Omron NT - SUPPORT TOOL 07-1995, NT- Support Tool Operation Manual

Cat No. V028E11
Support Tool
NT-series Support Tool
Operation Manual
Produced July 1995
Safety Precautions:
Read these safety precautions carefully and make sure you understand them before using the program­mable terminal so that you can use it safely and correctly.
Safety Conventions and Their Meanings
This operation manual uses the following conventions and symbols to indicate cautions and warnings in order to ensure safe use of the PT. The cautions and warnings shown here contain important information related to safety. The instructions in these cautions and warnings must be observed. The conventions used and their meanings are presented below.
Indicates unsafe practices which, if not avoided, could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Example Symbols
The triangle indicates a hazard (caution or warning). Details are provided by the contents of the triangle and the accompanying text. The symbol to the left indicates a general hazard.
Do not use input functions such as PT touch switches for applications where danger to hu­man life or serious damage is possible, or for emergency switch applications.
OMRON Product References
All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means “word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PC” means Programmable Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for anything else.
[Numeral settings]
Each support tool screen displays options for functions to be set. The example to the left shows such an option, “Numeral setting”.
<Example screens>
This support tool (NT-ZA3PC-V2/ZA3DV-V2) can be used to create screen data for the following models:
NT20M NT20S NT2000M NT600M NT600S NT30 NT30C
NT612G NT610C NT620S NT620C
The screens used for the purposes of explanation in this manual are mainly those of the NT610C. Note that, depending on the model used, the contents of the screen displays may differ somewhat from those shown in this manual.
Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of in­formation.
Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient operation
of the product.
1, 2, 3... 1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.
E OMRON, 1995
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without theprior written permis­sion of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution hasbeen taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumesno responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liabilityassumed for damages resulting fromthe use of the in­formation contained in this publication.
Setting Up the Support Tool 1........................
1-1 Preparing Equipment 2....................................................
1-1-1 Equipment to be Prepared 2...........................................
1-1-2 Before Starting Preparations 3.........................................
1-2 IBM PC/ATPreparations 4.................................................
1-2-1 Installation Method 4................................................
Basic Operations of the Support Tool 7................
2-1 Starting Upand Exiting the Support Tool 8....................................
2-1-1 Start-Up Procedure 8................................................
2-1-2 Exit Procedure 9....................................................
2-2 Basic Operating Procedures 10...............................................
2-2-1 Cursors 10.........................................................
2-2-2 Selecting Options 11.................................................
2-2-3 Using the Function Keys 11............................................
2-2-4 Using the Mouse 12..................................................
2-2-5 Using Help Messages 15..............................................
2-2-6 Selecting Numbers and Codes 16.......................................
Support Tool Operations 19..........................
3-1 Using the Support Tool 20..................................................
3-2 Main Menu 21............................................................
3-3 “Tool Settings” Screen 22...................................................
3-4 “File List” Screen 26.......................................................
3-5 “Scr list” Screen 31........................................................
3-5-1 Functions of the “Scr list”Screen 31.....................................
3-5-2 Setting Direct Connection Information 42.................................
Creating Screen Data 49.............................
4-1 Initial Editing Screen and Basic Operations 51...................................
4-1-1 Displaying the “Edit” Screen 51........................................
4-1-2 Basic Operations on the “Edit”Screen 54.................................
4-1-3 Environmental Settings (Tool Settings for the “Edit” Screen) 59...............
4-2 Common Setting Operations 61..............................................
4-2-1 Setting Character/Character-String Displays 61............................
4-2-2 Setting Numeral Displays 63...........................................
4-2-3 Specifying the Display Color (NT30C, NT610C Only) 66....................
4-2-4 Setting Numeral Memory Tables 68.....................................
4-2-5 Setting Character-String Memory Tables 70...............................
4-2-6 Bit Memory TableSetting 72...........................................
4-2-7 Setting Words and Bits 75.............................................
4-2-8 Copying to the Next Input Field (Increment Copy) 77.......................
4-2-9 Searching Withina Memory Table 78....................................
4-2-10Batch Changing Bits and Words 79......................................
4-3 Creating FixedDisplays 80..................................................
4-3-1 Inputting Characters 80...............................................
4-3-2 Inputting Marks 82...................................................
4-3-3 Creating Polylines 84.................................................
4-3-4 Creating Squares 86..................................................
4-3-5 Creating Polygons 88.................................................
4-3-6 Creating Circles/Arcs 90..............................................
4-3-7 Creating Fans 92....................................................
