Omron CPU Unit CJ2 User Manual

Programmable Automation Controllers
Introducing the Flagship CJ2 CPU Units, with Built-in Multifunctional EtherNet Port
Built-in EtherNet/IP ports
Tag based programming
Fast processing time
Large memory capacity Fully compatible with CJ1 modules
CJ2 – Omron’s New Small, Fast & Flexible Modular Flagship PAC, with built-in EtherNet/IP and Tag Based Programming
The CJ2 Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) delivers PAC features and capabilities as
defined by ARC Advisory Group in Omron’s popular, compact modular CJ PLC platform.
Multi-domain functionality – CJ2 performs logic, motion, HMI and process control on a single platform. Single multi-discipline development platform - Using a common tag database, PAC and HMI
programming can be developed in parallel, reducing development time. Omron’s CJ2 PAC, NS-Series HMI’s and middleware all share the same tag database. CX-One Software incorporates 16 different development tools.
Software tools that allow access across several machines - Omron’s CJ2 PACs supports Single
Point Multiple Access (SPMA) which enables set-up and programming of all local modules and remotely networked modules.
Open, modular architecture - Omron’s CJ2 supports the capability to handle logic, position & motion
control, RFID, analog and temperature control, HMI, bar code, networking modules, communication modules, smart sensors, vision and drives, all in a single modular platform.
Standardized Programming & Open Networks - Omron’s CJ2 supports all IEC61131-3 programming
languages: Ladder, Function Block, Structured Text, Sequential Function Chart (SFC) and Instruction List. Open networks enable seamless communications using these protocols: Ethernet, EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, FLNet, MECHATROLINK-II and Serial (RS-232C, RS-422, RS-485).
CJ2 CPU’s – Offer built-in EtherNet/IP networking, High-speed, high-capacity data exchange between
PAC’s, PLC’s, HMI’s and I/O devices. EtherNet/IP can be used to perform both information and control Networking, share up to 184,832 words over 256 nodes. CJ2 PAC’s can easily connect to Rockwell’s ControlLogix and CompactLogix PLC’s using EtherNet/IP tag data links.
Key Features and Benefits
Large Memory Capacity –
The CPU program memory capacity has been increased up to 400K Steps, DM has increased up to 800K while Function Block Program, Symbol, Comment Memory has increased to
3.5MB. Large memory allows for larger more versatile programs, well documented programs makes it easier and faster to troubleshoot.
Fast –
Processing times are significantly faster. Faster production, faster development time, faster time to market and higher throughput means higher speed applications can be achieved.
One Single Programming
IEC61131-3 Programming –
All 5 programming languages are supported with the CJ2 PAC. Ladder, Function Block, Structured Text, Instruction List and Sequential Function Chart. Hundreds of Pre-built pre-test Function blocks significantly can reduce design time. Standard programming languages allow for fast, flexible and powerful programming.
General-purpose Networks for Support Software Interface –
CX-One software applications can be easily connected using standard USB and EtherNet Cables via USB and EtherNet/IP ports.
Environment –
CX-One is Omron’s single programming environment for PAC’s, PLC’s, HMI, Networks, Process Control, Motion Control and Simulation Software. Legacy PLC’s are supported and single click conversion to new hardware makes for easy migration. The software includes and Update service that automatically checks for the latest update of software.
Improved Debugging –
Online editing and data tracing have been improved, greatly increasing the efficiency of debugging. The data trace function is built into the PAC and can monitor & store I/O and data in 1 ms time increments. This allows for easy and faster debug time, which allows for faster time to market.
Tag Based Programming –
CJ2 CPU Units have a tag name server to manage tag names and I/O addresses. This enables access from external devices using tag names, without needing to know the I/O addresses.
CJ2 Capabilities –
Offers functions such as motion control, process control, RFID, Logic and Drives all on the same controller platform. The modular architecture is ideal for applications where the user is interested in saving money by reducing development time & increasing production.
Faster and Higher-capacity CPU Units
High-capacity data memory is in demand to meet the need for quality control for equipment and products and to provide real-time processing and collection of measurement data. Large program capacity is also in demand due to the need for improving program reusability through modularization and structured programming.
