Quantum, the Quantum logo, and the DLTtape logo are trademarks of Quantum Corporation
registered in the U.S.A. and other countries. DLTtap e, DL TSag e, Value DLTtape, and Super
DLTtape are trademarks of Quantum Corporation.
Other company and product names used in thi s document are tra demarks, r egister ed trademar ks, or
service marks of their respective owners.
Legal Disclaimers
The information c ontained in this document is the exclusive property of Quantum Corporation.
Quantum retains its copyright on the information contained herein in all cases and situations of
usage, includi ng derivative works. The posse ssor agrees to safeguard this info rma tion and to
maintain it in confidence and not re-publish it in whole or in part without Quantum’s pr ior written
Quantum rese r v es the right to make changes and improvem ents to its products, without incur r ing
any obligation to incorporate such change s or improvements in units previously sold or shipped.
It is the responsibility of the user to carefully read and understand the User Manual statements for
Class A Equipment and Class B Equipment that appear on page iv and page v, respectively.
Contact Information
You can request Quant um publ ications from your Quantum Sale s Representative or order them
directly from Quantum.
Telephone numbers and street addres s es change frequently; for the lates t, up-to-date contact
information, visi t:
Telephone numbers, stre et a ddresses, time zones, and other pertinent facts are listed in the
Support section of the web site.
iiMarch 20 0481-850 02 - 01
Revision History
Revisions made to this document are listed below in chronological order.
Document Rele aseDateSummary of Changes
AMarch 14, 2002Create document.
A01April 29, 2002Initial release. Not e: This manual supersedes
A02April 30, 2002Minor changes.
A03October 30, 2002Schedul ed update.
A04March 12, 2004Maintenance update. Added information about tape
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nual
Quantum document 81-80000-01.
density selection. Updated Appendice s A and B.
81-8500 2 - 01March 20 04
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Product Manual
User Manual Statements for Class A Equipment (Internal Tape
This equipment generates, uses, and may emit radio frequency energy. The equipment has been
tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency
interference in a commercial installation.
Operat ion of this equipment in a r esidential area may cause interfer ence, in which case the us er at
his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be requ ired to correct the
Any modifications to this device—unless expressly approved by the manufac turer—can void the
user’s authority to operate this equipment under Part 15 of the FC C rules.
Note: Additional information on the need to interconnect the device with shielded (data) cables or
the need for special devices, such as ferrite beads on cables, is required if such means of
interference sup pression was us ed in the qua lificat ion test for t he device . This i nformatio n will va ry
from device to devic e and needs to be obtained from the EMC (Elect romagnetic Compatibility)
group or product manager.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment thi s product may cause radio interference in
which case the user may be re quired to take adequate measures.
Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb dieses
Gerätes Rundfunks törungen auftreten, in welchen Fällen der Benutzer für entsprec hende
Gegenmaßnahmen verantwortlich ist.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil nu mérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Ceci est un produit de Classe A. Dans un environnem ent domes tique , ce produi t risque de créer des
interférences r adi oélec trique s, i l appa rtiendr a alor s à l 'util is ateur de pren dre le s mes ures spé cifiqu es
ivMarch 20 0481-850 02 - 01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nual
User Manual St atements for Class B Equipment (Tabletop Tape
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Clas s B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reason able protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions : (1) This devi ce may not caus e harmful int erferen ce, an d (2) this devic e must accep t any
interference that may cause undesirable operation.
Any modifications to this device—unless expressly approved by the manufac turer—can void the
user’s authority to operate this equipment under Part 15 of the FC C rules.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radia te radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that inte rference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to ra dio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fro m that to which the receiver
is connected.
•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV technician for help.
Note: Additional information on the need to interconnect the device with shielded (data) cables or
the need for special devices, such as ferrite beads on cables, is required if such means of
interference sup pression was us ed in the qua lificat ion test for t he device . This i nformatio n will va ry
81-8500 2 - 01March 20 04
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Product Manual
from device to devic e and needs to be obtained from the EMC (Elect romagnetic Compatibility)
group or product manager.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
This product manual is a comprehensive source of information about the
SDLT 220 and SDL T 320 cartridge tape drive systems; it describes both the
internal and tabletop versions of the Super DL Ttape™ tape system. This manual is
also intended to serve as an easy-to-use comprehensive information source and
product catalog to familiarize both the Quantum customer base and systems
professional with the SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 cartridge tape systems,
subsequently referred to in this document as SDLT 220/320.
The SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 models have many characteristics in common,
enabling both sets of information to be presented in a single document.
NOTE: Except where clearly noted, the information in this
document applies to both models of the tape drive.
1.2Referen ced Do cumen ts
•SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 SCSI Interface Guide 81-85001-01
•SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Design and Integration Guide 81-81148-01
•Chapter 1, Introduction, is the chapter you are currently reading.
•Chapter 2, SDLT 220/320 Product Information, describes various features
of the SDLT technology and the modular design used to build this exciting
•Chapter 3, Drive Specifications, lists various specifications for the tape
system: product, functional, environmental, and recording media.
•Chapter 4, Installing Your Tape Drive, contains handling and pre-
installation guidelines, configuration advice, plus mounting and installation
information for your SDLT tape drive.
•Chapter 5, Using Your Tape Drive, contains information on runni ng the self-
test, descriptions of the front panel controls and LEDs, updating the firmware
(microcode), and various pointers for caring for your SDLT tape drive.
•Chapter 6, SCSI Descript ion, provides a high-level description of t he logical
interface to the tape system.
•Chapter 7, Regulatory Compliance, describes various regulations that apply
to the SDLT tape drive.
•Appendix A, Super DLTt ape I Data Cartridge, provides media data
cartridge information for the Super DLTtape I data cartridge including
handling and inspection procedures, information on the write-protect switch,
and how to load and unload a tape cartridge.
•Appendix B, DLT IV Cartridge, includes the cartridge insertion and ejection
•Glossary provides definitions for technical terms and acronyms that are used
throughout the document.
1-2March 20 0481-850 02-01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Product ManualCHAPTER 1: Introduction
This manual uses the following conventions to designate specific elements:
Table 1-1.Typographical Co nventions
ElementC onventionExample
Hexa de cimal N o tation
Binary Notation
Decimal NotationNumber without s u ffix 512
Uppercase (unless casesensitive)
Number followed by
lowercase h
Number followed by
lowercase b
Lowercas e , ex c ep t wh er e
standard usage r equires
1.6For More Information
Mb (megabits)
MB (meg a by t es)
The web site http://www.dlttape.com includes much valuable information about
Super DLTtape systems; or to locate very specific product-related information,
visit http://www.quantum.com/SDLT.
For personalized information about Quantum’s reliable data protection products,
call 1-800-624-5545 in the U.S.A. and Canada.
81-85002-01March 20041-3
CHAPTER 1: Introduc ti onSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
1.7Reader Comments
Quantum is committed to providing the best products and service. We encourage
your comments, suggestions, and corrections for this manual. Please send all
comments to:
Quantum Technical Publications
4001 Discovery Dr.
Suite 1100
Boulder, Colorado USA 80303
1-4March 20 0481-850 02-01
CHAPTER 2SDLT 220/320 Product
This chapter describes the features of the Quantum Super DLT ta pe system. This
chapter covers the following topics:
•“Overview” describes basic features of the system.
•“SDLT 220/320 Product Features” lists key features of the SDLT family of
tape drives.
•“SDLT 220/320 Technology” includes photographs of the tape drive, and
introduces important basic features.
•“SDLT 220/320 Modular Design” introduces tape drive components such as
the tape heads, media, cartridge, and host interface.
•“Key Differences Between the SDLT 220 and the SDLT 320” compares
important features in the SDL T 220 and 320 products.
•“Quantum Diagnostics Tools ” describes tools and utilities that provide the
ability to run diagnostics and test for drive functionality .
