PACE ST-85 User manual

ST 85 Systems
Operation & Maintenance Manual
PACE Incorporated retains the right to make changes to specifications contained herein at any time, without notice.
Contact your local authorized PACE Distributor or PACE Incorporated to obtain the latest specifications.
Arm-Evac, Flo-D-Sodr , Mini-Wave, P ACE, SensaTemp, Snap-V ac, Sodrtek, Sodr-X-T ractor, ThermoFlo, ThermoJet, ThermoTweez, T oolnet, Visifilter .
For any questions regarding this Operation & Maintenance Manual, contact your local authorized P ACE distributor or contact PACE directly at the appropriate address listed below.
P ACE USA 9893 Brewers Court
Laurel, Maryland 20723-1990 Tel.: (301) 490-9860 (888) 535-7223 (PACE) Fax (301) 498-3252
PACE EUROPE Sherbourne House, Sherbourne Drive
Tilbrook, Milton Keynes MK7 8HX United Kingdom Tel.: (44)1908 277666 Fax: (44)1908 277777
© 2000 P ACE Incorporated, Laurel MD. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
The ST 85 system is very easy to operate and can be quickly set up for use in standard desoldering/soldering operations.
T o begin operation of your new system quickly , perform the "Set-Up" and "Quick Start - Basic Operation" procedures detailed on pages 13-19 of this manual. A
shaded title bar on each of these pages highlight their location.
Table of Contents
General Information ................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ................................................................................................. 4
Specifications ............................................................................................... 4
Parts Identification ....................................................................................... 5
Safety ...................................................................................................................... 6
Safety Guidelines, English Language ........................................................... 6
Safety Guidelines, French Language ............................................................ 7
Safety Guidelines, German Language ........................................................... 8
Safety Guidelines, Italian Language ............................................................. 9
Safety Guidelines, Portuguese Language ....................................................10
Safety Guidelines, Spanish Language .........................................................11
Safety Guidelines, Swedish Language .........................................................12
Set-Up ....................................................................................................................13
Tip & Tool Stand ......................................................................................... 13
Air Supply Connection................................................................................ 14
Handpiece Vacuum/Pressure .......................................................................15
Handpiece Connection ................................................................................17
System Power Up ........................................................................................ 17
Heater Burn In ............................................................................................. 17
Quick Start - Basic Operation .................................................................................19
Introduction ................................................................................................ 19
Quick Start Procedure ..................................................................................19
Operation ...............................................................................................................20
Password .....................................................................................................21
Auto Tip Temperature Compensation ......................................................... 21
LED Display - Normal Operation .................................................................22
LED Display - Temperature Adjust Mode....................................................23
Temperature Setback ...................................................................................24
Activation ..............................................................................................24
Operation ...............................................................................................24
Exiting Temperature Setback ..................................................................25
Auto Off Safety System...............................................................................25
Operation ...............................................................................................25
Exiting Auto Off ..................................................................................... 25
Quick Tour ...................................................................................................26
Factory Settings ..........................................................................................28
LED Display Accuracy ................................................................................28
Table of Contents
Set-Up Mode.......................................................................................................... 29
Introduction ................................................................................................ 29
Entering Set-Up Mode................................................................................. 29
Temperature Scale ..................................................................................30
Temperature Limits .................................................................................31
Offset Constant ......................................................................................32
Temperature Setback ..............................................................................32
Auto Off................................................................................................. 33
Temperature Display Impedance ............................................................ 33
Exiting Set-Up Mode ..............................................................................33
Corrective Maintenance .........................................................................................34
LED Display Message Codes ......................................................................34
Power Source............................................................................................... 35
Packing List/Spare Parts......................................................................................... 37
Packing List ................................................................................................. 37
Spare Parts...................................................................................................37
Limited Warranty Registration Form.......................................................................38
Table 1 Factory Settings ..................................................................................28
Table 2 LED Display Message Codes ..............................................................34
Table 3 Power Source Corrective Maintenance................................................35
Table 4 Heater Assembly Checkout Procedures ..............................................36
Table 5 Packing List .........................................................................................37
Table 6 Spare Parts ..........................................................................................37
General Information
Thank you for purchasing the PACE model ST 85 Digital Desoldering/Soldering System. This manual will provide you with the information necessary to properly set up, operate and maintain the ST 85 system.
