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A-Series Software Release Update
Version 2.5.4 Server Firmware
All A-Series Products: SDLT 600A, LTO3 A-Series and SuperLoader
3A models with either SDLT or LTO Drives
This release is available from the Quantum web site at
http://www.quantum.com, select “Product Information” from the
“Service and Support” menu, select your model and scroll down to
the Firmware download section.
Operational Enhancements:
This release provides significant improvements in backing-up and
restoring files, especially in Apple Mac OS environments.
Faster LTO drive directory accesses
Directory information is stored in RAM for fast access
Correct Handling of Apple Resources
All Macintosh files will retain their associations to
applications and other Mac metadata (i.e. file type). Note:
ONLY custom Icons are not retained correctly in this release.
Faster Apple File Restores
All Macintosh files are sorted when archiving to assure
resources are stored next to their associated files
Correct Apple File Handling on Mounted File Systems
When Mac OS systems are used to archive files from
mounted file systems such as Xsan and Unity, all original
file resources and associations that are present within file
will be retained. If no file resources and associations exist,
the file will be stored in its original state and resource
information will not be added.