Ocean Optics OOISensors User Manual

OOISensors Fiber Optic Sensors System
Installation and Operation Manual
Document Number FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
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Ocean Optics has made every effort to make this manual as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this manual.

Table of Contents

About This Manual .......................................................................................................... 7
Document Purpose and Intended Audience.............................................................................. 7
What’s New in this Document ................................................................................................... 7
Document Summary.................................................................................................................. 7
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... 8
Upgrades......................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1: Sensors System Overview ..............................................1
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1
Oxygen Sensors System Overview ................................................................................. 1
pH Sensors System Overview......................................................................................... 1
FOXY Probes ............................................................................................................................ 2
FOSPOR Probes ....................................................................................................................... 2
HIOXY Probes ........................................................................................................................... 2
MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer (MFPF) ................................................................... 2
Hardware......................................................................................................................... 3
Included Hardware (Oxygen Sensor System)........................................................................... 3
Included Hardware (pH Sensor System)................................................................................... 3
Software .......................................................................................................................... 3
Documentation ................................................................................................................ 4
Packing List ............................................................................................................................... 4
Wavelength Calibration Data.....................................................................................................4
Software and Technical Resources CD .................................................................................... 4
Temperature Calibration Diskette (if requested) .......................................................................4
Chapter 2: OOISensors Software.......................................................5
OOISensors Overview..................................................................................................... 5
Installing OOISensors ..................................................................................................... 6
Configuring OOISensors Software .................................................................................. 8
Configure Menu Functions .............................................................................................. 8
Configure Hardware ..................................................................................................................9
Software..................................................................................................................................... 10
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 i
Table of Contents
Sensors Tab for Spectrometer Systems ................................................................................... 11
pH .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Timing Tab................................................................................................................................. 18
Display Tab................................................................................................................................ 20
Log Tab...................................................................................................................................... 21
Display Functions ............................................................................................................ 22
Scan Control.............................................................................................................................. 22
Store Dark ................................................................................................................................. 23
Subtract Dark............................................................................................................................. 23
Data Acquisition Parameters.....................................................................................................24
Cursor Functions ....................................................................................................................... 25
Cursor Bar ................................................................................................................................. 26
Data Values ...............................................................................................................................27
Spectral Graph .......................................................................................................................... 27
Temperature Chart .................................................................................................................... 28
Log On/Off Switch .....................................................................................................................30
File Menu Functions ........................................................................................................ 30
Save Spectrum .......................................................................................................................... 30
Save Time Chart........................................................................................................................ 31
Open Spectrum ......................................................................................................................... 31
Open Time Chart ....................................................................................................................... 31
Page Setup................................................................................................................................ 31
Print Spectrum and Time Chart................................................................................................. 31
Exit............................................................................................................................................. 31
Graph&Chart Menu Functions......................................................................................... 31
Clear Spectrum Graph............................................................................................................... 32
Clear Time Chart ....................................................................................................................... 32
Enable Grid................................................................................................................................ 32
Autoscale Horizontal (Spectral Graph)...................................................................................... 32
Autoscale Vertical (Spectral Graph) .......................................................................................... 32
Autoscale Vertical (Time Chart) ................................................................................................ 32
View Temperature Chart ...........................................................................................................32
Spectrometer Menu Functions ........................................................................................ 32
Scan........................................................................................................................................... 33
Insert Event in Log File.............................................................................................................. 33
Calculate Sensor Values with Scan .......................................................................................... 33
Pulse LED.................................................................................................................................. 33
Calibrate Menu Functions ............................................................................................... 34
Configuring a Spectrometer in OOISensors.................................................................... 34
ii FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
Table of Contents
Chapter 3: Oxygen Sensors ...............................................................37
How the Oxygen Sensors Work ...................................................................................... 37
Fluorescence Quenching ................................................................................................ 38
Connecting the Fiber Optic Sensors System................................................................... 38
Calibration Requirements for Oxygen Sensors ............................................................... 39
Linear (Stern-Volmer) Algorithm................................................................................................ 39
Second Order Polynomial Algorithm ......................................................................................... 40
Theory - Henry’s Law ................................................................................................................41
Temperature.................................................................................................................... 42
Scattering Media ............................................................................................................. 43
Samples to Use ............................................................................................................... 43
Calibrating Oxygen Sensors............................................................................................ 44
Calibrating Oxygen Sensors without Temperature Compensation ...........................................44
Calibrating Oxygen Sensors with Temperature Compensation ................................................ 47
About Factory Calibration.......................................................................................................... 47
Calibrating With Factory Calibration.......................................................................................... 47
Calibrating Without Factory Calibration..................................................................................... 50
Calibration Data............................................................................................................... 55
