Ocean Optics S1024DW User Manual

Operating Manual
User’s Guide
S1024DW Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometers and Accessories
Ocean Optics, Inc. 380 Main Street Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 733-2447 (727) 733-3962 fax
For the latest information, consult our web site: www.OceanOptics.com
Or, e-mail our Technical Service Department: TechSupport@OceanOptics.com
Copyright © 1999 Ocean Optics, Inc.
All rights re served. No part of this p ublication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other w ise, without wr it t en permission from Ocean Optic s , I n c.
This manual is sold as part of a spectrometer order and subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwis e, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the prior consent of Ocean Optics, Inc. in any form of bi nding or cover othe r than that in which it is pu blished.
Every effort has been made to make this man ual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information p rovided is on an “a s is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall ha v e neit her lia b ilit y n or res pon si bil it y to any per son or entit y with re spe ct to any loss or damages arising from the information c o ntained in this manual.
Table of Contents
Introduction Software and Serial Port Interface Installation Light Sources
D-1000 Deuterium Light Source............................................................................................ 8
DT-1000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source ...........................................................10
LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light Source ..................................................................................13
PX-2 Pulsed Xenon Lamp...................................................................................................15
HG-1 Mercury Argon Calibration Source..............................................................................17
LS-1-CAL Calibrated Light Source.......................................................................................20
Sampling Chambers
CUV-VIS, CUV-UV Cuvette Holders....................................................................................23
CUV-VIS-10, CUV-UV-10 Cuvette Holders..........................................................................25
CUV-ALL 4-way Cuvette Holder ..........................................................................................26
CUV-FL-DA Direct Attach Cuvette Holder ............................................................................28
ISS Integrated Sampling System.........................................................................................30
FHS In-lin e Fi l te r Ho lde r s....................................................................................................32
LPC Long Pass Flow Cells ..................................................................................................34
Sampling Optics
74-UV and 74-VIS Collimating Lenses.................................................................................36
74-UV-90 Right Angle Reflector...........................................................................................37
74-OPM Optical P ost M ount ................................................................................................38
74-ACH Adjustabl e Collimating Lens Holder........................................................................39
FVA-UV Fiber Optic Variable Attenuator..............................................................................40
WS-1 Diffuse Refl ec tance Standard.....................................................................................41
ISP-REF Integrating Sphere ................................................................................................42
....................................................................................................................... 1
...................................................... 3
.................................................................................................................... 7
Fiber Optic Probes and Accessories
R200 Reflection P robes.......................................................................................................44
RPH-1 Reflection Probe Holder...........................................................................................46
T200 Transmission Pr obes..................................................................................................47
CC-3 Cosine-Correct ed Irradiance Probes...........................................................................48
Optical Fiber Assemblies Experiment Tutorial
Absorbance Experiments.....................................................................................................52
Transmission Experiments...................................................................................................53
Reflection Experiments........................................................................................................54
Relative Irradiance Experiments..........................................................................................55
Time Acquisition Experiments..............................................................................................56
Appendix A: Adjusting the Focus of a Collimating Lens Appendix B: S1024DW Pin-outs and Jumpers Appendix C: External Triggering
Ocean Optics miniature fiber op tic spectrometer s and accessori es h ave revolut ionized the analytical instrumentation market by dramatically reducing the size and cost of optical sensing systems. More than 10,0 0 0 Ocean Optics spectromet ers have been sold worl d wide -- stri king evidence of t he far-reaching impact of low-cost, minia ture componen ts for fiber op tic spectroscopy. Di verse field s s u ch as research and development, industrial process contr ol, medical diagnostics and environmental monitoring have benefited from access to Ocean Optics technology.
The Modular Approach
A typical Ocean Op tics small- fo ot p rint system compr ises of five basi c elements: a Miniat ure Fiber Op tic Spectrometer , an A/D converter , our operatin g software, a light or ex citation source, and sa mp ling optics . The light or excitation source supplies light through the illumination or excitation fiber to the sample and then li ght interacts with the sample. The light is then collected and transmitted through the r ead fiber to th e spectrometer . Th e s p ectromet er measures the amount of li gh t and the A/D converter transform s the analog data collected by the spectrometer into digital information that is passed to the software, providing the user with application-specific information.
This modular approach -- components are easily mixed and matched -- offers remarkable applications flexibility. Users pick and choose from hundreds of products to create distinctive systems for an almost endless variety of optical-sensing applications.
S1024DW Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer
The S1024DW Deep Well Detector Spectrometer is a 1024-element photodiode array detector for those applications requiring extremely high signal-to-noise (2000:1) measurements. With the S1024DW, the user can ach ieve micro-absorbance unit r esol ution. In fa ct, the user can relia bl y see an absorbance change of less than 0.00001 absorbance units. Furthermore, the S1024DW can be multiplexed with up to 8 spectrometer channels and is ideal for high light level applications such as dissolution testing.
The S1024DW accepts light energy tran sm itted thr ough singl e- s tr and optical fiber and disper ses it via a fixed grating across the photodiode array, which is responsive from 200-1100 nm. An SMA 905 connector allows for easy coupling to an extensive line of fiber optic light sources, probes, chemical sensors, and other spectrophotometric accessor ies.
SAD500 Serial Port Interface
The S1024DW interfaces to our SAD500 Serial Port Interface, a 12-bit, 8-channel, microprocessor-controlled A/D con verter with a 500 kHz sampl ing frequency. The SA D5 00 can be used to interface to desktop or portable PCs, as well as to PLCs and other devices that support the RS-232 communication protocol. The SAD500 A/D converter allows the S1024DW spectrometer to acquire spectra using integration times as rapid as 31 millisecond s . For incr ea s ed s p eed , the SAD500 can be software configured to transmit only a por tion of the spectra or the averages of multiple spectral acquisitions, or a combination of both.
OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software
OOIBase3 2 Spectrom eter Opera ting Software is our n ext g en eration of oper ating softwa re for all Ocean Optics spectrometers. OOIBase32 is a 32-bit, user-customizable, advanced acquisition and display program that provides a r eal-time interface t o a variety of signal-processin g functions for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT users. With OOIBase32, you have the ability to perform spectroscopic measurements such as absorba nce, refl ectance an d emission ; control all system parameters; collect data from up t o 8 spectrometer channels simultaneously and display the results in a single spectral window; and perform reference monito r ing and time acq uisition experiments .
OOIBase3 2 is the lates t edition of operating software for all Ocean Optics sp ectrometers. This change from 16-bit to 32-bit operating software reflects Ocean Optics’ decision to upgrade its software to accommodate the increase of 32-bit oper at ing systems. OOIBase32 still includ es th e function s of the original OOIBase, but numerous editing, viewing, and spectral process ing functions ha ve been added.
For detailed instructions on all of the features, menu items, and options in OOIBase32, please refer to
OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software Manual
the the OOIBase32 online help files.
included with y our spectrometer ord er or
In This Manual
This manual provides u sers with direct ions on configuring your SAD500 wit h your c omputer and operating the S1024DW Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. In addition, this manual covers instructions for using some of our most popular spectroscopic components including light sources, sampling chambers, sampling optics, fiber optic probes, and optical fiber ass embli e s . The directions on taking absorbance, transmission, relative irradiance, and reflection measurements. Additional information i s included in A p pendices, s u ch as the pin- outs and jump er s of the spectrometer, instruct ions on adjusting the focus of a collimating lens, and directions on external triggering.
Experiment Tutorial
section provides specific
Packing List
A packing list comes with your order. It is located inside a plastic bag attached to the outside of the shipment box. The invoice is mailed separately. The items listed on your packing slip include all of the components in your order. However, some items on your packing list are actually items you have specified to be installed into your spectrom eter, such as th e gr ating, d et ector coll ection lens , an d s lit. The pack ing list also includes information s uch as the shippin g addre s s , bil l i ng address, and c ompon ents on back order. What you won’t find on the packing list is OOIBa s e3 2 , the free operating softwa re that com es with ever y spect rometer order.
Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet
In your shipment box you will find your spectrometer in a silver-gray anti-static bag. Also inside this bag is a cali br ation sheet wrapped around the oper ating soft ware diskettes. A calibrati on sheet comes wit h every spectrometer channel, contains im p or tant infor mation sp ecific to your spectrom eter, and sh ou ld be retained.
Return Merchandise Authorization
Custom ers somet im es fi n d that they need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgra de to their s ystem. In order for Ocean Op tics to make th ese changes, the custom er must first contact u s and obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact an Applications Scientist for specific instruc tions when re turning a pro d uct.
Software and Serial Port Interface Installation
Step 1: Interface the SAD500 to your PC
The SAD5 00 Serial Por t Interface is a microprocessor-controlled A/D converter for s er ial port connection or stand-alone operation. The SAD500 can be used to interface to desktop or portable PCs, PLCs, and other devices that support the RS-232 communication protocol. Interfacing the SAD500 to a desktop or portable PC is simple.
1. If you ordered your SAD500 mounted onto your S1024DW spectrometer, simply connect the 6-pin
DIN end of the ser i al cable to the SAD 500 and the DB9 end to your PC. S ome PCs ma y require a 9 -pin to 25-pin c onver ter (not in cluded ). If you ordered your SAD 500 in its own housing, attach the 25- pin conductor ribbon cable from the S1024DW-series spectrometer to the SAD500. Then connect the 6-pin DIN end of the ser i al cable to the SAD 500 and the DB9 end to your PC.
2. For either configuration, note the serial port number (also called COM Port) on the PC to which you
are interfacing. (Older PCs may not have numbered ports.)
3. Plug th e +12VDC wall tr ansformer into an outl et and connect it to the SAD50 0.
Step 2: I ns ta ll OOIBase3 2
1. Before installing OOIBase32, make sure that no other applications are running.
2. In s ert “Di sk 1” into your floppy dri ve . (Whe n prompted, inst a l l Disks 2, 3, and 4.) Execute Set up.exe .
3. At th e “Welcome” dia log box, click Next>.
4. At th e “Dest ination Loca tion” dialog box, choose Browse, pick a destination directory and cli ck Nex t>.
5. At the “Backup Replaced Files” dialog box, select either Yes or No. We recommend choosing Yes. If
you select Y es , choose Browse to pick a d es tination directory and cli ck Next>.
6. At the “Installation Complete” dialog box, choose Finish>.
7. When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
necessary for you to restart your computer before you run OOIBase32 for the first time.
It is absolutely
Step 3: Run OOIBase32
After you restart your computer, navigate to the OOIBase32 icon and select it. The first time you run OOIBase32 after installation, you mu s t foll ow several prompts before you can beg i n taki ng mea s ureme nts.
Operator and Serial Number Dialog Box
Fir st, a prompt to enter a user name and serial n um ber appear s. Certain data files will in clude this info rma tion in the head er. (If, at a later date, you wish to ch ang e the opera tor name and serial number,
Edit | Settings
select of your OOIBase32 software on the Disk 1 label. Click
from the menu and then choose the
Default Spectrometer Configuration File
Next, the following message appea rs:
This appears to be the first time OOIBase32 has been executed. Please select a spectrometer configur ation file from t he following screen. This s pectrom et er conf igur ation file will be us ed each time OOIBase32 is started.
A file open dialog box then appears. You must choose the default spectrometer configuration file. Navigate to the OO I Ba s e3 2 direct ory, and choose the file with preced ed b y the serial nu mber of your spectromet er. (A default spectrom eter config uration fi le will be named something similar to
as the extension. The
tab.) You can find the serial number
extension is
Configure Hardware Dialog Box
Next, the once -- when OOIBase32 is first installed and the software first runs. You must specify your hardware conf ig u ration in this di alog box.
