• Thank you f or purchasing an
Olympu s Digital Voice Reco rder.
Please rea d these instruc tions
for infor mation about usi ng the
produc t correctly an d safely.
• This manu al is a basic version . Please
refer to th e complete advan ced
manual ei ther from the stor ed data
in the [OL_MANUAL] folder o f the
recorde r or download the da ta from
the OLYMPUS website .
• The conten ts of this documen t are
subjec t to change withou t notice.
Contac t our Customer Supp ort
Center for t he latest informa tion
relatin g to product names a nd
model nu mbers.
• Illustr ations of the scree n and the
recorde r shown in this manual m ay
diffe r from the actual p roduct.
The utmo st care has been ta ken
to ensure th e integrity of thi s
docume nt but should you hap pen
to find a qu estionable ite m, error
or omissio n, please contac t our
Customer S upport Center.
• Olympu s does not accept any
liabilit y for passive dam ages or
damage of a ny kind incurred d ue to
data loss r esulting from a def ect of
the produ ct, repair per formed by
a third par ty other than Ol ympus
or an Olym pus authorized s ervice
statio n, or for any other reas on.
Trademarks and registered
• IBM and PC /AT are tradema rks
or registered trademarks of
International Business Machines
Corporatio n.
• Microso ft and Windows ar e
registe red trademark s of Microsoft
Corporatio n.
• Macintos h is a registered tra demark
of Apple Inc.
• SD and SDHC ar e registered
tradem arks of SD Card Ass ociation.
• MPEG Layer-3 au dio coding
technology is licensed from
Fraunhof er IIS and Thomson .
• The tune r and metronome
technol ogies are realize d using
“CRIWARE” fr om CRI Middlewar e
Co., Ltd.
Other produc t and brand names
mention ed herein are tra demarks
or regist ered trademar ks of their
respec tive owners.
Safety precautions
Befor e using your new re corder,
read thi s manual care fully to ensur e
that you k now how to operat e it
safely a nd correctl y. Keep this
manual i n an easily acces sible
location for future reference.
• The warning s ymbols indicat e
impor tant safety re lated
informa tion. To protect your self
and other s from persona l injury or
damage to p roperty, it is ess ential
that you alw ays read the warnin gs
and infor mation provide d.
If the pr oduct is used w ithout
obser ving the info rmation
given under this symbol,
seriou s injury or dea th may
f Warning:
If the pr oduct is used w ithout
obser ving the info rmation
given under this symbol, injury
or death m ay result.
f Caution:
If the pr oduct is used w ithout
obser ving the info rmation
given un der this symb ol, minor
perso nal injury, dam age to the
equipment, or loss of valuable
data may result.
Cautions r elating to th e operatin g
• Do not leave the pro duct where it
will be sub ject to high temp eratures
and/or humi dity such as in a car
parked in d irect sunlight o r at the
seashor e in summer.
• Do not store the p roduct in a humid
or dust y place.
• If the produc t gets wet, imme diately
wipe wate r off with a dry cl oth.
Especi ally avoid salt.
• Do not use organ ic solvent such as
alcohol o r thinner for clean ing.
• Do not place the p roduct on or near
a televisi on set, refrig erator, or other
electric appliance.
• Ensure that no san d or mud gets
on the pro duct. Sand or mud m ay
cause irr eparable damag e.
• Do not apply st rong vibration o r
shock to th e product.
Do not use th e product wh ere it will get
• Do not put a magn etic card (such
as bank car d) near the speaker o r
headph ones. Data recor ded in the
magnetic card may be damaged.
• When install ing a tripod, rota te the
screws on t he tripod rathe r than the
Notes on data l oss:
• Data recorde d in the memory
could be da maged or erased d ue
to a wrong op eration, devic e
failure, r epair or other cau se. It is
recomme nded to save impor tant
data in the h ard disk of your PC or
other me dia for backup.
• Olympus bea rs no liability f or any
damage or l ost earnings inc urred
by data loss d ue to a failure, repa ir
by a third par ty not certi fied by
Olympu s, or other reason .
Notes on reco rd files:
• O lympus bears no l iability even if
a record f ile is erased or be comes
unplayab le due to a failure of th e
recorde r or PC.
• Recorde d contents can be
used for p ersonal use onl y. It is
prohibi ted by the Copyrigh t law
to use copyr ighted work for oth er
purpos es without perm ission from
the owner.
