Pitney Bowes DocuMatch Integrated Mail System, DocuMatch Application Notes

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this material, the information in this document is provided “as is,” with­out warranty of any kind. This document may contain errors and omis­sions and is subject to change without notice. Pitney Bowes disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Pitney Bowes shall not be liable for errors contained herein, nor for incidental or conse­quential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
These materials and the related software are confidential and propri­etary property of Pitney Bowes, Inc. and may not be lent, sold, hired out, or made available to others in any form, or be disposed of by way of trade in any form, without the express written consent of Pitney Bowes, Inc.
The data used in examples in this manual are fictitious unless other­wise noted, and are intended solely to document proper use of the software.
SV60725 Rev. A First Edition, August, 1999 ©1999 Pitney Bowes Inc.
DocuMatch and SmartMailer are trademarks of Pitney Bowes, Inc. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Access, FoxPro and Microsoft Word are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Emulex and NetQue are trademarks of Emulex Corporation. Novell and NetWare are trademarks of Novell Corporation. WordPerfect and Paradox are trademarks of Corel Corporation. Rumba is a registered trademark of Wall Data. AS/400 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines. dBase is a trademark of Inprise Corporation. ZIP Code and PostNET are registered trademarks of the United States Postal Service. All other devices and/or software mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any fashion or stored in a retrieval system of any type or transmitted by any means, electronically or mechanically, without the express written permission of Pitney Bowes.
Host Software Installation Notes for Windows 95...........................3
Installing the Driver ................................................................................3
Installing the Envelope Designer............................................................ 3
Selecting the DocuMatch Driver and Setting Options on a
Windows 95 System ..............................................................................4
Testing Driver Installation....................................................................... 5
Using DocuMatch on a Network ......................................................6
Using a Controlling PC...........................................................................6
Using the DocuMatch as a Shared Printer.............................................6
Using a Peer-to-Peer Network...............................................................6
Guidelines for Network Use ...................................................................7
Print Manager and Timeouts for Windows 3.1 Users.................... 10
About Print Manager ............................................................................10
Setting Options in Print Manager.........................................................10
Using Background Printing .................................................................. 11
Setting Timeouts .................................................................................. 12
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows......13
Importing Data .....................................................................................13
Using the Mail Merge Toolbar .............................................................. 15
Running the Merge............................................................................... 16
Address Detection Errors..................................................................... 18
Setting Up Files for Merging with Word Perfect for Windows...... 19
Importing ASCII Data into Word Perfect Version 6.0 ...........................20
Importing ASCII Data into Word Perfect Version 6.1 ...........................21
Accessing Database files from Word Perfect.......................................22
Running the Merge in Word Perfect 6.1...............................................23
Running the Merge in Word Perfect 7..................................................24
Using DocuMatch with SmartMailer for Windows ........................25
Printing Directly From SmartMailer ......................................................25
Printing Presorted Data with Another Application ............................... 26
Printing Presorted Data with Another Application ............................... 27
Handling Tray Breaks with Other Applications.....................................27
An Alternate Method of Processing the SRT File.................................28
Selecting the DocuMatch Driver from Microsoft Word 6 .............. 29
Selecting the DocuMatch Driver from Word Perfect.....................30
Word Perfect Version 6.1 .....................................................................30
Network Connections ..........................................................................30
Accessing the DocuMatch Setup Screen ............................................ 31
Word Perfect V6.0 ................................................................................32
Selecting DocuMatch Driver Options.............................................33
Generate Mail Option ...........................................................................33
Document Tab ......................................................................................33
Envelope Tab........................................................................................34
Inserts Tab............................................................................................34
Finishing Tab ........................................................................................ 35
General Tab .......................................................................................... 36
Saving and Retrieving Job Setups.......................................................38
Address Detection Options..................................................................38
Exiting the Driver Setup Screen ...........................................................39
Document Printer Setup Options.........................................................39
Automating Operations under Microsoft Word 6 ..........................41
Printing to a File with the DocuMatch Driver.................................44
Printing to a File from Microsoft Word .................................................44
Sending a Print File to the DocuMatch ................................................ 45
Printing an Address that Does Not Appear on the Document......46
Printing Barcodes on Documents and Window Envelopes .......... 47
