Panasonic introduces the Super Dynamic III Series, the first surveillance cameras able to think and act on their own.
They detect both external changes and attempts at interference and take the precise action required to prevent loss of vital scenes.
Superb image quality, the result of unprecedented image-processing performance, delivers a true picture needed for rock-solid identification.
With their extraordinary intelligence and active foresight, Super Dynamic III Series cameras bring amazing reality to 24-hour surveillance.
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Camera Head
Day/Night Mechanism
Whole CCD Printed Circuit
Board moves to focus point
When switching from colour to B/W mode, the WVCP480 Series automatically adjusts the CCD position to
achieve the return to perfect focus. Blurring caused in
previous cameras by removing the IR cut filter is
eliminated. Then, when the camera switches back from
B/W to colour mode, the CCD automatically returns to
the correct position for colour imaging, ensuring perfect
focus 24 hours, both night and day. Another important
benefit of Auto Back Focus is eliminating the time and
labor required to adjust focus after cameras have been
installed. Focus can be roughly set when a camera is
installed, then adjusted using the optional system
Video Process in DSP
Motion Vector Motion Area
Edge/Frame Difference
Image Sampling
Software Process
Motion Vector/Motion Area
Reliability/Dispersion Decision
Integration/Centring of Motion
Electronic Zoom Compensation
Auto Image Stabilizer
Mot. Area/Frame Diff./Img. Samp.
Stable -> Unstable Detection
Unstable -> Stable Detection
Compare between Stable Scenes
Scene Change Detection
Motion Area/Optical Zoom
Zoom Coefficient Calculation
Pan/Tilt Movement Calculation
Command to Pan/Tilt
Auto Tracking*
Original Image
Our newly developed DSP extracts Motion Vector, Motion Area, Edge/Frame
Difference and Image Sampling data from the image and sends that data to the new
Image Analysis Algorithm. The Algorithm is embodied in the proprietary
microprocessor that performs
the complex processing required
by Super Dynamic III ’ s amazing
intelligent functions.
*WV-CS950 Series only
The double speed CCD outputs a 1/8,000 second short signal to capture the bright area of the image and a 1/50 second long signal to capture the shaded area.
The enhanced DSP combines these signals to provide a dynamic range 160 times greater than a standard video camera.
Also newly developed in the DSP is “Area Free (Pixel Based) Natural Contrast Image Correction”, which optimizes the gray-scale image in response to the
Input Signal Level of each individual Pixel. The Pixel Based 160x Dynamic Range delivers a smoother natural reproduction of high contrast images, e.g. heavy
backlight conditions, regardless of object position, size, shape, or number.
Input signals are divided into four levels and the
appropriate gray-scale corrections are applied to each.
Super Dynamic III detects the Input Signal Level for
each individual Pixel, optimizes gray-scale image
per each level and provides natural reproduction of
the object in any area of the image.
Input Signal Threshold Level
Gray-Scale Image Corrections
Optimized for Input Signal Level
Super Dynamic III Output
Lighting Level
Medium Dark
Medium Bright
Bright Area
Gray-Scale Image
Bright Area
Dark Area
Dark Area
Mixed Signal
Light level
Light level
Light level
Light level
Area Free Natural Contrast Image Correction
1/8,000 sec. short signal
for the bright parts
1/50 sec. long signal
for the dark parts