Oki MC760x, MC770x, MC780x, ES7470x MFP, ES7480x MFP User's Manual TopAccess Guide

Users Manual
TopAccess Guide
User’s Manual
TopAccess Guide


Thank you for purchasing Multifunctional Color LED Printer. This manual describes remote setup and remote management which operated from the web based management utility TopAccess. Read this manual before using your Multifunctional Digital Systems or Multifunctional Digital Color Systems. Keep this manual within easy reach, and use it to configure an environment that makes the best use of the functions.
Operations on some items are restricted depending on the privileges assigned to the TopAccess user.
This manual supports the following models. MC760x, MC770x, MC780x, ES7470x MFP, ES7480x MFP, MPS3537mc, MPS4242mc

How to read this manual

Symbols in this manual

In this manual, some important items are described with the symbols shown below. Be sure to read these items before using this equipment.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death, serious injury, or serious damage, or fire in the equipment or surrounding objects.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury, partial damage to the equipment or surrounding objects, or loss of data.
Indicates information to which you should pay attention when operating the equipment.
Other than the above, this manual also describes information that may be useful for the operation of this equipment with the following signage:
Describes handy information that is useful to know when operating the equipment.
Pages describing items related to what you are currently doing. See these pages as required.


The details on the touch panel menus may differ depending on how the equipment is used, such as the status of the
installed options.
The illustration screens used in this manual are for paper in the A/B format. If you use paper in the LT format, the
display or the order of buttons in the illustrations may differ from that of your equipment.

About the defaults shown in this manual

The defaults shown in this manual are the values in the standard operating environment. The values may have been
changed from these defaults.
The default for the list item is shown underlined.


The official name of Windows XP is Microsoft Windows XP Operating System.The official name of Windows Vista is Microsoft Windows Vista Operating System.The official name of Windows 7 is Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System.The official name of Windows Server 2003 is Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Operating System.The official name of Windows Server 2008 is Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Operating System.Microsoft, Windows, and the brand names and product names of other Microsoft products are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the US and other countries.
Apple, AppleTalk, Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, Safari, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Inc. in the US and other
Adobe, Acrobat, Reader, and PostScript are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Preface 1
Mozilla, Firefox and the Firefox logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mozilla Foundation in the U.S. and
other countries.
IBM, AT and AIX are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.NOVELL, NetWare, and NDS are trademarks of Novell, Inc.TopAccess is a trademark of Toshiba Tec Corporation.Other company and product names given in this manual or displayed in this software may be the trademarks of their
respective companies.

Security Precautions

To prevent the configuration settings from being changed illegally or similar, change the initial administrator password
at the time of shipping before you use this product. Also, the administrator password should be altered periodically.
Be sure to log out when leaving your computer while changing TopAccess settings for security purposes.For security purposes, do not access any other site while you are logged in to TopAccess.
2 Preface


