Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this guide.
Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use
of this software. Palm, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as
a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on
other media to protect against data loss.
IMPORTANT Please read the End User Software License Agreement with this product before using the
accompanying software program(s). Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of the
End User Software License Agreement.
Software Download Available
Palm™ Desktop software is supplied on a CD-ROM disc. If you do not have access to a CD-ROM drive for
your computer, you can download the Palm Desktop software from
Welcome to Palm™ Desktop software. This guide describes all you need to know
about how to use Palm Desktop software with your handheld. It walks you
through using the features of the four modules in the application, working with
lists, finding information, printing from the application, and transferring data
between Palm Desktop software and your handheld.
This guide is designed to help you get up and running quickly with Palm Desktop
software. The first chapter introduces the application. The second chapter contains
a tutorial that exercises the features of Palm Desktop software.
After you become familiar with the basic functionality, you can use the rest of this
guide as a reference for less common tasks, and also as a source of information if
you have problems operating Palm Desktop software.
In addition to this guide, Palm Desktop software contains online help that is
available from the main menu bar and from the help button in dialog boxes. See
online help for more detailed information about a function or task.
About This Book
This chapter gets you started with Palm™ Desktop software and introduces you to
some of its features.
About the modules
Palm Desktop software has four modules: Address Book, Date Book, Memo Pad,
and To Do List. You can add information to any module at any time. You can also
connect, or attach, any record to any other, so you can jump right to the information
you need.
The information from each of these modules is synchronized with the information
in the basic applications on your handheld when you perform a HotSync
Address Book
The Address Book module keeps track of names, addresses, company information,
telephone numbers, birthdays, e-mail addresses, web sites, and so on. You can
attach any record to an address card. For example, you can create a To Do List item
to call a client and attach this item to the client’s address card so that all the
information you need is available for the phone call.
Introducing Palm
Desktop Software
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
To remind yourself to call a friend next week, create a To Do List item. Palm™
Desktop software automatically finds the address records that seem related to this
To Do List item. For example, if you write “Call Jodie,” it will find all addresses
containing the name “Jodie.” If you attach one of the addresses to the To Do List
item, a paper clip pop-up menu icon appears next to the To Do List Item. You
can click the paper clip pop-up menu to open your friend’s address card.
Date Book
The Date Book module manages your appointments and events. You can choose
among three views
Day view
Week view
Month view
About the modules
You can attach any record to a Date Book event. For example, you can attach a
client’s address card to an event so that you can quickly jump to this information
if you need it.
You can set events to appear once, or repeat over an interval you set. You can create
events to show special days, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and vacations. An
event can span one day or several.
You created an event for an upcoming meeting. You can specify how far in advance
of the meeting you want an onscreen alarm reminder to display. (Palm Desktop
software does not need to be running for this alarm reminder to display.) For
regularly scheduled meetings you can create a repeating event, so you need only
type the item once. The rest of the events are created based on the repeat interval
you specify.
Memo Pad
Create memos during telephone calls, meetings, or whenever you need to create a
memo for yourself. You can attach a memo to any other record, including another
memo. You can also add the date and time to a memo so you can keep an ongoing
“log” of information, with the more recent items on top.
button... place the
current date
and time on
the fir st line of
the memo
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
While telephoning a business contact, you type a memo detailing the important
points of the call. Click the timestamp button, and the current date and time appear
on the first line of your memo.
To D o Li st
The To Do List module keeps track of your tasks, or “to-do” items. You can give a
To Do List item a title, a date of completion, and a priority, and set the item to
repeat over any duration you wish. To Do List items appear in Date Book, and you
can attach a To Do List item to any address card or memo.
You need to gather materials for a report due the last Friday of each month. You’d
also like a reminder the previous Monday that it’s time to start preparing the
report. You can create a To Do List item for this, and set the item to repeat on the
last Friday of each month. You can also set the reminder for five days before, on the
previous Monday, to remind you that it’s time to start working on the report.
Opening and quitting Palm Desktop software
Palm Desktop software stores your information in one data file on your computer.
You can close, print, and delete this file as you would any other. When you start
Palm Desktop software, it automatically opens the last file that was opened. The
name of the file appears in the title bar of each Palm Desktop window.
To start Palm Desktop software, double-click the Palm Desktop icon in the Palm
To quit Palm Desktop software:
Mac OS X: From the Palm Desktop menu, choose Quit.
Mac OS 9: From the File menu, choose Quit.