Great Expanded Program Capacity and Data Memory Capacity
Ample capacity is provided for the data required for control operations.
The High-capacity CJ2H-CPU68-EIP Is Now Available.
» Program capacity: 400 Ksteps (1.6 times larger than before) » Data memory capacity: 832 Kwords (2 times larger than before) » Basic Instructions (0.016 µs)
And, All CJ2 Models Have more Capacity than CJ1 Models.
In addition, all models have more capacity than the equivalent CJ1­series models to meet needs for structured programming and increasing amounts of data.
Increased Capacity over CJ1-series CPU Units
Program capacity
400 Ksteps
250 Ksteps
CJ1 Product Lineup
150 Ksteps
100 Ksteps
50 Ksteps
30 Ksteps
64 Kwords 160 Kwords 352 Kwords 448 Kwords 512 Kwords 832 Kwords
Program capacity: 400 Ksteps Data memory capacity: 832 Kwords
Data memory capacity
High-speed System I/O Throughput
Improved basic performance enables fl exible machine control.
Ample Instruction Execution Performance for Machine Control
The CJ2 Series fully responds to customer requests for improvement and increased information.
» System Overhead
Common processing 200 µs Interrupt response: 30 µs
» Basic Instructions
LD instruction execution: 0.016 µs OUT instruction execution: 0.016 µs
» Floating-point Math
SIN calculation: 0.59 µs Floating-point decimal addition and subtraction: 0.24 µs
Faster I/O Refreshing Using the Burst
800 µs
Transfer Method
I/O refreshing between an EtherNet/IP Unit and the CPU Unit is now performed at high speed using the even faster and higher-capacity data links for EtherNet/IP. This method is standard for the CJ2 CPU Units. I/O refreshing is now performed at up to 2.4 times the speed of previous Communications Units.
/O refresh speed
(for 1,000 words)
Burst transfer
High-speed, high-capacity
Faster Immediate I/O Refreshing
Immediate refreshing of basic I/O is also faster. Real-time inputs and outputs while instructions are being executed are up to 20 times faster than before.
(Example: !LD instruction speed improved from 20 µs to 1 µs)
Air cylinder
Fiber Sensor E3X-DA
Sensor status is read just prior to instruction execution.
Output immediately after instruction is executed
Automatic User Memory Recovery
Finer memory production processes have been accompanied by problems such as bit corruption caused by cosmic rays. With the CJ2 CPU Units, corruption in the user program is detected and the program recovered in real time before program execution. This reduces equipment down time by minimizing the number of times that operation is stopped due to memory errors.
Cosmic rays
User program
data is corrupted
Operation is stopped due to memory error.
» I/O Refreshing
16-point Basic I/O Unit: 1.4 µs 8-point Analog Input Unit: 50 µs
Cosmic rays
(Thermal neutrons)
User program
data is corrupted
Data is automatically restored and normal operation continues.
Networks Are More Open
EtherNet/IP is an open network that uses the TCP/IP protocol on EtherNet networks, which are widely used in offi ces and factories throughout the world. The CJ2 CPU Units support EtherNet/IP as a standard feature. Because EtherNet/IP uses TCP/IP, it provides the many advantages of EtherNet technology.
Universal EtherNet and FA Data Links Can Be Used at the Same Time.
With EtherNet/IP, One Port Is Enough.
FTP Communications, Data Links, and Support Software Can Be Used Simultaneously through a Single Port.
The CJ2 CPU Units provide as standard equipment a multifunctional EtherNet port that supports EtherNet/ IP. There is no need to add an EtherNet Unit, because universal EtherNet communications, such as data links between PAC’s, message communications between PAC’s, and FTP transfers, are all enabled simultaneously through this one port while Support Software is connected.
Programmable Terminal
Host application
Data links
CJ2 CPU CJ1-EtherNet/IP Unit
Data links
Create a Seamless Data Flow in a Single Network System.
