Installation and Operating Instructions
Plastic encased safety interlocking switch
PSEN me2/PSEN me3
Intended use
The plastic encased safety switches PSEN me2 and PSEN me3 with separate actuator are suitable for the
mounting on safety guards. They are designated to trigger switching operations in control circuits.
If the safety guard is opened the contact(s) with forced disconnection will break the safety control circuit (safety
contacts get opened).
Safety instructions
Improper installation or manipulation of the safety switch renders the personal protection function useless and can
cause serious injury or accidental death.
In order to maintain the maximum level of safety, always order and use actuators together with the correct safety switches.
Dimensions [mm]
cylindrical screw
M5 DIN 91 2
Document: 0800000423 / Version: 2 / 2518-05
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, D-73760 Ostfildern, Deutschland
Phone: +49 711 3409-0, Fax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: techsupport@pilz.de, www.pilz.com
Ø5,5 fixed position
for safety ap plication
Date of issue: 05.07.2005 / Page 7 of 12
Template: 0850174292 Orig. 2

Installation and Operating Instructions
Actuating forces :
10 N – 100 N
protective cover
The protective cover must
be latched onto the actuator
after mounting. The protective cover prevents the
actuator from being easily dismantled and also provides
protection against overtravel of the actuator in case of
not proper installed mechanical end stops for the guard.
Actuating forces :
10 N and 30 N
Rmin. in adjusting direction 50 mm
Rmin. in adjusting
direction 50 mm
Minimum radii reference to a point of rotation on
enclosure top edge S
Minimum radii reference to a point of rotation on
enclosure top edge S
Mounting dimension for all actuators: 40 mm with M5- screws acc. DIN 912!
Installation by trained and qualified personnel only!
To mount the switch gear 2 screws M5 shall be used.
Actuator PSEN me2AS and PSEN me2AR:
The user shall make sure that the actuator is form-fit mounted. The actuator mounting should not be solvable with
simple tools. The mounting requires 2 screws M5 acc. DIN 912.
The switch and the actuator shall be aligned during installation in such a way that the maximum permitted
misalignment with closed safety guard, which is stated in the drawing, will not be exceeded. The actuator PSEN
me2AR has to be adjusted in such a way that the actuator can be inserted into the switch head without significant
lateral forces.
The mounting position is any desired but shall support inspection and replacement if necessary by qualified
personnel. Choose such a mounting position that no foreign parts seep into the opening of the actuating device.
The rated degree of protection (IP-Code) of the switch applies only with closed cover lid and when an at least evenly
matched cable gland with adequate cable is used.
The switches shall not be used as mechanical end stops.
Document: 0800000423 / Version: 2 / 2518-05
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Sichere Automation, Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, D-73760 Ostfildern, Deutschland
Phone: +49 711 3409-0, Fax: +49 711 3409-133, E-Mail: techsupport@pilz.de, www.pilz.com
Date of issue: 05.07.2005 / Page 8 of 12
Template: 0850174292 Orig. 2