Pitney Bowes DI380 Series, DI425 Series, SI3300, SI3500 Service Manual

DI380/DI425 Series
Document Inserting Systems
(Includes Secap models SI3300/SI3500)
Service Manual
FORM SDT333A (4-06)
The title, copyright and all other proprietary rights in this document are vested in Pitney Bowes Limited and no part of it may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Pitney Bowes Limited.
The document is for the exclusive use of the person to whom it is issued; its contents are condential and must not be disclosed to any
third party or used for any purpose other than in the proper conduct of Pitney Bowes Limited's business and it must be returned to Pitney Bowes Limited immediately upon the person ceasing to be associated with Pitney Bowes Limited.
© Pitney Bowes Limited, 2006
Model and feature availability varies by country. Contact your machine supplier for more information.
This guide covers all models and features. Inclusion within this guide does not guarantee availability of a particular model or feature within your country.
SDT335A MMI Service Manual & Parts List
• Contents
• Contents
1.1 - Purpose ............................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 - Equipment Covered .......................................................................... 1-1
1.3 - Related Publications ......................................................................... 1-1/1-2
1.4 - Contents ........................................................................................... 1-1
1.5 - Safety Summary ............................................................................... 1-2/1-3
1.6 - Equipment Safety ............................................................................. 1-4
2.1 - Material Specication ........................................................................ 2-1/2-3
2.2 - Machine Specication ....................................................................... 2-4
Theory of Operation
3.1 - Introduction- To System Theory ........................................................ 3-1
3.2 - Single Sheet Feeder Mode & Linked Feeder Mode........................... 3-2
Flow Diagram- Single Sheet Feeder Mode ............................. 3-3
3.3 - Insert Feeder Mode ........................................................................... 3-4
Flow Diagram- Insert Feeder Mode ........................................ 3-5
3.4 - Two Sheet Feeder Mode ................................................................... 3-6
Flow Diagram- Two Sheet Feeder Mode ................................ 3-7
3.5 - Single Sheet Feeder Plus an Insert Mode ........................................ 3-8
Flow Diagram- Single Sheet Feeder Plus an Insert Mode ..... 3-9
3.6 - Two Sheet Feeders Plus an Insert Mode .......................................... 3-10
Flow Diagram- Two Sheet Feeders Plus an Insert Mode ....... 3-11
3.7- The Fold Only Mode .......................................................................... 3-12
Flow Diagram- The Fold Only Mode ....................................... 3-13
3.8 - Accumulation From Main Sheet Feeder ............................................ 3-14
Flow Diagram- Accumulation for Sheet Feeder 1 Mode ......... 3-15
3.9- Double Detect Sensors ..................................................................... 3-16
3.10- AC Motor ........................................................................................... 3-17
Removal & Replacement
4.1 - Removing Covers and P.C.B. ........................................................... 4-1
4.2 - Removal of Jam Access Plate .......................................................... 4-1
4.3 - Removing Sheet Feeder Separator Roller & Pad ............................. 4-2
4.4- Removing Carriage Assembly ........................................................... 4-3
4.5- Removal of Lower Collation Roller .................................................... 4-4
4.6- Removal of Upper Insert Drive Rollers .............................................. 4-5
4.7- Fold Roller Removal/ Replacement ................................................... 4-5/4-6
4.8- Dismantling Insert Feeder (DI380/SI330 Only) .................................. 4-7
4.9- Dismantling Insert Feeder (DI425/SI3500 Only) ................................ 4-8
4.10- Removal of Top Assembly .................................................................. 4-9
4.11- Removal of Envelope Feed Rollers and Separator Pad (DI380/SI330
Only) ................................................................................................... 4-10
ii SDT335A MMI Service Manual & Parts List
• Contents
4.12- Removing Envelope Feeder (DI425/ SI3500 Only) ............................. 4-11
4.13- Removing Envelope Feed Rollers & Separator Pad (DI425/SI3500
Only) .................................................................................................... 4-11
4.14- Removal of Flapper Assembly and Blade ............................................ 4-12
4.15- Removal of the Transport Pivot Plate & Insertion Roller ...................... 4-13
4.16- Removal of Sealer Rollers ................................................................... 4-13
4.17- Removing the Inverter Motor Assembly ............................................... 4-14
4.18- Removal of the Conveyor Transport Belts and Rollers ........................ 4-14/4-15
4.19- Removing Lower Flapper Rollers ......................................................... 4-15/4-16
4.20- Removal of the Lower Envelope Drive Roller ....................................... 4-16
4.21- Removal of the Power Supply Unit and AC Motor ................................ 4-17