4-3-8 Tiling 93...........................................................
4-4 Setting Numeral Displays 96.................................................
4-4-1 Setting Numeral Displays 96...........................................
4-4-2 Modifying Numeral Displays 97........................................
4-5 Setting Character-String Displays 98..........................................
4-5-1 Setting Character-String Displays 98.....................................
4-5-2 Modifying Character-String Displays 99..................................
4-6 Setting Lamps 100..........................................................
4-6-1 Setting Lamps 100....................................................
4-6-2 Modifying Lamps 104.................................................
4-7 Setting Touch Switches 105..................................................
4-7-1 Setting Touch Switches 106.............................................
4-7-2 Modifying Touch Switches 115..........................................
4-8 Creating Graphs 117........................................................
4-8-1 Setting Graphs 118....................................................
4-8-2 Modifying Graphs 126.................................................
4-9 Creating Input Settings 128...................................................
4-9-1 Creating Numeral Setting Input Fields 131.................................
4-9-2 Creating Character-String Setting Input Fields
(NT30, NT30C, NT610G, NT610C with Ver.3 or Later Only) 134..............
4-9-3 Setting WindowDisplays
(NT30, NT30C, NT610G, NT610C with Ver.3 or Later Only) 135..............
4-9-4 Creating Numeric Keys 136.............................................
4-9-5 Modifying Numeral/Character-String Setting Input Fields 137..................
4-9-6 Changing Orders 139..................................................
4-10 Extended I/O Settings 140....................................................
4-11 Inputting Image and Library Data 141..........................................
4-12 Editing Memory Tables 143..................................................
4-13 Creating Alarm Lists/Histories 144.............................................
4-13-1Setting AlarmLists/Histories 145........................................
4-13-2Modifying Alarm Lists/Histories 147.....................................
4-14 Standalone Settings 149.....................................................
4-15 Editing Screen Data 150.....................................................
Creating Marks, Images, and Library Data 159...........
5-1 Marks 160................................................................
5-1-1 Mark Creation Procedure 160...........................................
5-1-2 Mark Creation Screen 160..............................................
5-1-3 Mark Creation Functions 161...........................................
5-2 Images 164...............................................................
5-2-1 Procedure for Image Creation 165........................................
5-2-2 Image Editing Operations 166...........................................
5-3 Library Data 171...........................................................
5-3-1 Procedure for Library DataCreation 171..................................
5-3-2 Library Editing Operations 172..........................................
Printing Data 175....................................
6-1-1 Things that can be Done Using the Data Printing Function 176.................
6-1-2 Printing from the “File Selection” Screen 178...............................
6-1-3 Printing from the “Screen Selection” Screen 180............................
Data Communication 183.............................
7-1 Preparation and Procedure for Data Communication with the PT 184..................
7-2 Transmitting Data 188.......................................................
7-3 Receiving Data 190.........................................................
7-3-1 Data Reception 190...................................................
7-3-2 Reception of Display History Records 192.................................
APPENDICES 193...................................
A. Connecting Cable Specifications 193...........................................
ToolInterface Connector Specifications 193.....................................
Assembly of Connecting Cables 193...........................................
B. Error Messages 195.........................................................
C. Special Characters 197......................................................
About this Manual:
This manual describes the basic functions and operation procedures of the NT-series Support Tool and includes the sections described below.
Please read this manual carefully and be sure you understand the information provided before attempting to install and operate the NT-series Support Tool.
WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in personal
injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and related sec­tions before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
SECTION 1 Setting Up the Support Tool
This section describes how to install the support tool at a personal computer.
SECTION 2 Basic Operations of the Support Tool
This section describes the basic operations that apply to the support tool as a whole, such as those for start-up, exit, and settings.
SECTION 3 Support Tool Operations
This section describes how to use the basic screens of the support tool, setting options, and the functions of the function keys.
SECTION 4 Creating Screen Data
This section describes how to create the screen data to be displayed by the program­mable terminal (PT).
SECTION 5 Creating a Marks, Images, and Library Data
This section describes how to create special characters and symbols (marks), image data, and library data.
SECTION 6 Printing Data
This section describes how to print various types of support tool data, such as screen data and the conditions of use of memory tables.
SECTION 7 Data Communication
This section describes how to transfer screen data created using the support tool to the PT, and how to receive data from the PT.
Appendix This section describes the specifications of the connecting cables, error messages, etc.
Organization of the Manual, and How to Use It:
The related manuals are listed below.