1. Under
2. Under
3. Under
4. Under
5. Under
Conf ig ure Hardwa re
Spectrometer T y p e A/D Converter Type Serial P o rt
, choose the COM port number your computer is using to interface to your SAD500.
dialog box opens . The parameters i n this d i alog box are usually set only
, choose S1024DW.
, choose SAD500.
See the Tr oubleshooti ng se c tion on page 6 for help in determ i ning the COM P ort number.
Baud Rate SAD Pixel Resolut ion
pixel of the spectrometer is transmitted from the SAD500 to the PC. Your resolution value
, select the speed at which the SAD500 will operate.
, en t er resolut ion values from 1 to 500. This va lue specifi es that ever y
depends on your experiment. By sacrificing pixel resolution, you gain speed. The transfer of one complete spectra requires ~0.3 seconds when communicating at 115,200 baud rate. If you need your information in <0.6 seconds, increase the resolution or enable data compression (see below).
6. Enable the
Compress SAD500 Data
functi on to minimize the amount of data transferred over the RS­232 connection. Transmission of spectral data over the serial port is a relatively slow process. Enabling this function insures that every scan transmitted by the SAD500 will be compressed, greatly increasing the data transfer speed of the SAD500.
7. For your setup, only these parameters apply to your system. (Ignore the other settings; the driver will
only read settings that per tain to the spectrometer and A/D converter you have chosen .) Click OK. You can always chang e these settings once OOIBase32 is fu lly operat ional by select ing
Configure | A/D Interface
Spectr ome t er |
If you do n ot see the “Configure Hardware” s cr een when you start OOIBas e3 2 , exit OOI Base32 by selecting
File | Exit
. Then select
, and type
. Notepad will open. Edit the initialization file for our device driver by finding the “Initialized” entry and making sure this line reads
. Save the OOIDRV.INI file and exit Notepa d. Restar t
OOIBase32. You should now see the “Configure Hardware” dialog box.
Spectrometer Configuration Dialog Box
Now tha t OO I Ba s e3 2 is running , you need to configure your s ystem. Select from the menu. Go through each page in the
Spectrometer Configuration
paramet e rs. (For det ailed i nform a tion on each page of this dialog box, see the
Operating Software Manual
or the software’s help files.)
Spectrometer | Configure
dialog box to set system
OOIBase32 Spectrometer
In the
In the
At this point, OOIBase32 should be acquiring data from your spectrometer. There should be a dynamic trace responding to light near the bottom of the displayed graph.
When you exit OOIBase32, all of this configuration information will be stored in the spectrometer configuration file. The next time you run OOIBase32, the software will use the file as the standard for your spectrometer configuration. If you wish, save the spectrometer configuration file with a different name by choosing
Wavelength Calibration
coeffi cients for each spectrometer ch an nel in your system have already been loaded as part of the spectrometer configuration file. Check the spectrometer chan nel in your system.
A/D Interface
settings and va lues as you di d in the
Conf igure Hardware
S1024DW Offset function allows you to adjust th e signal baseline. Some S1024DW units have a negative baseline, which d oes not affect any data since all data is referenced f ro m the same bas eline. If your unit has a negative baseline and you want to insure the baseline (and therefore your data) is positive, you can enter an offset value to raise the baseline.
Detector Linearity
box for each
page, enter the same
dialog box. The
page is for spectrom eters other than the S1024DW.
page, the
Spectrometer | Save Configurati on As
[your serial number].spec
from the OOIBase32 menu.
OOIBase32 Settings Dialog Box
At this point, it is a good idea, though not necessary, to configure several OOIBase32 operation parameters. Choose of this di a log box to selec t options for sa ving, opening, an d printing data; to choose waveform sound files for various program events; to configure default setting files; and to select other important options such as storing and copying data and choosing warning messages. (For detailed information on each page of this dialog box, see the
Edit | Settings
OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software Manual
from the menu to open the
OOIBase32 Settings
dialog box. Go through each page
or the software’s help files.)
Configure Data Acquisition Dialog Box
Fina lly, select parameters in the time and choose averaging and boxcar smoothing values. The the ext ernal tri g ger mode and automatically save dat a for each ext ernal trigger. The to control external str obe events with the spectrometer. (For detail ed information on each pa g e of t h is dialog box, see the
Spectrum | Configure Data Acquisition
Configure Data Acquisition
OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software Manual
dialog box. The
from the menu to set your data acquisition
External Trigger
page allows you to set the integration
page allows you to specify
page a llows you
or the software’s help files.)
Step 4: Connect sampling optics
Check the optics suc h as light s ources, sampling cham be rs, fibers, and other accessories .
Table of Contents
to find st ep - b y-step direction s for s etting up an d operatin g sp ecific sam p ling
Step 5: Start the software and receive data
Run OOI Base32 in Scope M ode and tak e a dark spectrum and a refer ence spectrum (see the
sample measurements.
section for details). Choose the absorbance, transmission, or relative irradiance mode to take your
Occasionall y, there will be problems associat ed wi th your PC configuration and the software. Here are a few tips to assist you.
To ensure that the software and h ar d wa re are in-syn ch, exit OOI Ba s e3 2 , cycle power on the SAD50 0
and restart OOIBase32.
In Windows 95/9 8, you ca n find out your Serial Port number by selecting
Then double-click on the
Ports (COM & LPT)
and this will display the COM port numbers. Ensure that there is no yellow or
icon and s elect the
Device Manager
Start | Settings | Control
tab. Double-click on
red warning sign next to the COM Port you are attempting to use.
If the ports on your PC are not labeled and you don’t know which COM port you are using for your
SAD500, you may have to resort to trial and error. If you choose the wrong serial port number, you will not see a dynamic trace responding to light near the bottom of the displayed graph. Instead, you will see a straight line.
The default baud rate is 57,600. If your computer is not capable of communicating at this speed, select
Spectrometer | Configure SAD500 Baud Rate
, select a s lower baud ra t e.
from the O OIBase32 m en u an d choose the
A/D Interface
page. Under
On some computers, users may have to disable any virus protection software to ensure timely and
complete transfer of the data.
