Panasonic KT4R, KT9R, KT8R User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing the Temperature controllers KT4R / KT8R / KT9R. This User’s Manual containsinstructions for mounting, functions, operations and notes when operatingthe KT4R, KT8R, KT9R. To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, pleaseensure the operator receives this manual.
Abbreviation Term
PV Process variable SV Desired value MV Manipulated variable DV Deviation OUT1 Control output OUT1 OUT2 Control output OUT2 AT Auto-tuning
Characters usedinthismanual
Indication Number, / -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Indication Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M Indication Alphabet N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
• This instrument should be used in accordance with the specifications described in the manual. If it is not used according to the specifications, it may malfunction or cause a fire.
• Be sure to follow the warnings, cautions and notices. If they are not observed, serious injury or malfunction
may occur.
• The contents of this instruction manual are subject to change without notice.
• Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this instruction manual are correct, but if there are any
doubts, mistakes or questions, please inform our company.
• Measures must be taken to ensure that the operator cannot touch power terminals or other high voltage
• Any unauthorized transfer or copying of this document, in part or in whole, is prohibited.
Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s)
incurred as a result of using this product, including any indirect damage.
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Safety Precautions(Be sure to observetheseprecautionsto prevent injury or accidents.)
Thesafety precautionsareclassified into2 categories: “Warning”and “Caution”.
• Take safety measures externally to keep the whole system safe in the event of a malfunction of this instrument or any problem due to external factors.
• Avoid using this instrument where it may be exposed to combustible gases. This may cause an explosion.
• Do not dispose of this instrument in a fire. Batteries or electronic components may explode or leak.
• Toensure safeandcorrectuse,thoroughly read andunderstandthismanual beforeusingthisinstrument.
Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s) incurred as a result of using this product, including any indirect damage.
•Externalprotectiondevices,suchasprotectiveequipmentagainstexcessive temperature rise, etc.,mustbe installed to avoidseriousdamagetothesystemorinjurytopersonnel ifmalfunctionofthisproductoccurs.
•Installanemergency stop circuit orinterlock circuit externally.
•Thisinstrumentmustbeusedundertheconditions andenvironmentdescribed inthismanual.
•Topreventgeneration ofabnormalheator smoke,allowforsomeheadroomin performance valuesand guaranteed values, asstatedintheinstrument’sspecifications.
•Donotdisassembleor modifythisinstrument.This maycause generationof abnormalheator smoke.
•Donottouchliveterminals. Thismaycause electricshock.
•Connecttheelectric wiresecurely. Ifitis notsecurelywired,generation ofabnormalheator smokemaybecaused.
•Donotleaveforeignobjectssuch asliquid,flammablematerial ormetals in theinstrument, asthey couldcausean abnormalheator smoke.
• Turn the power supply to the instrument OFF before wiring (connection and removal). Otherwise it may result in electric shock.
•Before cleaning theinstrument,be sure tocheckthatthepowerisswitched OFF.
•Use a soft,dry cloth whencleaning the instrument. (Alcohol basedsubstances maytarnishor defacethe unit.)
•Asthedisplaysectionis vulnerable, do not strikeorscratchitwithahardobjectorputpressureonit.
1. Installation Precautions
This instrument is intended to be used under the following environmental conditions (IEC61010-1): Overvoltage category , Pollution degree 2 Ensure the mounting location corresponds to the following conditions:
• A minimum of dust, and an absence of corrosive gases
• No flammable, explosive gases
• No mechanical vibrations or shocks
• No exposure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of -10 to 55 (14 to 131 ) that does not change rapidly, and no icing
• An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH
• No large capacity electromagnetic switches or cables through which large current is flowing
• No water, oil or chemicals or where the vapors of these substances can come into direct contact with
the unit
• Takenote that the ambienttemperature of this unit – not the ambient temperature of the control panel –
must not exceed 55 (131 ) if mountedthrough the face of a control panel, otherwise the life of electronic components (especially electrolytic capacitors) may be shortened.
Avoid setting this instrument directly on or near flammable material even though the case of this
instrument is made of flame-resistant resin.
Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death or serious injury, if not carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial to medium injury or physical damage or may degrade or damage the product, if not carried out properly.