Preface....................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1 Overview
TopAccess Overview ............................................................................................................... 8
TopAccess Conditions............................................................................................................. 9
Accessing TopAccess ........................................................................................................... 10
Accessing TopAccess by entering URL .............................................................................. 10
Accessing TopAccess from Network Map
(Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008)............................................................ 12
TopAccess Screen Descriptions........................................................................................... 21
Access Policy Mode ............................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 2 [Device] Tab Page
[Device] Item List.................................................................................................................... 26
Displayed Icons ...................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 3 [Job Status] Tab Page
[Job Status] Tab Page Overview........................................................................................... 30
[Print Job] Item list ............................................................................................................... 30
[Fax/InternetFax Job] Item list ............................................................................................. 32
[Scan Job] Item list .............................................................................................................. 33
[Job Status] How to Set and How to Operate ...................................................................... 34
Displaying print jobs ............................................................................................................ 34
Deleting jobs........................................................................................................................ 35
Deleting private print jobs and hold print jobs...................................................................... 35
Releasing print jobs ............................................................................................................. 36
Checking recovery information ............................................................................................ 36
Chapter 4 [Logs] Tab Page
[Logs] Tab Page Overview..................................................................................................... 38
[View Logs] Item list............................................................................................................. 38
[Export Logs] Item list <access policy mode> ..................................................................... 44
[Log Settings] Item list <access policy mode>..................................................................... 45
[Logs] How to Set and How to Operate ................................................................................ 47
Displaying job logs............................................................................................................... 47
Exporting logs...................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 5 [Registration] Tab Page
[Registration] Tab Page Overview ........................................................................................ 50
[Template] Item list .............................................................................................................. 50
[Address Book] Item list....................................................................................................... 76
[Inbound FAX routing] Item list ............................................................................................ 81
[Registration] How to Set and How to Operate.................................................................... 86
Managing templates ............................................................................................................ 86
Managing address book ...................................................................................................... 94
Managing mailboxes.......................................................................................................... 100
Chapter 6 [Counter] Tab Page
[Counter] Tab Page Overview ............................................................................................. 104
[Counter] Item list .............................................................................................................. 104
[Counter] How to Set and How to Operate ......................................................................... 111
Viewing counters ............................................................................................................... 111
Chapter 7 [User Management] Tab Page
[User Management] Tab Page Overview ............................................................................ 114
[User Accounts] Item list <access policy mode> ............................................................... 114
[Group Management] Item list <access policy mode>....................................................... 121
[Role Management] Item list <access policy mode> ......................................................... 123
[Department Management] Item list <access policy mode>.............................................. 128
[Export/Import] Item list <access policy mode> ................................................................. 132
Chapter 8 [Administration] Tab Page
[Setup] Item List ................................................................................................................... 136
General settings ................................................................................................................136
Network settings ................................................................................................................143
Copier settings................................................................................................................... 183
Fax settings ....................................................................................................................... 186
Save as File settings ......................................................................................................... 189
Email settings .................................................................................................................... 198
InternetFax settings ........................................................................................................... 200
Printer/e-Filing settings...................................................................................................... 201
Printer settings................................................................................................................... 202
Print Service settings......................................................................................................... 206
ICC Profile settings............................................................................................................210
Print Data Converter settings ............................................................................................ 212
Embedded Web Browser settings ..................................................................................... 213
Off Device Customization Architecture settings ................................................................ 215
Version .............................................................................................................................. 216
[Setup] How to Set and How to Operate............................................................................. 217
Setting up General settings ............................................................................................... 217
Setting up Network settings............................................................................................... 219
SNMP V3 settings ............................................................................................................. 221
Setting up Copier settings ................................................................................................. 227
Setting up Fax settings ...................................................................................................... 229
Setting up Save as file settings ......................................................................................... 231
Setting up E-mail settings.................................................................................................. 233
Setting up InternetFax settings.......................................................................................... 235
Setting up Printer/e-Filing settings..................................................................................... 237
Setting up Printer settings ................................................................................................. 238
Setting up Print Service settings........................................................................................ 241
Setting up ICC Profile settings........................................................................................... 243
Setting up Print Data Converter settings ........................................................................... 250
Configuring the EWB function ........................................................................................... 252
Setting up Off Device Customization Architecture settings ............................................... 254
Displaying version information........................................................................................... 255
[Security] Item List ............................................................................................................... 256
Authentication settings ...................................................................................................... 256
Certificate management settings....................................................................................... 266
Password Policy settings ................................................................................................... 270
[Security] How to Set and How to Operate ........................................................................ 273
Installing a device certificate.............................................................................................. 273
Creating/Exporting a client certificate ................................................................................ 280
Installing CA certificate...................................................................................................... 282
[Maintenance] Item List........................................................................................................ 284
Create Clone File settings ................................................................................................. 284
Install Clone File settings................................................................................................... 286
Import settings ................................................................................................................... 287
Export settings................................................................................................................... 289
Delete Files settings .......................................................................................................... 290
Directory Service settings.................................................................................................. 291
Notification settings ...........................................................................................................293
Languages settings ........................................................................................................... 296
System Updates settings................................................................................................... 298
Reboot settings .................................................................................................................299
[Maintenance] How to Set and How to Operate ................................................................. 300
About the maintenance functions ...................................................................................... 300
Deleting the data from local folder..................................................................................... 301
Managing directory service................................................................................................ 302
Setting up notification ........................................................................................................ 304
Importing and exporting..................................................................................................... 306
Rebooting the equipment .................................................................................................. 311
[Registration] ([Administration] tab) Item List................................................................... 312
Public Template settings ................................................................................................... 312
Public Menu....................................................................................................................... 314
Fax Received Forward and InternetFAX Received Forward settings................................ 317
Extended Field Definition................................................................................................... 327
XML Format File ................................................................................................................ 331
[Registration] ([Administration] tab) How to Set and How to Operate ............................ 332
Registering public templates ............................................................................................. 332
Registering Fax and Internet Fax received forward........................................................... 338
Chapter 9 [My Account] Tab Page
[My Account] Tab Page Overview ....................................................................................... 346
[My Account] Item list ........................................................................................................ 346
Chapter 10 Functional Setups
Setting up Meta Scan Function ........................................................................................... 352
Procedure for using Meta Scan......................................................................................... 352
Checking Meta Scan Enabler............................................................................................ 352
Editing XML format file ...................................................................................................... 353
Registering XML format file ............................................................................................... 357
Registering Extended Field Definition ............................................................................... 358
Registering templates for Meta Scan ................................................................................ 361
Meta Scan ......................................................................................................................... 364
Checking logs of Meta Scan.............................................................................................. 364
Using the Attribute of the External Authentication as a Role of the MFP ....................... 365
Exporting the role information setting file .......................................................................... 365
Defining the role information setting file ............................................................................ 365
Importing the role information setting file........................................................................... 366
Enabling the role base access setting ............................................................................... 366
Chapter 11 APPENDIX
Installing Certificates for a Client PC ................................................................................. 368
Index..................................................................................................................................................................... 375