Getting Help
Comprehensive online assistance is available from OOIBase32’s Help menu. The Help files provide instructions on all buttons, options, items, and dialog boxes in OOIBase32. However, if the online Help does not answer your question, please con tact Ocean O pt ics.
Ocean Optic s, Inc. 380 Main Street Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 733-2447 (727) 733-3962 f ax TechSupport@OceanOptics.com
SAD500 Specifications
A/D resolution: 12-bit A/D sampling frequency: 500 kHz (maximum) Communication port: RS-232 Baud rate: 2400-115,200 Input voltage: 10 – 24V Input current: 130 mA without spectrometer Interface cable: 9-pin connector to PC, 25-pin connector to spectrometer Multiple-channel capability: supports up to 8 spectrometer channels Spectrometer compatibility: supports all S1024DW spectrometers Software compatibility: supports all 32-bit Ocean Optics software products
Spec trometer integ ration time:
31 milliseconds to 60 seconds (S1024DW spectrometers) 5 milliseconds to 60 seconds (S2000 spectro mete rs)
Light Sources
Ocean Optics light sources provide illumination and excitation sources in the UV, VIS or Shortwave NIR ran g e for absorban ce or reflection measurement s, d iscrete line spectra for waveleng th calibrations, and cal ibrated a bsol u te inten s ity standards for irra diance measurement s. Wall transformers are supplied for laboratory use. Except for the deuterium lamps, all sources are powered by +12 VDC to facilitate their use in the field. The S1024DW accepts light energy and disp erses it via a fi xed grating across the array, which is responsive from 200-1100 nm. Though some light sources emit energy <200 nm, or emit energy to 2 detector’s responsivity (200-1100 nm).
The D-1000 Deuterium Light Source is a high-output, fiber optic light source optimized for the UV. It produces intense, continuous spectral output from ~200-400 nm.
The DT-1000 Deuterium Tungsten Halogen Light Source combines the con tinuous spectrum of a UV and VIS/NI R li gh t s ource in a single optical path. Its output range is ~200-1100 nm.
m, their u s e with Ocean O pt ics spectrom eters is limited by our
The LS-1 Tungsten Hal og en Light S ource is a versatile sour ce for the VIS-Shortwave NIR (360 nm-2 µm). It offers high color temperature, a long life and a built-in filter slot for color-correcting and other uses.
The LS-1 -CAL Calibrated Ligh t Source is a NIST-traceable calibrated light source for the VIS-Shortwave NIR (300-1050 nm). It has a highly Lambertian internal diffuser, and is specifically calibrated for optical fibers. The calibration data includes absolute inten s ities at th e fi ber entran ce port for wavel engths bet we en 300-1050 nm.
The PX-2 Pulsed Xenon Lamp (~225-700 nm) is a 220 Hz short-arc flashlamp. It produces high-energy pulses of brief duration and has two trigger modes for the hardware or software controlled flash rate.
The HG-1 Mercury Argon Calibration Source produces Mercury and Argon emission lines from 253-922 nm for use in performing fast, reliable spectrometer wavelength calibrations.
Light Sources: D-1000 Deuterium Light Source
D-1000 D
The for the UV. The D-1000 produces intense, continuous spectral output from ~200-400 nm, making it especially useful for UV spectroscopy. The D-1000 has a highly stabilized microprocessor-based power supply designed for optimum stability, with a maximum fluctuation of just 0.05% peak-to-peak and drift of +/- 0.5%/hr. The lamp can be controlled from th e s witches on th e front pan el or through dig ital lin es.
D-1000 Deuterium Light Source
Safety eyewear for protection against dangerous ultraviolet radiation
Power cord for connecting D-1000 to outlet
Allen wrench for adjusting the focus of the collimating lens
The beam emerging from the D-1000 produces visible light and invisible ultraviolet radiation. Direct
contact with the beam could cause serious eye injury. Safety eyewear must be worn at all times while operating the D-1000. Do not remove any safety device installed.
Dan gerous volt ages presen t. Only qualified service personnel should service the D-1000.
This instrument should not be used for any clinical or diagnostic purposes.
Handle with care. Dropping the D-1000 ma y caus e p erman ent damag e.
For optimum performance below 230 nm, use a solarization-resistant fiber with this lamp.
is a high-output, high stability fiber optic light source optimized
Parts I nc luded
1. Put on safety eyewear.
2. Lift t he black protective shutt er cover ing the fiber opt ic port . Remov e t he red pla s t ic cap that cov ers
the SMA connect or and insta l l a n optical fiber. (For be s t results, use our sola rizat ion-resi s t a nt fibe rs. )
3. Plug the power cord into the rear of the D-1000. Plug the other end into a 110 VAC outlet.
4. Locate the black p ower s wi tch at the rear of the D-10 0 0, just above where the p ower cord conn ects to
the D-1000. Turn on the power. When the power is on, the green right of the front pan e l will l ight.
5. Push in the
Pushing in the deuterium lam p i on izes the available deu t erium. At this point , th e yell o w panel will light. Next, after ~30 seconds, the red light. (The deuterium lamp is ready for your application. Best results are obtained after the lamp has warmed up for 30 minutes.
6. Without a solarization-resistant fiber, the spectral output will decrease significantly as a function of
time at wavelengths lower than 230 nm.
7. To turn off the deuterium lamp, first press the white
flip the power switch at the rear of the D-1000, just above where the power cord connects to the D-1000. The green
8. Lift up th e black protec tive shutter and disconnect your op tical fiber from the SM A c onnector.
9. Replace t he red plas tic cap over the SMA connector.
UV Start
UV Start
Heater On
Pow er On
button located on the front panel. This white button turns on the deuterium lamp.
button in itiates the start up sequence for th e lamp. Firs t, the heater in the
light located at the top of the front panel will
light will turn off at the same time.) Once the red
UV Off
light on the front panel will go out.
