NDI | HX Compatible Premium HD Integrated PTZ Camera
NDI | HX Compatible 4K Integrated PTZ Camera
NDI | HX Compatible HD Integrated PTZ Camera
NDI | HX Compatible Entry-level HD Integrated PTZ Camera
Built-in NDI
HX for End-to-End Video Production over the Network
NDI : Network Device Interface, a technology of NewTek, Inc.

Complete video production, control,
and creativity all over IP
What is NDI?
Produce your shows in a completely new way
sources from all over your network, not just what’s physically
patched into your SDI video router. NDI (Network Device
Interface) by NewTek is a standard anyone can implement to
connect video equipment across a network. Your production switcher, capture system, media server
NDI-enabled device on the network
content from all other devices, allowing more sources than
ever before to be used for live production.
can see and access
How does Panasonic support NDI?
Now, you can harness the power of NDI with Panasonic
products. The Panasonic NDI capable models include a
complete line-up of HN/UN series integrated robotic PTZ
(Pan/Tilt/Zoom) Cameras and the AV-HLC100 Live Production
Center. The integrated PTZs have built-in support of NDI via
highly efcient NDI|HX mode requiring no external conversion
hardware allowing you to benet from NDI with a Panasonic
camera. The AV-HLC100 Live Production Center includes native
NDI support as the premiere all-in-one live production tool.
Combine the two together to enjoy end-to-end live video
production from your live event to the web.
How is it useful?
NDI is video production over IP that you can use now on
standard gigabit IP networks. Traditional control rooms and
video productions utilized multiple paths, proprietary hardware,
and distribution cores. With NDI, the network is your distribution
and all video sources are available to all video destinations. No
longer are you tied to physical limits of inputs and outputs, but
rather the bandwidth of your network available to you.
Conventional Connection
NDI Connection
With NDI Connection, a control room or multiple control rooms
are all connected. All video sources are available to all video
destinations without a separate cable. Simpler to connect, easier
to deploy, offering even more production creativity!
NDI Ecosystem
AV-HLC100 and other NDI capable
Integrated Production Switchers
Integrated Production Switchers NDI Compatible I/O cards Live Interviews Media
Graphics Instant Replay Presentation NDI|HX Cameras NDI Utilities
AW-UN70W/K, AW-HN130W/K etc.
NewTek IsoCorder
Studio Monitor
Scan Converter
Test Patterns
Access Manager