Printing a Barcode on the Document...................................................47
Printing Just a Barcode on the Envelope.............................................47
Printing Just a Barcode on the Envelope.............................................48
Integrated Mail System
Selecting Printer Trays Using Microsoft Word or
WordPerfect ....................................................................................49
Using Word to Switch Paper Trays ......................................................49
Switching Paper Trays Using WordPerfect for Windows,
Version 6.1 ...........................................................................................50
Formatting Mail Merge Documents Using IF Fields in
Microsoft Word................................................................................53
Using IF Fields for Merge Field Dependent Text.................................. 53
Procedure for a ZIP+4 Example...........................................................53
Procedure for Using IF Fields for a Variable Length Address
Example ...............................................................................................55
Customizing Your Mailpieces with Selective Inserting,
Variable Length Documents and Variable Envelope Data.............56
What's a Control Page? ....................................................................... 56
Setting Up Documents with Control Pages ......................................... 58
Running Jobs with Control Pages........................................................59
Control Page Command Summary...................................................... 59
Setting Up and Running Jobs with a Variable Number of
Printed Pages....................................................................................... 59
Table of Control Page Commands .......................................................60
Control Page Limitations...................................................................... 62
Diagnosing "Waiting for Host" messages......................................63
Factors Affecting Speed ...................................................................... 63
Complex Envelope Timeouts ............................................................... 63
Host-Induced Slowdowns.................................................................... 64
Common Causes of Slow Printing .......................................................65
Inefficient Print Files .......................................................................66
Selecting, Storing, and Loading Materials.....................................69
Document Printer Paper ......................................................................69
Envelopes............................................................................................. 70
Cut Sheets ...........................................................................................71
Integrated Mail System
Inserts and Reply Envelopes................................................................ 72
Total Thickness Limits ..........................................................................72
Envelope Content Thickness Evaluation..............................................73
Reducing Wasted Materials............................................................74
Preserve Output Order.........................................................................74
Examining System Reports..................................................................74
Examining Materials in the Outsort Bin................................................75
Checking Your Data before Processing ......................................... 76
Missing Data ........................................................................................ 76
Checking Your Data in SmartMailer for Windows ................................ 76
Checking Your Data in SmartMailer for Windows ................................ 77
Checking Your Data in Microsoft Word ................................................77
DocuMatch Job Cancelling Tips ....................................................80
Using Rumba to Print to the DocuMatch from an
AS/400 System................................................................................81
Printing from Rumba ............................................................................81
Using the DocuMatch with an HP JetDirect Print Server..............83
Configuring the DocuMatch Printer ..................................................... 83
Testing the Link .................................................................................... 83
Connecting DocuMatch to a Serial Port ........................................85
Cable Requirements.............................................................................85
Setup at DocuMatch ............................................................................86
Setup at the PC....................................................................................87
Testing the Connection ........................................................................88
Changing the Baud Rate......................................................................88
Restoring Standard Parallel Port Options............................................ 89
Setting Paper Tray Options on DocuMatch Systems with
Lexmark Printers ..................................................................................90
Tray Options ......................................................................................... 90
Defining Trays.......................................................................................90
Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Integrated Mail System
Application Notes
These application notes were prepared by the Pitney Bowes engineering staff to help our customers take full advantage of the DocuMatch System's capabilities.
The information in this book can help you customize your mailings, speed up printing, operate in a networked environment and use various word processing and database applications to help run your mail merges more smoothly.
Some notes are technical in nature and are directed at users familiar with the software programs mentioned or at system adminis­trators responsible for configuring and main­taining computer equipment.
DocuMatch Application Notes
2 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Host Software Installation Notes for Windows 95
Installing the Driver
1. Start Windows 95.
2. Close any applications which may be running, and place the driver disk in your floppy drive.
3. Click on Start, then Run and type a:\setupdm in the entry box. Substitute the correct drive letter if your floppy is not drive A. Normally, you should accept the default directories it proposes and if it says a directory already exists and asks if you want to install anyway, answer YES.
