Pioneer PRV-LX1, PRA-DW11, PRA-BD11, PRA-BD12, microGENUS HE 28 MFFI Supplementary Manual

July 1, 2007
Dear Valued Customer:
Pioneer wishes to inform you of a change in our Industrial Video product line. After nearly three years as the reference standard for industrial DVD recorders, Pioneer will discontinue sale of the PRV-LX1 and its accessories.
Based on current forecasts, we anticipate, but cannot guarantee, that supply will be available for the next two months. Parts and service for the PRV-LX1 will continue to be available for three years from the date of this announcement. The standard one-year warranty period applies to all new product purchases
Please don’t hesitate to call with any questions or concerns at 570-402-2985.
Best regards,
Linda S. Toleno Vice President-Direct Account Sales Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.