System 9765 is a full-featured video matrix switching control system that allows users to view and control up to 2,048 cameras and 512 monitors
on a single node.
System 9765 has the following basic components:
•CM9700-CC1—This is the system CPU; connect matrix bays, keyboards, PTZ camera control lines, and peripheral devices to the CC1.
•CM9765-MXB—This is the video matrix (switching) bay with video input/output modules; connect cameras, monitors, VCRs, and other
video input and output devices to the MXB.
•CM9760-KBD—This is the system keyboard, providing operator control of System 9765.
•CM9700-MGR installed on an external PC—This is the system management software providing an easy method of system setup and
In addition to the basic components, you can also use peripheral CM9760 equipment in a System 9765, such as KBD300A keyboards (an alternate
keyboard for operator control), MDA units, ALM units, REL units, Genex
multiplexers, and Pelco VCRs.
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Controller and CPU Components
CM9700-CC1CPU controller; 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
CM9700-SERSerial communication card (RS-422 SERCOM); provides 8 communications ports to interface peripheral equipment
CM9700-SER-32Port expansion unit; 32 serial communication (SERCOM) ports per unit. Up to three units can be added to a CC1.
•You can use CM9760-CC1/CM9760-NW1 CPUs with System 9765 if the CPU has been updated with software version level 9.01.XXX (note
•Note, however, that software version level 9.01 requires a minimum of 16 MB of RAM in the CPU. If necessary, you can upgrade the RAM
Matrix Bay
CM9765-MXB Video matrix bay equipped with one CM9700-MPS power supply; 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, autoranging.
CM9700-MPS Matrix bay power supply (spare); 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50Hz.
CM9765-DFC Downframe card and cable assembly; connects multiple matrix bays for expansion purposes.
(4 maximum per CPU).
(Check with Pelco Systems Applications Department before adding to an existing CM9700-CC1). Includes
interconnecting cables and adapters for DB9 and RJ-45 connectors. Data interface can be RS-232 or RS-422.
that at this software level the first three digits—9.01 in this case—must be at the same version level in the CPU (CC1 and NW1) and in the
MGR software; the remaining three digits, such as .001 in version level 9.01.001, can vary).
in a CM9760-CC1 using the software upgrade kit appropriate for your CPU. Contact Pelco Technical Support at 1-800-289-9100 or
1-559-292-1981 for additional information.
CM9765-DFL Downframe card and cable assembly with BNC connectors for looping video.
CM9765-VCC Video camera card capable of accepting up to 32 camera inputs; also requires a rear panel card (CM9765-DFC,
CM9765-DFL, or CM9765-RPC).
CM9765-RPC Rear panel video card; provides 32 BNC connectors used to connect camera inputs to matrix bay.
CM9765-VMC Video monitor card providing 16 monitor outputs; requires CM9765-RPM.
CM9765-RPM Rear panel monitor card; provides 16 BNCs to connect monitor outputs to matrix bay; also interfaces video output
signals from video output card.
CM9700-VPP Video patch panel; provides 32 BNC connections for looping video out of system.
CM9700-VPP-RK Optional rack mount designed to hold up to 16 CM9700-VPP patch panels.
Network Interface Unit
CM9700-NW1 Network interface unit; network CPU and software necessary for joining two or more independent systems together.
C1593M (9/09)7
The following keyboards are compatible with System 9765:
Table A.
Keyboard Model
CM9760-KBD: Fullfunction desktop variable-speed keyboard.
100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
CM9760-KBR: Full-function 19-inch EIA rack
mount keyboard (4 RUs).
100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
NOTE: CM9760-KBD software version 8.03 or higher is required.
KBD200A Desktop keyboard with full switching capabilities, plus push-button control of PTZ functions; 12 VAC or ±12 VDC.
(Requires KBDKIT for power.)
KBD300A Desktop keyboard with full switching capabilities, plus joystick control of PTZ functions; 12 VAC or ±12 VDC.
(Requires KBDKIT for power.)
Optional Components
CM9760-ALM Alarm interface unit; connects directly to each system; each unit can monitor up to 64 alarms; up to four units can be
connected in a series from one SERCOM port.
CM9760-CDU-T Code distribution unit; 16-channel RS-422 transmit-only (two data wires and ground) distributor. Primarily used for
wiring up to 16 pan/tilt/zoom receivers in a “star” configuration.
CM9760-CXTA Coaxitron
16 receivers.