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2. Wiring Precautions Caution
• Do not leave wire remnants in the instrument, as they could cause a fire or malfunction.
• Use the solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve in which the M3 screw fits when wiring the instrument.
• The terminal block of this instrument is designed to be wired from the left side. The lead wire must be inserted from the left side of the terminal, and fastened with the terminal screw.
• Tighten the terminal screw using the specified torque. If excessive force is applied to the screw when tightening, the terminal screw or case may be damaged.
• When using a terminalcoverfor the KT4R,passterminal wires numbered7 to 12 into the holes of the terminal cover.
• This instrument does not have a built-in power switch, circuit breaker and fuse. It is necessary to install a power switch, circuit breaker and fuse near the controller. (Recommended fuse: Time-lag fuse, rated voltage 250 V AC, rated current 2 A)
• For the KT4R with a 24 V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC).
• Do not apply a commercial power source to the sensor which is connected to the input terminal nor
allow the power source to come into contact with the sensor.
• Use a thermocouple and compensating lead wire according to the sensor input specifications of this
• Use the 3-wire RTD according to the sensor input specifications of this controller.
• For DC voltage input, (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC differs from that of 0 to 1 V DC.
Model Terminal Number
: (+)side of 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC
: (+)side of 0 to 1 V DC
: (+)side of 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC
: (+)side of 0 to 1 V DC
• When using a relay contact output type, externally use a relay according to the capacity of the load to protect the built-in relay contact.
• When wiring, keep input wires (thermocouple, RTD, etc.) away from AC sources or load wires.
3. Operation and Maintenance Precautions Caution
• It is recommended that AT be performed on the trial run.
• Do not touch live terminals.This may cause electricshockor problemsin operation.
• Turn the power supply to the instrument OFF when retightening the terminal or cleaning. Working on or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in severe injury or death due to electric shock.
• Use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning the instrument.
(Alcohol based substances may tarnish or deface the unit.)
• As the display section is vulnerable, do not strike or scratch it with a hard object or put pressure on it.
Copyright and Trademark
Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. owns the copyright of this manual. Reproduction of this manual without express permission from Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX
Co., Ltd. is prohibited.
Modbus protocol is a communication protocol that Modicon Inc. developed for PLC and Modbus is
a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
Other company names and the product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
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1. Model Number
1.1 Model Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
1.2 How to Read the Rated Label ------------------------------------------------------ 7
2. Names and Functions of Sections ------------------------------------------------- 8
3. Mounting to the Control Panel
3.1 External Dimensions (Scale: mm) ----------------------------------------------- 10
3.2 Panel Cutout (Scale: mm) --------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.3 Mounting to, and Removal from, the Control Panel
3.3.1 How to Mountthe Unit---------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.3.2 How to Remove the Mounting Frame and Unit ------------------------- 15
4. Wiring
4.1 Terminal Arrangement --------------------------------------------------------------- 16
4.2 Lead Wire Solderless Terminal ---------------------------------------------------- 17
4.3 Terminal Cover ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
4.4 Wiring
4.4.1 Power Supply ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
4.4.2 Control Output OUT1 --------------------------------------------------------- 20
4.4.3 Input ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
4.4.4 Event Output 1, 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.4.5 Serial Communication -------------------------------------------------------- 22
5. Outline of Key Operation and Each Mode
5.1 Key Operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23
5.2 Modes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
5.3 Basic Operation after Power-ON ------------------------------------------------ 26
6. Initial Settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
6.1 Example of Initial Settings --------------------------------------------------------- 30
6.2 Initial Setting Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------ 32
7. Settings
7.1 Main Setting Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
7.2 Sub Setting Mode -------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
7.3 Engineering Mode 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 53
7.4 Engineering Mode 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 65
8. Operation and Settings of Standard Functions