Recalibration ...................................................................................................................56
Chapter 4: pH Sensors........................................................................57
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 57
pH Films .......................................................................................................................... 57
Probe Options............................................................................................................................ 57
More Information ............................................................................................................. 58
Start Up ........................................................................................................................... 58
pH Sensor Set Up...................................................................................................................... 58
Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 61
pH Sensor Calibration ............................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 5: Compatible Products and Accessories ..........................65
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 65
Probes ............................................................................................................................. 65
Factory Calibration Service ............................................................................................. 67
Overcoats ........................................................................................................................ 67
Temperature Compensating Components ...................................................................... 68
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 iii
Table of Contents
Sol-Gel Coated Membranes, Microscope Coverslips, and Slides ................................... 68
Spectrometers ................................................................................................................. 69
Light Sources .................................................................................................................. 69
Bifurcated Optical Fiber Assemblies and Splice Bushing................................................ 70
Chapter 6: Hardware Datasheets and Instructions..........................71
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 71
Oxygen Sensing Probes – General Information.............................................................. 71
Probe Construction.................................................................................................................... 72
Accuracy.................................................................................................................................... 72
Measurement Range................................................................................................................. 72
Sampling Chambers.................................................................................................................. 73
Response Time ......................................................................................................................... 73
Environmental Conditions.......................................................................................................... 73
Chemical Compatibility.............................................................................................................. 73
Temperature and the Oxygen Probe......................................................................................... 74
Photodegradation ...................................................................................................................... 74
Ambient Light............................................................................................................................. 74
Lifetime ......................................................................................................................................74
Cleaning Oxygen Probes........................................................................................................... 74
Use Warnings ............................................................................................................................75
Oxygen Probe Specifications ....................................................................................................75
Sterilization Methods Tested on Oxygen Probes ......................................................................75
FOXY-R Stainless-steel 1/16" OD Fiber Optic Probe...................................................... 76
FOXY-R Specifications.................................................................................................... 77
FOXY-AL300 Aluminum-jacketed Fiber Optic Probe ...................................................... 78
FOXY-AL300 Specifications............................................................................................ 78
FOXY-PI600 Polyimide coated Fiber Optic Probe........................................................... 79
FOXY-PI600 Specifications............................................................................................. 80
FOXY-18G/21G Needle-tipped 18/21-gauge Fiber Optic Probes ................................... 80
FOXY-18G/21G Specifications........................................................................................ 81
FOXY-OR125 and FOXY-OR125G O-ring Fiber Optic Probes ....................................... 82
FOXY-OR125 and FOXY-OR125G Specifications.......................................................... 82
FOXY-T1000 Stainless-steel Fiber Optic Probe with Light Shield................................... 83
FOXY-T1000 Specifications ............................................................................................ 84
FOXY-T1000-RTD Stainless-steel Fiber Optic Probe with Light Shield.......................... 84
FOXY-T1000-RTD Specifications.................................................................................... 85
FOXY-RESP Respiration Probe...................................................................................... 86
iv FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
Table of Contents
FOXY-RESP Specifications ............................................................................................ 86
Factory Calibration Services............................................................................................ 87
FOXY-RECOV Probe Reconditioning ............................................................................. 87
FOXY-AF and FOXY-AF-MG Silicone Overcoats ........................................................... 88
Cleaning..................................................................................................................................... 88
Sterilizing ...................................................................................................................................89
Overcoat Specifications............................................................................................................. 89
Oxygen Probe Temperature Control Accessories........................................................... 90
FOXY-TS1 Omega Thermistor.................................................................................................. 90
FOXY-TK1 K-type Omega Thermocouple................................................................................. 91
FOXY-TK1-W K-type Omega Thermocouple............................................................................ 93
USB-LS-450-TP Temperature Probe ........................................................................................ 93
Light Sources .................................................................................................................. 94
LS-450 Blue LED Pulsed Light Source ..................................................................................... 94
R-LS-450 Rack-mount Blue LED Pulsed Light Source ............................................................. 96
OOISensors Flash Delay........................................................................................................... 100
Setting the Integration Time ...................................................................................................... 100
USB-LS-450 .............................................................................................................................. 101
Bifurcated Optical Fiber Assemblies................................................................................ 102
Use Notes.................................................................................................................................. 103
Bifurcated Fiber Assembly Specifications ................................................................................. 103
FOXY/HOXY/FOSPOR General Specifications .............................................................. 104
FOSPOR Specifications .................................................................................................. 105
FOXY/MFPF Specifications............................................................................................. 106
HIOXY/MFPF Specifications ........................................................................................... 107
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting ...............................................................109
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 109
General Troubleshooting Procedures ............................................................................. 109
Troubleshooting Device Installation ................................................................................ 111
Remove the Unknown Device from Windows Device Manager................................................ 112
Remove Improperly Installed Files ............................................................................................ 112
Appendix A: External Triggering .......................................................115
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 v
Table of Contents
Appendix B: Chemical Effects on Oxygen Probes ..........................117
Summary of Chemical Effects on Oxygen Probes .......................................................... 117
Appendix C: pH Sensor Theory of Operation and Calculations.....119
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 119
Theory of Operation and Calculations............................................................................. 119
Model # 1................................................................................................................................... 120
Model # 2................................................................................................................................... 120
Model # 3................................................................................................................................... 120
Model # 4................................................................................................................................... 122
Revised Model #4...................................................................................................................... 123
vi FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207

