StorNext 3.5 File System and Storage Manager
Supported Operating Systems and Platforms
Operating System Kernel or Release Platform
Windows 2003 Server SP2
Windows XP SP2
Windows Vista SP1
Windows 2008 Server —
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5 (all versions,
excluding virtualization)
SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 10
Sun Solaris 10
2.6.9-67.EL (Update 6)
2.6.9-78.EL (Update 7)
2.6.18-53.EL (Update 1)
2.6.18-92.EL (Update 2)
2.6.16-46-0.12 (SP1)
2.6.16-60-0.27 (SP2)
5.10 SPARC 64-bit
11i v2
MDC Server
x86 32-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 32-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 32-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 32-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 64-bit
x86 64-bit
Opteron x86
Intel x86 64-bit
64-bit Power
File System
SAN Client
LAN Server
File System
LAN Client
Apple MacOS X Support
StorNext 3.5 MDC Server has been validated with Apple Xsan 2.1 clients.
Note: When adding StorNext Storage Manager to a StorNext File System environment, the metadata controller (MDC) must be moved to a supported
platform. If you attempt to install and run a StorNext 3.5 server that is not supported, you do so at your own risk. Quantum strongl y recommends against
installing non-supported servers.
* Windows Distributed LAN Server supports up to 128 distr buted LAN clients.
** Due to a bug in RHEL5, Storage Manager systems will crash when running kernels based on 2.6.18-8. This has been corrected in RHEL5 updates 1 and
2. For additional details, refer to CR 16484 in the Known Issues section of the StorNext 3.5 Release Notes.
StorNext support will transition from HP-UX 11i v2 to 11i v3, and from IBM AIX 5.3 to 6.1 on a future date.
Quantum Corporation ▪ 141 Innovation Drive, Irvine, CA 92617 ▪ 1-800-677-6268 ▪ www.quantum.com
© 2008 Quantum ST00531 December, 2008

StorNext 3.5 Discontinued Support By OS Platform
Operating System Platform(s) StorNext Services No Longer Supported
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Sun Solaris 9 SPARC 64-bit Support discontinued for all services
Sun Solaris 10
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
64-bit MIPS
64-bit Power
x86 32-bit Support discontinued for all services
IA-64 Support discontinued for all services
x86 64-bit
SPARC 64-bit
x86 32-bit Support discontinued for all services
IA-64 Support discontinued for all services
Support discontinued for all services
PA-RISC support discontinued for all services
(IA-64 SAN client support continues.)
MDC Server discontinued
(SAN client support continues)
Support discontinued for the following services:
MDC Server
Distributed LAN Server
Storage Manager
Support discontinued for the following services:
MDC Server
Storage Manager
(SAN client support continues)
Support discontinued for the following services:
MDC Server
Windows 2003 Server
Windows XP
Quantum Corporation ▪ 141 Innovation Drive, Irvine, CA 92617 ▪ 1-800-677-6268 ▪ www.quantum.com
© 2008 Quantum ST00531 December, 2008
x86 32-bit
x86 32-bit
x86 64-bit
Distributed LAN Server
(SAN client and Distributed LAN Client support
Distributed LAN Server discontinued
(SAN client and Distributed LAN Client support
Distributed LAN Server discontinued
(SAN client and Distributed LAN Client support