8.1 Selecting an input type -------------------------------------------------------------- 66
8.2 Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control ------------------------------------- 67
8.3 Selecting Direct/Reverse Action -------------------------------------------------- 68
8.4 Performing Fixed Value Control -------------------------------------------------- 69
8.5 Setting PID Constants (by Performing AT) ------------------------------------ 70
8.6 Performing Auto-reset --------------------------------------------------------------- 73
8.7 Performing Program Control ------------------------------------------------------ 74
8.8 Event Output EV1 Allocation ------------------------------------------------------ 81
8.9 Indicating MV, Remaining Time (Program Control) ------------------------- 83
8.10 Items to be Initialized by Changing Settings ------------------------------- 84
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9. Attached Function
9.1 Input Value Correction -------------------------------------------------------------- 85
9.2 Set Value Lock ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87
9.3 Control Output OFF Function ------------------------------------------------------ 88
9.4 Switching Auto/Manual Control (Auto/Manual Control Function) --------- 89
9.5 Using as a Converter ---------------------------------------------------------------- 90
9.6 Clearing Data -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
9.7 2DOF PID control --------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
10. Action Explanation
10.1 OUT1 Action ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
10.2 OUT1 ON/OFF Control Action -------------------------------------------------- 93
10.3 Alarm Action ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
10.4 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling Control) Action -------------------------------------- 96
10.5 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling Control) Action (When Setting Dead Band) - 97
10.6 OUT2 (Heating/Cooling Control) Action (WhenSetting OverlapBand)- 98
11. Specifications
11.1 Standard Specifications ----------------------------------------------------------- 99
11.2 Specified Specifications ---------------------------------------------------------- 107
12. Troubleshooting
12.1 Indication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109
12.2 Key Operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
12.3 Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
13. Character Table
13.1 Error Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
13.2 Run Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
13.3 Monitor Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
13.4 Initial Setting Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- 115
13.5 Main Setting Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------- 119
13.6 Sub Setting Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- 121
13.7 Engineering Mode 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- 123
13.8 Engineering Mode 2 -------------------------------------------------------------- 130
14. Key Operation Flowchart ------------------------------------------------------------ 131
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1. Model Number
1.1 Model Number
AKTR 1 □□ 00
(1) (2)(3)(4)(5) (6)
(1) External dimensions 4: 48×48×68 (Depth of control panel interior 60) mm (W×H×D)
8: 48×96×68 (Depth of control panel interior 60) mm (W×H×D) 9: 96×96×68 (Depth of control panel interior 60) mm (W×H×D)
(2) Supply voltage 1: 100 to 240VAC2: 24V AC/DC () (3) Input type 1: Multi-input (Thermocouple, RTD, Direct current and DC voltage
can be selected by key operation.)
(4) Control output (OUT1) 1: Relay contact 2:Non-contact voltage(for SSR drive)
3: Direct current (5) Event output 1: 1 point (Relay contact 1a)2: 2 points (Relay contact 1a) (6) Serial communication (*) Blank: Not available 1: RS-485 Serial communication () Only for the KT4R model
1.2 How to Read the Rated Label
The rated label is attached to the case.
(e.g.) AKT4R111200 (e.g.) AKT8R111200
(1) (1)
(3) (4) (5) (6) (2)
(3) (4) (5) (6)
(Fig. 1.2-1) (Fig. 1.2-2)
No. Explanation Indication Example
(1) Terminal arrangement Terminal arrangement for the AKT4R111200,
AKT8R111200 (2) Model number AKT4R111200, AKT8R111200 (3) Input MULTI-RANGE (Multi-range input) (4) Control output,
Event output
O1: 3 A 250 V AC (Control output OUT1)
EV1: 3 A 250 V AC (Event output EV1)
EV2: 3 A 250 V AC (Event output EV2) (5) Supply voltage,
Power consumption
100 to 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
11 VA (6) Lot number 141130-K
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2. Names and Functions of Sections
(Fig. 2-1)
(Fig. 2-2) (Fig. 2-3)
No. Name Description
(1) PV Display Indicates PV.
Indicates setting characters in each setting mode.
(2) SV Display Indicates SV.
Indicates set data in each setting mode. In Monitor mode, indicated contents differ depending on the model number as follows.
Model Number Indicated Contents
KT4R Indicates MV,Remaining time (Program control) or Step
number (Program control)
KT8R,KT9R Indicates MV or Remaining time (Program control).
(3) STEP Display Indicates Step number (Program control). (For KT8R, KT9R)
(5) (8)
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Action Indicators
No. Name Description
O1 (Green) Lit when control output OUT1 is ON.