About This Manual

Document Purpose and Intended Audience

This document provides you with an installation and configuration instructions to get your system up and running. In addition, user interface for SpectraSuite is provided.

What’s New in this Document

This version updates the installation information.

Document Summary

Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Sensors System Overview Contains descriptions of what is included in a sensor
Chapter 2: OOISensors Software Contains instructions for installing and configuring the
OOISensors software when used with a spectrometer.
Chapter 3: Oxygen Sensors Provides information on how the sensors work, as well as
instructions for installing and calibrating the sensors.
Chapter 4: pH Sensors Provides a description of the pH sensors and a procedure
for calibration.
Chapter 5: Compatible Products and
Chapter 6: Hardware Datasheets and
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting Contains a table of troubleshooting suggestions and
Appendix A: External Triggering Provides information on external triggering as it relates to
Contains descriptions of compatible accessories and their specifications.
Contains descriptions of the functions on the Spectrometer Menu.
Appendix B: Chemical Effects on Oxygen
Appendix C: pH Sensor Theory of Operation
and Calculations
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 7
Lists chemicals known to be harmful and chemicals that have no effect on oxygen probes.
Contains equations that express the theory of pH sensor operation and calculations.
Table of Contents

Product-Related Documentation

MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer Installation and Operation Manuall
Various USB spectrometer documents such as the
Operation Manual.
SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual
OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software Installation and Operation Manual
You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
http://www.oceanoptics.com. Select Technical Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the Search by Model Number field at the bottom of the web page.
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products on the Software and Technical Resources CD included with the system.
Engineering-level documentation is located on our website at Technical Engineering Docs.
USB4000 Spectrometer Installation and


Occasionally, you may find that you need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgrade to your system. To facilitate these changes, you must first contact Customer Support and obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact Ocean Optics for specific instructions when returning a product.
8 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
Chapter 1

Sensors System Overview


The following sections provide a general overview of the Oxygen Sensors System and the pH Sensors System.