The ST 85 systems are available in either the 115 VAC, or 230 VAC version which incorporates a highly responsive SensaTemp (closed loop) control system providing up to 80 Watts of total power to a single output channel. The 230 VAC version system bears the CE Conformity Marking which assures the user that it conforms to all the requirements of council directive EMC 89/336/EEC. The systems package the power source with a selection of accessories and functional aids.
The 115 VAC version system conforms to all the requirements of FCC Emission Control Standard, Title 47, Subpart B, Class A. This system has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
System Power Source Power Requirements
ST 85 - Operates on 97-127 VAC, 50/60Hz, 90 Watts maximum
at 115 VAC, 60Hz
ST 85E - Operates on 197-253 VAC 50/60Hz, 80 Watts maximum
at 230 VAC, 50Hz
Shop Air Input Requirements:
Pressure - 5.48 Bar (80 p.s.i.) recommended
6.17 Bar (90 p.s.i.) maximum
Air Flow - 45.3 SLPM (1.6 SCFM) minimum
Temperature Specifications
Tip Temperature Range: 204 to 482°C (400 to 900°F) nominal. Temperature Stability: ±1.1°C (±2°F) at idle from set tip temp.
NOTE - Actual minimum and maximum Operating Tip Temperatures may vary depending on Handpiece, Tip Selection and application.
General Information
EOS/ESD Specifications
The specifications shown below apply except on "Soft Ground Systems" which have a 1 meg ohm current limiting resistance and a label placed on the power source front panel referring to EN 100015-1.
Tip-To-Ground Resistance: Less than 2 ohms. AC Leakage: Less than 2 millivolts RMS from 50Hz to 10MHz. Transient Level: Less than 500mV peak, out to 100MHz.
Parts Identification
Power ReceptaclePower Switch ƒ LED DisplayProgram Key Scroll Up Key
Scroll Down KeyVacuum Port
ˆControllable Pressure PortAC Power Receptacle/Fuse Holder
Š Fuse
SS Air Fitting S Earth Ground Re ceptacle
(230 VAC sytems only)
Safety Guidelines - English Language
The following are safety precautions which personnel must understand and follow when using or servicing PACE products.
1. POTENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD - Repair procedures on PACE
products should be performed by Qualified Service Personnel only. Line voltage parts may be exposed when the equipment is disassembled. Service personnel must avoid contact with these parts when troubleshooting the product.
2. To prevent personnel injury, adhere to safety guidelines in accordance with OSHA and other applicable safety standards.
3. SensaTemp handpiece heaters and installed tips are hot when the handpiece is powered on. DO NOT touch either the heater or the tip. Severe burns may result.
4. PACE Tip & Tool Stands and handpiece cubbies are designed specifically for use with the associated handpiece and houses it in a manner which protects the user from accidental burns. Always store the handpiece in its holder. Be sure to place the handpiece in its holder after use and allow to cool before storing.
5. Always use PACE systems in a well ventilated area. A fume extraction system such as those available from PACE are highly recommended to help protect personnel from solder flux fumes.
6. Exercise proper precautions when using chemicals (e.g., solder paste). Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) supplied with each chemical and adhere to all safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer.
Directives de Sécurité, Française Langue
Les précautions suivantes, sont celles que le personnel doit comprendre et suivre lorsqu'il utilise, effectue la maintenance ou se sert d'un produit PACE.
1. Danger potentiel de choc èlectrique - Les procédures de réparation sur
les produits PACE doivent être effectuées seulement par du personnel qualifié. Des parties de l'équipement désassemblées peuvent être sous tension. Le personnel de maintenance doit éviter tout contact avec ces parties en réparant le produit.
2. Pour prévenir tout préjudice, le personnel adhère au guide de sécurité en accord avec OSHA (équivalent à des normes françaises de sécurité) et d'autres standards de sécurité applicable.