* The final digit of the manual number is the revision code.
[For operating the support tool]
S NT-series Support Tool Operation Manual (V028-E1-1)
This manual.......................................................
The support tool displays details of operations and procedures on the screen in the form of “help messages”. Normally, operations can be performed by follow­ing these messages.
However, if you become unsure how to proceed during the course of an opera­tion, or want to check the capabilities of the support tool, refer to this manual.
This manual only describes the operations pertinent to the support tool itself. It does not give detailed explanations of the meanings or effects of the items to be set. For this information, refer to the manuals below.
[For information on PT functions, operations, and restrictions]
S NT20M/NT2000M Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V001-E1-2) S NT20S Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V020-E1-2) S NT600M Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V002-E1-2) S NT600S Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V022-E1-1) S NT30/NT30C Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V034-E1-1) S NT612G Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V024-E1-1) S NT610C Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V025-E1-1) S NT620S/NT620C Programmable Terminal Operation Manual (V033-E1-1)
These manuals contain full descriptions of PT functions, operations, and restric­tions. They are organized in a manner that allows screen data to be created by following the User’s Manual for the PT.
[For communication between the PT and host]
S NT-series Direct Connection Operation Manual (V026-E1-1)
The functions that can be executed and the methods for these functions differ widely according to the host interface unit. The user’s manuals for the host inter­face units have been compiled with the PT, the PC, and the communication for­mat taken into consideration.
Anyone familiar with the functions of the PT can create screen data by referring to the manual for the host interface unit alone.
[For information on the functions and operations of the PC]
S User’s manual for each PC
When you need information about the operations, functions, etc., of the PC, refer to the operation manual for the PC, advanced function unit, or communication unit being used.
Usable Hardware Combinations
The combinations of hardware that can be used, and the settings to be made with the support tool, are shown in the table below. Within each box of the table, the upper entry indicates the model of the interface unit (latter part of the model des­ignation only) and the lower entry in parentheses indicates the model of the sys­tem ROM (latter part of the model designation only).
This table shows the basic combinations. Depending on the PT display method and system configuration, they may not be usable.
Support Tool “Direct Access” Setting
None Ver.4 Ve r.5
Host ST121 (-V1) (*1) ST121 (-V1) (*2)
NT ST121 (-V1) (*1) ST121 (-V1) (*2)
RS ST128 (*2)
C200H ST121 (-V1) (*1) ST121 (-V1) (*2)
Host LK201
RS LK201/LK202
C200H LB121
Host ST121 (-V1)/ST211 (-V1)
ST121 (-V1)/ST211 (-V1)
NT ST121 (-V1)/ST211 (-V1)
ST121 (-V1)/ST211 (-V1)
RS ST121/ST211 (*2)
C200H LB122 LB122
Host LK201 (*3)
RS LK201/LK202
C200H LB121
Support Tool “Direct Access” Setting
Ver.3 Ve r.4 Ver.5
Host (*2) ST131/ST141
NT (*2) ST131/ST141
Host (*4) LK210/LK202
NT (*4) LK201
C200H LB122
Host (*4) LK210/LK202
NT (*4) LK201
C200H LB122
Host (*5) ST211/ST141
NT (*5) ST211/ST141
(*1) Since the host interface unit/system ROM are incorporated, the PT model is
indicated. Set “NT20M” as the NT Model with the support tool.
(*2) Since the host interface unit/system ROM are incorporated, the PT model is
(*3) There is also a system ROM for use with the process control function
(*4) When the host link or NT link method of the direct connection function is
used, the DAC function (process control function) can be loaded from the support tool.
(*5) Since the host interface unit and system ROM are incorporated, the PT
model is indicated. When using an NT620S, set “NT610G (NT612G)” as the NT Model with the support tool, and when using an NT620C, set “NT610C”. The DAC function (process control function) can be loaded from the support tool.
Communication methods are indicated in the table above using the following ab­breviations:
Host: Host link NT: NT link RS: RS-232C/422
PT Model and Tool Settings
“PT Type” and “Direct Access”
The following combinations of “PT Type” and “Direct Access” settings can be made in the Tool Settings.
PT Type 20S 20M 600S 600M 30 30C 612G 610C 620S 620C
f f f f
× × × × × ×
Ver.3 × × × × × ×
f f
× ×
Ver.4 ×
f f f f f
× ×
f f
× × × × × × ×
Specifiable Tool Settings
The Tool Settings items that can be set in combination with each “PT Type” and “Direct Access” setting are indicated in the table below.