If you are installing the driver on a system for the first time, the install program asks which port to use (usually LPT1:) and whether you want to make the DocuMatch the default printer (usually yes).I f you are installing the driver for testing on a PC that does not have access to a DocuMatch system, you may want to choose FILE: here. If you do, the system prompts you for a file name when you try to print. You can then send the file to a PC that does have access to a DocuMatch and print the file there.
Installing the Envelope Designer
1. Exit any applications that may be running.
2. Insert the first AddressRight Printing System for Win­dows 95 disk in your floppy drive.
3. Click on Start, then Run: type a:\setup and hit Enter. Substitute the correct drive letter if your floppy is not drive A. Normally, you should accept the default direc­tories specified by the install program. If the program says a directory already exists and asks if you want to install anyway, answer YES. This copies the appropri­ate files into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and an ED directory, creating it if it does not already exist. The install program gives you an opportunity to put the files in a directory other than ED if you want.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Host Software Installation Notes for Windows 95, continued
Selecting the DocuMatch Driver and Setting Options on a Windows 95 System
1. Click on Start, then Settings, then Printers. You should see an icon labeled Pitney Bowes DocuMatch.
2. Once the Driver is installed, there are several setup options that affect printing performance. Access these by clicking on My Computer/Printers/Pitney Bowes DocuMatch. From the DocuMatch screen, select Printer/Properties/ Details.
a. On the Port Settings tab, DO NOT select the Check
Port State before Printing box. If you do, the driver may erroneously report that the printer is off-line.
b. On the Spool settings tab, you can choose to spool
print jobs or to send them directly to the printer. Sending jobs directly to the printer is very much like running with Print Manager turned off in Windows
3.1; the job will start printing immediately but the application will be tied up until printing is complete.
With spooling turned on and Start Printing after Last Page selected, operation is like running with Print Manager turned on under Windows 3.1; the applica­tion processes the job as quickly as it can, but printing will not start until the application has fin­ished. This may take several minutes, depending on the size of the job.
With spooling on and Start Printing after First Page selected, printing should start almost immediately, and the application will also run as fast as it can. This is the default choice and is the best option to choose for most applications, unless jobs are terminating early due to timeouts.
c. On the General tab, you should set the separator
page to None when generating mail. Any other setting will cause errors when you run the job.
4 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Host Software Installation Notes for Windows 95, continued
Testing Driver Installation
1. Click on the Generate Mail tab.
2. Click on Enter Setup.
3. Select Print Documents, then click on Save As… and save the job as PRINT.JOB.
4. Click on OK to close the driver setup screen and return to the DocuMatch Properties window.
5. Click on the General tab and then click on Print Test Page. A single sheet with information about the driver should print to the top of the printer.
If the test page does not print or jobs appear to print from your application but nothing comes out on the DocuMatch, first make sure that the port selected for the DocuMatch is correct and that the system is connected to your computer. Then click on My Computer/ Printers and double-click on Pitney Bowes DocuMatch. If you have been experimenting and there are jobs waiting to print, you may want to delete them. To do this:
1. Select each one and press the Delete key.
2. Click on File and make sure that DocuMatch is the default printer. If Pause Printing or Work Offline is selected, click on it to deselect it. Any jobs waiting to print should now start to print.
NOTE: If the driver is already installed on your system and you upgrade to Windows 95, the driver may not work properly after the upgrade. In this case, go to My Com­puter/ Printers and remove the DocuMatch driver, then restart Windows and reinstall the driver.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Using DocuMatch on a Network
Using DocuMatch on a network is straightforward and easy if you follow the recommendations in this application note. Pitney Bowes has extensively tested DocuMatch in the Novell Netware 3.12 environment and also with Windows peer-to-peer networking.
Using a Controlling PC
Using the DocuMatch as a Shared Printer
The simplest way to use DocuMatch with a network is to use one networked PC to drive the DocuMatch and directly connect the DocuMatch to that PC. The controlling PC can access shared data and documents through the network, and all merging and formatting of data for the DocuMatch is performed on that PC. In this case, the DocuMatch driver only needs to be loaded on the controlling PC and other PCs on the network could run different operating systems.