•“TapeAlert” describes a built-in tape device status monitoring and messaging
The Quantum Super DLTtape™ (SDLT) System is a highly scalable tape drive
designed for multiple product generations. It is a follow-on to the DLT product
family, which remains the industry standard for mid-range UNIX and NT system
backup and archive applications. The SDLT system comprises both the drive and
the tape cartridge; the system is available in either a built-in (internal) model or a
tabletop model. The model SDL T 220 system provides 110 GB of storage capacity
with a transfer speed of 11MB/second (native); the model SDLT 320 system
81-8500 2 - 01March 20 042-1
CHAPTER 2: SD LT 220/320 Produc t I nfo rm ationSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
provides 160 GB of storage capacity with a transfer speed of 16MB/second
To view a succinct comparison of the two models, refer to “Key Differences
Between the SDL T 220 and the SDLT 320” on page 2-11. For detailed engineering
specifications (for both the SDL T 220 and 320), refer to CHAPTER 3, “Drive
2.2SDLT 220/320 Product Feature s
SDLT tape drives offer the following product features:
•A streaming tape drive that uses half-inch wide Digital Linear Tape (DLT)
•Standard 5.25-inch full-height form factor to simplify integration into system
and tape library solutions.
•The SDLT archi tectur e builds on the DLT legacy by offering backward
compatibility: data backed up today using the DLT 8000, DLT 7000, DLT
4000, and DLT 1 (Benchmark) systems will be retrievable in the future using
SDLT-based systems with DLTtape IV type media.
•Global Storage Link (GS Link) — An infrared (wireless) interface that
provides a wireless remote testing base allowing customers and integrators to
access system diagnostic information from the front of the tape system.
•When needed, the SDLT 320 can be operated in a mode that is completely
compatible with that of the SDLT 220.
•Handle-free load and unload feature to increase ease of use.
To see pictures of this product, refer to Figure 2-1 on page 2-3. For a complete
SDLT 220/320 feature comparison, refer to Table 2-1 on page 2-11.
2-2March 20 0481-850 02-01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Produ ct ManualCHAPTER 2: SDLT 220/320 Product Information
2.3SDLT 220/320 Technology
SDLT incorporates various new state-of-the-art technologies that contribute to the
SDLT architecture. Some of these ideas are trademarked, others are patented. The
following subsections introduce the important technologies that together , comprise
the SDLT tape drive system.
2.3.1 Laser Gu ide d M agnetic Reco rdi n g
The SDLT system (Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2) is based on Quantum’s Laser
Guided Magnetic Recording (LGMR) technology. LGMR provides a unique
combination of the best optical and magnetic technologies, which results in
dramatically higher capacities by substa ntially inc reasing the number of recording
tracks on the data-bearing surface of the media. By recording data magnetically on
the data-bearing side of the media and servoing optically on the backside, LGMR
optimizes highly proven technologies to deliver the most efficient, reliable and
scalable data backup solution to the mid-range market.
Internal model
Figure 2-1. SDLT 220/320 Drive System (Photographs)
81-85002-01March 20042-3
Tabletop model
CHAPTER 2: SD LT 220/320 Produc t I nfo rm ationSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
Figure 2-2. SDLT 220/320 Dri ve System (CAD Diagram in Perspective)
2.3.2 Pivoting Optical Servo
Pivoting Optical Servo (POS) is a Quantum-invented, optically-encoded servo
system, which combines high-density magnetic read/write data recording with
laser servo guiding. The POS is designed for high-duty-cycle applications, which
decreases cost and increases user convenience. The POS enables the head to track
dynamic variations in tape motion which allows Quantum to provide a track count
with an order of magnitude increase over current DLT products.
2.3.3 Magneto Resistive Cluster Heads
Magneto Resistive Cluster (MRC) heads are a densely packed array of small, costeffective Magneto Resistive (M R ) tape heads precisely positioned using advanced
thin-film processing technology. SDLT MRC heads provide high wafer usage
efficiency resulting in low head costs, are less susceptible to temperature and
humidity, yield higher track density and capacity, and provide a multi-channel
architecture for increased transfer rate and performance.
2-4March 20 0481-850 02-01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Produ ct ManualCHAPTER 2: SDLT 220/320 Product Information
2.3.4 A dvanced Partial Response Max imum
Improving on Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML) technology
traditionally used in disk drives and communication systems, Quantum’s advanced
PRML channel technology was co-developed with Lucent Technologies to bring
new levels of performance and capacity to high-performance linear tape products.