For direct current output type, flashes corresponding to the MV in 125 ms cycles.
O2 (Yellow) Lit when control output OUT2 is ON. When (Heating/Cooling
control relay contact output) is selected in [Event output EV2 allocation] EV1 (Red) Lit when Event output 1 is ON. EV2 (Red) Lit when Event output 2 is ON.
Unlit if (Heating/Cooling control relay contact output) is selected in
[Event output EV2 allocation]. AT (Yellow) Flashes while AT, ‘AT on startup’ or Auto-reset is performing. T/R (Yellow) Lit during Serial communication TX (transmitting) output.
STEP (Green) Lit when a step number (Program control) is indicated. (For KT8R, KT9R)
No. Name Description
(5) MODE key Switches a setting mode, and registers the set data.
By pressing this key for 3 seconds during RUN mode, the unit enters
Monitor mode.
(6) OUT/OFF key By pressing the key for approx. 1 second, one of the following items
selected in [OUT/OFF key function] is activated.
OUT/OFF Key Function Description
Control output OFF function Turns control output ON or OFF.
Auto/Manual control Switches the Auto/Manual control.
Program control Starts or Stops the Program control.
(7) DOWN key Decreases the numeric value. (8) UP key Increases the numeric value.
By pressing this key for 1 second during Program control, the performing
step is interrupted, proceeding to the beginning of the next step. (Advance
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3. Mounting to theControl Panel
3.1 External Dimensions (Scale: mm)
(Fig. 3.1-1)
(Fig. 3.1-2)
(*) When the terminal cover is used.
Rubber gasket
Mounting frame
Terminal cover (sold separately)
Rubber gasket
Terminal cover (sold separately)
(*) When the terminal cover is used.
Screw type mounting bracket
Terminal cover (sold separately)
Screw type mounting bracket
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(Fig. 3.1-3)
Rubber gasket
Terminal cover (sold separately)
Screw type mounting bracket
(*) When terminal covers are used.
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3.2 Panel Cutout (Scale: mm)
If lateral close mounting is used for the unit, IP66 specification (Water-proof/Dust-proof) may be compromised, and all warranties will be invalidated.
Lateral close mounting n: Number of units mounted
(Fig. 3.2-1)
Lateral close mounting n: Number of units mounted
(Fig. 3.2-2)
Lateral close mounting n: Number of units mounted
(Fig. 3.2-3)
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3.3 Mounting to, and Removal from, the Control Panel
As the mounting frame of the KT4R is made of resin, do not use excessive force while tightening screws, or the mounting frame could be damaged. Tighten screws with one rotation upon the screw tips touching the panel. The torque is 0.15 N•m. For the KT8R, KT9R, the torque should be 0.1 N•m.
3.3.1 How to MounttheUnit KT4R
Mount the controller vertically to the flat, rigid panel to ensure it adheres to the Water-proof/ Dust-proof specification (IP66).
If the lateral close mounting is used for the controller, IP66 specification (Water-proof/Dust-proof) may be compromised, and all warranties will be invalidated.
Mountable panel thickness: 1 to 5 mm
(1) Insert the controller from the front side of the control panel. (Fig. 3.3.1-1)
If the Water-proof/Dust-proof specification (IP66) is not necessary, the rubber gasket may be removed (please keep in mind the warranty is void if the rubber gasket is removed).
(2) Insert the mounting frame until it comes into contact with the panel, and fasten with screws.
Tighten screws with one rotation upon the screw tips touching the panel. (Fig. 3.3.1-2) The torque is approximately 0.15 N•m.
(Fig. 3.3.1-1) (Fig. 3.3.1-2)
Mounting frame
Rubber gasket
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Mount the controller vertically to the flat, rigid panel to ensure it adheres to the Water-proof/ Dust-proof specification (IP66). If the lateral close mounting is used for the controller, IP66 specification (Water-proof/Dust-proof) may be compromised, and all warranties will be invalidated. Mountable panel thickness: 1 to 7 mm
(1) Insert the controller from the front side of the control panel. (Fig. 3.3.1-3)
If the Water-proof/Dust-proof specification (IP66) is not necessary, the rubber gasket may be removed (please keep in mind the warranty is void if the rubber gasket is removed).