CM9760-DMR Data merger and port expander unit; this unit allows multiple CM9700-CC1 units to control multiple pan/tilt/zoom
cameras and allows multiple keyboards to communicate through one CC1 port.
CM9760-DMR-X Same as CM9760-DMR except 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
VMX200 and
VMX300 Series Video management systems; graphical map/icon-based user interface for mouse-driven operator control from
external PC.
CM9760-HS Hot switch interface unit; changeover unit that monitors the status of a primary CC1 in a 9765 system.
CM9760-MDA Master distribution amplifier; inserts master time and date from the CM9700-CC1 and a programmable title of up to
24 characters on 1 to 16 video signals.
CM9760-MDA-X Same as CM9760-MDA except 230 VAC, 50 Hz.
CM9760-REL Relay interface unit; connects directly to each system and provides dry contact switching for direct or automatic
control of peripheral equipment; each unit provides up to 64 SPST contact outputs.
Genex Multiplexers Genex Series MX4009 (9-channel) and MX4016 (16-channel) multiplexers.
translator; generates Coaxitron signals for Pelco Coaxitron receivers; each translator supports up to
CM9760-VCRCCM9760-VCRC Series VCR Controller; VCR control unit capable of controlling 64 VCRs.
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Compatible Receivers
Spectra® Series Spectra dome multiple protocol receiver.
ERD97P21-U Pelco P-protocol receiver.
LRD41C21-1/-2/-3 Legacy
LRD41C22-1/-2/-3 Same as LRD41C21 Series except variable speed receiver.
Esprit® Integrated pan/tilt positioning receiver.
CoaxitronCoaxitron translator allows Coaxitron control of PTZ cameras.
fixed speed receiver with presets.
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1. Unpack and inspect all equipment, and verify delivery according to the packing slip.
Before shipping, Pelco connects, tests, and programs each system according to the individual sales order. Contact Pelco immediately if
there is any discrepancy in the equipment that you receive.
The following items are supplied with the CM9700-CC1:
•1 CM9700-CC1 unit, with front rack ears installed
•1 120 VAC, 60 Hz power cord (USA standard)
•1 230 VAC, 50 Hz power cord (European standard)
•1 Keyboard, PS/2
•1 PS/2-to-AT keyboard adapter
•1 RCA-to-BNC adapter
•CM9700 Resource CD (includes the CM9700-MGR software)
•BNC extraction tool
•4 Rack mount screws, 10-32 x .750-inch, Phillips, pan head with washers
The following items are supplied with the CM9765-MXB:
•1 CM9765-MXB matrix bay, with front rack ears installed
•1 CM9765-MXB mounting baffle, with front and rear rack ears installed
•1 120 VAC, 60 Hz power cord (USA standard)
•1 230 VAC, 50 Hz power cord (European standard)
•1 RJ-45 reversed data cable
•1 Sheet of camera number labels (these can be affixed to the BNC cards to correspond to camera input numbers)
•16 Screws and washers for mounting the bay
NOTE: The appropriate number of CM9765-VCC cards (camera cards), CM9765-VMC cards (monitor cards), and associated rear panels are
added to your system according to your system order.
2. Keep all manuals and cabling with their associated equipment.
3. Locate the following documents:
•System 9765 Port Assignments Sheet. This document contains specific information about your system. All System 9765s are
preprogrammed based on your system order.
•System 9765 manual binder.
10C1593M (9/09)
Install System 9765 in an EIA-standard 19-inch (48.26 cm) racks.
1. Install the CM9765-MXB mounting baffle first (refer to Figure 1).
The mounting baffle uses 1 rack unit (RU), and it has front and rear mounting ears, which are attached to the front and rear mounting racks.
The rear mounting brackets are adjustable to allow for different depths of cabinets.
NOTE: Be sure to use all eight screws provided with the mounting baffle. The mounting baffle must be installed securely to support the
weight of the matrix bay.
The mounting baffle provides the following functions:
•The mounting baffle helps to direct the heat from a lower matrix bay (or other equipment) toward the rear of the mounting baffle,
•The mounting baffle supports the weight of the matrix bay.
•The matrix bay is easier to install when it is sitting on top of the mounting baffle.
instead of allowing the heat to flow up into the matrix bay.
Figure 1. CM9765-MXB Mounting Baffle
2. Install the CM9765-MXB matrix bay on top of the mounting baffle. Refer to Figure 2.
In a single-bay installation, always leave 1 RU of space above the matrix bay for airflow.
In a multiple-bay installation you do not need to leave additional RUs open between units. However, you must always leave 1 RU of space
above the upper bay.