This provides high-encoding efficiency recording de nsities for gre ater capacity
and performance that enables SDLT to substantially increase transfer rates and
2.3.5 Advanced Metal Powder Media
Advanced Metal Powder (AMP) media is a state-of-the-art media using durable
metal powder technology for recording very high densities of data. The back side
of the AMP media receives a specially formulated coating to accept the optical
servo tracks. Because the servo information is on the back side of the media, the
entire data-bearing side of the media is available for recording data and eliminate
the need for pre-formatting. In addition, AMP media has been designed to meet the
needs of multiple generations of the SDLT technology.
2.3.6 Positive Engagement
Positive engagement is a highly robust tape leader-buckling mechanism that
increases cartridge life and supports the heavy duty-cycle environments found in
high-end and automation environments.
This mechanism engages the tape leaders upon cartridge load and disengages them
upon cartridge unload. It uses a solid metal pin that is attached to the drive leader
to link with molded clips that are permane ntly attached to the ta pe leader inside the
cartridge. The Positive L eader Link design makes the buckling of Super DLTtape I
media a totally reliable mechanical process.
In addition to supporting Super DL Ttape I data cartridges, the buckling mechanism
also supports existing DLTtape IV data cartridges to ensure complete backwardread compatibility.
81-85002-01March 20042-5
CHAPTER 2: SD LT 220/320 Produc t I nfo rm ationSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
2.4SDLT 220/320 Modular Design
SDLT is designed as a total system. The system includes a complex interaction of a
number of important components including such items as the tape path, tape heads,
media, cartridge, and host interface.
SDLT is organized into five distinct modules (Figure 2-3) as follows:
•Data Control Module (DCM)
•Tape Control Module (TCM)
•Front Panel Module (FPM)
•Electronic Interface Module (EIM)
•Super DLTtape I Data Cartridge
The modular concept makes the SDLT system easy to manufacture and configure.
Each module is optimized to perform a specific set of functions and designed to
interface with the other modules in a well-defined and flexible manner. The
following subsections provide a brief overview of each module.
Figure 2-3. SDLT 220/320 Modular Design
NOTE: Despite the deliberate modularity of each module, with the
exception of the data cartridge and the FPM, individual
users should not “swap” modules. The data cartridge and
2-6March 20 0481-850 02-01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Produ ct ManualCHAPTER 2: SDLT 220/320 Product Information
the FPM are the only two modules that are field
replaceable. Customer adjustments to the TCM, DCM, or
EIM are not allowed, and will void the drive’s warranty.
2.4.1 D at a C ont rol Modul e
The Data Control Module (DCM) contains several of the functions and features of
Quantum’s LGMR technology, which is at the heart of the SDLT technology. Of
the five technologies that constitute the LGMR technology, two are found in the
DCM. These are the POS and the MRC heads.
The main functions of the DCM are to provide the path and guides for all the tape
motion inside the drive and to write data to and read data fr om the tape. In addition
to the POS and MRC heads described in Section 2.3.2, “Pivoting Optical Servo”
on page 2-4 and Section 2.3.3, “Magneto Resistive Cluster Heads” on page 2-4,
the DCM contains a number of components that interact to perform these
functions. These components include the advanced head guide assembly, take-up
reel, drive motor, the optical servo system, and the tape heads.
The SDLT system tape path, from the first tape guide through the take up reel and
motor, has been simplified and improved from the previous DLT systems. The
addition of servo technology in the POS system has allowed Quantum engineers to
reduce the number of tape guides from six to four. This provides a simpler tape
path in the SDLT tape drive, improving performance and reliability.
In addition to its mechanical components, the DCM also contains printed circuit
boards that control the functions of the DCM and the tape heads.
81-85002-01March 20042-7
CHAPTER 2: SD LT 220/320 Produc t I nfo rm ationSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
2.4.2 Tape Control Module
The T ape Control Module (TCM) implements the functions required to buckle and
unbuckle the tape and control the tape motion. The TCM consists of a variety of
Other components include the tape supply motor assembly and the floor plate
The TCM has its own Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) that controls the
functions of the TCM and interfaces with the main controller board in the EIM. By
designing the TCM as a distinct module, it allows the TCM to be manufactured
and tested as a stand-alone module, simplifying the design, manufacturing and
troubleshooting processes.
Base Plate
The SDLT base plate is an aluminum die casting with precisely machined surfaces
that acts as the support platform for the other modules and for the drive enclosure.