Handling t he recorder
f Warning:
s Do not use the product where there
may be flammable or explosive gas
in the air.
Doing so could cau se an ignition or
s Do not use or store the product for a
long time where there is a lot of dust,
humidity, oil, smoke, or steam.
Doing so could cau se a fire or
electric shock.
s Do not disassemble, repair, or modify
the product.
Doing so could cau se an electric
shock or in jury.
s I f the product falls into water or if
water, metal or a flammable foreign
object gets into the product, perform
the following steps:
1 Immediately re move the batter y. 2 Contact your dea ler or the
Olympu s Service Statio n for
servi ce. Continuing to use i t
could caus e a fire or elec tric
s Do not inser t a card other than SD or
SDHC card into the recorder.
If you accidental ly insert such a
card, do no t try to forcibly r emove
it but cont act our repair cen ter or
servi ce station.
Do not operate the product while
driving a vehicle (such as bicycle,
motorbike or car).
Doing so could cau se a traffic
s Do not leave the product within the
reach of infants or children.
When using the pro duct near
them, ta ke extra care and d o
not carel essly leave the prod uct
unattended. Children cannot
unders tand warnings an d cautions.
In additi on, the followin g accidents
could happ en:
– Accident ally wrap the ear phone
cord aroun d the neck and
– Perfo rm a wrong operati on,
causing in jury or elect ric shock
s Avoid using the product in an
airplane, hospital, or other place
where use of electric devices is
restricted. Or, follow the instructions
given at the site.
s When carr ying the recorder by a
strap, ensure that it does not get
caught on other items.
f Caution:
s Do not turn the volume up before
starting operation.
Doing so co uld cause a hearin g
proble m or hearing loss.
s Stop using the product if you notice
an abnormality such as unusual
odor, abnormal sound, or smoke.
Continuin g to use the produc t
could caus e a fire or burn.
Immedia tely remove the bat tery
carefu lly not to get burne d and
contac t your dealer, our repa ir
center or se rvice statio n (Do not
touch the b attery with ba re hands
when rem oving it. In additi on,
remove the b attery outdo ors away
from comb ustible materia ls).
s Do not leave the product where it
will be subject to high temperatures.
Doing so co uld cause deteri oration
of part s or a fire.
s Do not touch the metal par t of the
product for a long time when the
ambient temperature is low.
Doing so co uld damage your sk in.
Avoid touch ing the product w ith
bare hand s if possible and us e
gloves or ot her protective g ear at
low tempe ratures.
Battery h andling pr ecaution s
f Danger:
s Do not put the batter y near fire.
s Do not throw the battery into fire or
heat it.
Doing so could cau se a fire,
blowout or ignition.
s Do not directly solder, deform,
modify or disassemble the battery.
s Do not connec t the positive and
negative terminals.
Doing so could cau se heat
genera tion, electri c shock or fire.
s When carr ying or storing the battery,
always put it into the case to protect
the terminals. Do not carry or store it
with a key chain or other metal item.
Doing so could cau se heat
genera tion, electri c shock or fire.
s Do not directly connec t the battery
to the power outlet or the slot of car
cigarette lighter.
s Do not use or leave the battery at a
place with high temperatures such
as under direct sunlight, in the car in
the hot sun, or near a heater.
Doing so could cau se a fire, burn
or injur y due to liquid leak , heat
generation, blowout or other
f Warning:
s Do not touch or hold the batter y
with wet hands.
Doing so could cau se an electric
shock or failure.
s Do not use a batter y whose package
is scratched or damaged.
Doing so could cau se a blowout or
heat generation.
s Do not inser t the batteries with the
polarity reversed.
Doing so may cause f luid leakage,
heat generation, fire or bursting.
– Do not use a b attery whos e
outer sea l (insulating cover) is
– Remove th e batteries if yo u are
not going t o use the recorder fo r
an exte nded period of ti me.
– When a ba ttery is deple ted,
cover the con tacts with tap e
to insulate t hem and dispose
of the bat tery as genera l
waste in acco rdance with loca l
– Remove e xpended bat teries
from the un it at once. Leaving
them in the u nit may result in
fluid l eakage.
s I f battery fluid gets into your eyes,
flush your eyes immediately with
clean, cold running water and seek
medical attention immediately.
s Do not leave the battery within the
reach of infants or children.