PT Type 20S 20M 600S 600M
Direct Access None Ver.4 Ver.5 None Ver.4 None Ver.4 Ver.5 None Ve r.4
32KB × × ×
f f
× × ×
f f
f f
f f
× × ×
f f
96KB × ×
f f f
× × ×
f f
128KB × × ×
f f f f f f f
256KB × × × × × × × ×
f f
512KB × × × × × × × × × ×
1024KB × × × × × × × × × ×
f f f f f f f f f f
Sheet Feeder
f f f f f f f f f f
Mouse Use
f f f f f f f f f f
Communication Mode
f f f f f f f f f f
Communication Port
f f f f f f f f f f
Work Directory
f f f f f f f f f f
Data Directory
f f f f f f f f f f
Time [F3] × × × × × × × × × ×
Edit [F4]
f f f f f f f f f f
PT Type 30 30C 612G 620S 610C 620C
Direct Access Ver.4 Ver.4 Ver.3 Ver. 4 Ver.3 Ver.4
32KB × × × × × ×
64KB × × × × × ×
96KB × × × × × ×
128KB × × × × × ×
256KB × × × × × ×
f f
× ×
1024KB × ×
f f
f f f f f f
Sheet Feeder
f f f f f f
Mouse Use
f f f f f f
Communication Mode
f f f f f f
Communication Port
f f f f f f
Work Directory
f f f f f f
Data Directory
f f f f f f
Time [F3]
f f f f f f
Edit [F4]
f f f f f f
Functions of the Support Tool:
Things that can be done using the support tool
The support tool has the following functions.
Creation of screen data SECTION 4 Creating Screen Data....................................
Creates screen data to be displayed by an NT610C/NT612G.
Besides creating characters and graphics, lamps, touch switches, etc., as screen data, it is also possible to allocate words for individual elements by using the direct connection function.
Management of screen data SECTION 3 Support Tool Operations............................
Operations relating to screen data, such as the setting of screen attributes, and copying and deletion in screen units, are possible.
File management SECTION 3 Support Tool Operations......................................
Screen data can be managed in file units.
Data communication with the PT SECTION 7 Data Communication............................
The PT can be connected to the support tool for communication of screen data files and other types of data.
Printing data SECTION 6 Printing Data.....................................................
Screen data, memory table data, etc., can be printed out at a printer.
Environmental settings SECTION 3 Support Tool Operations.................................
The parameters of the working environment, such as the PT model and data memory capacity, can be set.
Creating files from screens SECTION 3 Support Tool Operations.............................
Screen data can be saved in Microsoft Windows (TM) files (BMP format)
Reading files created
with other available drawing software SECTION 5 Creating Marks, Images, and Library Data....
Reading BMP files
Image files (BMP format) created using packages such as Microsoft Windows (TM) Paintbrush can be read as data.
Menu Tree
Main Menu
* This comprises the function keys F1 through F10.
File Settings
Scr list
Tool Settings
[Setting Items]
PT Type Memory Size Direct Access Direct Macn Type Printer Sheet Feeder Mouse Use Communication Port Communication Mode Work Directory Data Directory
[Setting Items]
Fixed display
Character input (p.80)
Mark display (p.82)
Polyline (p.84)
Square (p.86)
Polygon (p.88)
Circle, arc (p.90)
Fan (p.92)
Tiling (p.93)
Numeral display (p.96) Character-string display (p.98) Lamp setting (p.100) Touch switch setting (p.105) Graph creation (p.117)
Bar graph
Trend graph
Broken-line graph
Input setting (p.128)
Data input
Keyboard display
User ten keys
Extended I/O settings (p.140) Image library data display (p.141) Memory table edit
Numeric values
Alarm list setting (p.144) Screen data editing (p.150)
Environmental settings (p.59)
(p.26) (p.31)
Image & Lib
F4 BchChg
F6 Tmx.
F7 Rcv.
Setting Up the Support Tool
When using the support tool for the first time, the support tool system has to be installed in the personal computer you are using.
This section describes the environment in which the support tool can be used and the method for installing it in a personal computer.
1-1 Preparing Equipment 2..........................................................
1-1-1 Equipment to be Prepared 2................................................
1-1-2 Before Starting Preparations 3...............................................
1-2 IBM PC/ATPreparations 4.......................................................
1-2-1 Installation Method 4......................................................
Preparing Equipment
Section 1-1
1-1 Preparing Equipment
The following equipment and materials must be prepared in orderto use thesup­port tool.