NOTE: Figure 2 illustrates the recommended mounting method. For an alternate, open-rack mounting method, refer to the Mounting the
CM9765-MXB in an Open Rack section in the Appendix.
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Figure 2. Mounting the CM9765-MXB on Top of the Mounting Baffle
(Optional) Install additional CM9765-MXB mounting trays and matrix bays to the side of and below the first unit, as necessary.
WARNING: Always install equipment starting from the bottom of the rack frame or cabinet. Installing equipment from the top down will
make a rack or cabinet top heavy and could cause the equipment to tip over.
NOTE: Each CM9765-MXB has a unique label for identifying the bay location in the installation. This ID information is important in ensuring
correct video and data connections.
3. Use the RJ-45 data cables supplied with each CM9765-MXB to connect the MXBs to the CC1. Refer to the Data Connections section and
the Port Assignments insert (supplied with the System 9765 documentation) for directions on which port to use for each MXB connection.
The CC1 must be located near the CM9765-MXB matrix bays. The maximum distance between the CC1 and the matrix bays should be no more
than 4,000 feet (1,219 m).
The CC1 occupies 4 RUs or 7 inches (17.18 cm) of vertical space in a universal mount. Allow 1 RU of space above the CC1 for air circulation.
To mount the CM9700-CC1 into a standard 19-inch EIA rack follow these instructions and refer to Figure 3:
1. Insert the CM9700-CC1 into the rack.
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2. Tighten the CM9700-CC1 to the rack using the four supplied Phillips screws with washers..
10-32 X 0.750-INCH
Figure 3. Mounting the CM9700-CC1
C1593M (9/09)13
The following steps provide an overview of how to connect video input and output sources. More complete procedures are provided in the
subsequent sections.
NOTE: If your System 9765 is configured by Pelco, the appropriate number of video input cards and monitor output cards and BNC rear
panels are installed at the factory, and steps 1 and 2 are not necessary. If this is the case, skip to Step 3.
1. Install the CM9765-VCC and CM9765-VMC cards in the matrix bay. Refer to the Installing Video Input Cards (CM9765-VCC) section and the
Installing Monitor Output Cards (CM9765-VMC) section in the following pages.
2. Slide the CM9765-RPC and CM9765-RPM BNC rear panels into the appropriate slots from the back of the matrix bay. Refer to the Insert or Replace a Rear Panel Video BNC Card (CM9765-RPC) section and the Insert or Replace a Rear Panel Monitor BNC Card (CM9765-RPM)
section in the following pages.
3. Before you connect any video input or output to the matrix bay, you may want to power up the unit to ensure that the system is operating
properly. Refer to the Performing a Basic LED Check section.
4. Connect video inputs and monitor outputs to the rear panel BNC connectors on the CM9765-MXB matrix bay unit(s).
Installation Tips
•Be sure each connection is secure. For best results, use crimp-on BNCs only. Do not use screw-on BNCs; these typically do not provide
adequate ground and signal connections.
•Label each video input; this can save a considerable amount of troubleshooting time in the future.
•Video output from the CM9765-VMC cards is not terminated. Terminate the video signal at the output device (monitor or VCR). If you are
looping to other devices, unterminate all but the last device.
NOTE: The end point of any video cable run must be terminated in 75 ohms.
Opening the CM9765-MXB Front Cover
To install or remove a video input card, monitor output card, or power supply, you must first open the CM9765-MXB front cover.
1. Loosen the two screws at the top of the CM9765-MXB frame.
2. Pull the front cover towards you. The hinges at the bottom keep the cover attached to the frame.
3. When you are finished working with the interior components, close the cover and tighten the screws at the top of the frame.
NOTE: Although the CM9765-MXB will function properly with the front cover open, the front cover must remain closed during system
operation to meet safety standards.
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The first video input card is inserted into slot 1; the next card is inserted into slot 2 (refer to Figure 4). To add a video card, slide the card into the
first available slot. The CM9765-MXB can contain a maximum of eight video input cards.
HOT SWAPPING: You can “hot swap” a video input card—remove a card and/or insert a new card—while the system is powered and
running. When you hot swap a card, the CM9765-MXB automatically verifies system software levels on all cards and then updates
software on the new cards if necessary. This process can be as fast as 30 seconds, or can take up to 5 minutes, depending on the number
of differing software files; however, the matrix bay continues to function throughout this process. The process is complete when the LEDs
marked “HB” on the front panel blink at a one-second rate.