The y could swallow the b attery. If
this happ ens, immediatel y consult
a doctor.
s If you notice an abnormality such as
abnormal sound, abnormally high
temperature, burnt odor or smoke
during use, perform the following
1 Immediately r emove the batter y
2 Contact your de aler or the
Olympu s Service Statio n for
servi ce. Leaving it could ca use a
fire or b urn.
s Do not soak the battery in freshwater
or seawater or let the terminals get
s If a battery leaks, becomes discolored
or deformed, or becomes abnormal
in any other way during operation,
stop using the recorder.
s If a battery leaks fluid onto your
clothing or skin, remove the
clothing and flush the affected
area with clean, cold running water
immediately. If the fluid burns
your skin, seek medical attention
f Caution:
s Do not apply a strong shock to the
battery or throw it.
s Please recycle batteries to help
save our planet’s resources. When
disposing of dead batteries, be sure
to cover their terminals and always
observe local laws and regulations.
Identification of parts
1 Built-in stereo microphone
2 Built-in center microphone
(LS-14 only)
(Microphone) jack
/ w ( 4 ) button
45 Card cover 6
( s ) (Re cord) butt on,
Record ing indica tor light (LED)
9 Mode dial
in dicator lig ht (LED)
! LED i ndicator l ight @ Di splay (LCD panel )
bu tton, F2 bu tton, F3 button
( ` ) button
^0 button
) 9 button
- Battery cover = Ba ttery cove r release bu tton q Tripod socket
w Built-in speaker e
(Earphone) jack
Conn ect the receive r of the
exclusiv e remote control set
RS30W (optio nal). This enable s
operat ion of the start a nd stop
recording functions through the
remote control.
t USB connector
u Strap hole
Di splay (LCD pane l)
Folder list screen (A):
1 Tota l number of re corded fi les in the
2 Battery indicator 3 Folder name
4 Function guide indicator
Fil e list scree n (B):
1 Current folder name
2 Battery indicator 3 File name
4 Function guide indicator
Fil e screen (C):
1 Cu rrent fil e name 2 Battery indicator 3 [OVERdub] indicator, Metronome
indic ator, Folder nam e
4 Re corder sta tus indica tor
[ H REC ]: Record i ndicator
[ G PAUS E ]: Paus e indicator
[ F STOP ]: Stop ind icator
[ E PLAY ]: Play in dicator
[ I FF ]: Forwarding indicator
[ J REW ]: Rewinding indicator
[ X F.P LAY ]: F. Play indicator
[ Y S.PLAY ]: S. Play indi cator
5 Remaining memory bar indicator,
Playbac k position b ar indicat or
6 Level meter 7 Function guide indicator
8 Remaining recording time,
File length
9 El apsed reco rding time,
Elapsed playback time
In serting ba tteries (Fig . 1)
This r ecorder can be use d with AA
Alkaline Batteries.
1 P ress the bat tery cover r elease
butto n, and then sli de the batte ry
cover ope n while ligh tly pressi ng it
2 I nsert the ba tteries, o bservin g the
corre ct = and - polarities.
3 C lose the bat tery cover co mpletely
by pushi ng the cover dow nwards
in dire ction A wh ile sliding i t in
direc tion B .
Turn ing on/off t he power (Fig. 2)
Turn ing on the powe r:
Whil e the recorder is tur ned off,
slide the
direct ion of the arrow.
Turn ing off the p ower:
Slid e the
direct ion of the arrow, and ho ld it for
1 second o r longer.
swi tch in the
swi tch in the
Powe r save mode:
If th e recorder is on but is n ot used
for 10 minutes o r longer (defaul t),
the displa y shuts off and the r ecorder
goes into p ower save mode.
• To exit power s ave mode, press any
Se tting the ti me and date
[ T ime & Date ] (Fi g. 3)
When you u se the record er for the
first t ime, or when th e battery is
inser ted after th e recorder has n ot
been us ed for a long time , [
] wil l appear. When “
& date
flash ing, conduc t setup from St ep 6.
1 W hile the reco rder is in sto p mode,
press t he
2 P ress the
butto n to select [
3 P ress the 4 P ress the
Ti me & Date
5 P ress the
• “ Hour ” f lashes on the displ ay,
indicat ing the start of th e Time
and Date se tup process.
6 P ress the 9 or 0 button t o
selec t the item you w ant to set.
, − , 9 or 0
Device Menu
or − bu tton to sele ct
Set time
” is
7 Press the + or − bu tton to chan ge
the valu e.