Oxygen Sensors System Overview

Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensors are spectrometer and/or phase fluorometer-coupled chemical sensors for monitoring oxygen partial pressure in gases and liquids. A fluorescence method measures the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen. Optical fiber carries excitation light produced by the blue LED to the thin-film coating at the probe tip. The probe collects fluorescence generated at the tip and carries it via the optical fiber to the high-sensitivity spectrometer. When oxygen in the gas or liquid sample diffuses into the thin film coating, it quenches the fluorescence. The degree of quenching correlates to the level of oxygen pressure.
Fiber Optic Oxygen Sensors are low-power, portable devices that offer high sensitivity, reversibility, and stability. Their small size is useful for remote monitoring. What's more, the thin film used in the probe tips consumes no oxygen, allowing for continuous contact with the sample. FOXY Sensors offer other key advantages: They're ideal for viscous samples and are immune to interference caused by pH change or from changes in ionic strength, salinity, and biofouling.

pH Sensors System Overview

Fiber optic probes for pH monitoring couple to Ocean Optics spectrometers to measure pH by monitoring color changes in indicator dyes. These dyes are immobilized in polymer films. You then place the films in the optical path of a transflection dip probe and exposed to the sample solution. These pH probe sensors are especially useful for monitoring low conductivity samples such as boiler water, where potentiometric devices fail; or for turbid, fouling environments, where particulate matter, slurries, and other media can coat or destroy electrodes.
Ocean Optics' fully integrated pH systems provide full spectral analysis to help eliminate errors from dye leaching or from changes in turbidity, temperature, and ionic strength. Inherent calibration based on the physical properties of the immobilized indicator dye eliminates the need for frequent calibration.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 1
1: Sensors System Overview

FOXY Probes

FOXY oxygen sensors are designed for monitoring oxygen partial pressure in gas and aqueous solutions. Standard FOXY comes with different probe sizes and configurations depending on the application.


FOSPOR is a new generation of highly sensitive probes for monitoring traces if oxygen in gas and liquids. This sensor is capable of monitoring low ppm levels of oxygen in gas and ppb levels of dissolved oxygen in liquids. This sensor can be used in environments where oxygen traces need to be monitored. Some applications include vacuum systems, and food and pharmaceutical packaging. The sensor material consists of a sol gel thin film immobilized with Pt-porphyrin.

HIOXY Probes

HIOXY (FOXY-hydrocarbon) is designed for monitoring oxygen partial pressure in nonaqueous vapors and solutions. The sensor coating chemistry is designed for compatibility with oils, alcohols and hydrocarbon-based vapors and liquids. HIOXY has been tested successfully in commercial and military aviation fuels, gasoline, diesel, some alcohols, glycol, military hydraulic fluids, and wine.

MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer (MFPF)

The MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer (MFPF) is a flexible platform for measuring luminescence lifetime, phase and intensity. The MFPF is a compact, self-contained, frequency-domain luminescence monitor that is invariant to fiber bending and stray light, and has a wide dynamic range of optical intensity as well as low optical and electronic crosstalk, and low drift and phase noise. Therefore, the MFPF is especially useful for oxygen sensing applications where sensitivity to drift is important and where sample set-ups must be left undisturbed for long periods of time. There are two MFPF models:
MFPF100-1 – 1-channel unit includes one thermistor
MFPF100-2 -- 2-channel unit includes two thermistors
The MFPF is available for use with FOXY, HIOXY, and FOSPOR custom probes. See the MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer Installation and Operation Manual for more information on the MFPF.
The MFPF software works in conjunction with OOISensors software to manage the MFPF unit. If your system uses a spectrometer instead, you will not install or use the MFPF software. See
The application for measuring oxygen concentrations is essentially the same for spectrometers and MFPF. The main difference is that the spectrometers’ application is with raw data of spectrum intensity of fluorescence at a particular wavelength, while the MFPF’s application raw data is Tau, which is an indication of the decay of fluorescence over time as the result of a light pulse on sensor material.
for more information on installing software.
2 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
1: Sensors System Overview


The following hardware is included with the Fiber Optic Sensors System or is compatible with the Fiber Optic Sensors System.

Included Hardware (Oxygen Sensor System)

Fiber optic fluorescence probe with proprietary oxygen-sensing thin-film coating on the tip Miniature fiber optic spectrometer LS-450 Blue LED Light Source Bifurcated optical fiber assembly with splice bushing that connects the fluorescence probe to the
spectrometer and the LED
A/D Converter (if needed)

Included Hardware (pH Sensor System)

pH probe & film Light Source (such as LS-1 or Mini-D2T) Miniature fiber optic spectrometer (see Spectrometers for options) A/D Converter (if needed)
Compatible Products and Accessories for information on these and other Ocean Optics products
See designed for use with the Fiber Optic Sensor System.
Do not connect the spectrometer included with the Fiber Optics Sensors System to the PC prior to installing the OOISensors software. Connecting this equipment prior to software installation will result in incorrect driver configuration and may require Technical Support to correct. See
Troubleshooting for more information.


