Renault Endeavour, 2013 Endeavour User Manual

User Manual
2013 Renault Model
On your marks, get set ........Just go!
The last thing you want to do when starting your holiday is trawl through a
large manual. We have put together a ‘Quick Starter’s’ guide found at the
front of your manual to get to you started on your adventure from the
moment you collect your motorhome to your first pit stop.
A step by step quick guide to start your holiday
- Setting Off Page 3
- Stock up with food Page 4
- Finding a Campsite Page 5
- A quick guide to setting up on your first night Page 6
Emergency & Useful Numbers
- Includes Just go contact numbers, Breakdown assistance & Page 7
other useful numbers
CCoommpplleettee gguuiiddee ttoo ooppeerraattiinngg yyoouurr mmoottoorrhhoommee
- LPG gas Instructions Page 9-10
- Toilet Cassette & Fresh water tank Page 11
- Bike & Bike rack Page 12
- Grey water tank Page 12
- Habitation Door Page 13
- Habitation Step Page 13
- Towing eye location Page 13
- Vehicle Dimensions Page 13
- Control Panel Page 14
- Heating system Page 17
- Hot water Page 18
- Bathroom (toilet, shower, sink operations) Page 19
- TV Page 20
- Fridge Page 21
- Bed conversions Page 22 - 23
CCaabbiinn && OOppttiioonnaall EExxttrraass ooppeerraattiioonnss
- Starting the vehicle / Trip Control Page 1
- Alarms / Gear box / Handbrake/ Hazard light Page 2
- Air conditioning / Radio controls Page 3
- Generators Pages 7-10
- Satellite Navigation Page 11
- Snow Chains Pages 12-13
GGeenneerraall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Basic Motorhome Driving Advice Pages 15-16
- Top tips – Obstacles to avoid Page 17
- UK/European useful signs & driving information Pages 18-20
London Congestion Charge Information Pages 21-22 Places to Stay & Visit
- Local campsites to Just go Page 23
- UK campsite websites & Places to visit Page 24
- Environment & Keeping safe Page 25
Refilling Information
- Local filling station for LPG gas & diesel upon your return to Just go Page 27
- Includes list of filling stations which supply LPG gas. Pages 28-39
Returning the motorhome
- Information on how to return your motorhome Page 41
- Map of how to find Just go depot Page 42
- Just go handover checklist
Just go Terms & Conditions A5 Document Pocket
- Includes Rental Agreement / Additional driver declaration (if applicable)
- Return Handover Checklist
- EU Green Card / Ferry Crossing (if applicable)
GGeettttiinngg ssttaarrtteedd oonn yyoouurr hhoolliiddaayy
KKeeeenn ttoo ggeett yyoouurr mmoottoorrhhoommee aaddvveennttuurree ssttaarrtteedd??
TToo hheellpp ggeett yyoouu oonn yyoouurr wwaayy wwee hhaavvee ppuutt ttooggeetthheerr aa ‘‘QQuuiicckk ssttaarrtteerr’’ss’’ gguuiidde
ttoo ggeett yyoouu sseettttlleedd oonn yyoouurr ffiirrsstt nniigghhtt iinn yyoouurr mmoottoorrhhoommee..
Packing up your motorhome:
Need a hand? Please feel free to ask for a helping hand with your suitcases. If you’re tight on space we can also store your suitcases for you while you are
away, please just ask.
If you’re stopping at relatives or friends on your holiday, you can make use of
their electricity by hooking up the motorhome to their power supply. Please ask us and we can supply you with a UK plug adaptor.
Plan of action:
Make sure before you set off your satellite navigation is all charged and your
next location is entered in so you’re ready for the off
Maps are supplied with the vehicle to use the old school method of
I don’t have Satellite Navigation?
Take the hassle out of navigation and the arguments it tends to cause. Your
more than welcome to hire one of our, come in the office and the girls will be happy to help arrange one for you.
They will also help you input your first location for you and give you a quick
guide if you’re unsure of how to use one.
Ready to go?
Need the loo?, make sure everyone is ready for the off, although you have a
toilet onboard you don’t want to be using this before you have even left us!
As much as we love kids don’t forget to do a final head count before leaving!! Switch your fridge onto the battery symbol before you leave so your fridge will
be cooling while you are driving to the supermarket!
Once you’re all packed make sure your gas is off, the vehicle is unplugged
from the mains, the windows are all shut, you have the keys and then you are ready for the open road.
We want you to have a fantastic holiday so please let us know if we can do
anything further to help.
Get the holiday
feeling from the
moment you
arrive at Just go!
Step 1
Setting off
Hungry? There are 2 supermarkets (north & south) just moments
away from Just go where you will be able to stock up with all the necessities before you reach your 1st campsite.
Step 2
Finding a
Step 2
Stock up
with food
Dunstable Tesco’s Stores Drive time : 15 mins Skimpot Road Distance:9miles Dunstable Luton LU5 4JU
Join the M1 motorway Northbound and continue till you
reach Junction11
Come off at Junction 11 & take the A505 exit to
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Dunstable
Rd/A505 heading to Dunstable
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Skimpot
Turn right and you have reached Tesco’s
Hemel Hempstead Tesco’s Stores Drive time : 15 mins Jarman Way Distance:9.1miles Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 4JS
Join the M1 motorway Southbound and continue till you
reach Junction 8
Come off at Junction 8 exit onto Breakspear Way/A414
toward Hemel Hempstead
At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Bennetts End Rd Turn right at St Albans Hill and you have reached Tesco’s
We will be more
than happy to
programme the
address into your
Sat Nav for you!
