32MB SmartMedia Upgrade Program
What is the Olympus 32 meg
SmartMediaTM Upgrade
Olympus is pleased to announce the forward compatibility
of the award winning Olympus D-340L, D-340R, D-500L
and D-600L Filmless Digital Cameras. This upgrade will
allow the D-340L, D-340R, D-500L and D-600L to utilize
SmartMediaTM memory cards up to 32MB. For the user,
this means greater memory capacity, which translates into
more images being stored on a single SmartMediaTM card.
Starting on June 1, 1999, Olympus D-340L, D-340R,
D-500L and D-600L users will be able to upgrade their
cameras to 32MB SmartMediaTM card compatibility. Users
will need to send their camera to Olympus for the upgrade
Special Exclusive Offer: To demonstrate our
commitment to customer satisfaction we are offering a low
cost upgrade for your Filmless Olympus digital camera
and an exclusive offer on Olympus SmartMediaTM.
All D-340L, D-340R, D-500L and D-600L customers who
have not had a prior upgrade will receive a $10 Savings
off an Olympus 32MB SmartMediaTM valued at $29.95
(32MB) with service upgrade.
Please allow 1-2 weeks for the return of your camera.
Return shipping will be included free of charge at the
completion of the upgrade.
32 MB SmartMediaTM Order Form
This form must be included in box when requesting
State: Zip:
Phone: Camera Model:
Serial Number:
Upgrade Cost SmartMedia Cost
D-340L/D-340R $49.95 32MB Card $29.95
D-500L/D-600L $49.95
Discount (-$10.00)
SubTotal $ SubTotal $
Shipping & Handling: $ No Charge
Total: $ (incl. 8.75% Tax)
Payment Type: Visa MasterCard AmEx
Check Money Order
Please use this mailing label when submitting your
camera for the upgrade program. Send to:
Olympus America Inc.
400 Rabro Drive
Hauppauge, NY 11788-4258
Attention: Service Dept.
Signature: ____________Date:___/___/____
Expiration Date: ___/___/___
To get more information on our award winning
line of digital products visit us at
For additional information please call 1-888-55 DIGITAL
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