3. La mise sous tension des outils SensaTemp comporte des éléments chauffants (buse). Ces derniers, gardent la chaleur même après la mise hors tension pendant un certain temps. Ne pas toucher les parties chaudes aux extrémités des outils. Des brûlures sévères peuvent en résulter.
4. Les outils PACE et leurs pannes ainsi que le support sont dessinés de manière spécifique afin de protéger l'utilisateur/opérateur de brûlures accidentelles. Reposer toujours les outils après chaque utilisation dans leurs étuis/supports afin de permettre leur refroidissement.
5. Utiliser toujours les stations Pace dans unlieu bien ventilé. Des extracteurs de fumée Pace sont hautement recommandés pour protéger votre personnel des vapeurs de soudure/flux.
6. Prenez les mesures nécessaires quand vous utilisez des produits (ex: solder paste) chimiques. Reportez-vous au document (fiche technique/ sécurité) du fabricant fourni avec chaque produit. Respectez toutes les procédures de sécurité recommandées par le constructeur.
Sicherheit Korrekturlinien, Deutsche Sprache
Die nachfolgenden Sicherheitsvorschriften sollten vom Bedien- un Servicepersonal verstanden und befolgt werden.
1. Entladung spannungsfuehrender Teile - Reparaturen an PACE Produkten sollten nur von qualifizierten Personal durchgefuehrt werden. Spannungsfuehrende Teile koennen sich bei gezogenen Netzstecker entladen. Servicepersonal muss den Kontakt dieser Teile vermeiden.
2. Um moegliche Gefahren fuer Personen auszuschliessen, muessen alle Sicherheitsvorschriften in Uebereinstimmung mit OSHA und anderen anwendbaren Sicherheitsstandards eingehalten werden.
3. Angeschlossene SensaTemp Heizelemente von Handwerkzeugen und installierte Loetspitzen sind heiss wenn das System eingeschaltet ist oder erst vor kurzer Zeit ausgeschaltet wurde. Heizelement und Loetspitze nicht beruehren. Verbrennungsgefahr.
4. PACE Tip & Tool und andere Handwerkzeugablagen sind so konstruiert, dass ein versehentliches Beruehren des dazugehoerendes Handwerkzeuges vermieden wird. Bewahren Sie das Handwerkzeug nach Gebrauch stets in der Ablage auf. Bevor das Handwerkzeug an einem anderen Ort gelagert werden muss, lassen Sie es in der Werkzeugablage vollstaendig abkuehlen.
5. Benutze PACE Systeme nur in gut beluefteten Raeumen. Ein Loetrauchabsaugsystem, wie es z.B. von PACE erhaeltlich ist, hilft Bedienpersonen von den Gefahren von Loetrauch zu schuetzen.
6. Wenn Chemikalien (z.B.: Lotpaste) verwendet werden, muessen alle die in den Sicherheitsdatenblaettern des Herstellers ausgewiesenen Sicherheitsvorschriften eingehalten werden.
Misure di Sicurezza, Italiana Lingua
Le seguenti instruzioni sono misure di sicurezza che il personale deve comprendere e seguire quando utilizza o ripara I prodotti PACE.
1. EVENTUALI RISCHI DI SHOCK ELETTRICO- Si consiglia di far eseguire le operazioni di riparazione dei prodotti PACE, da un servizio di personale qualificato. Quando la stazione non é assemblata le parti sottoposte alla tensione di linea potrebbero essere scoperte. Il personale deve evitare il contatto con queste parti durante manutenzione del prodotto.
2. Per evitare eventuali pericoli al personale, attenersi alle norme di sicurezza previste dalla guida, in conformitá all’OSHA e agli altri Standard di Sicurezza applicabili.
3. Le resistenze PACE Sensatemp e le punte installate sono calde quando la stazione é accesa e per un periodo successivo allo spegnimento. Non toccare la resistenza e la punta. Puó comportare gravi ustioni.
