Release Notes
Product: SNC 6101® Firmware 4.60.02
Date: March 2005
Page Topic
1 Purpose of this Release
Resolved Issues1
3 Documentation
Purpose of this Release
This release extends the capabilities of SNC 6101. These release notes list corrections to problems that
were encountered in previous releases of SNC 6101. Visit www.adic.com for additional information about
SNC 6101 and previous releases. For a complete matrix of firmware compatibility, refer to the library release
Resolved Issues
Problems that have been resolved in this release of SNC 6101 are as follows:
15314 CLI command hpFeatureDisable causes invalid block in partition errors.
15394 SCSI - SNC 6101 Inquiry failure (12h).
15395 SCSI - SNC 6101 Inquiry command error (12h).
15467 SCSI - SNC 6101 Mode Sense error (1Ah).
17086 CLI command initializeBox does not disable AMP feature.
20720 “Failed to open tape: errno - 0x380003” during initializeBox command.
26054 SNC hangs up if you type exit from the serial port prompt.
29084 Write/Verify of greater than 1M does not work.
29589 The vpsMapClear command does not clear the mapping assignments for the host.
© March 2005, ADIC
ADIC is a registered trademar k of Advanced Digital Information Corporation. All other p roduct,
company, or service names mentioned herein are the property o f their respective owners.
6-01237-02 Rev A

35005 CFL missing Write Logs when the target is a Fibre drive.
35175 CFL displays blank space for an invalid operation code.
35177 There is an extra space for UNKN status displayed in CFL.
35203 The scsiHostIdSet command does not check for invalid ID boundaries.
35362 CFL SNC 6101, with detail enabled, READ command shows actual xfer equal to zero.
35426 CFL does not display all information for a check condition (02); results from XCOPY
command sent via tool.
35444 CFL S/N of SOIP attached devices is byte swapped in output.
35713 CFL data structure uses an unknown value pointer during display.
36512 CFL - Use type files to determine if info was generated by SOIP2.
36546 setTimeHost command does not clear input string prior to new input.
36648 perror openDir message during initializeBox command; some config files not
37235 CFL - If no memory for playback, copy buffer then print the error message.
37333 SNC Unique ASC 83h is not in scsicodes.
37382 Add paCommandFlowLogEnabled variable to SANMgr MIB.
37534 Change method for delaying enabling of FC target mode port transmitters.
37930 FCB Reboot occurs during high I/O transfer.
38319 Request to pull SNC Command Logs using AMC Interface.
38596 uaQueue sending old UAs to host after PLOGI event.
38737 Maintenance Out - shutdown notice command successful, but responds with invalid CDB.
39130 fcShow does not display Host index or WWN.
39188 FC port continuously restarting after issuing fcRestart command.
39439 HPF (Host Port Failover) feature is being referenced in error log yet is feature disabled.
12753 Private Target Mode fails because it PLOGIs the directory server.
15063 CLI command mapMultipathSet requires an SNC reboot for changes to take effect.
15747 CLI command fcShowDevs locks up the SNC when a SCSI ID conflict occurs.
17979 SCSI max speed reported incorrectly in AMC.
24906 Upgrade QLogic MicroCode to latest version, 3.02.29.
29114 Ability to load wrong firmware kills the SNC.
29185 SANmark test fail do to rft_id not being sent by the SNC.
2 © March 2005, ADIC