5.1 - Envelope Feed Tray Guides (DI380/SI330 Only) .............................. 5-1
5.2 - Envelope Feeder Offset Adjustment (DI425/SI3500 Only) ................ 5-1
5.3 - Envelope Separator Pad Side to Side Adjustment ............................ 5-2
5.4 - Envelope Separator Pad Height (DI380/SI3300 Only) ...................... 5-2
5.5 - Envelope Separator Pad Height (DI425/SI3500 Only) ...................... 5-3
5.6 - Insertion Flipper Actuation Height/ Hold Down Solenoid Adjustment 5-4
5.7- Insertion Hold Down Finger Rest Position ......................................... 5-5
5.8- Transport Pivot Plate End Float ......................................................... 5-5
5.9- Transport Pivot Plate Setting ............................................................. 5-6
5.10- Fold Plates 1 and 2 Offset ................................................................. 5-7
5.11- Nesting Constant ............................................................................... 5-8
5.12- Q Station Adjustments ....................................................................... 5-8/5-10
5.12.1 Alignment 5-8
5.12.2 Q Station Calibration 5-9
5.12.3 Q Station Height 5-10
5.13- Insert Feeder Adjustments ................................................................. 5-11/5-13
5.13.1 Separator Roller Alignment 5-11
5.13.2 Separator Roller Height 5-11/5-12
5.13.3 Separator Pre-Feed Height (DI380/ SI330 Only) 5-13
5.14- Skew Adjustment ............................................................................... 5-14
5.15- Flapper Adjustment ............................................................................ 5-15
6.1 - A Brief Overview of OMR on this system ......................................... 6-1
6.2- OMR Specications .......................................................................... 6-2/6-6
'Standard' OMR Positions Diagram 6-3 'Offset' OMR Positions 6-4 'Swis Offset' OMR Positions 6-5
6.3- OMR Mark Grouping ........................................................................ 6-7
6.3.1 'C' Fold and Double Fold Jobs 6-7
6.3.2 'Z' Fold and Single Fold Jobs 6-7
6.4- Basic OMR ....................................................................................... 6-8
6.5- Benchmark ....................................................................................... 6-8
6.6- Safety ............................................................................................... 6-8
SDT335A MMI Service Manual & Parts List
• Contents
6.7- BOC-(NOT) AND EOC-(NOT) .......................................................... 6-8
6.8- Parity and Other Checks .................................................................. 6-8
6.9- Retime Marks ................................................................................... 6-9
6.10- Allowable Mark Combinations .......................................................... 6-9
6.11- Enhanced OMR ................................................................................ 6-10
6.12- Auto-Batch ........................................................................................ 6-10
6.13- Selective Insertion .......................................................................... 6-10
6.14- Wrap-Around Sequence ................................................................. 6-10
6.15- Wrap Around Sequence Marks ....................................................... 6-11/6-12
6.15.1 Mark Code Interpretation 6-11/6-12
6.16- Enabling the OMR Features ............................................................ 6-12
6.16.1 Basic OMR 6-12
6.16.2 Enhanced OMR 6-12
6.16.3 Switching Off OMR 6-12
6.17- Scanning Template .......................................................................... 6-13
6.18- Procedure for manually setting the sensitivity of the OMR sensors 6-14
Service Menu & Troubleshooting
7.1- Entering the Service Menu ............................................................. 7-1
7.2- Parameters Menu ........................................................................... 7-1/7-5
7.2.1 Final Assembly Number 7-1
7.2.2 Set Default Job 7-2
7.2.3 Set 50/60Hz 7-2
7.2.4 Serial Interface 7-2
7.2.5 View Error Codes 7-2
7.2.6 Set DDD 7-2
7.2.7 Set Service Counter 7-2
7.2.8 Set Out of Material 7-2
7.2.9 Set Nesting Constant 7-2
7.2.10 Calibrate Q Station 7-3
7.2.11 Set Fold Plate Offsets 7-3
7.2.12 Set Env Stop Count 7-3
7.2.13 Set Serial Number 7-3
7.2.14 View Software Revision 7-3
7.2.15 Select OMR Basic Mode 7-3
7.2.16 Select OMR Enhanced 7-3
7.2.17 Basic Wetter Constant 7-3
7.2.18 OMR/ Acc Wetter Constant 7-4
7.2.19 T1 Clutch Release Time 7-4
7.2.20 T2 Envelope Hold Time 7-4
7.2.21 T3 Table Offset 7-4
7.2.22 OMR Offset Feeder 1 7-4
7.2.23 OMR Offset Feeder 2 7-4
7.2.24 Clear Deck Delay 7-5
7.2.25 MMI Stack Limit 7-5
7.3- Service Diagnostics ......................................................................... 7-6/7-9
7.3.1 Test Sensors 7-6
7.3.2 Test UART 7-7
7.3.3 Test D.C. Motors 7-7
7.3.4 Test Solenoids 7-8
iv SDT335A MMI Service Manual & Parts List
• Contents
7.3.5 Test A.C. Motor 7-8
7.3.6 Run Test Cycle 7-8
7.3.7 Test Display 7-8
7.3.8 Test Clutch and A.C. Motor 7-8
7.3.9 Test OMR Sensors 7-8
7.3.10 Test Service Counter 7-8
7.3.11 Test Interlock Relay 7-8
7.3.12 Test DDD Calibration 7-8
7.3.13 Select Board Type 7-9
7.3.14 Test Memory 7-9
7.4- Troubleshooting Charts .................................................................. 7-9
7.4.1 General Information 7-9
7.4.2 Double Detect 7-9
7.5- Fault Finding Charts ....................................................................... 7-10/7-21
Preventive Maintenance
