High Precision Industrial Counting Scales
Outstanding Performance in the Most Demanding Applications!
The OHAUS RangerTM line of compact counting scales has been upgraded and expanded with new software
and enhanced microprocessors for even better performance in demanding industrial applications. Every
Ranger Count features a large, backlit LCD display with fast display of weighing results within 2 seconds,
as well as an RS232 port for quick connectivity to printers and systems. For applications requiring additional filtering, the Ranger series now includes dynamic weighing software allowing weigh determination where
vibration is an issue. For advanced counting applications, the Ranger Count Plus offers a numeric keypad for
manual entry of key data like average piece weight (APW), sample size and part ID, and information stored in
100 memory locations.
Every Ranger is designed with OHAUS’ easy-to-use software interface, making operation intuitive with
a consistent feel across all four Ranger lines: Ranger, Ranger High Resolution, Ranger Count and Ranger
Count Plus. No matter the industrial need, there is a Ranger for that application!
Standard Features Include:
• Ranger Count scales offer high performance strain gauge loadcells supporting resolutions to 1:30,000,
while the Ranger Count Plus incorporates an MFR loadcell for resolutions up to 1:300,000
• Rugged cast aluminum housings with removable stainless steel weighing pans, tough painted finishes
and sealed front panels
• Weigh in lb, oz, kg, g or metric tonne units
• Large, backlit LCD display
• RS232 interface included for connection to printers and systems
• NTEP 1:6,000 legal-for-trade resolution available on Ranger Count models, NTEP 1:30,000
legal-for-trade resolution available for Ranger Count Plus
• Built-in AC with hardwired plug
• Factory option rechargeable NiMH battery available
Series High Precision Industrial Counting Scales
Ranger Count
Designed for counting applications requiring ease-of-use and fast response, the Ranger Count combines simplified
operation with a fast, precise weighing mechanism.
Counting Modes
The Ranger Count can count into an empty container, starting with a sample. For bulk operations, the user can
count out of a full container, starting with the removal of a sample. The Ranger Count includes software to ensure
optimization of the APW (Average Piece Weight) sample (with selectable accuracies of 97.5%, 99% and 99.5%) and
can be set to continue to optimize the APW during the counting process. Set sample sizes can be selected or the
user can use a variable sample size to start counting, speeding use. The Ranger Count also can be set to clear the
APW between containers, ensuring that each container starts with a new APW sample.
Multiple Weighing Modes
For use in a range of industrial applications, the Ranger Count includes software for Filling/Dosing, allowing weighing of fine powders or liquids. For use with moving or unstable items, the Ranger Count can be set to weigh dynamically, providing an average of the item’s weight over time. The Ranger Count can display the gross, net and tare
weights stored in memory for checking tare weights during use.
Two-Scale Counting
The Ranger Count can support two-scale counting using the included RS232 port to other Ranger scales. In twoscale mode, the Ranger Count displays the status of the bulk and reference scales on the large LCD.
Outline Dimensions
270 mm
270 mm
10.6 in
10.6 in
103 mm
4 in
4 in
332 mm
332 mm
13 in
365 mm
365 mm
14.4 in
14.4 in
118 mm
118 mm
4.6 in
4.6 in
369 mm
369 mm
14.5 in
Large Housing
Small Housing