Because it is based on the world-standard CIP open protocol, a seamless data fl ow can be achieved between control lines and information monitoring lines in a single network system. From here on, EtherNet/IP will be increasingly used in multi-vendor environments (such as robotics and safety devices).
EtherNet/IP is an industrial network that uses the CIP real-time protocol in the EtherNet application layer. (Standards: EN 50170 and IEC 61158)
Application Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Physical Layer
Explicit Messages
IEEE 802.3 EtherNet
Rea l-ti me Dat a Links
Extremely Fast and High-capacity Data
Links Compared to Previous FA Networks
Large Data Transfers with High Reliability.
High-speed and High-capacity
Data Links
From manufacturing recipes and information on interlocks between processes to production data, any type of data can be exchanged at high speed and at the optimal timing. Communications performance is vastly improved over OMRON’s Controller Link and FL-net networks.
Data Link Capacity (Total)
Data Link Performance
(See note.)
Controller Link
Controller Link
Note: Communications cycle time for 20,000 words
20,000 words
8,704 words
10ms 30X
180,000 words
Peripheral Devices (such as Cables, Hubs, and Wireless Devices) Can Be Used With Universal EtherNet Technology.
Automatic Address Allocation Is Expanded to Up to 240 Kwords, Enabling Allocation of Large Amounts of Data.
The memory size of the EM Area for automatic address allocation in CX-Programmer symbol tables has been expanded to a maximum of 240 Kwords. When a tag is automatically allocated, data link design and access from the host are enabled with no need to be conscious of addresses. Moreover, bits can be force-set/reset in the areas in which data is automatically allocated.
Tag access
CJ2 CPU Unit
Tags are automatically allocated to the high­capacity EM Area.
Designing requires tag names only, with no need to worry about addresses.
The convenience of a global standard at your fi ngertips.
» Using Universal EtherNet Reduces Network
Installation and Wiring Costs. » FA Wireless LAN Makes Mobile Control Easy,
with No Need for Rewiring when Changing Layout.
Built-in EtherNet/IP port on CPU Units (multifunctional EtherNet port)
Host application
Easy Monitoring with Excel
CX- Reporter
PAC Access with Visual Basic/C#.NET
CX- Compolet
Switching hub
FA wireless LAN WE70
Support Software
PLC CJ1 or CJ2 CPU Unit
Data Links
FINS Messaging
CIP Messaging
Time Coordination
Programmable Terminal NS Series
Tag Access
No Need for Memory Map Control.
The CJ2 CPU Units introduce a new feature called tag access, to reduce your TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) for systems that use Programmable Terminals, multiple PAC’s, and host applications. Tags allow freedom from memory maps.
Simultaneous Development Takes the Stress Out of Short Deadlines.
No Need for Address Allocation Adjustments in Post-processing.
The various Controllers do not depend on addresses, so parallel development at each Controller is enabled by first simply determining the tag names. There is no need for subsequent address allocation.
Example: Programmable Terminal and CJ2 Development
Case 1
Case 2
CJ2 By simply setting tag names, PAC and Programmable Terminal programming can be performed in parallel.
The PLC program is first created, and then the ladder program is referenced to create the screens.
The screen graphics are created in advance, and then addresses are allocated and checked after the ladder program is completed.
Tag name Number_produced Production_target
Ladder program is created.
Ladder program is created.
Programmable Terminal screens are
created (graphics only).
Address Undetermined Undetermined
Ladder program is created.
Addresses are determined while creating the ladder program.
The screens are created
Programmable Terminal screens are created.
The addresses are set.
Addresses are allocated and the allocations are checked.
Design time is shortened
» Simultaneous Development for Programmable Terminal and CJ2 CPU Unit
Programmable Terminal screens can be designed using tag names defined in the CJ2 CPU Unit. There is no need to adjust address allocations in post­processing.
» Data Links between CJ2 CPU Units
Simply setting tag names allows development to proceed simultaneously among multiple designers and multiple vendors. It is then easy to subsequently change the sizes of data links.
The screens are created with no need to pay attention to addresses.