8.1- General Information ....................................................................... 8-1
8.2 - The 100k Service ........................................................................... 8-1
8.3- The 200k Service ........................................................................... 8-2
9.1- Unpack and Check ......................................................................... 9-1
9.2- Operator Training ............................................................................ 9-2
9.3- Supervisor Training ......................................................................... 9-2
10.1- Flow Diagrams ...................................................................................... 10-1
10.2- Component Locations ........................................................................... 10-2
10.3- Switches, Sensors, Motors, Solenoids Test Levels ............................... 10-3/10-6
10.4- PCB Layout ........................................................................................... 10-7
10.5- Drive Belt Routing ................................................................................. 10-8
10.6- Schematic- Insertion/ Moistener/ Exit Areas ......................................... 10-9
10.7- Schematic- Sheet Feeders/ Collation Motor ......................................... 10-10
10.8- Schematic- Fold Plates/ Half Fold ......................................................... 10-11
10.9- Schematic- Envelope Feeder/ AC Hand Crank (Manual Advance) ....... 10-12
10.10- Schematic- P40 Envelope Platform Connector (DI425/SI3500) ........... 10-13
10.11- Schematic- P41 Envelope Platform Motor Connector (DI425/SI3500) 10-13
10.12- Schematic- Insert Feeder ...................................................................... 10-14
10.13- Schematic- Display/ PSU ...................................................................... 10-15
SDT3233A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
Introduction • 1
1 • Introduction
This document provides the information necessary to support the installation and site repair of the DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Inserter.
This manual applies to the sheet feeder, its accessory equipment and the interface kits required for table top system operation.
SDC639 DI380 Operating Guide English SDC640 DI380 Operating Guide German SDC641 DI380 Operating Guide Italian SDC642 DI380 Operating Guide Dutch SDC643 DI380 Operating Guide Norwegian SDC644 DI380 Operating Guide Finnish SDC645 DI380 Operating Guide Swedish SDC646 DI380 Operating Guide Danish SDC647 DI380 Operating Guide Hungarian SDC648 DI380 Operating Guide Portuguese SDC649 DI380 Operating Guide Spanish SDC650 DI380 Operating Guide French (Pitney Bowes Branded) SDC1069 DI380 Operating Guide French (Secap Groupe PB Branded) SDC651 DI380 Operating Guide Polish SDC730 DI380 Operating Guide Czech
SDC652 DI425 Operating Guide English SDC653 DI425 Operating Guide German SDC654 DI425 Operating Guide Italian SDC655 DI425 Operating Guide Dutch SDC656 DI425 Operating Guide Norwegian SDC657 DI425 Operating Guide Finnish SDC658 DI425 Operating Guide Swedish SDC659 DI425 Operating Guide Danish SDC660 DI425 Operating Guide Hungarian SDC661 DI425 Operating Guide Portuguese SDC662 DI425 Operating Guide Spanish SDC663 DI425 Operating Guide French (Pitney Bowes Branded) SDC1078 DI425 Operating Guide French (Secap Groupe PB Branded) SDC664 DI425 Operating Guide Polish SDC731 DI425 Operating Guide Czech
SDC1070 SI3300 Operating Guide Italian SDC1071 SI3300 Operating Guide Dutch SDC1072 SI3300 Operating Guide English SDC1073 SI3300 Operating Guide Danish SDC1074 SI3300 Operating Guide French SDC1075 SI3300 Operating Guide German SDC1076 SI3300 Operating Guide Spanish SDC1077 SI3300 Operating Guide German (Hefter Branded)
1-2 SDT3233A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
1 • Introduction
SDC1079 SI3300 Operating Guide Italian SDC1080 SI3300 Operating Guide Dutch SDC1081 SI3300 Operating Guide English SDC1082 SI3300 Operating Guide Danish SDC1083 SI3300 Operating Guide French SDC1084 SI3300 Operating Guide German SDC1085 SI3300 Operating Guide Spanish SDC1086 SI3300 Operating Guide German (Hefter Branded)
SDT334 DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Parts List
This manual is organised as follows:
Section 1 – Introduces the manual
Section 2 – Lists material and equipment specications
Section 3 – Briey presents the theory of operation
Section 4 – Presents removal and replacement procedures
Section 5 – Gives adjustment procedures
Section 6 – Offers information on the OMR system
Section 7 – Lists troubleshooting procedures
Section 7 – Covers preventive maintenance
Section 8 – Provides installation, setup and check-out instructions
Section 9 – Contains schematics and other diagrams
Warning messages are used throughout this manual to alert you to potentially hazardous conditions. These warnings are explained below.
WARNING — calls attention to improper practices that could cause injury.
CAUTION — calls attention to improper practices that could damage the equipment or the material
being run.
IMPORTANT — calls attention to practices that could adversely affect equipment operation, if
instructions are not followed exactly.
You must familiarise yourself with proper procedures and methods before you install, operate or service the equipment to avoid personal injury or damage to the equipment. If you are responsible for training service personnel or equipment operators, it is incumbent on you to explain safety precautions to your students and encourage safety awareness.
