18 Upper saddle River, NJ 07458
201-785-2600 Fax 201-934-7823
Date: 03/11/02
Ref #: GXW5.1HOT
Title: GXW5.1
Classification: Technical Note
Symptom: Fan is not operating when Amplifier appears hot.
Solution: Check below
Remedy: None
The fan operation on this unit requires two conditions to be OK
(HIGH). One is the rise of the temperature at the heat sink and at
the same instances a presence of a signal (Voltage) at the output.
The fan will not operate only on the Temperature Status and nor does
it on the Voltage presence at the outputs. Rather, both conditions
have to be present in order for the Fan to work. Technicians may
assume this a problem, when it isn't.
Pin 26 and 31 need the following conditions met.
Pin 26 Pin 31 Fan
L L None
H L None
L H None

Filename: GXW5-1HOT.doc
Directory: C:\SVCENG-Files\service.onkyousa.com\ONKYO\Products_SB\S-B-
Template: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\Normal.dot
Author: gedion
Creation Date: 05/24/02 8:46 AM
Change Number: 2
Last Saved On: 05/24/02 8:46 AM
Last Saved By: gedion
Total Editing Time: 1 Minute
Last Printed On: 05/24/02 8:46 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 1
Number of Words: 2 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 16 (approx.)