Another option is to connect the DocuMatch directly to the network as a shared printer. This allows multiple PCs to share a single DocuMatch system. The Novell environment allows a printer to be either directly connected to the file server or remote from the file server, with a separate print server. We strongly recommend the separate print server option for two reasons: First, the print server gives you much more flexibility in locating the DocuMatch. Secondly, the separate print server option provides approximately 30% faster performance. Pitney Bowes offers a high performance print server option that is easy to install. The vendor’s installation procedure and setup administration software are included with this kit (order H5N0). Please refer technical questions concerning installation and ser­vice of this print server to the vendor’s technical support number included in the documentation.
Using a Peer-to­Peer Network
With a peer-to-peer network, you do not need extra hard­ware. The DocuMatch connects directly to one of the PCs on the network and is set up as a shared printer. See your Windows documentation for information on how to do this.
6 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Using DocuMatch on a Network, continued
Guidelines for Network Use
Regardless of the print server connection, please follow these guidelines:
Make sure a current version of the DocuMatch driver is installed on any PC sending jobs to the DocuMatch.
Break up large jobs into smaller batches (i.e., runs of one mail tray) on Windows 3.x platforms. The reason is twofold. Because the network must first print the entire job to a network queue, the delay before the job starts printing can be quite long. Secondly, the large batches require a lot of memory from the file server. Windows 95’s print spooler is much faster than Windows 3.1, so the job will start much faster.
Use the Verify Setup Option on the DocuMatch’s driver screen if different users’ jobs require different materials. When this option is selected, the system pauses before printing each job and allows you to run test pieces so you can make sure the correct materials are loaded.
Have your system administrator setup the “Notify Delay” to two minutes or longer if your network uses that Novell Netware feature. This avoids false Offline warnings when the DocuMatch prints reports.
Make sure Banner pages are disabled when generating mail. Banner pages are fine for document-only jobs.
You should also turn off the Form Feed, Enable Tabs, or Timeout options under Netware. You can access these checkboxes under Windows 3.1 by:
- Double Clicking the Windows Control Panel
- Selecting the Printer's ICON
- Selecting the Pitney Bowes DocuMatch Driver (normally the default)
- Selecting the Connect Button, then the Network Button
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Using DocuMatch on a Network, continued
Guidelines for Network Use
- Finally, selecting the Options Button
You can access these checkboxes under Windows 95 by:
- Clicking on the Start Button, then selecting the Settings menu item
- Selecting Printers and single clicking on the Pitney Bowes DocuMatch Dx ICON
- Clicking the Right mouse button and choosing Properties
- On the General Tab verify the following: Separator Page (none)
Now select the Details Tab and verify the following:
- Print to the following Port has your network queue name selected. The pulldown arrow to the right provides a list of choices
- Print using the following driver: Pitney Bowes DocuMatch Dx
- The timeout settings should be 300 seconds for Not Selected and Transmission Retry.
Click the Spool Settings Button and verify the following:
- Spool print jobs so program finishes faster is checked
- Start printer after first page is spooled is checked
- Spool data format: RAW
- All other entries under Spool Settings are un­checked
Click the Port Settings Button and verify the following:
- Spool MS-DOS print jobs is checked.
- Check port state before printing is not checked.
8 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Using DocuMatch on a Network, continued
Guidelines for Network Use
Click on Capture Settings and verify the following:
- Timeout: 0 seconds
- Form: 0
- Name: Unknown
- Job Banner is not checked.
- Copies: 1
- Expand Tabs is not checked.
- Form feed after job is not checked.
- End capture if disconnected is not checked.
Don’t power down the DocuMatch when it is not in use.
Other users may want to use it; in addition, as the system will be reported Offline to the Network System Administrator.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Print Manager and Timeouts for Windows 3.1 Users
About Print Manager
Print Manager is a Windows program that controls spool­ing to printers. You can turn it on and off in the Printer's section of the Control Panel. The choice to use Print Manager depends on your application and how you use your computer. If the computer is dedicated to the DocuMatch or if you produce long mail runs (over 200 pieces per job) you will probably have the best results running with Print Manager off. In this case, your applica­tion sends data directly to the DocuMatch system. Mail production starts as soon as your application has pro­duced the first few pieces, but you can’t do anything else with your computer until the mail run is almost over.