This chapter provides an overview of the TopAccess functions.
TopAccess Overview ............................................................................................................... 8
TopAccess Conditions.............................................................................................................9
Accessing TopAccess ...........................................................................................................10
Accessing TopAccess by entering URL................................................................................................................10
Accessing TopAccess from Network Map (Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008)...........................12
TopAccess Screen Descriptions...........................................................................................21
Access Policy Mode............................................................................................................... 22
1 Overview

TopAccess Overview

TopAccess is a management utility that allows you to check device information of this equipment and job status, and to carry out device setting and maintenance through a web browser. TopAccess has an "end-user mode" and a "access policy mode".
End-user mode
End users can:
Display general device information, including status, tray/accessory configuration, and paper supply information.Display and manage the status of print jobs, fax/Internet Fax transmission jobs, and scan jobs submitted by the user.
(The Fax Unit is required to display and manage the fax transmission jobs)
Display the job logs for print, fax/Internet Fax transmission, fax/Internet Fax reception, and scan. (The Fax Unit is
required to display the fax transmission and fax reception job logs.)
Register and modify templates.Add or modify contacts and groups in the address book.Register and modify mailboxes. (The Fax Unit is required.)Display counter logs.Download client software.
P.10 “Accessing TopAccess”
Access policy mode
Operation privileges and displayed items vary depending on the user account you used to log in to TopAccess. Details of operations and displays vary depending on the management on roles and departments to where the user account is assigned. P.22 “Access Policy Mode”
8 TopAccess Overview

TopAccess Conditions

Your device should be connected to the network and TCP/IP is correctly configured to operate TopAccess. When TCP/IP is correctly configured, you can access TopAccess via a web browser.
Supported browsers
Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
(Internet Explorer 7.0 or later when IPv6 is used)
Firefox 3.5 or later
Safari 4.0 or later
Firefox 3.5 or later
Because TopAccess uses cookies to store information on the user's system, these must be enabled in the browser.If TopAccess does not display the correct information in any page, delete the cookies and try again.When using the e-Filing box Web utility from TopAccess, it is necessary to disable the pop-up blocking function of
your Web browser.
1 Overview
TopAccess Conditions 9
1 Overview

Accessing TopAccess

You can access TopAccess by entering its URL in the address box of the web browser. To access it under a Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 environment, confirm the network connection status on the Network Map with the LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery) feature of Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008, and then click the displayed icon of this equipment.
P.10 “Accessing TopAccess by entering URL”P.12 “Accessing TopAccess from Network Map (Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008)”