OOISensors software is Ocean Optics’ next generation of software for use with the Fiber Optics Sensor System. OOISensors is an advanced data acquisition and display program that provides a real-time interface to a variety of signal processing functions for users of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
MFPF software is used with OOISensors when you have an MFPF unit. See
Fluorometer (MFPF)
for more information on the MFPF.
MultiFrequency Phase
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 3
1: Sensors System Overview


The Fiber Optic Sensors System contains various documentation components on paper, floppy diskette and CD. These components include the following:
Packing List Wavelength Calibration Data Software and Technical Resources CD Temperature Calibration Diskette (if requested)

Packing List

The packing list is located inside a plastic bag attached to the outside of the shipment box (the invoice is mailed separately). The items listed on the packing slip include all of the components in the order, including customized items installed in the spectrometer, such as the grating, detector collection lens, and slit. The packing list also includes important information, such as the shipping and billing addresses, as well as components on back order.

Wavelength Calibration Data

The spectrometer included with the Fiber Optic Sensors System is shipped in a silver-gray anti-static bag. This bag also contains wavelength calibration information that is unique to your individual spectrometer. Our spectrometer operating software simply reads these values from the spectrometer; however, this information is provided in case, for some reason, you need to manually enter these values into the software.

Software and Technical Resources CD

Each spectrometer order comes with Ocean Optics’ Software and Technical Resources CD. This disc contains all Ocean Optics software and manuals for software operation, spectrometers, and spectroscopic accessories. Documentation is provided in Portable Document Format (PDF). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher to view these files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is included on the CD.
With the exception of OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software, all Ocean Optics software is password protected. OOISensors Software must be purchased with your Fiber Optic Sensors System, and the installation program is password protected. The password for the software can be found on the back of the Software and Technical Resources CD package.

Temperature Calibration Diskette (if requested)

The Temperature Calibration Diskette can be used during temperature calibration setup. Insert the diskette in the disk drive, and then load the data via the Multiple Temperature Calibration Screen.
4 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
Chapter 2

OOISensors Software

OOISensors Overview

OOISensors Software is Ocean Optics’ next generation of operating software for the Fiber Optic Sensors System. OOISensors is an advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time interface to a variety of signal-processing functions for all Windows platforms. With OOISensors, you have the ability to obtain oxygen partial pressure and concentration values, control all system parameters, collect data from up to 8 spectrometer channels simultaneously and display the results in a single spectral window, perform time acquisition experiments, and display and correct for temperature and/or ambient pressure fluctuations in the sample.
OOISensors allows you to use the Second Order Polynomial algorithm in the calibration procedure. This algorithm often provides more accurate data than the linear Stern-Volmer algorithm. Furthermore, you can now monitor temperature with the OOISensors application. OOISensors corrects the data for any fluctuations in temperature.
OOISensors can also display up to eight spectrometer channels in one spectral window, while providing unique data acquisition parameters to each spectrometer channel.
Additionally, the Time Chart feature in OOISensors can display O all active channels at a specific wavelength over a period. During a timed data acquisition procedure, you can enter text for an event into the log file. Both the Time Chart and Data Logging features are enabled by a simple switch next to the graph.
OOISensors can support up to four MFPF units; up to eight channels can be supported when OOISensors is used with MFPF100-2 (two-channel) units.
values, pH values, and the data from
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 5
2: OOISensors Software

Installing OOISensors

Before installing OOISensors Software, make sure that no other applications are running.
Perform the steps below to install the OOISensors software on your PC:
1. Close all other applications running on the PC.
2. Start the software installation process.