Using Palm Desktop software with your handheld
Using Palm Desktop software with your handheld
Palm Desktop software shares information with four built-in applications on your
handheld: Address Book, Date Book, Memo Pad, and To Do List. The information
is exchanged when you perform a HotSync operation.
The modules in Palm Desktop software provide more features than the
applications on your handheld. For information about how your information is
transferred to your handheld during a HotSync operation, see the chapters in this
guide that describe each module.
The first time you perform a HotSync operation with a new handheld or one that
has been hard reset, the following occurs:
A username in Palm Desktop software is added to your handheld.
A folder for the username is created in the Users folder inside the Palm folder.
For example, if you entered Jane Garcia as your username, a folder called Jane
Garcia is created in the Users folder. A file called User Data is created in the
“Jane Garcia” folder. This is the data file that stores all your information.
You can change users by selecting a new name in the pop-up menu.
Each subsequent time you perform a HotSync operation, HotSync Manager reads
the username from the handheld and synchronizes the data in the folder of the
same name.
entering data on Palm Desktop or performing a HotSync operation.
Usernames appear in the User pop-up menu on the right side of the toolbar.
Be sure you select the correct username from the User pop-up menu before
Creating and opening user data files
When you first install Palm Desktop software, it creates a new data file, called User
Data, in the folder with the username you specified during the installation. Each
time you perform a HotSync operation with your handheld, this same data file is
used to synchronize data.
We recommend that you use only this data file to synchronize with your handheld.
Create other files only to back up data or to hold information for another user on
the same computer.
Opening existing files
Palm Desktop software automatically opens the last data file that was opened. To
open another file, click the User pop-up menu in the toolbar and select a new
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
The name of the current data file appears in the title bar of each Palm Desktop
The name of the current data file
appears in the title bar of each window
Saving files
Your changes are saved as you work. You can also save a copy of a file to use as a
backup. From the File menu, choose Save a Copy. In the Save a Copy dialog box,
be sure to rename the file (or the original file will be overwritten), and then click
If you are working with a new file, choose Save As from the File menu. Type a
name for the file.
Closing windows and files
You can have one file open at a time. To close a file, choose Close File from the File
menu. If you close a new file, you are prompted to save it first.
To close a Palm Desktop window, click the window’s close box or choose Close
Window from the File menu. Closing a window does not close the file. Also, you
can open multiple windows at the same time.
To exit Palm Desktop software, choose Quit from the File menu.
Changing your mind
If you make a mistake or change your mind while you are working, you can undo
the latest change. To undo your most recent action, choose Undo from the Edit
Using templates
If you have a number of similar events, addresses, memos, or To Do items to type,
templates can help make your work easier.
A template resembles a new item, except it already contains some pretyped
information. When you create a template, you choose what pretyped information,
and how much, is in it.
For example, if you have to add addresses for ten people and they all work in the
same location, you can create a template that includes company name, address,
and other information common to the new entries.
You can create a template either from an existing event, address, memo, or To Do
List item—or from a new one. Once a template has been created, it appears in the
Create menu, and you can use it to make new items. You then type only whatever
remaining information the new item requires.
Creating templates from existing items
You can create templates from existing events, addresses, memos, or To Do List
items. Select the item, then choose New Template from the Create menu. Give the
template a name, and assign it a keyboard shortcut if you like. Then click OK. A
keyboard shortcut is a sequence of keys that, when pressed together, are a faster
way to execute a menu command than using the mouse.
Using templates
Type a name for
the template
Click the pop-up menu to assign the
template a keyboard shortcut (optional)
The new template is available in the Create menu. Choose it, and a dialog box for
a new item of its type appears with the template information filled in.
Creating templates from new items
You can create templates from new events, addresses, memos, or To Do List items.
Choose Event, Address, Memo, or To Do from the Create menu. Type the
information you want the template to have. Choose New Template from the Create
menu. Give the template a name, and assign it a keyboard shortcut if you like. Then
click OK.
The template appears
in the Create menu
The new template appears in the Create menu. You can continue to create other
new items with the information contained in the new template.
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
Changing a template
If you need to correct the information in a template, create a new one, and then
delete the old one.
Deleting templates
To delete a template, choose Delete Templates from the Create menu. Select the
template you want to remove, then click Delete. Click Done when you’ve finished
deleting templates.
Using the toolbar
You can click the buttons on the toolbar instead of choosing menu commands to
execute common actions.