With Print Manager on, mail production will not start until your application has generated the whole print job, which might be 30 minutes or more, depending on the speed of your machine and the size and complexity of the job. In addition, you will need enough disk space available to hold the entire print job. This could require tens of megabytes if the job is long and complex. However, with Print Manager on, you will regain control of your machine as soon as your application has finished generating the print file so you can do other things while the mail is being generated.
WordPerfect contains its own print spooling system which is controlled from within WordPerfect. See Setting Up and Running Merges with WordPerfect on page 19 for more information.
Setting Options in Print Manager
Print Manager normally runs in the background. However it does have a setup screen which you can access by double-clicking on the Print Manager icon (usually in your Main program group). You can only access Print Manager if you have turned it on in the Printers section of the Control Panel as described above.
10 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Print Manager and Timeouts for Windows 3.1 Users, continued
Microsoft has distributed two versions of Print Manager, one with the original Windows 3.1, and an updated version with Windows for Workgroups and the free Windows 3.11 update. The newer version is generally better. It has a button bar to control printer operation and shows Version
3.11 under Help/About Print Manager. For best performance with the DocuMatch system, set the
Printing Priority to High. In the 3.11 version make this selection from the Print Manager’s Options/Background Printing screen. In the 3.1 version make the selection directly on the Options menu.
You can also select the default printer and connections from within Print Manager if you have it turned on.
Using Background Printing
If you are using Microsoft Word with Print Manager en­abled, you can have control returned to your PC even faster if you turn on Background Printing. To do so:
1. Choose the Print tab under Tools/Options.
2. Select Background Printing.
NOTE: DO NOT use background printing if you are using Microsoft Word 97.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Print Manager and Timeouts for Windows 3.1 Users, continued
Setting Timeouts
You may want to extend printer timeouts to avoid spurious “busy” and “off-line” messages from the DocuMatch system. The Windows Control Panel settings affect timeouts only when Print Manager is running. If Print Manager is off, follow this procedure to extend timeouts:
1. The driver installation process normally sets the default timeout to 300 seconds. To adjust the timeout, use a text editor or SYSEDIT to modify the WIN.INI file. This is normally in the WINDOWS directory. Make a backup copy of WIN.INI before making changes.
2. Open WIN.INI and find the “DeviceNotSelectedTimeout=“ line. This tells Windows how many seconds to wait before it shows an error message if the system is off-line. (The timeout is usually caused by pausing, Verify Setup, a jam or supply-out condition).
A good setting is about 300. (The default is 15, but driver installation automatically extends it to 300.)
3. Find the “TransmissionRetryTimeout=” line. This tells Windows how many seconds to wait if the system is not accepting data because it is busy.
Because of the complexity of the DocuMatch system, also set this value to about 300. (The default is 45 but driver installation automatically extends it to 300.)
4. Restart Windows to make these changes to take effect.
12 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows
Importing Data
Word supports a variety of file formats for merge data, including the following:
Access, dBase, Foxpro, and Paradox data base for­mats
Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel Spreadsheets
A variety of word processors
Delimited ASCII text
The converters are not always installed when you install Word, so if the one you need is missing, rerun the Word or Microsoft Office Install program. It will tell you what is installed and what other options are available. You can also get other converters from Microsoft’s Web site or through online services like America Online.
The internal error handling in the converters is sometimes not very good. For example, if your machine does not have the dBase converter installed and you try to open a docu­ment that was created on another machine to merge with a dBase file, Word may exit with a General Protection Fault or other error message and offer no further explanation.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
In the Office 97 Small Business Edition, Word Stand-alone version, Microsoft Home Essentials, and perhaps other versions of Office 97, the Data Access options are in the Value Pack section of the Install. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q180120 for further details.
If your merge data is in an ASCII file from another system or application which is not supported directly by Word, you must define the format of the file so Word can tell where the fields and records begin and end.
The first step is to find out exactly what character(s) are used to mark field and record boundaries in your data
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows, continued
file. For example, one common format is to enclose the field data in double quotes, separate fields with com­mas, and mark the end of each record with a carriage return/line feed pair. You may be able to find out the format of your data from the supplier of the data or the other application, or if necessary, you can use Word, Notepad, or a text editor or file-dumping utility to analyze the data.
Make sure there are no control characters such as escape sequences in the merge data. These can inter­fere with the formatting of your file when you perform the merge.
