Punkt ES 01 User Manual

ES 01
Extension Socket
Quick Guide
English – ES 01 Instructions for use
Getting started
Surge prote ction* indic ator LED
1 Remove t he lid by gently ro tating it 20 ° anticlock wise and
lif ting it up fro m the base.
2 Plug in yo ur devices a nd AC adapters . Position plug s
care fully to pre vent collis ion with the l id when it is
The max imum load of t he ES 01 is 2300 W for T ypes E, F,
F/L , G and J. Please note T ype B has a ma ximum load o f
1800 W. Plea se check the watt age of the devic es you are
connecting ar e compatible.
3 To group y our cables co ming out of th e ES 01 use t he
rub ber C-clip pr ovided as il lustrated i n the diag ram.
4 Replac e the lid on the to wer of the base a nd lock it by
gently r otating it 20 ° clockwis e until the me chanis m
stops. D o not use excess ive force or you mi ght damage t he
locking mechanism.
5 Connec t the ES 01 power-c ord to a wall so cket.
6 Push t he on/off but ton on top of the ES 01 to sw itch on the
ES 01. The light o f the power icon w ill illu minate to
indi cate status i s on.
Overload protection
7 In the e vent of the ES 01 bein g overloaded, th e fuse wil l
automat ically tri p and cut the ci rcuit. The re set button on
the un derside of the b ase will pr otrude when t ripped and
the powe r icon will s witch off. To st art up agai n simply
press t he fuse res et button on the ba se.
Surge protection*
8 Voltage pr otection rat ing: L-N 500 V, L-G 50 0V, N-G 500 V.
When il luminat ed the surge p rotection s tatus LED
indi cates the sur ge protect ion circu it is functi oning.
Please no te that when the L ED ceases to i llumin ate the
devic e is not protec ted and shou ld be replaced .*Only
avail able on Typ e B.
Safety and handling
– For safet y reasons and t o prevent dam age to the ES 01
always h old and carr y it from the ba se, not from the l id.
– The ES 01 Exte nsion Socket i s designed fo r indoor usa ge
on ly.
– To preven t a short cir cuit, fire or d amage to t he product,
never ex pose the ES 01 to heat, w ater or dire ct sunli ght.
– Please a lways hold the ba se when pluggi ng and
unplug ging pow er-cords or A C adapters i nto the ES 01.
– To unplug a p ower-cord or a n AC adapter, alwa ys grip the
body con nected to t he socket. Never “r ip” plugs out fr om
the bas e.
– Use a dr y cloth to clea n the ES 01 and ensu re the devic e is
disconnected before cleaning.
– The ES 01 power -cord cann ot be replaced . If the
power- cord is dam aged the whole de vice should b e
– Never con nect the ES 01 to a si milar dev ice such as
reloc atable power ta ps or other ext ension socke ts.
Typ e E, F, F/ L, G and J: 10A 230V ~ Max 2 300W
Typ e B: 15A 120VAC 60H z Max 1800W. Voltage pr otection
rati ng L-N 500V, L-G 50 0V, N-G 500 V. Typ e 3 SPD.
This product is compliant with the following directives and requirements
2006/95 /EC Low voltage Dire ctive
2011/65/EC R oHs Direc tive
2002/96/EC WEEE Directive
USA a nd Canada
UL 1363 3r d Edition, Relo catable Powe r taps
UL 1449 3r d Edition, Su rge Prote ctive Device s
The produ ct cannot b e disposed a s unsort ed municipa l
waste . It must be collec ted separ ately to prevent ne gative
envir onmental i mpacts. In ac cordance w ith the proce dures
of Dir ective 2002 /96 and rele vant nationa l laws and
regu lations adop ted pursua nt to this D irective on t he
dis posal of wast e at the end of the l ife cycle of the pr oduct,
any vio lation is sanc tioned by law. Please i nform you rself
about lo cal separ ate collect ion system for ele ctrical a nd
electron ic products.
For more in formation on t his produc t go to Punk t.’s websit e
Deutsch – ES 01 Bedienungsanleitung
Erste Schritte
2300 W / 18 00W* maximum
Überspannungsschutz* LED
+ 8 hidden pages