The following is a list of general precautions which cannot be over emphasised:
HIGH VOLTAGE is present at certain points in the equipment. INJURY or DEATH could result if
you fail to observe safety precautions.
Know how to turn off power in the work area and how to summon help in case of emergency.
Do not work on equipment under power unless absolutely necessary.
SDT3233A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
Introduction • 1
When working on a live circuit, use extreme caution. Don’t grasp two sides of a live circuit at the
same time.
Always use the right tools for the job.
Treat every circuit like a gun which may be loaded. It may not be “live”, but be sure. Check with a
neon tester, a voltmeter, or simply unplug the machine.
Use one hand when reaching into a circuit. By keeping one hand free, lethal current is less likely
to pass through vital organs. Observe this rule when connecting or disconnecting plugs or leads,
and when making any adjustments on a live circuit. Don’t underestimate the danger of shock: 1mA
(1/1000 ampere) is uncomfortable; 5 mA (1/200 ampere) is dangerous - the victim may jump back and be injured; 12 mA (1/83 ampere) causes hand muscles to contract - the victim cannot free himself; 24 mA (1/40 ampere) has proven fatal; and 100 mA (1/10 ampere) is likely to be fatal.
Don’t reach into a circuit with metal tools, or while wearing rings or a watch. Even in low voltage
circuits, a metal object can short circuit two terminals.
Don’t bypass safety devices. Three-wire outlets (220/240 VAC) are designed to ground equipment
to make it safe. If a live wire shorts to a grounded frame, the only result is an open fuse. If a live wire shorts to an ungrounded frame, the frame itself becomes hot and potentially dangerous. A fuse is a weak link in a circuit, designed to break down before anything else does. The maximum safe current in a circuit is determined by the designers. Too large a fuse can pass excessive current, damaging expensive equipment. Interlock switches are designed to remove power from
a circuit when an access door, cover or panel is opened. When such a switch is “cheated” or
otherwise disabled, a safety device has been bypassed. If you bypass an interlock for service or diagnostic purposes, use extreme caution.
If you use air pressure to clean a machine, use low pressure (30 psi or less) and use eye protection
(goggles or face masks).
When using solvents or cleaning uids, make sure ventilation is adequate.
Always be sure the equipment is unplugged before you make any attempt to perform the maintenance outlined in this manual. If you must work on a "live" machine, note that line potential is present at the power panel and the motherboard.
CAUTION: DO NOT attempt to adjust key timing parameters in the service menu unless you have been trained and thoroughly understand what you're doing. Otherwise you could damage the equipment.
1-4 SDT3233A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
1 • Introduction
Just by walking around, you yourself may carry a threat to the equipment, in the form of a high voltage electrostatic charge. Your body acts as a giant capacitor which can store large amounts of electricity. Walking across a rug can charge you with several thousand volts, which can discharge in a spark up to an inch long.
Digital equipment can be easily damaged or destroyed by static charges. Microprocessors and other ICs contain tiny transistors not much more than a millionth of an inch across, which operate at 5 to
12 volts. You don’t have to see a spark to ruin an IC — 50 volts is enough. Follow these guidelines to
protect sensitive equipment from static damage:
Ground yourself before reaching into the equipment, or touching any circuit board or other electrical
component. Just touching a doorknob or metal workbench may be enough, but the best guarantee is to turn the machine off but leave it plugged in, and ground yourself on the chassis, which is grounded through the three-wire power cord. If you have access to one, bring a grounding strap and use it.
Be careful of rugs — even a few steps can recharge you. Re-ground yourself whenever you’ve
walked away and returned to the machine. Rugs are a major source of static buildup in the body.
Take greater precautions as the objects you handle get smaller. A board in the machine is better
protected than one which is not plugged in; a chip on a board is better protected than one in your hand.
Stay away from metal conductors. The plastic and resin that chips and boards are made of are much better insulators than metal. It’s most important to keep your hands away from any metal
which contacts the data. In particular, this means the long connector along the bottom of each board, and the pins coming out of the chips. These signal and data lines are directly connected to the fragile inner circuits of the chips. When handling a board, try not to touch the connector; when handling a chip, try not to touch the pins.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
2 • Specifications
2 • Specifications
Sheet Feeders
Minimum sheet size: 127mm Width 127mm Length
Maximum sheet size: 229mm Width 406mm Length
Paper weights: 60g/m2 Minimum (non OMR)
70g/m2 Minimum (OMR) 120g/m2 Maximum
Fold congurations: Material length limits before folding Single fold: 127mm - 315mm
“C” - Letter fold: 150mm - 356mm “Z” - Accordion fold: 201mm - 356mm
Double fold: 305mm - 406mm
Double Document Detector Material range: 60g/m2 (16 lb) Min 120g/m2 (32 lb) Max
Feed tray capacity: DI380/SI3300 - Up to a maximum of 325 sheets of 80g/m
DI425/SI3500 - Up to a maximum of 325 sheets of 80g/m
Manual Feed Mode: Stapled sets up to 5 sheets of 80g/m2 to a maximum total weight of 400g/m2 per set can be processed in the Manual Feed Mode. Only Sheet Feeder number 1 (plus the Insert Feeder if required), can be used for Manual Feed applications. The maximum compressed thickness after folding should not exceed 2mm. Glossy/coated sheets are not recommended.
