RaySphere and RaySphere 1700
Solar Analysis System
Quick Start Instructions
RaySphere is a calibrated high-performance measurement device. It is designed for testing the spectral
distribution of all types of Solar Simulators and for validating the simulator for the spectral match test
in accordance with the international standard IEC 90604-9: Solar Simulator Performance
The RaySphere series of products consists of RaySphere and RaySphere 1700. They provide the
following features:
• Intuitive graphical interface
• Graphical and table display of classification results by wavelength bin
• Output of actual spectra in mW/cm
• Output of actual measurement and triggering timing with +/-44 µs resolution
• Printable classification report
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RaySphere and RaySphere 1700 Instructions
RaySphere contains one QE65000 spectrometer, while RaySphere 1700 contains two spectrometers
(QE65000 and NIRQuest512), a trigger unit to control the measurement procedure and a hub. The
trigger sources can be a flash from the solar simulator, an electrical trigger pulse (high level with +5 V
or +24 V), or a measurement can be generated manually at any time.
RaySphere software allows full control during the testing and generates a test report with the
classification of the simulator.
This document provides you with information for testing a solar simulator with your RaySphere or
RaySphere 1700 product. Detailed information for the RaySphere and RaySphere 1700 are provided
in the RaySphere Solar Analysis System Installation and Operation Manual.
Parts Included
The RaySphere package consists of the following items:
• Pelican case: The transport box for the complete RaySphere System
• RaySphere main body
• Power Supply
• Four Power Cables, one each for USA, Europe, UK, and Australia
• Power Supply Connection Cable SubD-type, 3-meter length
• USB cable (USB-CBL-1): Connects RaySphere to a computer’s USB port (3-meter length)
• RaySphere CD: Contains RaySphere software and calibration files and manuals
• Software and Technical Resources CD: Contains software, operating instructions, and
product information for all Ocean Optic s softwa re, spe ctrometers, and spectroscop ic
accessories. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher to view these files (version
7.0 is included on the CD). Documentation is also available on our website at
• Passwords: For any Ocean Optics software that you have purchased. Passwords are located
on the back of the Software and Technical Resources CD jacket.
• Calibration documents
Important Safety Notices
1. Read the instructions first to avoid any damages.
2. Store your RaySphere system at above -10 °C and below 50 °C to avoid any damages.
3. This is a calibrated measurement device. Handle the system with care. The calibration
precision may be lost if any dust or other pollutant enters the integrating sphere. When the
system is not in use, store it with a dust protector. When removing the dust protector, be sure
to keep pollutants from entering the integrating sphere aperture.
4. Recalibration is recomm ended after one year of use, or sooner if the measurements do not
seem to be accurate. More frequent recalibration may be needed of the RaySphere has
suffered any heavy shocks or is being used in a dusty environment.
5. The RaySphere is heavy. Take care to keep it from falling.
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RaySphere and RaySphere 1700 Instructions
6. If the seal on the screws is broken, then the calibration is no longer valid.
7. Do not cover vents.
8. Do not cover the holes at the top of the RaySphere’s main body.
9. To ship the RaySphere, pack it in the Pelican case, which is optimized for transport. Hand
carrying the RaySphere is recommended for all traveling.
10. Contact your Ocean Optics regional headquarters for questions about RaySphere.
11. Be sure to follow all safety instructions for your solar simulator.
Installing Software
Install the software BEFORE connecting the spectrometer to your PC. The
SpectraSuite software ins talls the dr ive rs requi red for sp ect ro meter in sta llat i on.
If you do not install SpectraSuite first, the system will not properly recognize the
RaySphere includes special software for operating your RaySphere system. This software is located on
the RaySphere CD. The installation instructions are included below.
In addition, if you have purchased and are using SpectraSuite, follow the instructions in the
SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual for software
installation instructions.
Do not run SpectraSuite and RaySphere software at the same time on the
► Procedure
To install RaySphere software from the RaySphere CD,
1. Close all other applications running on the computer.
2. Load the RaySphere CD. The CD contains the calibration data, fundamental settings and the
software for operating the RaySphere on a 32-bit or 64-bit computer.
3. Select the Setup CD folder.
4. Select the installation file for either a 32- or 64-bit system. The setup process begins and the
following screen appears:
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