Ocean Optics pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes User Manual

pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes
Installation and Operation Manual
Document Number pHSENSOR-TRANS-REFLECT-02-201111
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Ocean Optics has made every effort to make this manual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this manual.
Table of Contents
About This Manual......................................................................................................... iii
Document Purpose and Intended Audience..............................................................................iii
Document Summary..................................................................................................................iii
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... iii
Upgrades....................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1: Products...........................................................................1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 1
Transmissive pH Patches/Probe.................................................................................... 1
System Components .................................................................................................................1
Hardware Setup and Installation ............................................................................................... 2
Probe Assembly Description ..................................................................................................... 3
Reflective pH Patches/Probe (nonintrusive)................................................................... 4
Sensor System Components.....................................................................................................4
Hardware Setup and Installation ............................................................................................... 5
Smart pH Cuvettes ........................................................................................................ 8
Sensor System Components.....................................................................................................8
Hardware Setup and Installation ............................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2: Desktop Software Installation and Operation ...............11
Calibrating the pH Sensor System................................................................................. 11
Using SpectraSuite........................................................................................................ 11
Performing a Factory Calibration with SpectraSuite .................................................................11
Performing a User Calibration with SpectraSuite...................................................................... 14
Taking pH Measurements with SpectraSuite ............................................................................ 16
Jaz Software Installation and Operation ........................................................................ 17
Performing a Factory Calibration with Jaz.................................................................................17
Performing a User Calibration with Jaz ..................................................................................... 20
Taking pH Measurements with Jaz ........................................................................................... 22
Appendix A: Algorithms Used ..........................................................25
Table of Contents
Appendix B: Troubleshooting...........................................................27
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 27
Transmissive pH Probes ........................................................................................................... 27
Reflective pH Patches ...............................................................................................................27
Smart pH Cuvettes .................................................................................................................... 28
All Form Factors ........................................................................................................................28
Sterilization.................................................................................................................... 28
Index ...................................................................................................29
About This Manual
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This document provides you with installation and operation instructions for your pH Sensor components. This manual includes information for the following Ocean Optics products:
Transmissive pH Patch/Probe Reflective pH Patches/Probes (non-intrusive) Smart pH Cuvettes
Document Summary
Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Products Contains descriptions and specifications for Transmissive
and Reflective patches/probes and Smart Cuvettes.
Chapter 2: Desktop Software Installation and Operation
Appendix A: Algorithms Used Lists the algorithms used for pH sensors.
Appendix B: Troubleshooting Contains troubleshooting suggestions.
Provides installation and operation instructions for SpectraSuite and Jaz software.
Product-Related Documentation
Jaz Installation and Operation Manual Smart pH Cuvettes Instructions Transmissive pH Probe Instructions Various USB spectrometer documents such as the USB4000 Spectrometer Installation and
Operation Manual.
SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual Various UV-Vis-NIR light source documents such as the Halogen Light Source (HL-
2000/HL-2000-LL/HL-2000-HP) Installation and Operation Manual
About This Manual
You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
http://www.oceanoptics.com. Select Technical → Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the of the web page.
Search by Model Number field at the bottom
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products on the
Engineering-level documentation is located on our website at
CD included with the system.
Technical → Engineering Docs.
Software and Technical
Occasionally, you may find that you need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgrade to your system. To facilitate these changes, you must first contact Customer Support and obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact Ocean Optics for specific instructions when returning a product.
Chapter 1
Ocean Optics’ fully integrated pH systems provide full spectral analysis to help eliminate errors from dye leaching or from changes in turbidity, temperature, and ionic strength. Inherent calibration based on the physical properties of the immobilized indicator dye eliminates the need for frequent calibration. The ratiometric algorithm provides accurate and reproducible measurements at a high resolution.
The pH sensor is designed to very fast response with high signal strength. These sensors are compatible with aqueous solutions, ethanol/methanol solutions, ammonia, peroxides, and sodium hypochlorite solutions.