Fold Type and Overall Thickness Limits
The table below shows the maximum number of sheets that can be accumulated or collated for each fold type, based on different weights of paper.
It is important that jobs exceeding these maximums are NOT programmed into the machine or imposed by OMR code printing and/or OMR selective feed.
The sheet limits above can be used with 1 additional sheet from the Supplementary Feeder plus 1 Insert, only if the total Mail Piece contents are up to a maximum of 2mm total compressed thickness.
For SINGLE Fold ONLY using 60-75g/m2 paper ONLY, up to 10 items can be placed into an envelope. This 10 item maximum INCLUDES any additional sheet from the Supplementary Feeder and/or Insert. The overall maximum compressed thickness of 2mm still applies.
Number of
Paper Weights in g/m
60-80 81-100 101-120
1 C,Z,S,D C,Z,S,D C,Z,S,D
2 C,Z,S,D C,Z,S,D C,Z,S
3 C,Z,S,D C,Z,S C,Z,S
4 C,Z,S C,Z,S
5 C,Z,S
Fold Types: C = C Fold, Z = Z Fold, S = Single Fold, D = Double Fold
2-2 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
2 • Specifications
Insert Feeder
Minimum Insert size: 127mm Width 82mm Length
Maximum Insert size: 230mm Width 152mm Length
Paper Weights: 75g/m2 Minimum (non-folded cut sheet)
180g/m2 Maximum (Single Sheet) 60g/m2 Minimum (folded material) And Inserts of up to a maximum compressed thickness of 2mm.
Pre-folded or single panel Inserts should be fed from the Insert Feeder.
Double Document Detector Material range: 60g/m2 Minimum 120g/m2 Maximum
Feed tray capacity: DI380/SI3300 - Up to a maximum of 100 Inserts
DI425/SI3500 - Up to a maximum of 300 Inserts
The machine can seal up to a maximum of 1200 envelopes between rells.
The envelope Stacker can accommodate up to 150 lled envelopes. (Dependent on size and
contents of the envelope).
Material Requirements
For best performance, use only materials approved by Pitney Bowes.
Materials should be good quality and properly stored.
Recommended storage conditions: 18°C (65°F) to 25°C (77°F) 40% to 60% relative humidity
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
2 • Specifications
Envelope Feeder
Minimum envelope size: 88mm Depth
220mm Width
Maximum envelope size: 164mm Depth 242mm Width
Envelope weights: 65g/m2 Minimum 100g/m2 Maximum
Envelope tray capacity: DI380/SI3300 - Up to a maximum of 100 90g/m2 envelopes
DI425/SI3500 - Up to a maximum of 300 90g/m2 envelopes
End Clearance: End clearance between the Insert and envelope is a minimum of 6mm at each side i.e. a minimum of 12mm overall. This measurement should be taken with all Mail Piece contents placed into the envelope.
Depth Clearance: The Mail Piece Contents must allow a minimum clearance of 3mm for unfolded inserts, and 6mm for folded material,
below the ap crease after being fully inserted into the
Envelope ap and throat requirements:
Min 25.5mm Max 63mm
Min 6mm
Max 41mm
Min 1.6mm Max 6mm throat depth at 19mm in from edge of envelope
Closed ap tip should not
come closer than
44mm to bottom
of envelope
2-4 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
2 • Specifications
Physical Dimensions DI380/SI3300 DI425/SI3500
Length 773mm 1043mm Depth 568mm 568mm Height 525mm 525mm Weight 55kg 65kg
Weight will depend on machine conguration. Weights stated do not include material.
Noise Level
Running 73dBA
Electrical 230VAC, 50Hz, 3A or 110VAC, 60Hz, 6A
Maximum Speed DI380/SI3300 - Up to a maximum of 3,000 cycles per hour
DI425/SI3500 - Up to a maximum of 3,500 cycles per hour
Depending on model, fold type and material quality.
Compliance It is certied that the Folding/Inserting machine complies with the
requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC
Directive 89/336/EEC. The product was tested in a typical conguration.
For a formal Declaration of Conformity please contact Compliance Engineering on +44 (0)1279 426731.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
3 • Theory of Operation
Before any job commences, it is assumed that all the appropriate trays are lled to complete
the sequences described below.
Please refer to relevant diagrams in Section 10- Diagrams
The DI380/SI3300 and DI425/SI3500 are low volume easy to use Folding/Inserting machines, each available in 3 variants (1, 2 and 3 station machines).
The sheet feeder(s) have self centring guides and automatic separation based on photo copier technology. Therefore the documents do not require shingling before the they are presented to the separator roller and pad. The sheet feeders have a sprung lift plate that lifts the weight of the documents up to the separator roller to ensure only a single document is fed.
The insert feeder has a more traditional type of separation, by means of a manual height adjustment and a stone/shield setting that is operator settable. This is to enable diverse material to be processed through the insert feeder.