Pow er On
button located on the front panel. Then,
light located at the bottom
Heater On
light on the front
light is lit, the
Bulb Replacement
1. Order a replacement bulb, item D-1000-B, from Ocean Optics.
2. Make sure the D-1000 is turned off, the power cord is disconnected and the lamp has cooled.
3. Use a Phillips-head sc rewdriver to rem ove all 12 screws from t he si de pane ls of th e D -1000 c asing .
remove any screws fr om the front, back, or bottom panels. Re move the cover.
4. Locate the deuterium bulb. It is located at the front of the housing, mounted on a black platform. Three
wires lead from the bottom of the bulb to the bright green electronic board: one red wire (with a time indicator on it) and two black wires.
5. Use a Phillips-h ead screwdriver to loosen the scr ews securing these three wires t o the green elect ronic
boar d. Once the screws are loose, gently rem ove the red wir e and the two black wi res. You d o n ot n eed to compl etely rem ove the screws to detach th e wi res. (Note that on the gr een electr on ic board, ju s t right of ea ch wir e , is a letter. To th e right of t he red wire i s t he let ter “A” . To the r ight of one bla c k wire i s the letter “H” and to the right of the second black wire is the letter “C”.)
6. In order to remove the bulb, you will need to unscrew the nut holding the collimating lens and SMA
connector in place. It is positioned in such a way that if the nut remains in place, you will not be able to take out the deuterium bulb. Use a 3/8” wrench to rem ove the nut.
7. Use a Phillips-head sc rewdriver to rem ove the two s c rews s e cur i ng th e bu lb to the black pla tform.
8. Remove the old bu lb unit.
9. Insp ect the new bulb unit, but
avoid touching the glass casing
(or envelope) around the bulb as the oils from your skin will deteriorate the bulb. Inside the envelope is a triangle-shaped filament. The filament has a
opening. The light passes through the square opening to the collimating lens. Take the new bulb, ca refully feeding th e three wires th rough th e hole in the bla ck p latform, an d position it so that the square opening in the filament faces the collimating lens.
10. Screw in the two screws that secure the bulb to the black platform.
11. Screw on the nut that holds the collimating lens in place.
12. Secure the three wires to the gr een electron ic board. At tach the red wire to the top screw, labeled “A”.
Attach the bla c k wires to the sc rews on the boa rd labeled “ H” and “C”.
black wire is attached to screw “H” or “C”
It does not matter which
13. Put the D-1000 cover back on and secure it with the 12 screws.
For directions on adjusting the focus of the collimating lens on the D-1000, turn to
Appendix A
Spectral range: ~200-400 nm Time to stabilized output: ~30 minutes Power consumption: 25-30 Watts Bulb lifetime: 1,000 hours (replacement bulbs available) Stability: peak-to-peak = 0.05% (maximum); drift of +/-0.5%/hour Ape rtu re: 0.5 mm (at lamp ) Connector: SMA 905 Window material: 0.4 mm thickness UV-transmissive glass Lamp voltage: 85 volts DC (nominal) Operating lamp current: 300 mA DC (+/- 1mA) Timing: microprocessor-based Inputs: trigger inputs for lamp (on/off) Outputs: levels for lamp (on/off), filament (on/off)
120 volts AC @ 0.50 A, 50-60 Hz
Power requirements:
220 volts AC @ 0.25 A, 50-60 Hz 100 volts AC @ 0.60 A, 50-60 Hz 240 volts AC @ 0.20 A, 50-60 Hz
Light Sources: DT-1000 Deuterium Tungsten-Halogen
Light Sou rce
DT-1000 D
The deuterium UV light source and a tungsten-halogen VIS/Shortwave NIR light source in a single optical path. The combined light source produces a powerful, stable output from ~200-1100 nm. It also has a highly stabilized microprocessor-based power supply designed for optimum stability.
Parts I nc luded
DT-1000 Deuterium Light Source
Safety eyewear for protection against dangerous ultraviolet radiation
Power cord for connecting DT-1000 to outl et
Allen wrench for adjusting the focus of the collimating lens
The beam emerging from the DT-1000 produces visible light and/or invisible ultraviolet radiation.
Dir ect contact with the beam cou ld cause serious eye injury. Saf ety eyewear must be worn at all times while operating the DT-1000. Do not remove any safety device installed.
Dan gerous volt ages presen t. Only qualified service personnel should service the DT-1000.
This instrument should not be used for any clinical or diagnostic purposes.
Handle with care. Dropping the instr um en t may cause per manen t dam age.
For optimum performance below 230 nm, use a solarization-resistant fiber with this lamp.
combines the continuous spectrum of a
Allow several minutes for the lamp to warm up and for the power to stabilize, regardless of the bulb being used. Best results are obtained after 30 min u tes. The sp ectral output as delivered by an optical fiber will decrease significantly at wavelengths lower than 230 nm due to attenuation in the lamp envelope, the decrease in detect or efficiency in the spectrom eter, and att enuation b y the fiber.
1. Put on safety eyewear.
2. Lift t he black protect ive shutter cover ing the fiber optic por t. Install an opti ca l fiber. (For best results,
use our solarizat i on-r esi st ant fibers.)
3. Plug the power cord into the rear of the DT-1000. Plug the other end into a 110 VAC outlet.
4. To turn on the power for the DT-1000, flip the power switch at the rear of the unit, just above where the
power cord connects to the DT-1000. When the power is on, the green bottom r ight of the front panel will light. At this time the user can now po wer up the deuterium or tung sten-hal og en sou rce or both . ( S ee
.) To turn off the DT-1000, both deuterium and tungsten-halogen sources must be off first. Only then can the user flip the power switch at the rear of the unit to the off position. The green light will turn off.