1-1-1 Equipment to be Prepared
S NT Series Support Tool (Type NT-ZA3AT-EV2) This software comes in the form of a 3.5 inch floppy disk. S DOS IBM DOS, Ver.5.02 or later version is required.
S IBM PC/AT Personal computer At least 640 Kbytes of main memory is required. Use an IBM personal computer or 100% compatible. S At least one floppy disk drive (2HD format type) There must be one 3.5 inch drive. S Display VGA compatible display When creating screen data for an NT30C/NT610C/NT620C,a color displayis re-
quired. S Mouse Serial mouse or bus mouse A Microsoft mouse driver is required.
[Common Items]
S Printer EPSON ESC/P printer (24 pin) or HP LASER Jet. S Hard disk drive A hard disk is essential. The available area required forthe support toolfiles and
data area is 2 Mbytes.
Preparing Equipment
Section 1-1
S Using the EMS (expansion memory) The EMS must be loaded to the support tool before using it.
Equipment Relating to Transfer of Screen Data
S RS-232C connecting cable For the cable specifications, see Section 7Data Communication, and the Appen-
Recommended environment
For convenience, you are recommended to use the NT series support tool inthe following environment.
Support tool installationsite : Hard disk Work directory (tool settings) : RAM disk Data directory (tool settings) : Hard disk
For details on “tool settings”, see 3-3 “Tool Settings” Screen (p.22).
Note Back up the data stored in the hard disk in a floppy disk.
1-1-2 Before Starting Preparations
Besure tomake a back-up disk forthe support toolsystem diskand keepthe origi­nal somewhere safe.
When making the back-up, ensure that the original disk is write-protected, as shown below:
Write-protection tag
IBM PC/AT Preparations
Section 1-2
1-2 IBM PC/AT Preparations
To enable the support tool to be run on your IBM PC/AT, install the system in its hard disk by using thesupport tool installation program.
1-2-1 Installation Method
Explained here is the method for installing the system in a harddisk that already has a history of use.
Check that the following conditions are satisfied.
S IBM DOS (Version 5.02 or later) is installed. S [FORMAT.EXE] and [DISKCOPY.EXE] are loaded.
If these files are loaded in a subdirectory, set an environment variable PATH.
For the purposes of this explanation, the drive configuration is assumed to be as follows:
Drive A: 3.5 inch floppy disk Drive B: 3.5 inch floppy disk Drive C: Hard disk
If the drives of the system you are using differ from those in this example, rename the drive names in the example to achievecorrespondence with your system(re­member that there must be at least one 3.5 inch floppydisk drive).
Procedure 1. Start up the personal computer that has DOS installed in its hard disk.
2. Prepare a new floppy disk and use it to create a back up disk for the support
tool system disk in thefollowing way. Set the new disk in the B drive. Enter “FORMAT B:
”. The new disk will be formatted.
On completion of formatting, set the support tool system disk in the A drive. Enter “DISKCOPY A: B:
”. The back up disk will be created.
" If thedisks in drive A and drive B are of different types,use the command
” and create the back up disk in the same drive.
Now take the original disk outof the A drive and store it, and transfer the back up disk to the A drive.
3. Use the command “A:
” to set the current drive to “A”.
4. Enter “INSTALL C: \NT
The underlined part (\NT) is the directory in the hard disk to whichthe support tool is copied; if it does not exist already it is created automatically. It is possible to specify another directory name.
IBM PC/AT Preparations
Section 1-2
If a directory that already exists is specified, the support tool system will becopied tothat directory with no request for confirmation. Make surethat no necessary files willbe overwritten.
5. When the message indicating completion is displayed, the installation work is finished.
D Notes on Installation
S Aharddisk withanavailablecapacity ofatleast 2Mbytesis requiredinorder to
installthe NTseries supporttool. If awork directory forthe supporttool is to be created on the harddisk, anadditional capacity ofup to 2Mbytes willalso be required.
S Start installation after securing sufficient availablecapacity.
D Available Capacity Required to Run the NT Series Support Tool
S At least 445 Kbytes (455000 bytes) of available main memory capacity isre-
quired to run the NT series support software (NT.EXE).
D Checking AvailableMain Memory Capacity
S Check the available main memory capacity either by using CHKDSK.EXE or
MEM.EXE, which are included in the DOS package.
S Input “CHKDSK.EXE” or “MEM.EXE” at the command line to display the
memory capacity and other data. If the “usable memory” or “maximum executable program size” is 445 Kbytes (455000 bytes) or greater, NT.EXE can be used.
