Quantum SKM, Scalar Key Manager User Manual

Safety Information by IBM Safety Information by IBM Safety Information by IBM
Scalar Key Manager Server
Scalar Key Manager Server
SKM Server
Seventh Edition (August 2010)
THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2010.
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Chapter 1. English ..........1
Chapter 2. Arabic ..........17
Chapter 3. Brazilian Portuguese ....29
Chapter 4. (Simplified) Chinese ....45
Chapter 5. (Traditional) Chinese ....57
Chapter 6. Croatian .........71
Chapter 7. Czech ..........85
Chapter 8. Danish ..........99
Chapter 9. Dutch ..........113
Chapter 10. Finnish .........129
Chapter 11. French .........143
Chapter 12. German ........159
Chapter 15. Hungarian .......203
Chapter 16. Italian .........217
Chapter 17. Japanese ........233
Chapter 18. Korean .........245
Chapter 19. Macedonian .......259
Chapter 20. Norwegian .......273
Chapter 21. Polish .........287
Chapter 22. Portuguese .......301
Chapter 23. Russian ........317
Chapter 24. Slovakian ........331
Chapter 25. Slovenian........345
Chapter 26. Spanish ........359
Chapter 13. Greek .........175
Chapter 14. Hebrew .........189
Chapter 27. Swedish ........375
Chapter 28. Turkish .........389
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 iii
iv : Safety Information