By default, the toolbar displays each button’s name. Move the pointer over the
button to see an explanation of the button’s function. If you have a small monitor,
you can collapse the toolbar, which hides button names. To do this, click the
triangle at the left side of the toolbar.
Click to hide button namesSelect User
To move the toolbar, hold the mouse down on the background of the toolbar and
drag the toolbar to a new position. If you drag the toolbar near the menu bar, the
toolbar automatically snaps back into the docked position.
To hide the toolbar, choose Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac OS X
or from the Edit menu in Mac OS 9. Click the General button, and then choose
None from the Toolbar pop-up menu.
Switching between users
The User pop-up menu is on the right side of the toolbar.
User pop-up menu
If you are the only person using Palm Desktop software on this computer, your
name is the only name you see.
Marking records private
If others use the computer, the User pop-up menu shows the name of the person
who most recently used it.
especially before performing a HotSync operation.
Always check the pop-up menu to be sure you are using the correct data,
Click the User pop-up menu to do the following:
Select from a list of available users and profiles
Create, delete, or modify users and profiles
Marking records private
You can mark any record private. Then, depending on whether you select to show
or hide private records in Preferences, Palm Desktop software either displays or
hides the records. To mark a record private, open the record, select Private, and
click OK.
When you transfer a private record to your handheld during a HotSync operation,
the record may become hidden or masked, depending on the options you select in
your handheld’s Security application.
software version 3.5 or later.
Masking of private records is available only on handhelds using Palm OS
Hiding private records
You can hide all records that are marked private. Hidden records do not display in
list views, Date Book views, menus, or Instant Palm Desktop application. They do
not print and are not exported. The alarm for a hidden Date Book event does go
off, but onscreen the alarm reminder says “Private Event” and does not display the
actual event description. Hidden records are synchronized during HotSync
To hide private records, choose Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac
OS X or from the Edit menu in Mac OS 9. Click the General button, and select Hide.
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
Setting preferences
To set preferences, choose Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac OS X
or from the Edit menu in Mac OS 9.
Setting general preferences
Use the General preferences panel to specify settings for the Instant Palm Desktop
menu, deletion warnings, color printing, sound effects volume, toolbar, date
format, auto-attachments, new To Do List item priority, and private records.
Select if you use a color printer
Select to show the Instant Palm Desktop menu
Select for
before items
are deleted
Choose a
volume for
sound effects
Choose whether
the toolbar is
docked, floating,
or hidden
Choose long
or short date
Choose default priority for new tasks
For information on setting auto-attachment preferences, see “Setting attachment
preferences” in Chapter 9.
Setting alarm preferences
You can set the alarm preferences for your computer in Palm Desktop software.
Choose Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac OS X or from the Edit
menu in Mac OS 9, and then click the Alarms button.
Setting preferences
Select to
add an alarm
for new
events you
Select to
alarms on the
The alarms for each appointment are set in the Event dialog box.
Setting font preferences
You can set different font types and font sizes for the list views in Address Book,
To Do List, and Memo Pad. You can also select fonts and font sizes for memo text
and the Date Book views. Choose Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac
OS X or from the Edit menu in Mac OS 9, and then click the Fonts button.
Click Fonts
Choose the
font type
and font
size for
items from
the pop-up
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
Setting decor preferences
A decor is a background that you can apply to the onscreen appearance of Date
Book views and the list views in the other modules. To set a decor, choose
Preferences from the Palm Desktop menu in Mac OS X or from the Edit menu in
Mac OS 9, and then click the Decor button.
Choose a decor from the list
Click Decor
Click to see how your choice looks with the current file
Select a decor from the list, and then click the Apply button to see how the decor
looks with your file. Click OK to accept the decor or Cancel to reject it.
Calendar with the Red Hot Chilies decor
Decors appear onscreen only; they do not affect printing.
Adjusting memory in Mac OS 9
In Mac OS 9, your computer sets aside a certain amount of memory for each
application. You can change the amount of memory reserved.
You may want to increase the amount of memory set aside for the Palm Desktop
software if you run out of memory while using the application, or if you have a
very large data file. Increasing the preferred memory size to 5000K should
eliminate any memory problems during these operations. If you use a Power Mac
and have virtual memory off, Palm Desktop software requires more memory.
Adjusting memory in Mac OS 9
allocation for the Conduit Manager application, not Palm Desktop software. The
Conduit Manager is the application that manages HotSync operations. It is located in
the Palm folder.
