4 5
1 Tap
2 Indicat ors
3 Ultra Vent ilated M embran e (UVM)
4 RO Membra ne
5 Post-Se diment Filter
6 Taste Modul ator / Post RO Ca rbon Polis her* (Op tional)
7 Carbon Fi lter
8 Pump
9 Low Pressu re Switch
10 Solenoi d Valve
12 Control Ci rcuit
13 Storag e Tank
14 Pre-S ediment F ilter
15 Waste Water Tube
16 Cleanin g Soluti on Dispen ser
1 Cleanin g solutio n dispens er
2 Power indic ator
3 Storag e tank indi cator
4 CSF (Carb on & Sediment Filte r) life indic ator
5 Membra ne life indicator
6 Storag e tank
7 Tap
8 Sedimen t filter assembl y
9 Inlet tub e
10 Divert er control ler
11 Divert er assemb ly
12 Waste wate r pipe
P ureit Ma rvella RO™
Height 480 mm
Width 360 m m
Depth 2 65 mm
Weight of ‘P ureit Mar vella RO™’ 8.4 kgs
Flow rate* Approxim ately 9 –12 litres per hou r
Storag e tank cap acity 8 litres
5 Stage Pu rifyin g Technolo gy
PP melt blo wn sediment filt ers, Activated c arbon block,
Reverse osm osis membrane and U ltra ventilate d membrane
Membra ne type Thin fil m composite spira l wound
Pump ty pe Diaphr agm pump, 24V DC
% Recovery * Typically 25%
TDS reduc tion** Upto 90 %
Power ratin g 36 Watts
Pressure r ating 5–30 P SI***
Input Volt age 100-240VAC , 50-60 Hz
Materi al of constructi on for plas tic parts Food safe , non-toxic, eng ineering grade pl astics
Lengt h of Power adaptor 1.8 metres
Total Dissol ved Solids 200 mg/ lit (min) – 2000 mg/ lit (max)
Total Hardne ss 500 mg/lit (ma x)
Iron 0.3 mg/ lit (max)
Turbidity 10 NTU
Germki ll Kit
Materi al of constructi on Food safe , non-toxic, eng ineering-gra de plast ics
Purifi cation capacit y
(CSF Ger mkill Ki t™)
The consu mables G ermkill Kit
has been d esigned to give
approxim ately 4000 li tres
of purif ied water dependi ng on the input
water pre ssure, TDS and wate r temperature
Purifi cation capacit y
(Membr ane Germkill Kit™)
The RO Membr ane and Ultra Venti lated Membrane ( UVM) has been
designe d to give approximate ly 8000 L
of purif ied water. The actual
life of the f ilters will depe nd on the input wate r pressure and TDS
and water t emperature
Germki ll performance s tandard
Meets st ringent intern ational c riteria for microb iologically
safe drin king water –
e.g., Env ironment al Protection A gency (EPA), USA .
* Permeat e flow rate and reco very are based on st andard test con ditions and may var y depending on in put water quali ty,
TDS, pre ssure and life of fi lter elements .
** Input wa ter quality and T DS content are impo rtant deter minants of outp ut water qualit y.
*** I f input pressure e xceeds 30 PSI, p lease install a c ompany provided pre ssure reducing v alve at an addition al cost. If the
pressure i s lesser than 5 PS I than you need to bu y ‘Pressure enha ncing pump’ at an addi tional cost.
Technic al specifica tions are subject t o change or improve ment without pri or notice.
� While Ge rmkill Kit™ (CSF) wi ll be changed aft er 4000 litre s and there’s an Auto Sh ut Off to force thi s change,
Sedime nt Filter may have to be c hanged in the inte rim depending on t he quality of inp ut water.
* Post RO Carb on Polisher fit ted in the devic e may need to be chan ged intermit tently at extr a cost in case you fa ce smell issues .