5. Lift up th e black protec tive shutter and disconnect your op tical fiber from the SM A c onnector.
Operating the D euterium source
Operating the Deuterium source
6. To power the deuterium lamp, push in the
button turns on th e d eu terium lamp. Pushin g in the
UV Start
button located on the front panel. This white
UV Start
button ini tiates th e start-up s eq u ence for
Power On
Operating the Tungsten - Halogen
light located at the
Power On
the lamp. First, th e heater in the deuteri um lamp ionizes th e available d eu terium. At this poin t, the
Heater On
yellow the top of the front panel will light. (The
7. To turn off the deuterium lamp, press the white
light shou ld go out.
light on th e front pan el will light. Aft er ~30 second s, the red
Heater On
light will turn off at the same time.)
UV Off
button located on the front panel. The red
light located at
Operating the Tungsten-Halogen source
8. To power the tungsten-halogen lamp, push in the white button labeled
light will come on.
9. To turn off the tung st en-halogen lamp, pres s the white
The red
Vis. On
light will go out.
Visible On
button loca ted on t he front panel.
Visible On
. The red
Vis. On
Bulb Replacement
Replacing the Deuterium bulb
1. Order a deuterium replacement bulb, item DT-1000-BD, from Ocean Opt ics.
2. Make sure the DT-1000 is turned off, the power cord is disconnected, and the source has cooled.
3. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to remove all 12 screws from the side panels of the DT-1000 casing.
Do not
remove any screws from the front, back, or bottom panels. Remove the cover.
4. Locate the deuterium bulb. It is located at the front of the housing, mounted on a black platform. Three
wir e s lead from th e bottom of the bulb to the gre en el ec t roni c board : one red wire and two black wires.
5. Use a Phillips-h ead screwdriver to loosen the scr ews securing these three wires t o the green elect ronic
boar d. Once the screws are loose, gently rem ove the red wir e and the two black wi res. You d o n ot n eed to compl etely rem ove the screws to detach th e wi res. (Note that on the gr een electr on ic board, ju s t to the ri gh t of ea ch wire, is a letter. To the right of th e red wire is the letter “A”. To the right of one black wire i s the letter “H” and to the right of the second black wire is the letter “C”.)
6. Use a Phillips-head sc rewdriver to rem ove the two s c rews s e cur i ng th e bu lb to the black pla tform.
7. Remove the old bu lb unit.
8. Insp ect the new bulb unit, but
oils from your skin will deteriorate the bulb. Inside the envelope is a triangle-shaped filament. The filament has a Take the new bulb, ca refully feeding th e three wires th rough th e hole in the bla ck p latform, an d position it so that the square opening in the filament faces the collimating lens.
9. Screw in the two screws that secure the bulb to the black platform.
10. Secure the three wires to the gr een electron ic board. At tach the red wire to the top screw, labeled “A”.
Attach the bla c k wires to the sc rews on the boa rd labeled “ H” and “C”.
black wire is attached to screw “H” or “C”
11. Put the DT-1000 casing back on an d secure it with the 12 screws.
opening. The light passes through the square opening to the collimating lens.
avoid touching the glass casing
(or envelope) around the bulb, as the
It does not matter which
Replacing the Tungsten-Halogen bulb
1. Order a tungsten-halogen replacement bulb, item DT-1000-BT, from Ocean Optics.
2. Remove all 12 screws from the side panels of the DT-1000 casing using a Phillips- head screwdriver.
Do not
remove any screws from the front, back, or bottom panels. Remove the cover.
3. Locate the tungsten-halogen bulb. It is inserted on the top of a cylindrical unit held by a set screw in a
hole in the black platform. The cylindrical unit is positioned behind the deuterium bulb. Two thin wires lead from the bott om of the unit to a socket on the electroni c board.
4. Gently grip the top of the bulb and pull it away from the cylindrical unit. Discard the bulb.
5. Insert the new bulb into the top of the cylinder, being careful to position the bulb’s pins over the holes
in the t op of the cylinder.
The c ylindric al unit is held in place with a small set screw. By loos ening i t, th e user can sli de the bulb unit up and down, positioning it in front of the attenuator, a metal disc that attenuates the light before going through the collimating lens. Another set screw holds the attenuator in place.
6. Put the DT-1000 casing back on and secure it with the 12 scr ews. For directions on adjusting the focus of the collimating lens on the DT-1000, turn to
Appendix A
Spectral range: ~200-11 00 nm Time to stabilized output: ~30 minutes Deuterium bulb lifetime: 1,000 hours Tungsten-halogen bulb lifetime: 900 hours Power consumption: 25-30 Watts
Stability: Ape rtu re: 0.5 mm (at lamp )
Connector: SMA 905 Lamp voltage: 85 volts DC (nominal) Operating lamp current: 300 mA DC (+/- 1mA) Inputs: trigger inputs for lamp (on/off) Outputs: levels for lamp (on/off), filament (on/off)
Power requirements:
peak-to-peak = 0.05% (maximum) drift of +/-0.5%/hour
120 volts AC @ 0.50 A, 50-60 Hz 220 volts AC @ 0.25 A, 50-60 Hz 100 volts AC @ 0.60 A, 50-60 Hz 240 volts AC @ 0.20 A, 50-60 Hz
Light Sources: LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light Source
LS-1 T
The Shortwave NIR (360 nm-2 temper ature and extremely efficient output.
LS-1 Tungsten Halogen Light Source
12 VAC power supply
Allen wrench for adjusting the collimating lens
m). The lamp, with either a 900-hour or 10,000-hour bulb, offers high color
is a versatile, white-light lamp utilized for the VIS-
Parts I nc luded
The LS-1 becomes DO NOT in sert plastic or flamma bl e materials in the filt er s lot. The material s could melt or ignite. The unit could ignite flammable materials that come in contact with the metal housing.
during operation. No cooling fan is installed in the LS-1. Handle with care.
Turning On the Lamp
1. Plug the wall transformer end into a standard 110 V outlet. Plug the 12 V output end into the back of
your L S -1.
