One For All URC8810 User Manual

URC 8810
Digital Manual
Contents I Nevo App URC 8810
Using the NEVO app - Add devices 3
Step 1 Follow the wizard 3
Step 2a Add your device by selecting it from a list 4
Step 2b Add your device with the device model number 5
Step 2c Add your device with a direct setup code 5
Step 3 Test your device 6
Step 4 Rename your device 7
Step 5 Setting up more devices 8
TV Guide Setup 9
Step 1 Select the TV Guide Icon 10
Step 2 Select channel packages 10
Step 3 Select and test the tuning device 11
Step 4 Choose your channel 12
Step 5 Read program details 12
Setting up Shortcuts (Activities) 13
Step 1 Record shortcuts 14
Step 2 Select the icon and name 14
Step 3 Select “Optimize IR” option 16
Volume Lock 17
Power and Input Selection 18
Editing Keys 19
Using the Nevo App I Step 1 URC 8810
Step 1 - Follow the wizard
Once a Smart Zapper has been discovered, the app will ask you to begin adding Devices.
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Using the Nevo App I Step 2a URC 8810
Step 2a - Add your device by selecting it from a list
When you select Add, the wizard for adding a device will begin. Firstly, a list of the top brands
for the device in question will appear.
If you select Other Brands, a full list of that Device Type will appear:
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Using the Nevo App I Step 2b - 2c URC 8810
Step 2b - Add your device with the device model number
Step 2c - Add your device with a direct setup code
You can nd this code via our “Find your Setup Code” tool on our website.
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Using the Nevo App I Step 3 URC 8810
Step 3 - Test your device
Once a brand is selected, a screen will appear with functions to test, which you can
then conrm work or do not work.
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Using the Nevo App I Step 3 URC 8810
You will be able to test functions on the device. Once a function has been conrmed as working, the next function
required to determine the code will be tested, until a correct code has been found. To nd a code it could take
testing only one or two functions, or four or ve if there are many alternatives, so keep repeating the process.
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