While writing this document , It is assumed t hat the user is well acquainted with the PLC
being used and with Windows based software usage, in general.
Hereafter, in the manual, NT2S-SF123B-E will be referred to as NT2S C.]

The NT2S C is intended to be used as a low cost Operator interface for PLCs which are rich in
program memory or data memory areas such as the Omron C Series PLCs.
The NT2S C has the following features:
Display Backlit 2X16 LCD
LEDs 2
Keys 6
ASCII screens 32 characters
Embedded variables 16
Key definitions:
Each key is mapped from work bits I0201.00 to I0201.05. Every time a key is pressed, the
corresponding bit as shown in the table below is held on while the key is pressed. The keys also
have alternate functions.
Key Work Register mode function
F1/REG I0201.00 Changes register prefix
F2/DATA I0201.01 Enters data entry mode
F3/DOWN I0201.02 Increments register number or data depending on mode
F4/UP I0201.03 Decrements register number or data depending on mode
F5/CLR I0201.04 Clears data field to 0 / Register field to first register value
F6/ENT I0201.05 Accepts new data and sends to the PLC

Unit Operations:
The work bits I0200.00 to I0200.15 control the mode of operation of the unit as follows:
Work Bit Function
I0200.00 Controls LED0
I0200.01 Controls LED1
I0200.02 &
I0200.03 Not used
I0200.04 to
I0200.07 Reserved for future use
I0200.08 & 00 : Screen mode 01 : Register mode
I0200.09 10 : Operator mode 11 : Invalid
I0200.10 & Timeout to screen mode from Operator mode
I0200.11 00 : 10 seconds 01 : 20 seconds
10 : 30 seconds 11 : 40 seconds
I0200.12 to
I0200.14 Reserved for future use
I0200.15 To disable data entry in Screen mode
(ON : Disable)
From the above table, it is clear that the unit will display ASCII text (see section on Screens for
more details on this ) if I0200.08 and I0200.09 are OFF. To allow operators to view and edit the
registers, I0200.09 is to be kept ON. If I0200.09 is OFF, the unit will not display any registers and
the function keys will only act as push buttons mapped to the corresponding bits from I0201.00.
Refer to “Register Mode” for details. If I0200.09 is ON, REG key press will allow an operator to
view the registers. The REG key will scroll through the available register types whereas the UP
and DOWN arrow keys will scroll through the register/bit numbers. After timeout specified by bits
10 and 11 and if no key is pressed, the unit will switch back to the Screen mode and display
screens. Thus Operator mode is a combination of Register as well as Screen modes.