(Fig. 3.3.1-3)
(2) Attach the mounting brackets by the holes at the top and bottom of the case, and secure the
controller in place with the screws. The torque is approximately 0.1 N•m.
(Fig. 3.3.1-4)
Screw type
mounting bracket
Rubber gasket
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3.3.2 How to Remove the Mounting Frame and Unit
KT4R (Fig. 3.3.2-1)
(1)Turn thepower to the unit OFF, and disconnect all wires before removing the mounting frame. (2) Insert a flat blade screwdriver between the mounting frame and unit (1). (3) Slowly push the frame upward using the screwdriver (2), while pushing the unit toward the
panel (3).
(4) Repeat step (2) and slowly push the frame downward using the screwdriver for the other side.
The frame can be removed little by little by repeating these steps.
(Fig. 3.3.2-1)
(1)Turn thepower to the unit OFF, and disconnect all wires before removing the unit. (2) Loosen the screws of the mounting brackets, and remove the mounting brackets. (3) Pull the unit out from the front of the control panel.
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4. Wiring Warning
Turn the power supply to the instrument off before wiring or checking. Working on or touching the terminal with the power switched on may result in severe injury or death due to electric shock.
4.1 TerminalArrangement KT4R
(Fig. 4.1-1)
(Fig. 4.1-2)
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Terminal Description
PWR 100to 240 V AC or 24 V AC/DC
For a 24 V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC).
24 V AC/DC: Only for the KT4R model EV1 Event output EV1 EV2 Event output EV2 O1 Control output OUT1 RTD RTD input TC Thermocouple input DC Direct current, DC voltage inputs
For DC voltage input, (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC differs from that of 0 to 1 V DC.
Model Number Terminal Number
: + sideof 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC
: + sideof 0 to 1 V DC
: + sideof 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC
: + sideof 0 to 1 V DC
RS-485 Serial communication RS-485
Serial communication can be specified only for the KT4R model.
4.2 Lead Wire Solderless Terminal
Use a solderless terminal with an insulation sleeve in which an M3 screw fits as shown below. The torque should be 0.63 N•m.
Manufacturer Model
NichifuTerminal Industries Co.,Ltd. TMEV1.25Y-3
JapanSolderlessTerminalMFGCo., Ltd. VD1.25-B3A NichifuTerminal Industries Co.,Ltd. TMEV1.25-3
JapanSolderlessTerminalMFGCo., Ltd. V1.25-3
0.63 N•m
(Fig. 4.2-1)
5.8 mm max.
5.8 mm max.
3.2 mm
3.2 mm
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Terminal cover
4.3 Terminal Cover KT4R
When using a terminal cover (sold separately), make sure the longer side is on the back right side of the case. Pass the wires from terminals 7 to 12 into the holes of the terminal cover.
(Fig. 4.3-1)
When using a terminal cover (sold separately), make sure the longer side is on the back right side of the case. Pass the wires from terminals 13 to 24 through the left side of the terminal cover.
(Fig. 4.3-2) (Fig. 4.3-3)
Terminal cover
Top of KT8R
Mount the longer side of the cover to the back right.
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When using terminal covers (sold separately), make sure the longer side is on the back right and left sides of the case. Pass the wires from terminals 13 to 24 through between covers.
(Fig. 4.3-3)
(Fig. 4.3-4) (Fig. 4.3-5)
2 terminal covers
Mount the longer side of the cover to the back right and left.
Top of KT9R
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4.4 Wiring
For the terminal arrangement, refer to Section ‘4.1 Terminal Arrangement’(p.16)
4.4.1 Power Supply
Power supply voltage is 100 to 240 V AC or 24 V AC/DC. For a 24 V AC/DC power source, ensurepolarity is correctwhen using direct current (DC). 24 V AC/DC is available only for the KT4R model.
4.4.2 Control Output OUT1
Specifications of Control output OUT1 are shown below.