Installing from CD:

a. Insert the CD containing the OOISensors and software.
b. Select the drive on your computer with the software CD.
c. Double-click on the Setup.exe. The installation wizard appears.
Installing from the Web:
a. Go to
b. Right-click on OOISensors Oxygen Measurement Software and select Save
Target As… to download the executable to your machine.
c. Click Save. The installation begins.
d. Click Run. The Installation Wizard appears.
6 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
3. Click Next at the Welcome screen. The Choose Destination Location screen appears.
4. Accept the default or select another location for your software files. Click Next. The Backup Replaced Files screen appears.
5. Select Yes or No, depending on whether you want to create backup replacement files. If you select Yes, choose a location for these files. Then click Next. The Select Program Manager Group screen appears.
6. Select the name of the Program Manager group to which you want to add the OOISensor icons. Then click Next. The Start Installation dialog box appears.
7. Click Next. The Password dialog box appears. Type the password for your OOISensors software and click OK. Passwords are located on the back of the software CD jacket. The software begins installing.
The MFPF dialog box appears asking you if you have MFPF hardware.
If you have an MFPF unit, refer to the MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer Installation and Operation Manual for more information. These instructions assume that you are installing
OOISensors to use with a spectrometer.
You can reinstall the application again later to add support for the MFPF.
9. Click No. The installation begins. A message then appears informing you that your installation is complete.
10. Click OK, then click Finish. You have now installed OOISensors software. You must restart your computer to use the software.
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2: OOISensors Software

Configuring OOISensors Software

Once OOISensors is installed and the system has been rebooted, connect the spectrometer to the PC and start the OOISensors program. Run OOISensors. If this is the first time you have opened the software, or if the software is not configured yet, the Configure Hardware screen appears. You can also access this screen manually by selecting Configure | Hardware from the OOISensors menu bar. See
The first time that you run OOISensors, you will be prompted to configure the software for use with your hardware.
The main OOISensors screen is shown below (the following example is for the spectrometer configuration).
for more information.

Configure Menu Functions

Select Configure from the menu bar to configure the hardware and software parameters for your system.
8 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software

Configure Hardware

The Configure | Hardware dialog box allows you to specify the hardware parameters for the spectrometer. Typically, you set these parameters only once, when you first install OOISensors. Upon running OOISensors for the first time after installation, you will need to specify hardware settings in the
Configure Hardware dialog box. However, you can reconfigure these settings at any time by selecting Configure | Hardware from the menu bar.
Follow the steps below to reconfigure hardware parameters:
1. Select Configure | Hardware from the OOISensors menu bar. The Configure Hardware screen appears.
2. Specify a spectrometer type in the Spectrometer Type drop-down menu (the S2000-FL, SF2000 and USB series are S2000-series spectrometers).
3. Specify the A/D converter you are using to interface your spectrometer to your computer in the
A/D Converter Type drop-down menu.
If you choose the USB2000 A/D Converter:
Select the USB2000 A/D Converter from the drop-down menu. Then, specify the serial number of the USB2000 in the Serial Number drop-down menu. Consult the USB2000 Operating Instructions for more information.
If you choose the ADC1000 or DAQ700 A/D Converter:
Select an available Base Address (or I/O Range) and IRQ (Interrupt Request) from the drop down menus. Consult the operating instructions for the specific A/D converter more information.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 9
2: OOISensors Software
If you choose the ADC1000-USB A/D Converter:
Specify the serial number of the ADC1000-USB, or select the First Available ADC1000-USB option. Consult your A/D Converter documentation for more information.
If you choose the SAD500 or Serial USB2000 Spectrometer:
4. Specify the PC Serial Port (or COM Port) number to which the device is connected.
5. Select the Baud Rate at which the device will operate.
6. Enter a SAD500 Pixel Resolution, which specifies that the spectrometer transmit every nth pixel from the SAD500 to the PC. Valid pixel resolutions are 1-500, and resolution requirements vary by experiment.
Lower pixel resolutions result in increased speed. The transfer of one complete spectra requires ~0.4 seconds when communicating at 115,200 baud rate. If you need your information in <0.4 seconds, increase the resolution or enable data compression. (This option does not appear for Serial USB2000 users.)
7. Enable the Compress Data function to minimize the amount of data transferred over the RS-232 connection. Transmission of spectral data over the serial port is a relatively slow process. Enabling this function insures that every scan transmitted will be compressed, which greatly increases the data transfer speed.
8. Select the USB2000 Serial Number for the USB2000 you wish to use (Serial USB2000 users only).