Also check to make sure there are no blank lines or extraneous characters at the end of the file. This will generate errors on the last record when you do the merge.
A word of caution: many text editors (such as the DOS EDIT program) change the control characters in a file without warning: tabs may be converted to spaces, linefeeds to carriage return/linefeeds, etc. You can use these to examine files, but be very careful about making changes or saving over original copies.
In Word for Windows Version 6, there are some limitations on the format of text files which are outlined on pages 682­3 of the Microsoft Word Users Guide. If the field data is enclosed in quotes, make sure the file is saved as a text file and not a Word document, because Word’s “smart quote” characters are not recognized as quotation marks for merging.
In Word 97, the converter for TXT files assumes that the file is comma delimited. If your file uses a different delimiter, such as TAB, you may need to rename the file with an extension other than TXT, or open it in Word and save it as
14 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows, continued
a DOC file before Word will accept it as a data source. To set up the merge and define the data file:
1. Choose Tools/Mail Merge from Word’s menu bar. This brings up the Mail Merge Helper. Follow Step 1 to create a Form Letter main document, then choose Get Data. If the first record of your data file does not con­tain the names of the fields, choose Header Options to define them.
2. Now choose Open Data Source to specify the merge file. Check the Confirm Conversions box to verify that Word is using the expected conversion routine.
Using the Mail Merge Toolbar
3. Choose Text Files in the Confirm Data Source dialog. Word checks the file to determine its format and if necessary displays a dialog for you to verify the delimit­ers.
Once the data source has been opened, you can proceed to add the merge fields to your document. This is done using the Insert Merge Field button on the Mail Merge toolbar. To see what your document will look like after merging, click the button marked ABC on the toolbar. You can use the arrow keys on the toolbar to check the appear­ance of different documents. You can also go to a particu­lar record by entering its number on the toolbar. To find a particular record in the data base, click on the button with the binoculars and specify the field to search and the data to look for.
When your document is set up, you can do a trial merge by clicking the Check for Errors button (with the document and check mark on it) in the Mail Merge toolbar. This will run through all your data and notify you of any improperly formatted records.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows, continued
If the trial merge gives errors, use the arrow keys or the number entry on the Mail Merge toolbar to go to the bad record and examine the problem. Usually errors about too many fields in certain records are caused by the field delimiter character appearing inside a field. Errors about too few fields in certain records may be caused by extra blank lines in the merge data. If there are too many or too few fields in all the records, there is probably a mismatch between the header record and the data.
Running the Merge
Once you have the merge set up and the trial merge runs smoothly, you are ready to generate mail. Go to Tools/Mail Merge and click on Merge or click the Mail Merge button (with an arrow and three dots) on the Mail Merge toolbar.
Under Merge To: it is usually best to choose Printer. This will send your job directly to the printer, rather than a new document. On this screen, you can also choose whether to run the whole job or just a range of records. To practice, you can produce just the first 10 mail pieces of the job by choosing 1 to 10 under Records to be Merged. If your job is over about 1,500 records, you may get better perfor­mance by breaking it into sections of about 500 records each.
You will usually want to select Don’t print on blank lines when data fields are empty. With this selection, any blank lines in the middle of your address are skipped, improving the appearance of the result. From this screen, you can also select and sort records to be merged, but this may slow down the merging considerably. When you have made your selections, click on Merge.
This will bring up Word’s Print screen. Check that Pitney Bowes DocuMatch is selected as the printer. If it is not, select it.
16 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows, continued
From the main Print screen, you can select printing choices by clicking on Options. Do not check Reverse Print Order when you are generating mail. For information on using Background Printing, see Print Manager and Timeout Notes starting on page 10.
Back on the main Print screen, always set Copies to 1 and Print Range set to All when you are generating mail. You can also select Print to File and the print job will be sent to the file name you specify rather than the printer. This is convenient for experimenting, since it will work even if you do not have a DocuMatch connected to your system. See Printing to a File on page 44 for more information.
Click on Properties (or in Word 6, Printer, and then on Options) to call up the DocuMatch Setup screen. It is usually best to leave “Display this screen on every print job” unchecked. If you select this option, the Setup screen displays automatically at the start of each job, allowing you to make changes to the job settings. This may be conve­nient, but certain changes, such as fonts used on enve­lopes, do not take effect until the following job, which can be confusing.