The envelope feeder will automatically separate a stack of envelopes to ensure only a single envelope is fed. The separator height is set by the engineer.
When the Start button is pressed, a single sheet is fed into the paper path and driven into fold plate
1. When the sheet reaches the deector stop, the paper is buckled. This buckled edge is then pulled through fold rollers 2 and 3 which creates the rst fold. It then enters fold plate 2 until it reaches the deector stop, where the sheet is buckled again. The edge is pulled into fold rollers 3 and 4, creating the second fold. At this stage, if an insert is programmed as part of the job, the insert will ‘red’ into the
waiting document.
The envelopes are fed aps up and trailing through the apper unit where the envelope ap is peeled
away from the body of the envelope.The envelope then passes through to the Q station area where it
is stopped. The ap of the envelope is held back by the brush. The envelope is opened when the ipper ngers press down on the back of the envelope and four insertion ngers enter the envelope throat.
The folded sheet (package) at fold rollers 3 and 4, travels through the transport plate rollers and is driven into the waiting envelope by the insert drive rollers. Once the insert fully enters the envelope,
the Q station ngers lift up and the package then travels along to the sealer rollers where moisture is applied to the envelope ap. The body of the envelope is forced up into the inverter stop, this in turns forces the envelope back into the nip of the sealer rollers and presses the ap against the body of the
The envelope activates the exit switch as it passes the exit rollers and increments the counter by one.
3-2 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed, the sheet feeder motor (M1) is switched on. This feeds a sheet over the Double Document Detector (DDD1) sensor and stops it, after a counted delay, in the collation nip. This results in the sheet being slightly over driven.
At the same time, the envelope motor (M9) is switched on and an envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller. When the lead edge of the envelope moves forward to the envelope sensor (S1), the software sends the signal to turn on the collation motor (M5). The transported envelope stops in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
The next sheet fed from the sheet feeder is triggered by the previous sheet fed entering the fold plate
2 sensor OP14. When the folded sheet enters onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the folded sheet is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to
its home position.
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting the
brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5). It will then de-energize the hold down solenoid (L2), insertion solenoid (L1), and the shoe horn solenoid (L3).
The envelope is then driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope is fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will increment by
a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope then enters the inverter area and nally exits into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
In normal run mode, if no material has been detected at the Double Document Detection sensor, the sheet feeder motor (M1) will time-out after approximately 2 seconds. This is to clean the separator roller and pad. In 'daily mail' (manual feed) mode, this time is increased to approximately 20 seconds for operator loading. The manual feed lever opens the gap between the separator roll and pad.
In switchable mode, the software will activate sheet feeder 2 automatically if the tray empty sensor (OP9) detects that no paper is present in sheet feeder 1 when the document has entered fold plate 2 (OP14).
The software will then switch back to running sheet feeder 1 when the sheet feeder 2 tray empty sensor (OP10) detects that no paper is present in sheet feeder 2 when the document has entered fold plate 2 (OP14).
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Single Sheet Feeder Mode
Sheet Feeder
Motor M1 (OP9)
Sheet Feeder
DDD 1 Sensor
Collation Motor
Fold Plate 2
Sensor OP14
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Finger Solenoid L4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Mechanical Item
Counter) S4
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Sheet Feeder
Motor M2 (OP10)
Sheet Feeder
DDD 2 Sensor
3-4 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed, two motors control the transport of the insert. The insert pre-feeder motor (M3) is energized and feeds a single insert past the Double Document Detection (DDD3) sensor. If a double is detected, the machine will stop and the double insert symbol will be indicated on the control panel. If no double is detected, the insert will continue to the insert collation area and stop.
At the same time, the envelope motor (M9) is energized. An envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller.
The transported envelope will stop in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
When the shoe horn solenoid is energized, the software sends a signal to operate the insert collation motor (M4). This will trigger the next insert to be fed into the collation insert area.
When the insert enters onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the insert is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to its home position.
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting the
brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5). It will then de-energize the hold down solenoid (L2), insertion solenoid (L1), and the shoe horn solenoid (L3).
The envelope will then be driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope will be fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will increment by a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope will then enter the inverter area and then exit into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Insert Feeder Mode
Insert Pre-Feed
Motor M3
DDD 3 Sensor
Insert Collation Motor
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Hold Down Solenoid
Insertion Solenoid L1
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Mechanical Item
Counter) S4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Finger Solenoid L4
3-6 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed, the sheet feeder motor (M1) is switched on. This feeds a sheet over the Double Document Detector (DDD1) sensor. This triggers sheet feeder motor (M2) to feed a sheet up to the Double Document Detector (DDD2). Both sheets stop, after a counted delay, in the collation nip. This results in the sheets being slightly over driven.
At the same time, the envelope motor (M9) is switched on and an envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller. When the lead edge of the envelope moves forward to the envelope sensor (S1), the software sends the signal to turn on the collation motor (M5). The transported envelope will stop in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
The next sheet fed from the sheet feeder 1 is triggered by the previous sheet fed entering the fold plate
2 sensor OP14. When the folded sheet enters onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the folded sheet is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to
its home position.