2. Scr e w a fiber into t he SMA c onnector on you r LS- 1.
3. Find the on/off switch on the back of the lamp and turn the lamp on. Allow the lamp to warm up for
approxi m atel y 30 minutes.
Using the Filter Slot
The slot between the lamp and the fiber coupler can be used to hold filters or light blocks. You can place a filter into the filter slot; however, be aware of the following:
The filter slot accepts filters up to 3 mm thick.
Because the lamp can become hot, avoid plastic filters as they may melt.
The uni t could igni te flammabl e materials that come in contact with the meta l h ou s ing.
There is no filter clamping screw for holding filters in place.
The most useful filters include the following:
an FG-3 blue filter for increasing the relative energy near 400 nm and 800 nm compared to 600 nm
an IR cutoff filter to reduce stray light below 750 nm
a 550 nm long pass filter to eliminate second-order effects on Shortwave NIR measurements
Replacing the Bulb
1. Order a rep lacement bu lb (LS- 1-B for a 90 0-hour bulb or LS-1 -LL-B for a 10,000- hour bu lb).
2. Turn off the LS-1 and allow the lamp to cool.
3. Use an Allen wrench to loosen the set screw on the bottom of the lamp. You do not need to remove the
set screw. This screw holds the bulb in place.
4. Locate the two set screws at the ba ck of t he lamp, one above each ba ck leg. These two screws keep t he
two halves of the lamp together. Remove the two screws.
5. Gently separate the two halves of the lamp.
6. Carefully pull the bulb out of its housing. Detach the wire and lamp leads from the socket. Remove the
old bulb un it an d discard.
7. Plug th e new bulb into the socket.
8. Slide the new bulb forward into the front of the lamp as far as it will go.
9. Gently tighten the set screw on the bottom of the lamp.
10. Close together the two halves of the lamp, being careful not to pinch the wires.
11. Replace the two screws at the back of the lamp. For directions on adjusting the focus of the collimating lens on the LS-1, turn to
Appendix A
Spectral range: Dimensions: Power input: 12 VDC/800 mA, 7-20 VDC/0.5-2 amps
Power output: 6.5 watts Bulb life: 900 hours (standard), 10,000 hours (long-life) Bulb color temperature: 900-hour bulb = 3100K, 10,000-hour bulb = 2800K Out put to bulb: 5 volts/1.3 am ps Output regulation: 0.2% voltage Time to stabilized output: ~30 minutes Bulb output: 7400 foot-candles (7.4MSCP) Connector: SMA 905
The LS-1 has a spectral range of 360 nm-2 µm, however the range is limited to the spectral response of the detector. For the S1024DW, the detector’s response goes to 1100 nm.
360 nm - 2 µm*
9.0 cm x 5.0 cm x 3.2 cm (LWH), 3 . 5
x 2.0” x 1.25” (LWH)
Spectral Output
These gr aphs repres ent normalized bla ck body curves for tung sten halogen li ght sources with 2800K an d 3100K color temperatures. The observed spectral output of the LS-1 will vary due to bulb type, the spectrometer configuration, the sampling optics used, and inherent fluctuations in LS-1 output.
Normalized Intensity
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900
Wavelength (nm)
900-hour bulb / 3100K 10,000-hour bulb / 2800K
Normalized Intensity
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900
Wa ve l e n gth (nm )
Light Sources: PX-2 Pulsed Xenon Lamp
PX-2 P
The absorba nce, reflection, fluorescence and ph osphorescence measurements. The PX-2 opera tes at speeds u p to 220 Hz and offers critical pulse-to-pulse stability.
PX-2 Pulsed Xenon Lamp
15-pin cable for connecting the PX-2 to the spectrometer
12V DC wall transformer for supplying power to the PX-2
The beam emerging fr om the PX-2 produ ces u ltraviolet radiation . Direct cont act with the bea m could
cause serious eye injury. Never look directly into the light source. Dan gerous volt ages presen t. Never operat e the PX-2 with out its hou s i ng intact.
The SMA con nector may get This instrument should not be used for any clinical or diagnostic purposes.
Handle with care. Dropping the instr um en t may cause per manent dam age.
is a high flash rate, short-arc xenon lamp for applications involving
Parts I nc luded
during operation.
The lamp is triggered with TTL pulses delivered through the 15-pin connector located at the rear of the unit. Our S1024DW- s eries spectrometers and software, or any sour ce o f TTL signa ls, supplies these pul s es. The lamp is powered by a 12V DC transformer, or from a 12V battery if field use is desired.
1. Plug the wall transformer into a 110V outlet. Plug the other end of the cord into the jack at the rear of
the PX- 2 .
2. Install the 15-p in cable int o the rear of the PX-2. Conn ect the other end to the 15-pin connect or on an
3. Connect an optical fiber to t he SMA -term i nate d fiber optic port on the front panel.
4. Turn the power switch located at the rear of the source to the “ON” position.
5. Select ei ther “MULT I P LE ” or “SINGLE ” fl ash mode by moving the toggle on the rear of t he source.
You will need to match this mode in the operating software.
6. Config ure OOIBase3 2 operating software to operate the PX-2. In the
bar, ch eck the
Data Acquisition
7. The fla sh should fir e wi th a clearl y au d ible “pin g. ”
Strobe Enable
from the men u and then choosin g t he
box. You can also enable this function by selecting
Acquisition Parameters
Spectrum | Configure
page of the dialog box.
dial og
Applic at ion Tips
Single Flash Mode
Using the Single flash mode results in one flash per integration cycle. Since the PX-2 has a maximum repetition rate of 220 Hz, the minimum integration allowed in this mode is 31 milliseconds.