Select Configure | Software to specify the spectrometer parameters in the OOISensors software.
To access the Configure System screen, choose Configure | Software from the OOISensors menu bar. The Configure System screen contains tabs for specifying Sensor, Timing, Display, and Log options.
10 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
The System Type field in the upper, right corner allows you to select either Spectrometer or MFPF for the attached hardware. The differences between the two system types when using OOISensors are noted where applicable throughout this manual. Depending on this selection, some tabs and other user interface objects will be visible (or not) in main application window and in this configuration window.
If you have an MFPF unit, refer to the MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer Installation and Operation Manual for more information. These instructions assume that you are installing
OOISensors to use with a spectrometer. If you switch between Spectrometer and MFPF System Type, most parameter settings will be retained as they are hardware-specific, but some parameters are common to all hardware types.
If you switch from MFPF to Spectrometer System Type, the spectral graph will not be visible. You must select the Display tab on the Configure System screen, and then change the Graph and Chart Display Mode to display the spectral graph.
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2: OOISensors Software

Sensors Tab for Spectrometer Systems

Click on the Sensors tab in the Configure System screen to access Sensor controls. The Sensors tab contains the following options:
FOXY (oxygen)
FOXY (oxygen)
12 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
Option Name Description
Choose a spectrometer channel to view its sensor parameters
Scan dark for every measurement (oxygen sensor only)
Selects the spectrometer channel for which all sensor options will be applied. Each spectrometer channel has its own parameters.
Automatically stores a dark spectrum each time a simple scan is taken. Only for use with the SF2000 in pulsed mode, and the USB-LS-450 light source.
Activates the currently selected spectrometer channel (see above). For
Channel active
some multichannel systems such as the ADC1000-USB, the software sets the active channels according to what is stored in hardware and will not allow you to activate or deactivate channels.
Sensor Selects the type of sensor used for each spectrometer channel.
Changes the color of the spectral trace in the display graph. Click directly on the color box to customize the color.
Enter the analysis wavelength. This number should be close to 600 nm,
Analysis Wavelength
since the ruthenium complex at the tip of the oxygen probe emits energy at ~600 nm when it fluoresces.
Enter the number of pixels to average on either side of the analysis
Bandwidth Pixels
wavelength, typically 25. This value is in addition to the boxcar smoothing on the main window. For best results, keep the boxcar value low.
Chart Specifies the type of information charted in the spectral graph.
Specify the data display format and precision of the data. Select Decimal Data Display for Sensor Measurement
or Scientific from the Format drop-down menu, and select a value (max.
5) to specify the precision of the oxygen data displayed on the screen and
saved in log files.
Calibration Order Select Linear (Stern Volmer) or Second Order Polynomial.
Temperature Compensation Select this checkbox to enable temperature compensation.
Oxygen Units
Henry’s coefficients
Select to use % oxygen (based on factory calibration for oxygen in air), or
Weight Fraction (Henry’s Law) for water
Enter Henry’s coefficients if you are using a liquid other than water (water
is the default).
Compare these values with the Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet that Wavelength Calibration Coefficients
accompanied your system to ensure that the values are identical. If
necessary, enter the correct values for each channel. Software retrieves
coefficients from hardware when possible.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 13
2: OOISensors Software
Option Name Description
Monitors and corrects for pressure fluctuations in the sample (if you have
your own pressure transducer). You can use the pressure transducer
separately, or interface it with the sensor system.
If interfacing to the sensor system, you must have an available
spectrometer channel that is NOT connected to an oxygen sensor or
have the OMEGA D5251 4-20mA general purpose module. Specify the
pressure-monitoring method with the drop-down menu.
If an unused spectrometer channel is used as an analog-to-digital
converter (A/D) for your pressure transducer, typically Slave1 to Slave7,
activate it and assign that spectrometer channel as a pressure channel
and enter its calibration coefficients there. If a D5251 module is used,
select the serial COM port used and enter its calibration coefficients.
Pressure Compensation CH
Enable reference correction
CAUTION: This option is
not recommended. Speak to an Ocean Optics Application Scientist before setting.
Bandwidth Pixels
Additionally, you can enter the pressure manually.
The Pressure applies to all channels which activated manual pressure
compensation and is displayed in the upper left corner of the OOISensors
screen as follows:
Monitors and corrects for any drift or change in the LS-450 Blue LED light
source. Click to enable this function, and then enter the reference
wavelength in the nm box.
To use this option correctly, be sure the peak at 470 nm is not saturated.
Only available if “Enable reference correction” is enabled. Specifies the
number of pixels around the reference wavelength to average.
Configures alarm properties. Click this box to enable the alarm feature,
and then enter alarm-monitoring parameters. When the value is within the
Level alarm
specified value range, the alarm indicator is green. If the value falls below
the specified alarm parameters, the on-screen indicator will turn red. If the
value rises above the specified alarm parameters, the indicator turns
14 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
Option Name Description
Specifies the method used to monitor and correct for temperature
fluctuations, if desired:
None: No monitoring
Manual: Temperature is monitored, but OOISensors will not read and
display temperature values. You must manually enter temperature values
in the display window.
Select Omega D5xx1 RS232 monitor temperature and have OOISensors
automatically read and display temperature values from thermistor or
Ocean Optics offers the Omega Thermistor and the Omega
Thermocouple for monitoring temperature. The thermistor and
thermocouple should already be connected to your PC via an RS-232
module. Select the COM Port number (next to Serial Port) on your PC to Temperature Measurement
which the thermistor or thermocouple is connected. Because the RS-232
module can support up to four thermistors or thermocouples, there are
four labeled ports. Next to D5xx1 CH, select the port to which the
thermistor or thermocouple connects to the RS-232 module. (If you only
have one thermistor or thermocouple, select 0.)
Select USB2000 LS-450 to instruct the USB-LS-450 to monitor and
correct for temperature fluctuations. The A/D converter in the USB-LS-
450 front end is configured for a 100 ohm platinum RTD (resistance
temperature device).
A similar method is used with the OMEGA D5251 general purpose 4-
20mA module, which requires your own temperature sensor with current
output. You must calibrate the input and create its calibration coefficients.
Enable the Compensate function if you want the software to correct for
temperature fluctuations. Enabling the Chart function allows you to view
a chart of the temperature values.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 15
2: OOISensors Software
Use this screen to set parameters for a pH sensor.
16 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
Use this screen to set parameters for a pressure sensor.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 17
2: OOISensors Software
Use this screen to enter parameters for a CO2 sensor.