The available sensor patches, probes and cuvette products include the following:
Transmissive pH Patches/Probe Reflective pH Patches/Probe (nonintrusive) Smart pH Cuvettes
Transmissive pH Patches/Probe
System Components
The Transmissive pH Probe system consists of the following:
Transmissive pH Probe -- T-300/TP-300 sleeve combined with RE­BIF-BORO)
1: Products
Ocean Optics VIS/NIR desktop or Jaz spectrometer (slit size 25μm)
Light source (VIS/NIR: HL-2000, LS-1, LLS Series, etc.)
SpectraSuite software
Transmissive pH Patches, pack of 5 (PH-BCG-TRANS)
Calibration requires recording spectra in high and low pH samples, as well as in at least one mid-range pH standard solution (such as a NIST-traceable buffer).
For field measurements, an SD card with the pH software is required for the Ocean Optics handheld Jaz spectrometer.
Hardware Setup and Installation
1. Connect the spectrometer to your computer using the supplied USB cable.
2. Install the light source as specified in its instructions. See Product-Related Documentation.
3. Attach the fibers between the spectrometer, probe, and light source. The transmissive probe has two identical legs.
4. Turn on the light source and allow it to warm up for the period specified in the light source instructions.
1: Products
5. The cap for the transmissive probe screws off. The probe uses a thin sensing film with adhesive on one side; peel the patch into its two pieces, sometimes a razor-blade or long finger-nails aide with this. Discard the non-transparent, non-sticky half.
transparent half that has one adhesive side (this is the sensor half).
affixed to the lens of the probe. Re-screw the cap back on the probe tip.
Keep the optically
This can be firmly
Probe Assembly Description
The picture below shows the individual components of the transmissive dip probe. Using a 0.05” Allen key, the set screws at the base of the T-300 sleeve can be loosened and the sleeve can be removed from the RE-BIF-BORO bundle. At the factory, the position of the fiber bundle in the sleeve is optimized for best back reflection in liquid medium, and locked in that position.
Probes can be stored dry at room temperature for any amount of time. As a rule, once the maximum absorbance at pH 11 falls below 0.1, the patch should be discarded and replaced
reference of pH 1). The patch’s lifetime depends on frequency of use, harshness of the samples it is exposed to, the temperature of samples, and other environmental factors.
(assumes a
1: Products
Performance Specifications
Specification Ocean Optics pH Probe Value
pH range 5 – 9
Analytical Wavelength 620nm
Baseline Correction Wavelengths 512nm (isosbestic) or 750nm
Calibration Options User Calibration with 6 Buffers
Factory Calibration with 3 Buffers
Immediate Startup with No Buffers (requires undisturbed setup)
Typical Absorbance Range 0.20 – 0.40
Typical pK Range 6.1 – 6.5
Typical Slope Range 2.2 – 3.0
User Calibration Accuracy <1% of reading across range
Factory Reset Accuracy 0% at Reset Point
1% Within 1 pH unit of reset
Up to 4% at 3 pH units from reset
Resolution 0.02 pH
Response Time, t
Stability No detectable drift for up to 12 hours
Interferences Cannot be used with colored or turbid liquids
Baseline Correction Wavelengths 512nm (isosbestic) or 750nm
30 seconds
1% per day for long term monitoring
Yellow liquids can be used if the 750nm baseline is used
Reflective pH Patches/Probe (nonintrusive)
Sensor System Components
The nonintrusive Reflective pH Patch system consists of the following:
Reflective pH Probe – R1000-4-ANGLE
Ocean Optics VIS/NIR desktop or Jaz spectrometer (slit size 200μm)
Light source (VIS/NIR: HL-2000, LS-1, LLS series, etc.)
SpectraSuite software
Reflective pH Patches, pack of 5 (PH-BCG-REFLECT)
1: Products
Calibration requires recording spectra in high and low pH samples, as well as in at least one mid-range pH standard solution (such as a NIST-traceable buffer).
For field measurements, an SD card with the pH software is required for the Ocean Optics handheld Jaz spectrometer.
Hardware Setup and Installation
Avoid touching the gold mesh material with bare fingers to prevent oils or disruptive particles from interfering with sensor performance.
The reflective pH sensor patches are self-adhesive, and can be applied to the inner wall of an optically clear container, either plastic or glass. The figure below shows the assembly of the patches.
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