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting the
brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5). It will then de-energize the hold down solenoid (L2), insertion solenoid (L1), and the shoe horn solenoid (L3).
The envelope is then driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope is fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will increment by
a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope then enters the inverter area and nally exits into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Two Sheet Feeder Mode
Sheet Feeder
Motor M1
Sheet Feeder
DDD 1 Sensor
Collation Motor
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Hold Down Solenoid
Insertion Solenoid L1
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Mechanical Item
Counter) S4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Sheet Feeder
Motor M2
Sheet Feeder
DDD 2 Sensor
Fold Plate 2
Sensor OP14
Finger Solenoid L4
3-8 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed two motors control the transport of the insert. The insert pre-feeder motor (M3) is energized and feeds a single insert past the Double Document Detection (DDD3) sensor. If a double is detected, the machine will stop and the double insert symbol will be indicated on the control panel. If no double is detected, the insert will continue to the insert collation area and stop.
The sheet feeder motor (M1) triggered by the insert passing through the Double Document Detection and feeds the sheet over the Double Document Detector (DDD1) sensor and stops after a counted delay in the collation nip. This will result in the sheet being slightly over driven.
At the same time the envelope motor (M9) is energized. An envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller.
When the lead edge of the envelope moves forward to the envelope sensor (S1), the software sends the signal to energize the collation motor (M5) to switch on. The transported envelope will stop in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of the envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
When the sheet enters fold plate 2, covering sensor OP14, the software switches on the insert motor (M4) after a timed delay. This delay is the "nesting constant" set in the parameter screen.
The next insert is fed after the rst insert is nested into the folded sheet.
When the folded sheet and insert enter onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the insert is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to its home
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting the
brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5). It will then de-energize the hold down solenoid (L2), insertion solenoid (L1), and the shoe horn solenoid (L3).
The envelope is then driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope is fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will increment by
a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope then enters the inverter area and nally exits into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Single Sheet Feeder Plus an Insert Mode
Sheet Feeder
DDD 1 Sensor
Insert Pre-Feed
Motor M3
Insert Feeder
DDD 3 Sensor
Collation Motor
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Hold Down Solenoid
Insertion Solenoid L1
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Mechanical Item
Counter) S4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Sheet Feeder
Motor M1
Fold Plate 2
Sensor OP14
Insert Motor
Finger Solenoid L4
3-10 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed. The insert pre-feeder motor (M3) is energized and feeds a single insert past the Double Document Detection (DDD3) sensor. If a double is detected, the machine will stop and the double insert symbol will be indicated on the control panel. If no double is detected, motor (M4) will energies and will feed the insert into to the insert collation area and stop.
The sheet feeder motor (M1) is triggered by the insert passing through the Double Document Detection (DDD3), feeds the sheet over the Double Document Detector (DDD1). The Double Document Detector (DDD1) triggers sheet feeder motor (M2) to feed the sheet through the Double Document Detector (DDD2), both sheets stop, after a counted delay, in the collation nip. This will result in the sheets being slightly over driven.
At the same time, the envelope motor (M9) is energized. An envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller.
When the lead edge of the envelope moves forward to the envelope sensor (S1), the software sends the signal to energize the collation motor (M5).
The transported envelope will stop in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
When the sheet enters fold plate 2, covering sensor OP14, the software switches on the insert motor (M4) after a timed delay. This delay is the "nesting constant" set in the parameter screen.
The next insert is fed after the rst insert is nested into the folded sheets.
When the folded sheets and insert enter onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the insert is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to its home
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting the
brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5). It will then de-energize the hold down solenoid (L2), insertion solenoid (L1), and the shoe horn solenoid (L3).
The envelope is then driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope is fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will increment by
a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope then enters the inverter area and nally exits into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Two Sheet Feeders Plus an Insert Mode
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Insert Pre-Feed
Motor M3
Insert Feeder
DDD 3 Sensor
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Hold Down Solenoid
Insertion Solenoid L1
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Mechanical Item
Counter) S4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Insert Motor
Finger Solenoid L4
Sheet Feeder
Motor M1
Sheet Feeder
DDD 1 Sensor
Collation Motor
Sheet Feeder
Motor M2
Sheet Feeder
DDD 2 Sensor
Fold Plate 2
Sensor OP14
3-12 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
When the start button is pressed, the sheet feeder motor (M1) is switched on. This feeds a sheet over the Double Document Detector (DDD1) sensor. The sheet stops, after a counted delay, in the collation nip. This results in the sheet being slightly over driven.
The software disables the envelope motor (M9) and envelope sensor (S1) and sends the signal to turn on the collation motor (M5).
The next sheet fed from the sheet feeder will be triggered by the previous sheet fed entering the fold
plate 2 sensor OP14. When the folded sheet enters onto the pivot plate, this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). The pivot plate moves backwards and returns the ag to its home position.
This operation triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and lifting
the brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5).
The document is then driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next document is fed when the lead edge of the document pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will
increment by a count of 1 for the EIU). The document then enters the inverter area and nally exits
into the stacker.