• Fol low the same steps b y
pressin g the 9 or 0 button
to selec t the next item , and
pressin g the + or − but ton to
change th e value.
• You can s elect betwe en 12 and
24 hour displ ay by pressing the
F2 b utton while set ting the hour
and minute .
• You can s elect the orde r of
“ Month ”, “ Day ” and “ Year ” by
pressin g the F2 but ton while
settin g these items.
8 Press the OK bu tton to comp lete the
9 P ress the
the menu s creen.
) bu tton to clos e
In serting an S D card (Fig. 4)
1 W hile the reco rder is in sto p mode,
open the c ard cover.
2 W ith the SD car d facing the co rrect
way, inser t it into the c ard slot as
shown in t he diagram .
a Termina l su rfa ce
• Ins ert the SD card, ke eping it
• Ins erting the SD car d in the
wrong way o r at an angle could
damage th e contact area o r cause
the SD card to j am.
• If t he SD card is not inser ted
all the way, dat a may not be
recorde d on the SD card.
• Wh en you insert the SD c ard, the
recordi ng media changeo ver
screen will appear.
3 C lose the car d cover secur ely. 4 To re cord on an SD ca rd, press th e
bu tton and se lect [
5 P ress the
bu tton to comp lete the
[ Home ] screen operations
Whe n you turn on the recor der, the
[ Home ] sc reen will be displ ayed. The
[ Home ] sc reen is the main scre en
used for a ccessing each func tion.
In additi on, you can also veri fy the
current s ettings for reco rding and
Swi tching func tions (Fig. 5 ):
a [ QUICK], [SMART] mode Recording starts
• In [ SMART ] m ode, recording
start s automatically w hen the
countdow n by the automatic
adjustm ent function en ds.
b [ MANUAL] mode Recording pauses
• Press the REC ( s ) butto n to start
c File list screen
• Press the PLAY ( ` ) button to
start p layback.
Ver ifying th e current se ttings (Fig. 6 ):
Press a nd hold the F3 ( INFO ) but ton
on the [ Home ] screen . You can also
check it wh ile recording is pa used.
The f ollowing sett ings will be
1 [ Mic Gain ] 2 [ Rec Format ] 3 [ Mic Select ] * 4 [ Play Mode ] 5 [ Limiter ] 6 [ Low Cut Fi lter ] 7 [ Pre-Recording ] 8 [ Memory Select ]
* LS -14 only
Recording (Fig. 7)
[ QUICK ] mode
1 Sw itch the Mode d ial to the [
position (
2 P ress the
recor ding (
• Th e recording indic ator light
b Remaining mem ory bar indica tor
c Remaining recording time
d Level meter (chang es according
3 P ress the
stop recording (
• [ F ] ap pears on the displ ay. e File length
( s ) bu tton to sta rt
turns on an d [ H ] app ears on the
Elapsed record ing time
to the recor ding level and
recordi ng function set tings)
/ w ( 4 ) button to
[ SMART ] mode
1 Sw itch the Mode d ial to the
] position ( ).
2 P ress the
automa tic adjust ment of the
recor ding level (
• Th e countdown of the
• Wh en the countdown of th e
Elapsed record ing time
b Remaining mem ory bar indica tor
c Remaining recording time
d Level meter (chang es according
• Th e recording level w ill
( s ) butto n to start
[ Smart Time ] st arts.
automatic adjustment time
ends, re cording start s with the
adjuste d settings.
to the recor ding level and
recording function settings)
be adjust ed automaticall y
depend ing on the volume inp ut
within th e set time. During
recordi ng level adjustme nt,
[ Sett ing Rec Level ] and t he
remaind er of the set time wil l be
• If yo u want to cancel auto matic
adjustm ent, press the
F1 ( CANCEL ) or STOP / w ( 4 )
button . If you want to skip
automati c adjustment and s tart
recordi ng immediately, pre ss the
F3 ( SKIP ) or th e REC ( s ) butto n.
• Af ter automatic adj ustment, you
can adjus t the recording lev el
manually b y using the 9 and 0 but tons.