Relay contact 1a
Control capacity: 3 A 250 V AC (resistive load),
1 A 250 V AC (inductive load cos =0.4) Electrical life: 100,000 cycles Minimum applicable load: 10 mA 5 V DC
Non-contactvoltage (for SSR drive)
12 V DC 15% Max. 40 mA (short circuit protected)
Direct current 4 to 20 mA DC
Load resistance: Max. 550
Relay contact
Non-contact voltage,
Direct current
Relay contact
Non-contact voltage,
Direct current
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4.4.3 Input
Each input wiring is shown below. For DC voltage input, (+) side input terminal number of 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 10 V DC differs from that of 0 to 1 V DC.
Thermocouple RTD
Direct current
(4 to 20 mA,
0 to 20mA),
DC voltage
(0 to 1 V)
DC voltage
(0 to 5 V,
1 to 5 V,
0 to 10 V)
Thermocouple RTD
Direct current
(4 to 20 mA,
0 to 20mA),
DC voltage
(0 to 1 V)
DC voltage
(0 to 5 V,
1 to 5 V,
0 to 10 V)
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4.4.4 Event Output 1, 2
Specifications of Event output 1, 2 are shown below.
Relay contact 1a
Control capacity: 3 A 250 V AC (resistive load)
1 A 250 V AC (inductive load cos =0.4) Electrical life: 100,000 cycles Minimum applicable load: 10 mA 5 V DC
4.4.5 Serial Communication
Serial communication can be specified only for the KT4R model.
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5. Outline of Key Operation and Each Mode
5.1 Key Operation
Setting item numbers such as [1], [9] are the same as those on Section “14. Key Operation Flowchart” (p.131).
Power ON
+ + + (3sec) Data clear
Startsfrom previous status (last
RUN mode By pressing for 1 sec, one item below selected in [OUT/OFF key function] is indicated.
Program Control Control output OFF Auto/Manual Control
PV/SV display (1sec) Program control Control output Manual control
(*1) RUN OFF
+ (3 sec) + + (3 sec)
Initial Setting Mode Main Setting Mode Sub Setting Mode Engineering Mode 1
Input type SV1 AT/Auto-reset Set value lock
[1] [10] [37] [62]
SV4 Step 9 wait Loop break Controller/
value alarm span Converter
[9] [36] [61] [89]
(3 sec) (*2) + + (5 sec)
Monitor Mode Engineering Mode2
MV indication Control method
Remaining time
Integral 2DOF Current step coefficient (β) number (KT4R) [92]
(*1) If ‘Program control’ isselected in [OUT/OFF keyfunction], the unit enters Standby mode (program control waiting). (*2) The unit cannot proceed to Monitor mode if it is in Standby of program control. (*3)Availableonly when ‘Programcontrol’ is selected in[OUT/OFFkey function].
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+ + + (3 sec):Press andhold the , , , keys (allkeys)(in that order) together for approx. 3 sec.
+ (3 sec): Press and hold the , keys (in thatorder)togetherfor approx.3 sec.
+ :Press andhold the , keys (in thatorder)together.
+ (3sec):Press andhold the , keys(in thatorder) together forapprox.3 sec.
+ + (5 sec): Press andhold the , , keys (in thatorder)togetherforapprox.5sec.
Set (or select) each item with the or key, and register the value with the key.
: If the key is pressed, the unit will proceed to the next setting item, illustrated by an arrow.
Pressing the keymoves backtothe previous item.
To revert to RUN mode, press andhold the key for approx. 3 sec while in any mode.
To revert to RUN mode, press andhold the key forapprox. 3sec while in any mode.
If ‘Control output OFF function’ is selected in [OUT/OFF key function], the unit will enter Control output OFF status. If ‘Auto/Manual control’ is selected in [OUT/OFF key function], the unit will enter Manual control status. If ‘Program control’ is selected in [OUT/OFF key function], the unit will enter ‘Program control RUN’ or Standby mode.
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5.2 Modes
Mode Description
When power is turned ON, the unit enters RUN mode. The PV Display indicates PV, and the SV Display indicates SV. Control starts from previous status (last shutdown). By pressing the key for approx. 1 sec, one of the following functions selected in [OUT/OFF key function] is activated.
OUT/OFF Key Function Description
Control output OFF function Turns the control output ON or OFF. Auto/Manual control Switches the Auto/Manual control.