Timing Tab

Click on the Timing tab in the Configure System screen to access Timing controls. This screen allows you to configure timed data acquisition parameters.
18 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
2: OOISensors Software
The Timing tab contains the following options:
Option Name Description
Preset Duration
Preset Sampling Interval
Flash Delay (For spectrometer systems only)
External Trigger Mode (For spectrometer systems only)
Specifies the length of the entire timed data acquisition process. Enter the
duration in HH:MM:SS format.
Specifies the frequency of the data collected in the timed acquisition.
Enter the frequency interval in HH:MM:SS format.
Controls the flash delay time of the lamp, in milliseconds. This feature is
only applicable when using an ADC1000-PCI or ADC2000-PCI A/D
Converter and the LS-450 or R-LS-450 light sources.
Specifies the external trigger mode used when acquiring data:
No External Trigger: The spectrometer continuously scans, acquires,
and transmits data to the PC according to previously configured
acquisition parameters. This mode offers no way to synchronize data
acquisition with an external event.
FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207 19
2: OOISensors Software
Option Name Description
External Software Trigger: This mode allows data acquisition to be
synchronized with external events. In this level-triggered mode, the
spectrometer is free running, only while level is high, just as in normal
mode. However, upon each trigger, the data collected up to the trigger
event is transferred to the software. For more information, consult the
External Triggering document on the Ocean Optics web site at:
Display Tab
Click on the Display Tab in the Configure Spectrometer screen to access Display controls. This screen allows you to configure display parameters for spectrometers in OOISensors. This tab does not exist for systems with MFPF units.
The Display Tab contains the following options:
Option Name Description
Show software controllable LED status
Graph and Chart Display Mode
20 FOXY-AL300-000-02-0207
Displays the status of the LS-450’s blue LED.
Specifies the information that appears in the display window.
Spectral Graph Only: The Spectral Graph appears in the display
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