3 P ress the
stop recording (
• [ F ] ap pears on the displ ay.
e File length
/ w ( 4 ) button to
[ MANUAL ] m ode
1 Sw itch the Mode d ial to the
2 P ress the
3 P ress the 9 or 0 but ton to
4 P ress the
5 P ress the
] position ( ).
to recor d (
• Th e recording indic ator light
adjus t the record ing level (
• Dis torted sound w ill be recorded
• Th e level can be adjus ted
* When re cording from the
butto n to start re cording (
• Th e recording indic ator light
a Elapsed record ing time b Remaining mem ory bar indica tor c Remaining recording time
d Level meter (chang es according
stop recording ( ).
• [ F ] ap pears on the displ ay.
e File length
( s ) butto n to prepare
flashe s and [ G ] ap pears on the
while [ OVER ] i s displayed. Adjust
the recor ding level so that
[ OVER ] is not displaye d.
between [ 01 ] and [ 70 ] * . Th e
higher th e number, the higher
the level a nd the larger the
indicato r position on the l evel
LINE IN jack, you c an adjust the
level be tween [ 01 ] an d [ 30 ].
( s ) or
turns on an d [ H ] app ears on the
to the recor ding level and
recordi ng function set tings)
/ w ( 4 ) button to
Playback (Fig. 8)
1 S elect the f ile to be playe d back from
the fol der that cont ains it.
2 P ress the
• [ E ] ap pears on the displ ay. a File name, Folde r name b Elapsed playback time
c Playback positi on bar indicator
( ` )
d File length
e Level meter
3 P ress the + or − bu tton to adju st the
• Th e volume can be adju sted
within th e range of [ 00 ] to [ 30 ].
4 P ress the
any poin t where you wan t to stop
• [ F ] ap pears on the displ ay.
• Pre ssing this butto n stops the file
being play ed.
Ch anging the p layback spe ed
(Fig. 9)
The to ne will be automat ically
adjuste d digitally with out changing
the voice so i t sounds natural.
1 W hile the reco rder is in pl ayback
mode, pr ess the
2 P ress the
playback speed.
3 P ress the
a Playback speed i ndicator
( ` ) butto n to start
/ w ( 4 ) button at
butto n.
or − bu tton to sele ct
Erasing a file (Fig. p)
A sel ected file ca n be erased from
a folder.
1 S elect the f ile you want to e rase.
2 W hile the reco rder is in sto p mode
in the File s creen, pre ss the
• If a n action is not sel ected within
8 seconds , the recorder ret urns to
stop mod e.
3 P ress the + bu tton to sele ct [
4 P ress the
• Th e display changes to [ Erasing! ]
• [ Erased ] is disp layed when the
and erasi ng starts.
file is er ased. File numbe rs are
reassigned automatically.
Using the recorder on
your PC
Operating environment
Operating System:
M icrosoft Wind ows XP/Vista/7/8
(Standard Installation)
Operating System:
M ac OS X 10.4.11 - 10. 8
(Standard Installation)
4 Recording format:
Line ar PCM (Pulse Code
MP3 (MPEG -1 Audio Laye r3)
4 Input level:
[ Mic G ain ]:
[ Hi ] : − 70 dBv
[ Mid ] : − 50 dB v
[ Lo ] : − 30 dBv
L I N E I N jack:
− 6 dBv
4 Maximum w orking out put:
300 mW (8 Ω s peaker)
4 Maximum h eadphone o utput:
â 150 mV (according t o EN
4 Recording media*:
Buil t-in NAND FLASH mem ory:
LS-14 : 4 GB
LS-12 : 2 GB
SD card:
2 GB to 32 GB
* The reco rder uses some
of its mem ory capacit y to
maintain a management
file. T he indicated rema ining
capacit y is less than the tot al
capacit y of the media due to
its chara cteristic. T his is not a
4 Speaker:
Buil t-in ø 28 mm round dyna mic
4 Built-in microphone with acoustic
130 dBsp l
ø 3.5 m m mini-jack, im pedance
2 kΩ
ø 3.5 m m mini-jack, im pedance
10 kΩ
ø 3.5 m m mini-jack, im pedance
8 Ω or more
4 Input powe r requirem ent:
AA batt eries (LR6) or
Ni-MH r echargeable ba tteries
Ex ternal power sup ply:
USB con necting AC adapte r
(A514) 5 V
4 External dimensions:
138.7 mm × 52. 5 mm × 23.5 mm
(without protrusions)
4 Weight:
170 g (includi ng batteries)
4 Operating temperature:
0°C - 42 °C/ 32°F - 107.6°F
Spe cifications an d design are subje ct
to change w ithout notice.
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