Safety Precautions(Be sure to observetheseprecautionsto prevent injury or accidents.)
Thesafety precautionsareclassified into2 categories: “Warning”and “Caution”.
• Take safety measures externally to keep the whole system safe in the event of a malfunction of this
instrument or any problem due to external factors.
• Avoid using this instrument where it may be exposed to combustible gases. This may cause an explosion.
• Do not dispose of this instrument in a fire. Batteries or electronic components may explode or leak.
• Toensure safeandcorrectuse,thoroughly read andunderstandthismanual beforeusingthisinstrument.
•Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s)
incurred as a result of using this product, including any indirect damage.
•Externalprotectiondevices,suchasprotectiveequipmentagainstexcessive temperature rise, etc.,mustbe
installed to avoidseriousdamagetothesystemorinjurytopersonnel ifmalfunctionofthisproductoccurs.
•Installanemergency stop circuit orinterlock circuit externally.
•Thisinstrumentmustbeusedundertheconditions andenvironmentdescribed inthismanual.
•Topreventgeneration ofabnormalheator smoke,allowforsomeheadroomin performance valuesand guaranteed
values, asstatedintheinstrument’sspecifications.
•Donotdisassembleor modifythisinstrument.This maycause generationof abnormalheator smoke.
•Donottouchliveterminals. Thismaycause electricshock.
•Connecttheelectric wiresecurely. Ifitis notsecurelywired,generation ofabnormalheator smokemaybecaused.
•Donotleaveforeignobjectssuch asliquid,flammablematerial ormetals in theinstrument, asthey couldcausean
abnormalheator smoke.
• Turn the power supply to the instrument OFF before wiring (connection and removal). Otherwise it may
result in electric shock.
•Before cleaning theinstrument,be sure tocheckthatthepowerisswitched OFF.
•Use a soft,dry cloth whencleaning the instrument. (Alcohol basedsubstances maytarnishor defacethe unit.)
•Asthedisplaysectionis vulnerable, do not strikeorscratchitwithahardobjectorputpressureonit.
1. Installation Precautions
This instrument is intended to be used under the following environmental conditions
(IEC61010-1): Overvoltage category , Pollution degree 2
Ensure the mounting location corresponds to the following conditions:
• A minimum of dust, and an absence of corrosive gases
• No flammable, explosive gases
• No mechanical vibrations or shocks
• No exposure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of -10 to 55 (14 to 131 ) that does not
change rapidly, and no icing
• An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH
• No large capacity electromagnetic switches or cables through which large current is flowing
• No water, oil or chemicals or where the vapors of these substances can come into direct contact with
the unit
• Takenote that the ambienttemperature of this unit – not the ambient temperature of the control panel –
must not exceed 55 (131 ) if mountedthrough the face of a control panel, otherwise the life of
electronic components (especially electrolytic capacitors) may be shortened.
※ Avoid setting this instrument directly on or near flammable material even though the case of this
instrument is made of flame-resistant resin.
Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death or serious
injury, if not carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial
to medium injury or physical damage or may degrade or damage the product, if
not carried out properly.