RadioShack TRC-502 Owners Manual

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40-Channel Mini Mobile CB Radio
Cat. No. 21-1702
Please read before using this equipment.
y Sy
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Your CB has these advanced features.
Up/Down C hannel S e lector
— lets you easily select a channel with the press of a button.
TX (Transmit) Indicator
— lights to
show when the CB is transmitting.
Automatic Noise Limiter (ANL) Circ uit
— reduces impulse-type noise during reception.
5-Pin Din Mic Connector
— uses five prongs to reinforce a clear connection between the mic and the receiver.
Full Le
al Power
— gives you the full range of CB channels with the maximum allowed transmit power.
stal-Controlled Digital Tunin
— provides precise tran smission tuni ng ca­pability when selecting a channel.
Two Ceramic Filters
— provide superi­or channel selectivity and prevent adja­cent channel interference.
Universal Mountin
— lets you mount you r CB se curely in your ve­hicle, or on a table or shelf in your home or office.
External Antenna Jack
— lets you at­tach an optional antenna to your CB ra­dio for increased range.
We recommend you record your CB’s serial number here. The number is on the bottom of the CB.
Serial Number: ___________________
ustable Squelch
— helps to elimi-
nate noise between transmissions.
Automatic Modulation
— prevents the transmitter signal from over-modulating and distorting.
(PLL) Frequenc
— pro-
vides highly accurate and stable tuning.
© 1998 Tandy Corporation.
RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
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The Federal Communications Commis­sion (FCC) does not require you to have a license to operate this CB radio. How­ever, you must know Part 95 of
. These rules apply to the opera­tion of a Class D CB. We have provided a copy of these regulations with your CB radio.
make any internal adjustments. A CB ra­dio is set u p to transmit a regulated si g­nal on an assigned frequency. It is against the law to alter or adjust t he set ­tings inside the unit to exceed the se lim­itations.
To be safe and sure:
• never open your CB radio’s cases.
• never change or replace anything in
: Do not open your CB radio to
your CB radio.
This device complies with Part 95 of
FCC Rules
following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this device must accept any i nterfer­ence received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
. Operation is subject to the
Your CB radio might cause TV or radio interference even when it is operating properly. To determine whether your CB radio is causing the interference, turn off your CB radio. If the interference goes away, your CB is causing it. Try to elimi­nate the interference by:
• moving your CB radio away from the TV or radio
• contacting your local RadioShack store for help
If you can not eliminate the interf erence, the FCC requires that you stop using your CB radio.
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Install a tion ....... ........................................................................................................ 5
Mounting the Microphone Holder ....................................................................... 5
Mounting the CB ................................................................................................. 5
Connecting an Antenna ...................................................................................... 6
Connecting the Microphone ................................................................................ 7
Using Vehicle Battery Power .............................................................................. 8
Using the CB as a Base Station ......................................................................... 8
Operation ............................................................................................................... 10
Receiving Transmissions and Adjusting Squelch ............................................. 10
Tran smitting ...................................................................................................... 11
Operational Hints .................................................................................................. 12
Common Uses for a CB .................................................................................... 12
Personal Uses ............................................................................................ 12
Business Uses ........................................................................................... 12
Transmission Courtesy ..................................................................................... 12
Using Common 10-Codes ................................................................................ 13
Maximum Range .............................................................................................. 14
Reducing Noise ........ .......... ....... .. ....... .......... .. ....... ....... .......... .. ....... .......... .. ..... 14
Care and Maintenance .......................................................................................... 16
Replacing the Fuse ........................................................................................... 17
Specifications ........................................................................................................ 18
.................................................................................................... 15
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You can mount the microphone holder to either side of the CB or to anot her lo­cation near your receiver.
phone holder where it could dam age or interfere with the operation of any pas­sive restraint safety device (an airbag or seat belt).
To mount the hol der to eit her side of the CB, use the two supplied machine screws, plain washers, and spring washers as shown to secure the holder.
: Do not mount the CB micro-
/8-inch (3-mm)
anything behind the mounting sur­face.
3. Mount the holder using the machine screws, spring washers, plain wash­ers and nuts.
: If you cannot reach behind the
mounting surface to attach the nuts to the machine screws, use the two sup­plied washers.
: Be carefu l not to drill into
Mounting Surface
/8-inch (3-mm) screws and plain
To mount the holder near the receiver in another location in your vehicle (such as a dashboard), or somewhere in your home or office, such as a nearby wall, follow these steps.
1. Using the holder as a template, mark the positions for the screw holes at t he des i red location .
2. At each marked position, drill a hole slightly smaller than the mounting screws.
The most common mounting location for this CB is under a vehicle’s dashboard. However, if you use the TRC-502 as a base station in your home or office, you can place it on a desk, shelf, or table (see “Using the CB as a Base Station” on Page 8).
If you are mounting the CB in a vehicle, choose a location where:
• you can easily reach the CB.
• wires and cables are clear of the vehicle’s pedals and other moving parts.
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• the CB is not directly in front of heat­ing vents.
• all wires and cables can reach their connection point.
• If you use the CB in a vehicle, mount it securely to avoid damage to the CB or vehicle or injury t o pas­sengers.
• Do not mount the CB where it could damage or interfere with the opera­tion of any passive restraint safety device (an airbag or seatbelt).
Follow these steps to mount the CB us­ing the supplied hardware.
1. Using the mounting bracket as a template, mark the positions for the screw holes on the mounting sur­face.
3. Mount the bracket to the mounting surface with the
/5-inch (5-mm) mounting screws, spring washers, plain washers, and nuts.
Mounting Surface
Note: If you cannot reach behind
the mounting surface to attach the nuts on the bolts, use the
/5-inch (5­mm) mounting screws and plain washers to secure the bracket.
4. Attach the CB to the mounting bracket using the two rubber wash­ers and mounting kn obs.
2. In each marked location, drill a hole slightly smaller than the two
(5-mm) mounting screws. Caution: Be careful no t to drill into
objects behind the mounting sur­face.
There are many different types of anten­nas for mobile CBs, each with its own benefits. You can choose one that best fits your needs. Your local Radio Shack store sells a wide variety of antennas.
Note: If you are using this CB as a base station, see “Using the CB as a Base Station” on Page 8.
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