» Simultaneous Development for Host Application and CJ2 CPU Unit
Designing can be carried out simply by setting tag names in the information section and the control design section. There is no need for physical ad­dresses in the network interface specifications.
The Ease of Changing Designs Makes It Simple to Add or Upgrade Equipment.
There is little effect on address changes. Previously, when data was exchanged by address specifi cation and addresses were changed, the program had to be changed at other Controllers and various operations, such as memory checks, had to be performed. Now, tag names eliminate the dependence on a memory map and the need for checking items affected by changes. This allows equipment to be easily added or upgraded.
Programmable Terminal NS Series
No change required.
Even after the change, the number of items produced is acquired correctly from H200.
With the CX-Programmer, the ad­dress for the tag named “Number produced” is changed from D100 to H200.
Accessed by tag name
Host application
No change required.
tag name address
Assurance of Quality, Free from Mistakes.
Tags can be shared among the CJ2 CPU Units, NS-series PTs and Middleware. Tag names can be shared among controllers that exchange data using the CX-One or Excel import/export functions. Because redundant address entry and address allocation are not needed, checking is also not required. This makes it easy to construct high-quality systems.
What is Tag Access?
A tag is a name given to an address. Tags are managed in the CJ2 CPU Unit, where they are defi ned as network symbols. The common user­defi ned tag names are used from Programmable Terminals and host applications to access memory in a CJ2 CPU Unit without knowing the actual memory address.
Programmable Terminal NS Series
Programmable Terminal screen
Created using tag names.
Data links using tag names
Developed using tag names.
Accessed by tag nameAccessed by tag name
PAC ladder program
Developed using tag names.
Host application
CX-Programmer symbol table
CX-Programmer symbol tables can be copied and pasted!
CX-Designer symbol table
Tags are managed in the CJ2 CPU Unit as network symbols.
Symbol Table
Tag name
Data link design
Allocated using tag names.
Physical address
I/O Memory
Connecting Support Software is Now Easier and Safer.
Using General-purpose Networks for Support Software Interface. Connecting to a USB or EtherNet/IP port is easy, by commercially available cable used around the world.
Easy Connection by USB
Commercially available cable can be connected to a USB port on the front panel of the CPU Unit.
» Simply Connect the Cable, with No Settings Required.
USB port (standard equipment)
Commercially available USB cable
CX-One (e.g., CX-Programmer)
» A CJ2 CPU Unit on an EtherNet/IP Network Can Be Accessed Via USB, with No Need for Routing Tables.
CX-One (e.g., CX-Programmer)
Easy Connection by EtherNet/IP
The built-in EtherNet/IP port enables smooth on­site remote debugging and maintenance.
» EtherNet/IP can be easily connected with simply an IP address.
» Even if the IP address is not known, it is easy to connect by searching the PAC’s on the EtherNet/IP network and selecting from a list.
Prevention of Erroneous Connection by PAC Name Verifi cation
A user-set PAC name can be recorded in the CPU Unit. When connecting online to a PAC, it can be checked whether the project fi le matches the name of the PAC that is to be connected, making it possible to connect with confi dence to a PAC installed in a location that cannot be seen.
Online connection
Erroneous connection is prevented by checking whether the PAC name matches when connecting online.
The PAC name can be easily found by selecting from the list that is displayed.
PAC name
PAC name
PAC name
Easier On-site Debugging
Superior debugging functions reduce the time required for debugging and shorten the total lead time for system startup and trouble countermeasures.
Stress-free Online Debugging
Effects on machinery operation are reduced.
» The additional cycle time due to Online editing has been reduced to approx. 1 ms The previous additional cycle time of 8 ms has been shortened to 1 ms.
Previously (CJ1) CJ2
Online editing
Additional time: Approx.
8 ms
» Unlimited FB and SFC Online Editing Function blocks and sequential function charts can be edited online with no limitation on program size.
Online editing
Additional time: Approx.
1 ms
FB defi nition
SFC program
Previously (CJ1) CJ2
The size of programs that could be edited online was limited to 4 Ksteps.
No limit
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