Omron NT3S-ST126, NT3S-ST124, NT3S-ST123, NT3S-ST121 Brochure

Advanced Industrial Automation
p o w e r f u l a n d f l e x i b l e t o u c h t e c h n o l o g y
Sma l l - sca le a u t o m a tion s o l ution
The Omron NT3S terminal is designed to replace mechanical pushbuttons and lamps or text
based function key terminals by offering extra functionality, without increasing overall costs.
user interface. You can create your own “function keys” wherever you want them on your screen
and at the same time make use of text in multiple languages. You can also use comprehensive
graphics to monitor your application. This product is a step up from our NT2S/NT11S function
key series and a step up to our more intelligent NS-series.
Small, Powerful, Flexible,
Economic ..... NT3S
The NT3S applications are designed by making
use of standard objects like text displays,
bar graphs and lamps, and on the other hand
by tasks that can for instance be assigned
to buttons and screens. Also application
specific functionality like alarms and recipes
can be easily configured with the free software
NT-XS. This software is also used to program
our NT2S function key series.
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