At this point, you can make your selections for the job as described in Selecting DocuMatch Driver Options on page
When you have made the selections and clicked on OK, the job will start to run. If Print Manager is turned off (see Print Manager and Timeout Notes on page 10), the DocuMatch should start printing envelopes almost immedi­ately. If you are running Windows 3.1 and Print Manager is turned on, or if you are running Windows 95 and you have selected “Start printing after last page is spooled”, printing will not start until the whole job has been processed.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up and Running Merges with MS Word for Windows, continued
Address Detection Errors
Address Detection Error messages mean that the driver was not able to find an address to print on your envelope. This often happens when the number of pages specified in the driver does not match the number of pages in your document.
Address detection errors can also occur if some docu­ments flow onto an additional page. The record number for the address detection error will be one more than the record that caused the problem. Use the ABC button and the record number entry on the Mail Merge toolbar to go to the problem record and see what is wrong. Sometimes adjusting margins or font sizes, or removing extra blank lines will make all the documents fit on the same number of pages.
If you are using search mode in the driver to locate ad­dresses, missing ZIP Codes or international addresses will cause address detection errors. See Address Detection Options in Selecting DocuMatch Driver Options on page 33 for more information on specifying how the driver should search for addresses.
18 DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows
WordPerfect supports a variety of file formats for merge data, including these:
Access, dBase, Foxpro, and Paradox database formats
Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel Spreadsheets
Many word processors
Delimited ASCII text
All the file format converters are not necessarily installed when the word processing application is. If a necessary converter is missing, rerun the install program. The pro­gram tells you what program components are installed and what other options are available. You can get other converters from WordPerfect Customer Support or through online services such as CompuServe or America Online.
If your merge data is in an ASCII file from another system or application not supported directly by WordPerfect, you must define the format of the file so WordPerfect can tell where the fields and records begin and end.
The first step is to find out exactly what character(s) are used to mark field and record boundaries in the data file. For example, one common format encloses the field data in double quotes, separates fields with commas, and marks the end of each record with a carriage return/line feed pair. You may be able to find out the format of the data from the supplier of the data or the other application, or if necessary you can use a file-dumping utility to analyze the data.
Make sure there are no control characters such as escape sequences in the merge data. These can interfere with the file formatting during the merge. Also check to make sure there are no blank lines or extraneous characters at the end of the file. These generate errors on the last record when the merge is performed.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows, continued
CAUTION: Many text editors (such as the DOS EDIT
program) change control characters in a file without warn­ing. They may convert tabs to spaces, linefeeds to carriage return/linefeeds, and so on. You or the customer can use a text editor to examine files, but be very careful about making changes or saving over original copies.
Importing ASCII Data into WordPerfect Version 6.0
1. Select File/Preferences.
2. Double-click on Import to bring up the Import Prefer­ences box.
3. Enter the delimiters in this box. In the case of a comma-delimited field, place a comma in the Field Delimiter entry box. To define carriage return and linefeed as the record delimiters, click on the arrow to the right of the entry box and select Carriage Return, then click again and select Line Feed. The entry box will show [CR][LF]. A double quote in the Encapsulated box indicates that the field data is surrounded by double quotes.
4. When the definitions are done, check the selections as follows:
a. Select Tools/Merge and then click on Form. b. If the Create Merge File dialog appears, choose
New Document Window.
c. When the Create Form File box appears, enter the
d. You will see a blank document with WordPerfect’s
e. This brings up the Convert File Format dialog.
If everything worked, you will see a new document window with a FIELDNAMES section at the top. This has a number
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name of the merge file.
Merge button bar at the top. Click on Go to Data.
Select ASCII (DOS) Delimited Text.
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows, continued
for each field in your data file. Following that is a section for each record with an ENDFIELD at the end of each item of field data. Check to make sure the data is correct. If the last record is missing, its record terminator may be missing from the original file. You can now return to the document window with the merge bar and start adding the fields to the document.
Importing ASCII Data into WordPerfect Version 6.1
1. Select Edit/Preferences.
2. Double-click on Convert to bring up the Convert Prefer­ences dialog. The delimiters and encapsulation charac­ters are defined as in Version 6.0.