Multiple Flash Mode
When u sing the Multi p le flash mode the user needs to ensur e tha t a constant nu m ber of flashes occurs for every integration cycle by setting the pulse rate and integration time. This achieves a continuous and stable signal. The pulse rate is determined by a jumper setting inside the S1024DW (JP3). The integration time is controlled via the operating softwar e. To achieve a constant n um ber of flash es p er integration cycle, the integration time must be a multiple of those shown in the following table:
S1024DW JP3 setting
(factory default)
Integr atio n t ime must be a
multiple of
The PX-2 repetition rate is controlled via the S1024DW (JP3), but is also dependent upon the frequency of your A/D card. With the S1024DW, the SAD500 operates at 200 kHz, the fastest rate the S1024DW allows the SAD500 to operate. The table below shows the rep rate for the various combinations of hardware and jumper settings. (Note that the default setting fr om the factory is 2
JP3 Post # Function Frequency (Hz)
1 Not enabled - for future software control 2 Divide by 2 3 Divide by 2 4 Divide by 2 5 Divide by 2
10 12 14 16
Spectral range: 220-750 nm
Approximate dimensions:
Power input: Trigger input: external TTL positive pulse via 15-pin connector
Pulse duration: 5 microseconds (at 1/3 height of pulse) Lifetime: Apertu re: 3 mm
Connector: SMA 905 Timing signals available from
S1024DW spectrometers:
14 cm x 10.5 cm x 4 cm (LWH)
x 4.1” x 1.5” (LWH)
1.3 A @ 11V @ 220 Hz
100 mA @ 12V @ 10Hz
45 millijoules per pulse maximum
9.9 watts average power
220 Hz pulse rate maximum
pulses (estimated 230 days continuous operation at 50 Hz
10 pulse rate)
Multiple mode = up to 220 Hz (varies with A/D sampling
Single mode = varies with scan rate
Light Sources: HG- 1 Mercury Argon Calibration Source
HG-1 M
The Shortwave NIR spectrophotometric systems. The HG-1 produces Mercury and Argon lines from 253-922 nm, for us e in p erforming fa s t, accurat e s p ectrometer wa vel ength calibrati ons. The HG-1 h as an SMA 905 termination for connecting to optical fibers.
The beam emerging fr om the HG-1 produ ces ultraviolet radiation . Direct contact with the beam could
cause serious eye injury. Never look directly into the light source. The SMA con nector may get
Dangerous voltages presen t. No user-serviceabl e p arts inside. Never take apart th e HG- 1 . The HG-1 con tains mercury.
during operation.
1. Plug the wall transformer end into a standard 110 V outlet. Plug the 12 V output end into the back of
your HG-1. Or, insert a 9V battery (not included).
2. Screw a fi ber into th e S MA con nector on your HG-1. If your spectr om eter does n ot have an entrance slit, use a 50 µm diameter (or smaller) optical fiber. Larger fibers and slits will have lesser optical resolution. Also, keep in mind that if the spectrometer has no slit and your experimentation involves
using optical fibers of different diameters, wavelength calibration will be necessary. Calibration is also recommended each time you un screw the fiber from the s p ectrometer .
3. Find the on/off switch next to the SMA connector and turn the lamp on. The red indicator will light when the lamp is on.
is a wavelength calibration source for UV-VIS-
Users can perform wa vel ength calibrati on wi th a spreadsheet progr am such as Microsoft Excel , or a calculator that performs polynomial regressions. The following describes how to calibrate the wavelength of your spectrometer using the HG-1. Though each spectrometer is calibrated before it leaves Ocean Optics, the wavelength for all spectrometers will drift slightly as a function of time and environmental conditions. To recalibrate the wavelength of your spectrometer, just follow these simple steps.
What You Are Doing:
The rela tionship b etween pixel number a nd wavelength is a second-order polynomial . . .
= I +
. . . where λ is the wavelength of pixel p, I is the wavelength of pixel 0, C1 is the first coe fficien t (nm/pixel) and C
is the second coefficient (n m/pixel2). You will be calculating the valu e for I and th e two Cs.
What You Will Need:
Your HG-1 Mercury-Argon lamp.
Your spectrometer.
An optical fiber. For spectrometers without a built in slit, a 50-
Either a spread sheet progr am ( Excel or Qua ttro Pro, for example) or a calculator that per forms second -
order linear r egression s. ( I f you are using Mi crosoft Excel , select
Analysis ToolPak
has been chosen.)
m fiber works best.
Tools | Add-Ins
and mak e sure that
What You Will Need To Do:
1. After placing OOIBase32 into Scope Mode, take a spectrum of the HG-1. Adjust the integration time until there are several peaks on the screen that are n ot off-scale.
2. Move the cursor to one of the peaks and carefully position it so that it is at the point of maximum inten s ity. Record the pixel number that is di s p layed in the status bar. Repeat this s tep for all of th e peaks in your spectrum.
3. Using your spreadsheet, create a table like the one sh own bel ow. In the first column , p lace the exa ct wavelength of the spectral lines that you used. In the second colu mn of this wor ksheet, pla ce the observed pixel number. In the third column, place the pixel number squared.
Independent Dependent Values computed from
Variable Variables the regression output
Wavelength (nm)
Pixel # Pixel #
105 179 188 206 243 298 368 423 626 921 942
984 1007 1033
11025 32041 35344 42436 59049
88804 135424 178929 391876 848241 887364 968256
1014049 1067089
4. Now you are ready to calcu late the wa vel ength calibrati on coefficients. In your s preadsheet program,
find the functions to perform linear regressions:
in Q uattr o P ro, l ook unde r
in Excel, look under
Tools | Advanced Ma th
Tools | Data A n alysis
5. Select t he true wavel ength a s the dependen t variable (Y ) . S elect BOTH the pixel nu mber and pixel
number squared as the independent variables (X). After you execute the regression , an output similar to the one shown be low is obtained.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.999998327 R Square 0.999996654 Adjusted R Square 0.999996096 Standard Error 0.371756477 Observations 15
Coefficients Standard Error
Intercept 190.713498 0.369047536 X Variable 1 0.604451305 0.001684745 X Variable 2 -6.02547E-05 1.41503E-06
second coefficient
first coefficient
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