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - The Fold Only Mode
Sheet Feeder
Motor M1
Sheet Feeder
DDD 1 Sensor
Collation Motor
Fold Plate 2
Sensor OP14
Transport Pivot
Sensor OP5
Finger Solenoid L4
Sealer Solenoid L5
Moistener Sensor
(Software Counter) S3
Exit Sensor
(Machanical Item
Counter) S4
First cycle does not stop at the collation
3-14 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
After a trial piece has been processed and the start button is pressed, the sheet feeder motor (M1) is switched on. This feeds a sheet over the Double Document Detector (DD1) sensor and stops it, after a counted delay, in the collation nip. This results in the sheet being slightly over driven.
At the same time, the envelope motor (M9) is switched on and an envelope is fed through the separator pad and roller. When the lead edge of the envelope moves forward to the envelope sensor (S1), the software sends the signal to turn on the collation motor (M5). The transported envelope stops in the insertion area at a predetermined time according to the size of envelope programmed within the job setup.
The insertion solenoid (L1) energizes, followed by the hold down solenoid (L2), and nally, by the shoe
horn solenoid (L3).
Depending on fold type the sheet will be fed through the fold rollers and fold plates.
The folded sheet enters onto the pivot plate this moves the ag out of sensor (OP5). When the folded sheet is fully inserted, the pivot plate moves backwards returning the ag to its home position this de-
energizes the hold down solenoid (L2) and the shoe horn solenoid (L3) L3 energizes again placing the shoe horn back into the envelope lifting the previous folded documents up.
The software sends the signal to turn on the collation motor (M5) sending the next sheet down through the fold rollers and fold plates onto the pivot plate. This happens until the predetermined sheets are inserted into the envelope. After the last document has entered the envelope the pivot plate moves the
ag out of the sensor (OP5).
This operation then triggers the software to energize the nger solenoid (L4), lifting the ngers and
lifting the brush of the sealer by energizing solenoid (L5) and the insertion solenoid (L1). The shoe horn at this point stays energized until the package passes the moistener sensor (S3).
The envelope is driven from the insertion area into the sealer area. The next envelope is fed when the lead edge of the envelope pushes the moistener sensor (S3) forward (the software will be Incremented
by a count of 1 for the EIU). The envelope then enters the inverter area and nally exits into the
The exit sensor (S4) will increment the mechanical counter (located behind the manual advance knob door) by 1.
In normal run mode, if no material has been detected at the Double Document Detection sensor, the sheet feeder motor (M1) will time-out after approximately 2 seconds. This is to clean the separator roller and pad. In 'daily mail' (manual feed) mode, this time is increased to approximately 20 seconds for operator loading. The manual feed lever opens the gap between the separator roll and pad.
This sequence is shown in ow chart form on the following page.
SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
Flow Diagram - Accumulation for Sheet Feeder 1 Mode
Envelope Motor M9
Envelope Sensor S1
Insertion Solenoid L1
Insertion Solenoid L1
Hold Down Solenoid
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Finger Solenoid L4
Sealer Solenoid L 5
Shoe Horn Solenoid
Lead Edge Sensor S2
Transport Pivot Plate
Sensor OP5
Moistener Sensor S3
(Software Counter)
Sheet Feeder DDD 1
Exit Sensor S 4
(Mechanical Item
Collation Motor M5
Sheet Feeder Motor
M1 (OP9)
Fold Plate 2 Sensor
3-16 SDT333A DI380/DI425/SI3300/SI3500 Service Manual
3 • Theory of Operation
only adjustable in the service parameters screen and are not operator selectable. This is to allow the
engineer to choose different detection reference points to suit the customer’s application.
Sheet Feeder 1 and Sheet Feeder 2 have three positions available: LEAD, MIDDLE and TRAIL. The Insert feeder has only the one option: LEAD.
The Detection sensors work on an LED emmiting through the thickness of the paper onto a Opto
detector. The double detection takes 14 reference points in a 22mm window. There are 7 “High” and 7 “Low”. From these readings, the software will take 7 relevant readings. The sensor is positioned 50mm
to the left of the centre line.
On the LEAD position, the double detection will start reading at approximately 22mm from the lead edge of the document in the direction of feed. When a double is detected, the machine will stop and the document will be in the collation nip area. The machine will indicate which feeder the double has been fed from on the control panel.
On the MIDDLE position (not available on the inser t feede r) th e dou ble detection will start halfway down the
document. This is taken from the “length of paper” entered in the “Job Set Up Menu”. When a double is detected, the
machine will stop and the document will be in the insertion area. The machine will indicate which feeder the double has been fed from on the control panel.
On the TRAIL position (not available on the insert feeder) the double detection will start approximately 45mm from the trail edge of the document in the direction of feed. This is taken from the
“length of paper” entered in the “Job Set Up Menu”. When a double is detected,
the machine will stop with the document inserted and fed into the stacker area.
The machine will display “Double Check Stacker” and also indicate which feeder
the double was fed from on the control panel.
DDD Scan Areas
centre line
centre line
+ 92 hidden pages