Accessing TopAccess by entering URL

Launch a web browser and enter the following URL in the address box.
http://<IP Address> or http://<Device Name>
For example
When the IP address of your device "" (when IPv4 used):
When the IP address of your device is "3ffe:1:1:10:280:91ff:fe4c:4f54" (when IPv6 used):
When your device name is "mfp-04998820":
When SSL for the HTTP network service is enabled, an alert message may appear when you enter the URL in the address box. In that case, click [Continue to this website (not recommended).] to proceed.
10 Accessing TopAccess
The TopAccess website appears.
1 Overview
You can also access TopAccess using the TopAccessDocMon link. For instructions on accessing TopAccess from TopAccessDocMon, refer to the Help for TopAccessDocMon.
Accessing TopAccess 11
1 Overview
Accessing TopAccess from Network Map
(Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008)
Confirm the network connection status on the [Network Map] with the LLTD feature of Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008, and then click the displayed icon of this equipment.
P.12 “With Unidentified Network (Windows Vista)”P.15 “With Unidentified Network (Windows 7)”P.18 “Accessing TopAccess from Network Map”
You can install the driver required for web services by right-clicking the icon and selecting [Install]. For the driver required for web services, refer to the User’s Manual Basic Guide.
Before using the LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery) feature, enable the LLTD setting.
P.169 “Setting up LLTD Session”
Before beginning the installation of the driver required for web services, enable the Web Services setting.
P.168 “Setting up Web Services Setting”
With Unidentified Network (Windows Vista)
Click the [Start] icon and select [Control Panel].
The [Control Panel] window appears.
Click [Network and Internet].
The [Network and Internet] window appears.
12 Accessing TopAccess
Click [Network and Sharing Center].
1 Overview
The [Network and Sharing Center] window appears.
Click [Customize] of [Unidentified network (Public network)].
The [Set Network Location] window appears.
Accessing TopAccess 13
1 Overview
Select [Private] of [Location type], and then click [Next].
The [User Account Control] dialog box appears.If the user account control is disabled, the [Set Network Location - Successfully set network settings] window
appears. Go to step 7.
Click [Continue] in the [User Account Control] dialog box.
The [Set Network Location - Successfully set network settings] window appears.
Click [Close].
14 Accessing TopAccess
With Unidentified Network (Windows 7)
Click the [Start] icon and select [Control Panel].
The [Control Panel] window appears.
Click [Network and Internet].
1 Overview
The [Network and Internet] window appears.
Click [Network and Sharing Center].
The [Network and Sharing Center] window appears.
Accessing TopAccess 15
1 Overview
Click [Choose homegroup and sharing options].
The [HomeGroup] window appears.
Click [What is a network location?].
The [Set Network Location] window appears.
16 Accessing TopAccess
Click [Work network].
The [Set Network Location] confirmation window appears.
Click [Close].
1 Overview
Accessing TopAccess 17
1 Overview
Accessing TopAccess from Network Map
Click the [Start] icon and select [Control Panel].
The [Control Panel] window appears.
Click [Network and Internet].
The [Network and Internet] window appears.
Click [Network and Sharing Center].
The [Network and Sharing Center] window appears.
18 Accessing TopAccess
Click [View full map]/[See full map] in the [Network and Sharing Center] window.
1 Overview
Mapping of devices connected on the network appears in the [Network Map] window.
Click the icon of this equipment.
The name, IP address and MAC address of the devices appear when you place the pointer over each icon.If the equipment has the Finisher installed, its icon is displayed together with the Finisher icon. If not, it is
displayed by itself.
Accessing TopAccess 19
1 Overview
The TopAccess website appears.
20 Accessing TopAccess

TopAccess Screen Descriptions

1 2
1 Overview
Item name Description
1 Function tab Features are grouped under each tab. This provides access to the main pages of
TopAccess for each function.
2 Menu bar This provides access to each menu page under the selected function tab.
3 Submenu bar This provides access to each submenu page under the selected menu and function tab.
4 Top link Click this to display the top of the page currently displayed.
5 Help link Click this to display Online Help.
TopAccess Screen Descriptions 21
1 Overview

Access Policy Mode

The access policy mode enables different operation privileges and displayed items to be applied depending on the user account you used to log in to TopAccess. In the access policy mode, the details of operations and displays differ depending on the roles and department assigned to the given user account.
Access TopAccess.
P.10 “Accessing TopAccess by entering URL”
Click [Login].
The Login page is displayed.
Enter the user name and password and click [Login].
Enter the user name and password that comply with TopAccess access policies.The Setup page is displayed.
Failing to enter the correct password for a number of times at login will be considered unauthorized access
and you may not be able to log in for a certain period of time. If you are displayed a “User account is locked” or “The User Name and Password are not recognized.” message and cannot log in, contact your administrator.
The password input is displayed in the blank symbols.After login, you will be automatically logged out when the time specified in the [Session Timer] elapses.
Enter "admin" in User Name and "123456" in Password to log in for the first time.Lockout setting for user accounts can be set with [Administration] - [Security] - [Password Policy].
P.270 “Password Policy settings”
The [Session Timer] can be set with [Administration] - [Setup] - [General] - [WEB General Setting].
22 Access Policy Mode
Click the menu and submenu to display the desired page.
1 Overview
You can log out by clicking the [Logout] link at the top right of the page.
Access Policy Mode 23
1 Overview
24 Access Policy Mode

2.[Device] Tab Page

This chapter describes the [Device] tab page in the TopAccess end-user mode.
[Device] Item List.................................................................................................................... 26
Displayed Icons...................................................................................................................... 27
2 [Device] Tab Page