How to Turn On the Pelco V-Sync Signal
The Pelco V-Sync signal, which is sent up the coax cable, provides a synchronization pulse for cameras that can use the Pelco V-Sync signal. This
signal eliminates the vertical roll that occurs when multiple cameras are connected to the same switching device. To turn on the Pelco V-Sync
signal, move the jumper labeled “VSYNCH” on the CM9765-VCC video input card to the ON position. Refer to the CM9765-VCC Card illustration
in the Appendix to see where this jumper is located.
The Pelco V-Sync feature is either “all on” or “all off” (default) for every camera connected to the specific CM9765-VCC card. You cannot turn the
feature on or off for individual cameras.
For the Pelco V-Sync feature to work properly, all matrix bays in the system must be connected to the same power circuit (because they must be
in the same phase).
DOWNFRAMING NOTE: If you are downframing the video signal to additional bays, you need to turn on the Pelco V-Sync on the final
matrix bay only.
Insert or Replace a Video Card
1. Open the front of the matrix bay, insert the video card into the card guides, and slide the card partially into the bay.
2. Hold the latches parallel to the floor until you reach the edge of the bay’s frame.
3. Adjust the latches to fit them properly onto the top and bottom edges of the bay’s frame.
4. Push the latching levers into the closed position; this seats the video card firmly into place.
Remove a Video Card
1. Unlatch (pull) the levers at the top and bottom portion of the video card.
2. Pull the video card towards you (towards the front of the matrix bay) until it is out of the frame.
NOTE: Do not insert a video input card into slots 9 or 10; Slot 10 is reserved for monitor output cards as shown in the Monitor Output Cards
(CM9765-VMC) section and Slot 9 is not used.
Figure 4. Video Input Card (CM9765-VCC) Locations: Slots 1-8
C1593M (9/09)15
The monitor output card located in slot 10 is the primary card, and it handles video for monitors 1-16. Refer to Figure 5. Note that the
CM9765-MXB will not function without a CM9765-VMC card inserted into slot 10.
HOT SWAPPING: You can “hot swap” a monitor output card—remove a card and/or insert a new card— while the system is powered
and running. When you hot swap a card, the CM9765-MXB automatically verifies system software levels on all video input cards in the
matrix bay and then updates the software on any cards that do not match the VMC card in the primary VMC slot (slot 10). This process can
be as fast as 30 seconds, or can take up to 5 minutes, depending on the number of differing software files; however, the matrix bay
continues to function throughout this process. The process is complete when the LEDs marked “HB” on the front panel blink at a onesecond rate.
Insert or Replace a Monitor Card
CAUTION: When you insert a VMC card into the VMC slot—slot 10—the CM9765-MXB synchronizes software levels on all cards in the
matrix bay, based on the software contained on this card. If the new card inserted into the VMC slot contains software at a lower level than
the other cards in the matrix bay, you could lose some system settings and functionality.
1. Open the front of the matrix bay, insert the monitor card into the card guides, and slide the card partially into the bay.
2. Hold the latches parallel to the floor until you reach the edge of the bay’s frame.
3. Adjust the latches to fit them properly onto the top and bottom edges of the bay’s frame.
4. Push the latching levers into the closed position; this seats the monitor card firmly into place.
Remove a Monitor Card
1. Unlatch (pull) the levers at the top and bottom portion of the monitor card.
2. Pull the monitor card towards you (towards the front of the matrix bay) until it is out of the frame.
You should perform a basic LED check before you connect any video input or output to the matrix bay. The LED check allows you to ensure that
the system is operating properly.
1. Turn on the power switch on the rear of the matrix bay. The front cover can either be open or closed during the LED check.
2. Various LEDs will blink during the initialization process as the software verifies communication and version level information. Once the
initialization process is complete, continue to step 3.
NOTE: The initialization process should take approximately 30 seconds, unless the CM9765-VMC monitor card is updating software on the
CM9765-VCC video cards. The software update process takes several minutes.
3. Ensure that the appropriate LEDs are illuminated, as described in Table B.
4. Ensure that the red CF LED on each video input card is off. If this LED is illuminated on any input card, reseat the card. If the problem
continues, replace with a known good video input card. If this LED is illuminated on all of the video input cards, there may be a problem
with the primary monitor output card (in slot 10). Reseat the primary monitor card. If the problem continues, replace with a known good
monitor card.
5. Ensure that the red FF and PF LEDs on the power supply are off.
6. If the LEDs are properly illuminated, turn off the power switch on the rear of the matrix bay, and then install all video inputs and outputs.
