Specular Reflectance Standards
Operating Instructions
Ocean Optics offers three specular reflectance standards for use as references when measuring the
reflection of surfaces with high or low specular reflectivity:
STAN-SSH: Used to measure high-reflectance surfaces of optical substrates and coatings,
machined metals and semiconductor materials. Values are calculated for any angle from 0 to 45º.
STAN-SSH-NIST: This is a calibrated version of the STAN-SSH. Values are calibrated at a 6º
angle traceable to NIST and are included with the standard in a calibration file on CD. A periodic
recalibration is recommended. Check with Ocean Optics for recalibration services and costs.
STAN-SSL: This is a low-reflectance specular reflectance standard.
Reflection is the return of radiation by a surface, without change in wavelength. Reflection is expressed as
a percentage relative to the reflection from a standard substance, such as the STAN-SSH.
If you are using the STAN-SSH-NIST, load the CD that came with your reflectance standard and store the
calibration files to a location that you will browse to later.
Operating Using OOIBase32 Software
► Procedure
1. Make sure you are in Scope mode, by either clicking the Scope Mode icon on the toolbar, or
the light path going to your reference. Place the reflection probe over the reflection standard.
Keep the reflection probe at an angle between 0 and 45
2. Click the Store Reference spectrum icon on the toolbar or select Spectrum | Store Reference
from the menu bar to store the reference. This command merely stores a reference spectrum in
memory. You must select
spectrum to disk.
STAN-00000-000-01-201106 1
View | Scope Mode. Take a reference spectrum by first making sure nothing is blocking
File | Save | Reference from the menu bar to permanently save the
Specular Reflectance Standards Operation Instructions
3. Block the light path to the spectrometer. Then, take a dark spectrum by clicking the Store Dark
command merely stores a dark spectrum in memory. You must select
icon on the toolbar or by selecting Spectrum | Store Dark from the menu bar. This
File | Save | Dark from the
menu to permanently save the spectrum to disk.
You must take a dark spectrum before measuring transmission.
4. Put the sample is in place and ensure that the light path is clear. Then, take a reflection
measurement by clicking on the
Transmission Mode
from the menu bar (since the mathematical calculations used to calculate
transmission and reflection are identical). To save the spectrum to disk, click the
toolbar or select
File | Save | Processed from the menu bar.
Transmission Mode icon on the toolbar or selecting Spectrum |
Save icon on the
Operating Using SpectraSuite Software
► Procedure
1. Place SpectraSuite in Scope mode by clicking the Scope ( ) icon in the Experiment mode
toolbar or selecting
2. Ensure that the entire signal is on scale. The intensity of the reference signal’s peak differs
depending on the device being used. If necessary, adjust the integration time until the intensity is
appropriate for your device. Ensure that the entire signal is on scale.
Processing | Processing Mode | Scope from the menu.
3. Select
File | New | Reflection Measurement. Use the Reflection Measurement wizard to take a
reference spectrum (with the reference standard) and a dark spectrum. You must take a reference
and a dark spectrum before measuring reflection.
4. Put the sample in place and ensure that the light path is clear. Then, take a reflection
5. If you received calibration file with your reference standard, click the Non-unity Correction icon
) on the toolbar. The Select Reference File screen appears.
6. Browse to the location where you stored your reflectivity standard files. Then click the
The reference information appears on the
Select Reference File screen.
Substrate dimensions 31.75 mm outer diameter x 6.35 mm height
Housing dimensions 38 mm outer diameter x 19 mm height
Weight 40 g
Reflectance material Front surface-protected
aluminum mirror on fused
silica substrate
Front surface-protected
aluminum mirror on
fused silica substrate
Schott ND9 glass
2 STAN-00000-000-01-201106
200 – 1000 nm: ~87 – 93%
1000 – 2050 nm: ~93 – 98%
200 – 950 nm: ~5%
950 – 2500 nm: ~4%