4. I supporti PACE sono specificamente costruiti insieme alla corrispondente impugnatura e progettati per un uso che protegge gli utenti da ustioni accidentali. Mettere sempre l’impugnatura nel propio supporto dopo l’utilizzo e lasciarla raffredare prima di riporla.
5. Utilizzare sempre I stazioni PACE in una zona be aerata per proteggere il personale dai fumi. É fortemente raccomandato un sistema di aspirazione (dei fumi) come quello disposta dalla PACE.
6. Usare precauzioni quando si utilizzano sotanze chimiche (es. Pasta di stagno). Fare riferimento al Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) fornita con ogni sostanza chimica e seguire tutte le misure di sicurezza raccomandate dal fabbricante.
Guidelines de Segurança, Portuguese Lingua
Segeum-se precauções de segurança que os operadores devem compreender e seguir ao utilizar ou reparar produtos PACE.
1. Perigo de choque eléctrico - Os procedimentos de reparação em
produtos PACE, devem ser apenas efectuados por pessoal qualificado. Linhas de alimentação podem ficar expostas ao desmontar o equipamento. Pessoal de reparação deve evitar o contacto com essas partes ao reparar o produto.
2. Para evitar danos pessoais, siga as normas de segurança OSHA ou outras
normas aplicáveis.
3. Resistencias de aquecimento dos ferros e as pontas instaladas estão
quentesquando o ferro está alimentado, e mesmo durante algum tempo após ser desligado. NUNCA TOCAR nem na resistencia de aquecimento nem na ponta. Pode resultar em queimaduras severas.
4. Os suportes para pontas e ferros da PACE, foram concebidos para uso
especifico, e para proteger o operador de queimaduras acidentais. Coloque sempre os ferros nos respectivos suportes. Tenha a certeza de colocar sempre o ferro no respectivo suporte após cada utilização e deixe­o arrefecer antes de o guardar.
5. Utilize sempre os sistemas da PACE em locais bem ventilados. Um Sistema de
extracção de fumos, como os Sistemas disponiveis na PACE, são altamente recomendados para a protecção dos utilizadores contra os fumos produzidos pela solda e fluxo.
6. Tenha precauções apropriadas ao utilizar produtos quimicos (ex. pasta de soldar).
Lêr sempre atentamente os normas de segurança fornecidas com cada produto químico e siga sempre todas as precauções de segurança recomendadas pelo fabricante.
Guias de Consulta de Seguridad, Espãnol Lenguaje
Lo siguiente es precauciones de seguridad que el personal debe entender y debe seguir al usar o reparar productos de PACE.
1. RIESGO de SHOCK POTENCIAL - Los procedimientos de la Reparación en productos de PACE sólo deben ser realizados por Personal de Servicio Calificado. Pueden exponerse partes de voltaje de línea cuando el equipo se desmonta. El personal de servicio debe evitar contacto con estas partes al arreglar el producto.
2. Para prevenir lesión del personal, adhiera a las reglas de seguridad de acuerdo con OSHA y otras normas de seguridad aplicables.
3. Las herramientas SensaTemp tienen sus calentadores y las puntas instaladas calientes cuando la herramienta esta encendida y por un periodo de tiempo después de apagar el equipo. No toque el calentador o la punta. Las quemaduras severas pueden resultar.
4. El Soporte de punta y Herramienta PACE se diseñan específicamente para el uso con las herramientas asociadas y las almacena de una manera que protege al usuario de las quemaduras accidentales. Siempre guarde la herramienta en su soporte. Esté seguro de poner la herramienta en su soporte después del uso y permita que la herramienta enfríe antes de guardar.
5. Siempre use sistemas de PACE en una área bien ventilada. Un sistema de extraccíon de humo como esos disponibles de PACE se recomiendan para ayudar a protejer al personal contra los humos de flujo de soldadura.
6. Ejercicie las precauciones apropiadas al usar químicos (ej., pasta de la soldadura). Refiérase a la Hoja de Datos de Seguridad de Material (MSDS) proporcionadó con cada químico y adhiere a todas las precauciones de seguridad recomendadas por el fabricante.
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