This controls the default save format for delivered scanned images.
Error/Disk Space
Controls error notification and monitors remaining disk space.
Global settings
Before opening the system for use, global settings for the environment, network devices and delivery func­tions must be configured.
Controls scheduling of routine maintenance tasks.
Maintenance Deletes expired documents and old error log entries. Also optimizes the database.
P.15 Set Preferences
Using the Delivery System
❖❖❖❖ Adding Network Devices
Select and add a network device. Not all devices need to be added.
P.16 Set I/O Device
❖❖❖❖ Setting Delivery Features
Delivery system options:
Undelivered Data This setting controls how unde­livered documents are handled.
User Index Controls display of [Destination] and [Sender] on network devic­es, once having set [Set I/O De-
vice] from the [Server] menu.
P.16 “Set Delivery Feature De- faults
Preparation for delivery operation
Several settings are required before delivery can begin.
❖❖❖❖ Adding Destinations
Set destinations for users first. Registered users can be selected into groups. Appropriate delivery settings must be made for each destination.
P.17 Destinations
❖❖❖❖ Adding Senders
This function adds the senders. You can set them while adding destinations. Some network devic­es use the destination as for sender information, so it is not necessary to add senders.
❖❖❖❖ Limiting the Log Entry
Set the maximum log entry for the delivery and error logs.
P.22 Log Administration

Launching/Quitting the Delivery Server

Launching and quitting
❖❖❖❖ Launching the Delivery Server
Turn on the power to the delivery server and start Windows. Server start-up varies with your installa­tion options.
❖❖❖❖ Quitting the Delivery Server
When turning off or restarting the delivery server, suspend delivery service first, then shut down Win­dows and turn off the computer.
Starting delivery service
Delivery service can be started from the [Server] menu of ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility or when the delivery server starts up, delivery ser­vice is to be started as set during in­stallation.
❖❖❖❖ Launch at Startup
When you log into Windows using the ScanRouter V2 Lite starting ac­count, delivery service will auto­matically begin.
P.19 Senders
Network Administrator Duties
❖❖❖❖ Launch from Program Folder
To start delivery service manually, select [Resume Services] from the
[Server] menu.
To suspend delivery service, se-
lect [Suspend Services] from the
[Server] menu.
P.14 “Suspending and Resum- ing Service
❖❖❖❖ Run in service mode
Delivery service is started in the background. If [Run in service mode] is selected as the setup type, this will happen automatically.

Daily Operations

To properly maintain the system, the administrator should perform the fol­lowing tasks on a regular basis.
Monitoring disk space
Because undelivered documents are stored on the server, a lack of disk space may impair system function. To ensure that there is sufficient disk space, check the undelivered data tray periodically and delete or export any documents stored there. It is rec­ommended to maintain free space more than 250 MB. From the [Server] menu, select [Server Information] to check free disk space. To receive noti­fication of low free disk space, or to set free disk space for halting deliv­ery, select [Set Preferences] from the [Server] menu, and make necessary settings on the [Error/Disk Space] tab.
If the remaining free space became
lower than the value specified by [Suspend at:], delivery service is suspended. (Default minimum value: 200MB)
Checking the undelivered data tray
Undelivered documents are saved in a undelivered data tray. Check the undelivered data tray periodically and delete or forward any documents found there. Also note that there may be a problem when two or more doc­uments for the same destination are saved in this tray. In this case, make sure that the destination and/or com­munication settings are correct.
P.20 Undelivered Data Tray
If delivery service is suspended, delete any unnecessary docu­ments from the in-tray and the undelivered data tray to raise free space, and resume the ser­vice.
To help maintain free space, set a save-for period so that docu­ments are automatically deleted after remaining in the tray long­er.
You can set the system to warn that
disk space is running low before it suspends delivery service. Make the necessary settings on the [Error/
Disk Space] tab.
P.15 Error/Disk Space
P.17 Destinations
P.16 Undelivered Data
Using the Delivery System
Checking system operating conditions
You can monitor the condition of the system with the log. The log contains destination and sender information, as well as file sizes, logged time, page counts and file histories. The log can also tell you when and how often dif­ferent devices are used and when and how often different errors occur. When an error occurs, check the error log to find the directory, and then de­lete the unnecessary data.
The following types of logs are kept:
❖❖❖❖ Delivery Log
Scan: Log of scanner deliveries
❖❖❖❖ Errors Log
Log of Errors
Logs can also be saved as files.
Even if you are not logged in to
ScanRouter V2 Administration Utility as the system administra­tor, you may view the logs. (Ad­ministrator functions are still prohibited.)
P.22 Log Administration
Backing up
Regular backups should be made to ensure system reliability. You can save backup information to any direc­tory on the server.
Make sure there is enough free
space on the server before backing up.
P.24 Backing Up and Restoring

Other Operations

The following settings are for dealing with specific problems.
System notices
If there is an error or if disk space is low, the system will send a message to the administrator. You can manage error notification. From the [Server] menu, point to [Set Preferences], and make necessary settings on the [Error/ Disk Space] tab. If [Ignore] is selected, no message arrives.
The following system notices are available:
Restarting the server
The server should be restarted regu­larly to maintain stability.
Suspend delivery services before
restarting the server.
❖❖❖❖ Nondelivery Message
If the destination settings are wrong or the destination has been updated and the server has not, a nondelivery message will appear. The undelivered document will go to the undelivered data tray. Docu­ments in the undelivered data tray can be delivered again.
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