IBM PC/AT Preparations
Section 1-2
Basic Operations of the Support Tool
Thissection explainsthe basicoperations that applyto the support tool asa whole, suchas those for starting upand exiting the support tool, and operations using the keyboard and mouse.
When using the support tool, “help messages” which explain the operating procedures are displayed on the screen. After becoming familiar with the basic operations by reading this section, you will therefore be able to use the support tool by following the help messages.
2-1 Starting Upand Exiting the Support Tool 8..........................................
2-1-1 Start-Up Procedure 8......................................................
2-1-2 Exit Procedure 9.........................................................
2-2 Basic Operating Procedures 10.....................................................
2-2-1 Cursors 10...............................................................
2-2-2 Selecting Options 11.......................................................
2-2-3 Using the Function Keys 11.................................................
2-2-4 Using the Mouse 12........................................................
2-2-5 Using Help Messages 15....................................................
2-2-6 Selecting Numbers and Codes 16.............................................
Starting Up and Exiting the Support Tool
Section 2-1
2-1 Starting Up and Exiting the Support Tool
This section describes the procedure for starting up the support tool once it has been installed ina personal computer.
2-1-1 Start-Up Procedure
Themethod forstart-up differsa littleaccording tothe hard disk driveand directory in which the support tool is installed.
Procedure 1. Switch on the power supply to the personal computer to start up DOS.
Check that the currentdrive isthe drivefor the harddisk inwhich the support tool is installed.
If it is not, enter “C:
” to change the current drive. For the underlined part
(C:), specify the drive name ofthe drive in which the support tool is installed.
2. Usethe command“CD \NT
”to changethe currentdirectory to the directo-
ry that contains the support tool. For the underlined part (\NT), specify the name of the directory into which the support tool was copied.
3. Input “NT
The support tool will start up.
S “Main Menu” screen of thesupport tool
When the support tool starts up the “Main Menu” screen shown below will be displayed.
Reference: When the support tool is started upfor thefirst time, the “Tool Settings”screen is
displayed first. See 3-3 “Tool Settings”Screen (p.22).
Starting Up and Exiting the Support Tool
Section 2-1
2-1-2 Exit Procedure
Whenthe “Main Menu” screen is displayed, move the cursor to “Exit” using the [] [] keys and press enter key (
The support tool will be exited and the DOS prompt will be displayed. After the prompt has appeared, switch the power off.
Basic Operating Procedures
Section 2-2
2-2 Basic Operating Procedures
Thesupport toolis asoftware package thatallows thecreation ofscreen data fora PT, and communication with a PT, usingsimple operations. The user canperform these operations simply byfollowing the help displaysthat appear onthe screen.
Supporttool operationscan beperformed eitherby usingthe keyboardor byusing a mouse.
This section explains basic operations such asthe selection of menu options and operation of the mouse.
2-2-1 Cursors
The following types of cursor are displayed on the screen in different circum­stances.
S Bar cursor (
), box cursor ( ), check box ( ) Used to select options, file names, etc. This cursor is moved by using the [][][][] keys or the mouse.
S Mouse cursor (
Thiscursor follows the motionof themouse. Whenperforming operations using the mouse, locatethis cursor on the requireditem andclick the left mouse but­ton.
S Cup cursor (
This cursor is displayedwhile the support tool iscarrying out processing. When the processing is finished it changes into the mouse cursor.
S Enquiry cursor (
This cursor is displayed while the support tool is waiting forthe inputof areply, such as YES/NO. When this cursor is displayed, press the
key (for YES) or
the [Esc] key (for NO). When using the mouse, press either the left button (for YES) or theright button
(for NO). It is also possible to clickon iconswith the pointedpart of the enquiry cursor (at its top left corner) (p.12).
S Key input prompt cursor (
This cursor is displayed when input is required. When it is displayed,carry out input from the keyboard or by using the mouse.
Basic Operating Procedures
Section 2-2
2-2-2 Selecting Options
When performing operations using the support tool it will be necessary to select menu options, choices, file names, etc.
Such selections are made by locating the bar cursor on the item to be selected by using the arrow keys ([][][][] keys) and pressing the
Move using [][ ]
Move using [][]
Items which cannot be selected are displayed inred.
2-2-3 Using the Function Keys
Thecurrently available functionsand currently selectable options are displayed at the bottomof the screen. The items displayed correspond to the function keys on the keyboard. Toexecute one ofthe displayed options, press thefunction key on the keyboard that corresponds to it.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
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