Table B. LEDs Illuminated During a Basic Check
Front Panel LabelColorDiagnostic Check
Power Supply
Monitor Output Card (CM9765-VMC)
HBAmberBlinks at a one-second rate.
RXAmberBlinks during normal system operation as switching commands are sent and polled.
MPAmberBlinks during normal system operation.
NOTE: The amber FP, CP, and BP LEDs will blink on start-up, but should not remain illuminated.
Video Input Card (CM9765-VCC)
HBAmberBlinks at a one-second rate.
NOTE: The amber CD LED may blink on start-up, but should not remain illuminated.
This is the video loss LED, and it should be illuminated because there are no video signals coming into the
rear panel yet. During normal operation this LED should be off.
Refer to Table I and Table J in the Appendix for additional information on the LEDs and troubleshooting information.
C1593M (9/09)17
The following rear panel cards can be used with the CM9765-MXB matrix bay:
•CM9765-RPC—the BNC card for video connections
•CM9765-RPM—the BNC card for monitor connections
•CM9765-DFC—this is a downframe card and cable assembly used to connect multiple matrix bays; refer to the Downframing section in the
Appendix for more information
•CM9765-DFL—this downframe card and cable assembly is the same as the CM9765-DFC, except that it also has BNC connectors for
looping inputs; refer to the Downframing section in the Appendix for more information
Insert or Replace a Rear Panel Video BNC Card (CM9765-RPC)
1. Slide the video BNC card into the card guides at the rear of the bay. From the rear of the bay, the slot at the far right provides the connection
point for the video input card inserted in the front of the bay into slot 1. Refer to Figure 6.
NOTE: You will note that the video BNC card consists of two cards connected into one unit. Each video BNC card (CM9765-RPC) provides
32 video input connections and connects to one video input card (CM9765-VCC).
2. Push the BNC card into place firmly.
3. Tighten the screws at the top and bottom of the BNC card.
Remove a Rear Panel Video BNC Card (CM9765-RPC)
1. Loosen the screws at the top and bottom of the BNC card. Refer to Figure 7.
2. Pull the BNC card towards you until it is out of the frame.
Figure 6. Insert a Rear Panel Video BNC Card (CM9765-RPC)Figure 7. Remove a Rear Panel Video BNC Card (CM9765-RPC)
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Change the Termination Jumpers on a Rear Panel Video BNC Card
In a single-bay, non-looping configuration (up to 256 cameras and 16 monitors), the jumpers must be set in the terminated position. Refer to the
Installing Additional Matrix Bays—Sideframing and Downframing section in the Appendix for details on termination jumper settings in multiplebay configurations.
When looping video out to another device (such as a DVR, VCR, or switcher), set the termination jumpers on the CM9765-RPC cards to the
unterminated position.
The termination jumpers are set in the appropriate position when your system is configured at the factory by Pelco. However, if you expand or
change your system, or purchase a replacement CM9765-RPC card, you may need to change the termination yourself.
Since the CM9765-RPC consists of two cards assembled together, you must access the termination jumpers on each card in a different way.
Access the termination jumpers on the right-side card as shown in Figure 8. Access the termination jumpers on the left-side card as shown in
Figure 9.
Figure 13 and Figure 14 illustrate sample sideframing configurations. Figure 15 illustrates a sample downframing configuration.
Refer to the Installing Additional Matrix Bays—Sideframing and Downframing section in the Appendix for detailed instructions on sideframing
and downframing.
When looping video out to another device (such as a DVR, VCR, or switcher), the connection instructions depend on the size of your system, as
•In a system containing 16 monitors or fewer (the video is not downframed), use the CM9700-VPP panels to loop the video out. Connect the
DFC cables that are provided with the VPP panel to the connectors on the bottom of the matrix bay RPC cards, as shown in Figure 10.
When looping video, set the termination jumpers on the CM9765-RPC cards to the unterminated position. Refer to the Change the Termination Jumpers on a Rear Panel Video BNC Card section. Terminate the video signal at the final device.
Instructions on installing the CM9700-VPP panels into an EIA-standard rack are provided in the Appendix.
•If your system contains more than 16 monitors (in a downframed configuration), you must use the CM9765-DFL card in the final bay. Use the
DFC cable that is provided with the DFC card to connect the downframe connector on the bottom of the DFL card with the DFC card in the
previous bay. This configuration is illustrated in Figure 31, in the Installing Additional Matrix Bays—Sideframing and Downframing section
of the Appendix.
Figure 10. Looping Video Out from the CM9765-MXB
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