Chapter 1. English

Each caution and danger statement in this document is labeled with a number. This number is used to cross reference an English-language caution or danger statement with translated versions of the caution or danger statement in the Safety Information document.
For example, if a caution statement is labeled “Statement 1”, translations for that caution statement are in the Safety Information document under “Statement 1”.
Be sure to read all caution and danger statements in this document before you perform the procedures. Read any additional safety information that comes with the server or optional device before you install the device.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 1
Statement 1:
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation,
maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet. v Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached to
this product.
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables. v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems,
networks, and modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table when
installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.
To Connect: To Disconnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
2 : Safety Information
Statement 2:
CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer. The battery contains lithium and can explode if not properly used, handled, or disposed of.
Do not:
v Throw or immerse into water v Heat to more than 100°C (212°F) v Repair or disassemble
Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
Statement 3:
CAUTION: When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following:
v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could
result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
v Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following.
Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Chapter 1. English 3
Statement 4:
18 kg (39.7 lb) 32 kg (70.5 lb) 55 kg (121.2 lb)
CAUTION: Use safe practices when lifting.
Statement 5:
CAUTION: The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
2 1
Statement 6:
CAUTION: If you install a strain-relief bracket option over the end of the power cord that is connected to the device, you must connect the other end of the power cord to an easily accessible power source.
4 : Safety Information
Statement 7:
CAUTION: If the device has doors, be sure to remove or secure the doors before moving or lifting the device to avoid personal injury. The doors will not support the weight of the device.
Statement 8:
CAUTION: Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached.
Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician.
Statement 9:
CAUTION: To avoid personal injury, disconnect the hot-swap fan cables before removing the fan from the device.
Chapter 1. English 5
Statement 10:
CAUTION: Do not place any object weighing more than 82 kg (180 lb) on top of rack-mounted devices.
>82 kg (180 lb)
Statement 11:
CAUTION: The following label indicates sharp edges, corners, or joints nearby.
Statement 12:
CAUTION: The following label indicates a hot surface nearby.
6 : Safety Information
Statement 13:
Overloading a branch circuit is potentially a fire hazard and a shock hazard under certain conditions. To avoid these hazards, ensure that your system electrical requirements do not exceed branch circuit protection requirements. Refer to the information that is provided with your device for electrical specifications.
Statement 14:
CAUTION: Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels might be present. Only a qualified service technician is authorized to remove the covers where the following label is attached.
Statement 15:
CAUTION: Make sure that the rack is secured properly to avoid tipping when the server unit is extended.
Statement 16:
CAUTION: Some accessory or option board outputs exceed Class 2 or limited power source limits and must be installed with appropriate interconnecting cabling in accordance with the national electric code.
Chapter 1. English 7
Statement 17:
CAUTION: The following label indicates moving parts nearby.
Statement 18:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950, Third Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage (SELV)
source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated at a minimum of 5 A
to a maximum of 15 A.
v Use 14 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 2.5 mm
copper conductor only, not
exceeding 3 meters in length.
v Torque the wiring-terminal screws to 12 inch-pounds (1.4 newton-meters). v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
8 : Safety Information
Statement 19:
CAUTION: The power-control button on the device does not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one connection to dc power. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all connections to dc power are disconnected at the dc power input terminals.
Statement 20:
CAUTION: To avoid personal injury, before lifting the unit, remove all the blades to reduce the weight.
Statement 21:
CAUTION: Hazardous energy is present when the blade is connected to the power source. Always replace the blade cover before installing the blade.
Statement 22:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950, Third Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage (SELV)
source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated at a minimum of 13 A
to a maximum of 15 A.
v Use 16 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 1.3 mm
copper conductor only, not
exceeding 3 meters in length.
v Torque the wiring-terminal screws to 12 inch-pounds (1.4 newton-meters). v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
Chapter 1. English 9
Statement 23:
CAUTION: Do not place any object weighing more than 50 kg (110 lb) on top of rack-mounted devices.
>50 kg (110 lb)
Statement 24:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950, Third Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage (SELV)
source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated at a minimum of 12 A
to a maximum of 15 A.
v Use 14 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 2.5 mm
copper conductor only, not
exceeding 3 meters in length.
v Torque the wiring-terminal screws to 12 inch-pounds (1.4 newton-meters). v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
10 : Safety Information
Statement 25:
CAUTION: This product contains a Class 1M laser. Do not view directly with optical instruments.
Statement 26:
CAUTION: Do not place any object on top of rack-mounted devices.
Statement 27:
CAUTION: Hazardous moving parts are nearby.
Statement 28:
CAUTION: The battery is a lithium ion battery. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn the battery. Exchange it only with the approved part. Recycle or discard the battery as instructed by local regulations.
Chapter 1. English 11
Statement 29:
CAUTION: This equipment is designed to permit the connection of the earthed conductor of the dc supply circuit to the earthing conductor at the equipment. If this connection is made, all of the following conditions must be met:
v This equipment shall be connected directly to the dc supply system earthing
electrode conductor or to a bonding jumper from an earthing terminal bar or bus to which the dc supply system earthing electrode conductor is connected.
v This equipment shall be located in the same immediate area (such as, adjacent
cabinets) as any other equipment that has a connection between the earthed conductor of the same dc supply circuit and the earthing conductor, and also the point of earthing of the dc system. The dc system shall not be earthed elsewhere.
v The dc supply source shall be located within the same premises as this
v Switching or disconnecting devices shall not be in the earthed circuit
conductor between the dc source and the point of connection of the earthing electrode conductor.
Statement 30:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950-1, First Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a reliably grounded safety extra low voltage (SELV)
source. An SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v The branch circuit overcurrent protection must be rated 20 A.
v Use 12 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 2.5 mm
copper conductor only, not
exceeding 4.5 meters in length.
v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
12 : Safety Information
Statement 31:
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation,
maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded power source. v Connect to properly wired power sources any equipment that will be
attached to this product.
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables. v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached ac power cords, dc power sources, network
connections, telecommunications systems, and serial cables before you open the device covers, unless you are instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table when
you install, move, or open covers on this product or attached devices.
To Connect: To Disconnect:
1. Turn OFF all power sources and
equipment that is to be attached to this product.
2. Attach signal cables to the product.
3. Attach power cords to the product.
v For ac systems, use appliance inlets. v For dc systems, ensure correct polarity
of -48 V dc connections: RTN is + and
-48 V dc is -. Earth ground should use a two-hole lug for safety.
4. Attach signal cables to other devices.
5. Connect power cords to their sources.
6. Turn ON all the power sources.
1. Turn OFF all power sources and
equipment that is to be attached to this product.
v For ac systems, remove all power
cords from the chassis power receptacles or interrupt power at the ac power distribution unit.
v For dc systems, disconnect dc power
sources at the breaker panel or by turning off the power source. Then, remove the dc cables.
2. Remove the signal cables from the
3. Remove all cables from the devices.
Chapter 1. English 13
Statement 32:
CAUTION: To avoid personal injury, before you lift the unit, remove all the blades, power modules, and other removable modules to reduce the weight.
Statement 33:
CAUTION: This product does not provide a power-control button. Turning off blades or removing power modules and I/O modules does not turn off electrical current to the product. The product also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the product, make sure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
Statement 34:
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock or energy hazards:
v This equipment must be installed by trained service personnel in a
restricted-access location, as defined by the NEC and IEC 60950-1, First Edition, The Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
v Connect the equipment to a properly grounded safety extra low voltage
(SELV) source. A SELV source is a secondary circuit that is designed so that normal and single fault conditions do not cause the voltages to exceed a safe level (60 V direct current).
v Incorporate a readily available approved and rated disconnect device in the
field wiring.
v See the specifications in the product documentation for the required
circuit-breaker rating for branch circuit overcurrent protection.
v Use copper wire conductors only. See the specifications in the product
documentation for the required wire size.
v See the specifications in the product documentation for the required torque
values for the wiring-terminal screws.
14 : Safety Information
Statement 35:
Hazardous energy present.Voltages with hazardous energy might cause heating when shorted with metal, which might result in splattered metal, burns, or both.
Statement 36:
CAUTION: Always install the slide retention screw.
Statement 37:
When you populate a rack cabinet, adhere to the following guidelines:
v Always lower the leveling pads on the rack cabinet. v Always install the stabilizer brackets on the rack cabinet. v Always install the heaviest devices in the bottom of the rack cabinet. v Always install devices starting from the bottom of the rack cabinet. v Do not extend multiple devices from the rack cabinet simultaneously,
unless the rack-mounting instructions direction you to do so. Multiple devices extended into the service position can cause your rack cabinet to tip.
v If you are not using the IBM 9308 rack cabinet, securely anchor the rack
cabinet to ensure its stability.
Chapter 1. English 15
16 : Safety Information

Chapter 2. Arabic

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010 17
18 : Safety Information
Chapter 2. Arabic 19
20 : Safety Information
Chapter 2. Arabic 21
22 : Safety Information
Chapter 2. Arabic 23
24 : Safety Information
Chapter 2. Arabic 25
26 : Safety Information
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