[Device] Item List

TopAccess opens the [Device] tab which includes a picture indicating the device status. At any time, the end user may click [REFRESH] to update the TopAccess status information. This tab shows the following information about the device:
Item name Description
1 Device Information The following information is displayed.
2 Options The following information is displayed.
3 Paper The following information is displayed.
Status — Displays the device status.Name — Displays the name of this equipment.Location — Displays the equipment's location.Copier Model — Displays the model name of this equipment.Serial Number — Displays the serial number of this equipment.MAC Address — Displays the MAC address of this equipment.Main Memory Size — Displays the main memory size.Page Memory Size — Displays the page memory size.Save as File & e-Filing Space Available — Displays the total available space in the
local folder and e-Filing on your equipment.
Fax Space Available — Displays the available space for sending and receive fax data.Contact Information — Displays the contact name of the person responsible for
managing this device.
Phone Number — Displays the phone number of the person responsible for managing
this device.
Message — Displays administrative messages.Alerts — Displays alert messages.
Finisher — Displays whether the Finisher is installed.Fax — Displays whether the Fax Unit is installed.Optional Function kit — Displays whether the optional function kit is installed.
Tray — Displays a list of the installed trays.Size — Displays the paper size set for each tray.Thickness — Displays the thickness of the paper set in each tray.Attribute — Displays the purpose of the paper set in each tray.Capacity — Displays the maximum paper capacity that can be set for each tray.Status — Displays the remaining amount of paper for each tray.
The paper size for each tray cannot be set from TopAccess. Set it from the touch panel of the equipment. For instructions on how to set the paper size for each tray, refer to the User’s Manual Basic Guide.
4 Toner Displays the amount of toner remaining in the toner cartridges in the equipment.
26 [Device] Item List
2 [Device] Tab Page

Displayed Icons

When the equipment requires maintenance or when an error occurs with the equipment, icons indicating the status information appear near the graphic image of the equipment on the TopAccess [Device] tab. The following are the icons displayed and their descriptions.
Printer Error 1 This icon indicates that a non-recommended toner cartridge is being used, and that the
equipment has stopped printing. For information on resolving the error, refer to "Replacing a Toner Cartridge" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
Printer Error 2 This icon indicates one of the following:
Cover Open This icon indicates a cover such as the front cover or Automatic Duplexing Unit Cover is open.
Tray Open This icon indicates the tray is open.
Toner Empty This icon indicates no toner is left. For information on resolving the error, refer to "Replacing the
Waste Toner Full This icon indicates the waste toner box is full and requires replacing. For information on
Paper Empty This icon indicates no paper is left in a tray. For information on resolving the error, refer to the
You need to remove paper from the receiving tray.You need to remove paper from the Finisher tray.You need to remove the staples jammed in the Finisher. For information on resolving the
error, refer to "Staple Jam in the Finisher" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
A non-recommended toner cartridge is being used. For information on resolving the error,
refer to "Replacing a Toner Cartridge" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
The equipment cannot eject the paper to the output tray.
Toner Cartridge" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
resolving the error, refer to "Replacing the Waste Toner Box" in the User’s Manual
Troubleshooting Guide.
User’s Manual Setup Guide.
Paper Misfeed This icon indicates a paper misfeed occurred. It also indicates the location of the paper misfeed.
Staples Empty This icon indicates no staples are left in the Finisher. For information on resolving the error, refer
Call for Service Contact your service representative to have the equipment inspected.
For information on resolving the error, refer to "When a Paper Jam Occurs" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
to "Refilling the Staples" in the User’s Manual Troubleshooting Guide.
Displayed Icons 27
2 [Device] Tab Page
28 Displayed Icons

3.[Job Status] Tab Page

Using TopAccess, end users can display and delete print jobs, fax/internetfax jobs, and scan jobs released by end users.
[Job Status] Tab Page Overview ........................................................................................... 30
[Print Job] Item list................................................................................................................................................30
[Fax/InternetFax Job] Item list ..............................................................................................................................32
[Scan Job] Item list...............................................................................................................................................33
[Job Status] How to Set and How to Operate ...................................................................... 34
Displaying print jobs .............................................................................................................................................34
Deleting jobs.........................................................................................................................................................35
Deleting private print jobs and hold print jobs ......................................................................................................35
Releasing print jobs..............................................................................................................................................36
Checking recovery information.............................................................................................................................36
+ 350 hidden pages