The base plate also includes the precision mounting holes used to install SDLT
tape drives into a server or tape library. The SDLT base plate, and therefore the
entire SDLT drive, conforms to the 5.25 inch, full-height form factor. This means
that SDLT tape drives are a little shorter , at the s tandard 8 inche s, than the previou s
generation DLT products.
Cartridge Receiver
On tape insertion, the cartridge receiver assembly guides the tape into its operating
position, opens the cartridge door, unlocks the cartridge brakes, engages the
cartridge drive motor, and secures the tape for operation. On tape ejection, the
2-8March 20 0481-850 02-01
SDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Produ ct ManualCHAPTER 2: SDLT 220/320 Product Information
cartridge receiver assembly reverses the process and automatically ejects the tape a
fixed distance from the front of the drive. There is no longer a manual lock and
release handle to operate when loading and unloading the cartridge. This “soft
load” capability makes SDLT easier for customers to use in both stand-alone
applications and automated tape libraries.
This design for SDLT uses a solid metal pin attached to the drive leader which
positively links with molded clips that are permanently attached to the tape leader
inside the cartridge. The buckling mechanism is responsible for engaging the tape
leaders upon cartridge load and disengaging them on cartridge unload.
The SDLT buckling mechanism has been designed to work with the new leaders of
the Super DLTtape design as well as the leaders of the previous DLTtape design,
allowing backward-read compatibility (BRC) of DLTtape IV cartridges in the
SDLT system.
2.4.3 Front Panel Module
The Front Panel Module (FPM) of the system (sometimes referred to as the bezel)
performs a number of functions. The functions of the SDLT FPM include:
•Protecting the front of the TCM from physical damage
•Channeling airflow through the system
•Aligning the cartridge when it is inserted into the system
•Providing system status and information through LEDs
•Enabling cartridge ejection
•Delivering the overall cosmetic look of the system.
The FPM is a single module with lenses for the system’s LEDs and a button to
activate the drive eject switch. Unlike previous generations of DLT, the SDLT
front panel contains no electronics.
81-85002-01March 20042-9
CHAPTER 2: SD LT 220/320 Produc t I nfo rm ationSDLT 220 and SDLT 320 Prod uc t Ma nu al
2.4.4 Electronic Interface M odule
The Electronic Interface Module (EIM) is the electronic heart of the SDLT system.
It provides the main control function for the system and the interface from the
system to the host computer. The EIM provides the Advanced PRML feature of
Quantum’s SDLT technology; advanced PRML is described in “Advanced Partial
Response Maximum Likelihood” on page 2-5.
The EIM consists of two major boards: the Integrated Controller Module (ICM),
and a separate Host Interface Module (HIM). The ICM contains the main
controller and servo micro-processor, the custom-designed SDLT ASICs and the
cache memory while the HIM implements the interface between the host system
and the drive. This allows easy configuration of the drive to match different host
interfaces by simply substituting the appropriate HIM card.
As with the other major modules of the SDLT technology, the EIM has been
designed to be manufactured and tested as a distinct module.
2.4.5 S uper DLTtape I Data Ca rt ri dge Module
As with all tape technologies, the Super DLTtape I data cartridge is a key part of
the overall system. The main function of the data cartridge is to provide the
magnetic recording media used by the system to store customer information. The
data cartridge also provides the protective cartridge that allows the media to be
removed and stored safely.
From the outside, the Super DL Ttape I data cartridge looks very similar to the
DLTtape IV data cartridges. The basic geometry, write protection switch, and label
space are unchanged from the DLTtape IV data cartridge. This simplifies the
integration of SDLT into existing operating environments and into automated tape
libraries. The Super DLTtape I data cartridge is easy to recognize; it has a different
color than the DLTtape IV data cartridge and contains a distinctive pattern molded
into the shell.
The Super DLTtape I data cartridge has a new, more rugged design that includes a
thicker internal circular wall surrounding the media and more structural ribbing to
increase overall cartridge resilience and reduce potentia l damage to the cartridge if
it should be dropped. New, wear-resistant materials reduce the potential for debris
generation and increase the life of the cartridge.
2-10March 20 0481-850 02 - 01
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