Town farm
Town farm, Ivinghoe, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9EL Opening times: All year
Tel: 07906 265 435 Contact: Charles Email: Website:
Long day? If you are looking to relax and unwind after a long day’s
travel then look no further than Town Farm Campsite. At only 25 minutes (appox) drive from Just go Town Farm is an ideal site for your first pit stop.
(For more local campsites please see the Places to stay & visit section)
Drive Time from depot: 25 mins
Distance from depot: 9.5 miles
Location Description: Ideally
situated in the Chilton Hills this picturesque, friendly campsite is only 25 minutes from the Just go depot. Perfect as a base for your first or last night. The campsite is a working farm situated in the picturesque setting at the foot of the Chiltern Hills, home of the Ivinghoe Beacon.
Campsite details:
    
Things to do:
Why not let us
phone ahead
and reserve you
a pitch?
Step 3
Finding a
Even after your guided tour of your motorhome it can become a bit of a blur, we thought you may need a quick
reminder to get you set up for your first night’s sleep in your
motorhome. See the quick & easy steps below to getting comfy & settled in your new home.
Power! Take the orange cable from your gas locker and connect to the
motorhome and the campsite plug and hey presto instant power.
Gas on! To enjoy the luxury of warm heating, hot water and to cook your
favourite meal (if you decide not to go down the pub) you will need to turn your gas on. Turn the brass tap on top of the bottle clockwise and press the green button for a few seconds and your all set.
Need a bit of warmth? Keep cosy & warm by turning your heating on;
o To switch on heating: Turn on gas. Make sure right hand thermostat
dial is turned up to 10 and press the whole dial down. Hold the dial down until the boiler ignites, you will be able to see the pilot light through the small window on the front of the heater. Once ignited, you can turn the thermostat dial to the desired setting.
o To heat from the main heater – move the switch on the left hand side
dial to the A setting and use the thermostat to control the temperature
Full instructions can be found on page 17
Freshen up! Just flip your hot water switch to either 50 degrees of 70
Fridge! Keep your newly brought chilled items cool (not forgetting a bottle
of wine or two!!) by turning the fridge to the 240v setting and enjoy continuous power when hooked up at your campsite.
Enjoy a cosy, warm evening in your new home for the next few days (or
weeks) and settle down with your favourite tipple a good book or a movie with the family to recharge your batteries for the adventures to come.
Step 4
Setting up
Step 5
For more detailed
instructions on the
operations of any items of
your motorhome please see
the ‘comprehensive guide to
operating your motorhome’
Wherever your holiday takes you we hope you
have fun and enjoy your time in a
Just go motorhome!
We look forward to seeing you on your return.
EEmmeerrggeennccyy aanndd UUsseeffuull nnuummbbeerrss
Just go Contact Details:
The Just go office is open 9:00am – 5:30pm Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 4:00pm Saturday and is closed on Sunday
Tel: (UK) 0870 240 1918 Europe: 00 44 1582 842 888 Fax: 01582 843 610
Emergency text line: Tel: + 44 (0) 7918 704 814
For all out of hours assistance please contact the relevant chassis assistance number (Ford/Fiat/Renault) These numbers are contained in your manual and are also displayed on the front windscreen. Please note if the fault is due to keys locked in the vehicle, Flat tyres, to be towed, Flat chassis battery or incorrect fuel then the assistance service will charge for any callouts.
Should you have had an accident and need to notify Just go out of hours then please send a text to our out of hours text line.
For any other faults please contact Just go during office hours and our customer service team will be happy to assist.
NB the emergency text line is manned to 8pm each evening Monday to Saturday and to 12 midday
on Sunday. Please don’t request a return of a vehicle outside office hours as the staff member
holding the emergency text phone will not be a key holder and does not have the ability to open the office.
Emergency numbers
Telephone number
Other info
Police, Ambulance, Fire, Coastguard
UK: 999
Northern Ireland: 999
Republic of Ireland: 112
or 999
NHS Direct
0845 4647
Ford Assistance
UK: 0800111234
EU: 0080088776611
Renault assistance
UK: 0800 616 300
EU: 0033 472435255
Useful Numbers
Telephone number
Other info
London congestion
0845 900 1234
P&O Ferries
08716 646 464
National Express
08717 818 178
National Rail
UK: 08457 484 950
EU: +44 2072785240
Euro Tunnel
UK: 08443 353 535 France: 0810 630 304 Belgium: 070 223 210
The NL: 09005400540
Luton Airport General enquiries & Lost property
01582 405 100
Heathrow Airport General enquiries
08443 351 801
Heathrow Airport Lost property
0208 745 7727
Stansted Airport General enquiries
0844 335 1803
Stansted Airport Lost property
01279 663 293
Gatwick Airport General Enquiries
08448 920 322
Gatwick airport Lost Property
01293 503 162
Caravan Club General enquiries
01342 326 944 Open Mon – Fri 08:45 to 18:00 (Jan to June) / Mon – Fri 08:45 to 17:30 (July to Dec) / Saturday 09:00 to 13:00
Camping & Caravanning club UK club site bookings
0845 130 7633
Carefree EU site bookings
08451 307 701 or 02476
422 024
+ 16 hidden pages