List of Function Blocks
Note: 1. The Function Blocks dealing with high-speed operation
(operation cycle: 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 seconds is possible).
2. Cannot be used with the CJ1G-CPU45P-GTC.
Sequence Control
Note: The Function Blocks dealing with high-speed operation (oper-
ation cycle: 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 seconds is possible).
Field Terminals
Note: The Function Blocks dealing with high-speed operation
(operation cycle: 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 seconds is possible).
Type Block Name Function
Signal Selection/Switching
Rank Selector
(See note 1.)
Selects the rank of up to 8 analog signals.
Input Selector
(See note 1.)
Selects the specified analog signals specified by
the contact signal from up to 8 analog signals.
3-input Selector
(See note 1.)
Selects and outputs one of three analog input
3-output Selector
(See note 1.)
Outputs one analog input signal in three switched
Constant Selector
(See note 1.)
Selects 8 preset constants by the contact signal.
Constant Generator
(See note 1.)
Outputs 8 independent constants.
Ramped Switch Switches two analog inputs (or constants) with a
Bank Selector Records the PID parameters (SP, P, I, D, MH, ML)
in up to 8 sets in advance, and switches the PID
parameter for Basic/Advanced/Blended PID
Blocks according to the analog input range
(zone) or input bits.
Split Converter Inputs the MV from the Basic PID block or Ad-
vanced PID block, converts the MV into two
analog outputs for V characteristics or parallel
characteristics (e.g., MV for heating or cooling)
and outputs them.
ITEM Setting
Constant ITEM Setting
(See note 1.)
Writes the constant to the specified ITEM at the
rising edge of the send command contact.
Variable ITEM Setting
(See note 1.)
Writes the analog signal to the specified ITEM at
the rising edge of the send command contact.
Batch Data Collector
(See note 1.)
Stores each of max. 8 analog inputs to buffer by
a certain timing within sequential processing.
Pulse Train
Accumulated Value Input Adder
Adds up to four accumulated value signals.
Accumulated Value Analog Multiplier
Multiplies analog signals by the accumulated
value signals.
Accumulator for accumulated value input
Converts 4-digit accumulated value signals to 8
Contact input/Accumulated value output
Counts low-speed contact pulses, and outputs
8-digit accumulated signals.
Accumulated Value Input/Contact Output
Converts 4-digit accumulated value signals to
low-speed contact pulses before they are output.
Others Analog/Pulse Width
Converter (See note 1.)
Changes the ON/OFF duration ratio in a constant
cycle duration so that it is proportional to the
analog signal.
Contact Distributor Connect contact signals between function blocks
in a 1:1 connection.
Constant Comparator
(See note 1.)
Compares up to eight sets of analog signals and
constants, and outputs the comparison results as
Variable Comparator
(See note 1.)
Compares up to eight pairs of analog signals,
and outputs the comparison results as contacts.
Timer (See note 1.) 2-stage output type addition timer for forecast
values and reached values. Can also output the
present value.
ON/OFF Timer
(See note 1.)
Timer for performing ON-OFF operation at preset
ON and OFF times.
Clock Pulse
(See note 1.)
Outputs a clock pulse at the setting time interval
for a single operation cycle.
Counter (See note 1.) 2-stage output type addition timer for forecast
values and arrival values. Can also output the
current va lue.
Internal Switch
(See note 1.)
Temporary storage contact for accepting relays in
the Step Ladder Program block.
Note: (One internal switch is already allocated
as “temporary storage” in CX-Process
To ol .)
Level Check
(See note 1.)
Checks an analog input for 8 levels and outputs
a contact corresponding to the level. The level
number is also output as an analog value at the
same time.
Contact Type
Control Target
ON/OFF Valve Manipulator
Manipulates and monitors ON/OFF valves with
open/close limit switches.
Motor Manipulator Manipulates and monitors motor operation.
Reversible Motor Manipulator
Manipulates and monitors reversible motor
Motor Opening Manipulator
Inputs a target opening, and manipulates an
electric positional-proportional motor.
Switch Meter
(See note 2.)
Manipulates and monitors multiple (up to 8)
devices such as ON/OFF valves, motors, or
Type Block Name Function
--- Step Ladder Program (See note.)
Performs logic sequence and step progression control.
Type Block Name Function
(See note.)
DI 8-point Terminal Inputs 8 contacts from 8-point Input Unit.
DI 16-point Terminal Inputs 16 contacts from 16-point Input
DI 32-point Terminal Inputs 32 contacts from 32-point Input
DI 64-point Terminal Inputs 64 contacts from 64-point Input
DO 8-point Terminal Outputs 8 contacts from 8-point Output
DO 16-point Terminal
Outputs 16 contacts from 16-point Output
DO 32-point Terminal
Outputs 32 contacts from 32-point Output
DO 64-point Terminal
Outputs 64 contacts from 64-point Output
DI 16-point/Do
16-point Terminal
Inputs and outputs 16 contacts each from
16-point Input/16-point Output Units.
Analog I/O
(See note.)
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from CJ1WPTS51 (Isolated-type Thermocouple
Input Unit)
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from CJ1WPTS52 (Isolated-type Temperature Resistance Input Unit).
AI 2-point Terminal
(PTS15/16, PDC15)
Inputs 2 analog signals from CJ1WPTS15 (Isolated-type Thermocouple
Input Unit), CJ1W-PTS16 (Isolated-type
Temperature Resistance Input Unit), or
CJ1W-PDC15 (Isolated-type DC Input
AI 8-point Terminal
Inputs 8 analog signals from the CJ1WAD081(-V1).
AO 8-point Terminal
Outputs 8 analog signals from the CJ1WDA08V/DA08C.
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from the CJ1WAD041(-V1).
AO 4-point Terminal
Outputs 4 analog signals from the CJ1WDA041(-V1).
AO 2-point Terminal
Outputs 4 analog signals from the CJ1WDA021.
AI 4-point/AO 2-point
Terminal (MAD42)
Inputs 4 analog signals and outputs 2 analog signals each from the CJ1W-MAD42.
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from a DRT1AD04 DeviceNet Slave Analog Input Unit.
AO 2-point Terminal
(DRT 1-DA02)
Outputs two analog signals from a DRT1DA02 DeviceNet Slave Analog Output
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from the CJ1WAD04U.
AI 4-point Terminal
Inputs 4 analog signals from the CJ1WPH41U.