RUN mode
Program control Starts/Stops the Program control. By pressing the key for approx. 3 sec in RUN mode, the unit enters Monitormode. The PV Display indicates PV,and the SV Display indicates MV. Every time the keyis pressed, the following is indicated. Indicated contents differ depending on the model number.
Model number Indicated Contents
KT4R Indicates MV,Remaining time (Program control) or
Step number (Program control).
Monitor mode
KT8R, KT9R Indicates MV or Remaining time (Program control).
Initial setting mode By pressing the and keys (in thatorder) together for approx. 3 sec in
RUNmode, the unit enters Initial settingmode. Thefollowingitems canbeset:
Input type, Scaling high limit/low limit,Event output EV1/EV2 allocation, SV1, etc.
Main setting mode By pressing the keyin RUN mode,theunitenters Mainsetting mode.
SVcanbeset. If ‘Program control’ is selected in [OUT/OFF key function], SV, Time and Wait value for Steps 1 to 9 can be set.
Sub setting mode By pressing the and keys (in that order) together in RUN mode, the
unit enters Subsetting mode. Thefollowingitems canbeset:
AT Perform, P, I, D, Direct/Reverse action, Event outputEV1/EV2, etc.
Engineering mode 1 By pressing the and keys (in that order) together for approx. 3 sec in
RUNmode, the unit enters Engineering mode1. Thefollowingitems canbeset:
Set value lock, Eventoutput EV1/EV2 allocation, Sensor correction, PV filter time constant, Program control, OUT/OFF key function, Controller/Converter, etc.
Engineering mode 2 By pressing the , , keys(inthat order)together for approx.5sec in
RUNmode, the unit enters Engineering mode2. Thefollowingitems canbeset:
Control method, Proportional gain2DOF coefficient(α), Integral 2DOF coefficient (β)
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5.3 Basic Operation after Power-ON
After the unit is mounted to the control panel and wiring is completed, operate the unit following the procedures below.
(1) Turn the unit power supply ON After confirming the rated voltage, polarity and wiring, turn the power ON via contacts
such as switch or relay. If any mistakes are made, an electric shock, malfunction or errors
may be caused.
After the power is turned ON, the PV Display indicates the input type, and the SV Display indicates the Input range high limit value (for thermocouple, RTD inputs) or Scaling high limit value (for DC voltage, current inputs) for approximately 3 seconds. (Table 5.3-1) During this time, all outputs and the indicators are in OFF status.
Control will then start, indicating the PV in the PV Display and SV in the SV Display. While the control output OFF function is working, the PV Display indicates [ .]. Indication differs depending on the selection in [Indication when control output OFF].
(Table 5.3-1)
Sensor Input
PV Display SV Display PV Display SV Display
J R S B E T N PL­C(W/Re5-26) Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 4 to 20 mA DC 0 to 20 mA DC 0 to 1 V DC 0 to 5 V DC 1 to 5 V DC 0 to 10 V DC
Scaling high limit value
When power is turned ON, and any errors are found, the following error codes are indicated in the PV Display. To cancel the error code, press the key.
Error Code Error Contents
Non-volatile IC memory is defective. Data writing (in non-volatile IC memory) error when power failure occurs.
(2) Enter each value.
Refer to Sections ‘6. Initial Settings’ (p.29), ‘7. Settings (p.42)’ and ‘8. Operation and Settings of Standard Functions’ (p.66). Enter each value: Input type, Control method, Direct/Reverse action, SV, PID constants,
Event output EV1 allocation, etc.
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(3) Turn the load circuit power ON
Control starts, so as to reach, and then maintain the control target at the SV.
Error codes during operation
If errors occur during operation, error codes below are indicated in the PV Display.