If you run out of memory while performing a HotSync operation, increase the
To change the memory allocation:
If Palm Desktop software is open, quit the application.
Open the Palm folder.
Click the application icon once.
To change the memory allocation for Palm Desktop software, click the Palm
Desktop icon. To change the allocation for Conduit Manager, click the Conduit
Manager icon.
happens, choose Quit from the File menu and try again.
From the File menu, choose Get Info.
In the Get Info dialog box, choose Memory from the Show pop-up menu.
Double-click the Preferred Size box.
If you click the application icon twice, you start the application. If that
You see the size highlighted in the box.
Type a number, such as 5000, to change the memory size.
Close the Palm Desktop Info window.
The next time you start Palm Desktop software, the amount of memory you
specified is available for the application.
For more information on managing memory, refer to the documentation that came
with your computer.
Chapter 1 Introducing Palm™ Desktop Software
With Palm™ Desktop software and your handheld, you can keep track of names,
addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, events, memos, and to-do lists.
If you like to roll up your sleeves and learn by doing, this tutorial is for you. After
you finish it, you will have a solid understanding of how Palm Desktop software
In this tutorial, you are the owner and manager of International Bakery, Ltd. You
sell baked goods to delicatessens, cafés, and homes. Your business is growing
nicely, and you need to keep track of information about your customers, suppliers,
personal life, and family, so nothing gets overlooked. You carry your handheld on
calls to customers and to suppliers.
After you have installed Palm Desktop software, you need to open the tutorial file.
Find the file called Bakery in the Tutorial folder, which is in the Palm folder.
Double-click the file’s icon .
The file opens.
Next, you need to go to the place in the file where the calendar information is.
Click the Go To button on the toolbar, at the top of the screen.
Ty p e
Click OK.
Now, let’s put the software to work!
in the box.
Creating an item in Address Book
The moment you finish installing the software the telephone rings, and it’s Susan
Kenwood, a new customer. The first thing to do is create an address card for her.
Click the New Address button on the toolbar.
A new address card appears where you can type the customer’s information.
Notice the Name section of the card is expanded to make typing easier. Also, the
First field is selected.
Type the first name:
Tab to the Last field, and type the last name:
Chapter 2 Tutorial
Finish typing the information so the address card looks like the one below. For
telephone numbers, you need only type the digits—the parentheses and hyphens
are added automatically. Press the Enter key when you’re through, but don’t close
the address card yet — we’ll assign a category to it.
You can move from field to field by pressing Tab (or press Shift-Tab to go
Press Enter or Return repeatedly to open and close successive sections.
If you prefer, you can simply click the field you want to type in. The section
expands and the field highlights, ready for you to type.
Parentheses and hyphens
are entered automatically
Assigning a category
After you’re done with the address card information, you’ll want to assign a
category to this card. Categories are an easy way to group addresses, events,
memos, and To Do List items. For example, you can assign the category “Office” to
the addresses for your coworkers, as well as events, memos, and To Do List items
relating to them.
You can assign up to two categories to each item: a primary category, and a
secondary category. The primary category is the pop-up menu on the left; the
secondary category is the one on the right. You can use primary and secondary
categories however you choose.
you perform a HotSync
Only the primary category for a record is transferred to your handheld when
Assigning a category
Primary categorySecondary category
You can easily assign color-code information. For example, you can have items
with the category “Office” appear in blue, and items with the category “Friends/
Family” appear in green. The color of an item is based on its primary category. If
you have a color printer and have selected the correct print options, color-coded
items will print in color, too.
Eight categories are already created, and you can add, remove, or change them at
any time.
The tutorial includes some additional categories.
Click the Other Information section of Susan Kenwood’s address card to
expand it.
Choose Customers from the left, or primary, Categories pop-up menu.
Chapter 2 Tutorial
You can choose another category from the right, or secondary, Categories popup menu. Otherwise, leave it blank.
If you like, fill in some of the other fields on Susan’s address card.
When you’re done, press Enter to collapse the open section.
Click the card’s close button in the upper-left corner to put it away.
Displaying list views
The address card is a good way to view and change one person’s information. But
you’ve got a lot of people in your Bakery file. To scan them, or jump quickly to
another person’s card, view your addresses as a list.
Click the Addresses button on the toolbar.
You see the addresses listed in rows and columns.
Choose an item in the list, and double-click it to open the address card.
Click the address card’s close button in the upper-left corner to put it away.
Click several items in the list as you hold down the a key.
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