3. After closing the Convert Preferences dialog, open the data file using File/Open. This brings up the Convert File Format dialog.
4. Choose ASCII (DOS) Delimited Text. You'll see the Import Data dialog box. Specify the data type as ASCII Delimited Text and next to Import As: choose Merge Data File.
5. Check that the file name and delimiters are correct, then click on OK. This converts the data into a merge data file which is displayed in the active window. Check it as described above, save it, and you are ready to do the merge.
If the converted data file does not have a FIELDNAMES section at the top, you can add one at this time. If you do not add a FIELDNAMES section, you must refer to the fields by number in your main document.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
To add the FIELDNAMES to the converted data file in the active window:
1. Select Tools/Merge and click on Data.
2. Select Use File in Active Window.
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows, continued
3.Answer Yes to Do you want to create new field names.
4.Enter the names of the fields in your data base, clicking on Add after each name and OK when done
5.The Quick Data Entry dialog displays. Check that the field names and corresponding data are correct.
6.Click on Close when done.
7 Answer Yes to Save to disk and choose a new name for
the converted file. WordPerfect’s default extension for data files is DAT.
At this point, you can click on Go to Form and proceed to create your letter.
Accessing Database Files from WordPerfect
If your data is in a database format such as Dbase, there is a more direct procedure you can use to set up the data as a merge file.
1.Click on Insert, Spreadsheet/Database, Import.
2.Click next to Data Type for a list of the supported database formats. If yours is not on the list, you may be able to add it by installing the appropriate converter from your installation disks.
3.Next to Import as: choose Merge data file.
4.Click on the folder button next to Filename: and select your file.
5.Click on OK. A list of the fields in your database ap­pears. If you only want to import certain fields, you can select them on this list. By default, WordPerfect uses the database field names as the merge fields in your document. If you need to rename them, you can uncheck the box below the list of field names. If you want to select records from the database for merging, you can click on the Query button.
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DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows, continued
6. Click on OK again and the records and fields you have selected will be imported.
7. Save the imported data, then click on Go to Form on the Mail Merge toolbar to create or select your form file.
Running the Merge in WordPerfect 6.1
1. Once your data and form files are set up, click on Merge on the Mail Merge toolbar
2. Click the Merge button, bringing up the Perform Merge dialog.
3. Select your Form (usually Current Document) and Data files if they are not already selected. If you click on Select Records, a dialog will display that lets you choose a range of records to be merged or filter records based on the data in the merge fields.
4. Under Output file you can select New Document or Printer.
If you select New Document, WordPerfect will create a new document which contains the results of the merge. You can then examine the results of the merge and, if all is OK, print the merged document to the DocuMatch system. This is helpful for testing or if you are printing in batches of no more than a few hundred pieces, but can be very time consuming if you are running large batches. It also consumes large amounts of disk space.
DocuMatchTM Integrated Mail System
A better method for large jobs is to select Printer under Output file. With this option selected, WordPerfect sends its output directly to its print spooler rather than creating a new document that must be printed separately. However, if you are using this option, you should add a hard page break (Ctrl-Enter) at the end of the last page of your letter. Make sure there are no blank lines (Enters) after the page break. Then click on Options in the Perform Merge dialog and deselect Separate each Merged Document with a
DocuMatch Application Notes
Setting Up Files for Merging with WordPerfect for Windows, continued
Page Break. If you do not do this, the program sends each mail piece to the DocuMatch as a separate job, causing the system to run much slower than it should.
With Printer selected under Output File, WordPerfect still completes the merge before starting to print. Depending on the speed of your computer and the amount of memory you have, this may take several minutes. You may find it more convenient to break the file into sets of several hundred records as described earlier, rather than printing it all at once.
Note that WordPerfect does not reset fonts, margins, etc., to their defaults at the beginning of each document. Thus the format of the second and subsequent documents may not match the first document. To prevent this, choose the fonts and other settings explicitly at the beginning of the master document to make sure they are reset during the merge.
Running the Merge in WordPerfect 7
In WordPerfect 7, do not select "Display this screen on every print job" on the driver set up screen. You must define the job setup before starting the merge.
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