Error Code Error Contents
PV has exceeded Input range high limit value (scaling high limit value for DC voltage, current inputs). PV has dropped below Input range low limit value (scaling low limit value for DC voltage, current inputs). Input burnout, or PV has exceeded the Indication range and Control range. Hardwaremalfunction
Indication Range and Control Range
Input Type Indication Range and Control Range
Thermocouple [Input range low limit – 50 (100 )] to [Input range high limit + 50 (100 )] RTD [Input range low limit – Input span x 1%] to [Input range high limit + 50 (100 )] DC voltage, Direct current
[Scaling low limit value – Scaling span x 1%] to [Scaling high limit value + Scaling span x 10%]
Input error (Overscale, Underscale)
Overscale occurs if PV has exceeded Input range high limit value (Scaling high limit value for DC voltage, current inputs). PV and error code [ ] are indicated in the PV Display alternately.
Underscale occurs if PV has dropped below Input range low limit value (Scaling low limit value for DC voltage, current inputs). PV and error code [ ] are indicated in the PV Display alternately.
For manual control, the preset MV is output.
If PV has exceeded Indication range and Control range, [ ] and [ ] are alternately indicated in the PV Display. If PV has dropped below Indication range and Control range, [ ] and [ ] are alternately indicated in the PV Display.
If thermocouple or RTD input is burnt out, or if DC voltage (0 to 1 V DC) input is disconnected, [ ] and [ ] are alternately indicated in the PV Display.
If DC voltage or current input is disconnected:
For4 to 20 mA DC, 1 to 5 V DC inputs, the PVDisplay indicates [ ] and [ ] alternately. For0 to 20 mA DC,0 to 5 V DC and 0 to 10 V DC inputs, the PV Display indicates the value corresponding with 0 mA DC or 0 V DC input.
OUT1 and OUT2 are turned OFF (OUT1 low limit value for Direct current output). For manual control, the preset MV is output. If Alarm or Loop break alarm is selected in [Event output EV1/EV2 allocation], Event output will be turned ON under the alarm active conditions.
Burnout is enabled even in standby (program control waiting) mode in Program control
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[Outputstatus when input errors occur] can be used only for controllers using Direct current input and voltage input, and Direct current output. Output status differs depending on selection in [Output status when input errors occur].
Output Status
Output status when input errors occur
Contents, Indication
Direct (Cooling)
Direct (Cooling)
ON (20mA) or OUT1 high limit value (*)
ON (*)
Indicates [ ] and [ ] alternately.
OFF (4mA) or OUT1 low limit value
OFF (4mA) or OUT1 low limit value
ON (20mA) or OUT1 high limit value (*)
ON (*)
Indicates [ ] and [ ] alternately.
OFF (4mA) or OUT1 low limit value
OFF (4mA) or OUT1 low limit value
(*) Outputs a value between OFF (4mA) and ON (20mA) or between OUT1 low limit value and OUT1 high limit value,
depending on deviation.
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6. Initial Settings
Setup (setting the Input type, Event output allocation, SV, etc.) should be done before using this controller,according to the user’s conditions. Perform setup in Initial setting mode.
Setting items in Initial setting mode are shown in (Table 6.1). If the user’s specification is the same as the factory default value of this instrument, or if user’s
instrument has already been installed in a system, initial settings are not necessary. Proceed to Section ‘7. Settings’ (p.42).
(Table 6.1)
Setting Items in Initial Setting Mode Factory Default
Input type K -200 to 1370 Scaling high limit 1370 Scaling low limit -200 Decimal point place No decimal point Event output EV1 allocation No event EV1 alarm value 0 Enabled/Disabled Disabled EV1 alarm value 0 EV1 high limit alarm value 0 EV1 alarm hysteresis 1.0 EV1 alarm delay time 0 sec EV1 alarm Energized/De-energized Energized Event output EV2 allocation No event EV2 alarm value 0 Enabled/Disabled Disabled EV2 alarm value 0 EV2 high limit alarm value 0 EV2 alarm hysteresis 1.0 EV2 alarm delay time 0 sec EV2 alarm Energized/De-energized Energized Loop break alarm time 0 minutes Loop break alarm span 0 SV1 0
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6.1 Example of Initial Settings
(e.g.) AKT4R111100
Initial Setting Items Example
Input type K -200.0 to 400.0 Event output EV1 allocation High limit alarm EV1 alarm value 20.0 (Deviation setting from SV) SV 200.0 (Fixed value control)
PID control is performed. PID constants are calculated by performingAT.
Alarm action
(Fig. 6.1-1)
200.0 220.0219.0
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