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This manual is sold a s part of an order and subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise
circulated without the prior consent of Ocean Optics, Inc. in any form of bind ing or cover other than that in which it is published.
All products and servic es herein are th e trademark s, service mar ks, registered trademarks or registered service marks of their r espective owners .
Limit of Liability
Every effort has been mad e to make this manual as comp lete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is
on an “as is” basis. Ocean Optics, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from
the information contained in this manual.
Table of Contents
About This Manual ......................................................................................................... iii
Document Purpose and Intended Audience .............................................................................. iii
What’s New in this Document ................................................................................................... iii
Document Summary .................................................................................................................. iii
Product-Related Documentation ............................................................................................... iv
Upgrades ....................................................................................................................... iv
Service .......................................................................................................................... iv
Appendix C: NIRQuest512-2.5 and NIRQuest256-2.5 Sensitivity ... 43
Index ................................................................................................... 45
ii 016-700000-000-02-201301
About This Manual
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This document provides you with instructions to get your system up and running. In addition to the
NIRQuest Spectrometer installation and operation instructions, this manual also includes information for
locating the SpectraSuite installation instruc t io ns (s e e Product-Related Documentation
What’s New in this Document
This version of the NIRQuest Near Infrared Fiber Optics SpectrometersInstallation and Operation
Manual clarifies the installation procedure.
Document Summary
Chapter Description
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Installing the NIRQuest
Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
Appendix A: Calibrating the Wavelength of
the NIRQuest Spectrometer
Appendix B: Specifications
Appendix C: NIRQuest512-2.5 and
NIRQuest256-2.5 Sensitivity
Introduces the product features. Also contains a list
of items included in the shipment.
Contains information for installing and configuring
your NIRQuest Spectrometer. These instructions
include information on using your NIRQuest
Spectrometer with the spectrometer operating
Contains typical problems and suggested
Contains instructions for calibrating your NIRQuest
Contains technical specifications for the NIRQuest
Spectrometer and the NIR Detector. It also includes
grating efficiency graphs and pinout information.
Provides some additional sensitivity specifications
for the NIRQuest256-2.5 and NIRQuest512-2.5
016-700000-000-02-201301 iii
1: Introduction
Product-Related Documentation
You can access documentation for Ocean Optics products by visiting our website at
document from the available drop-down lists. Or, use the Search by Model Number field at the bottom
of the web page.
• Detailed instructions for SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software are located at:
You can also access operating instructions for Ocean Optics products on the Software and Technical
Resources CD included with the system.
Engineering-level documentation is located on our website at Technical → Engineering Docs.
. Select Technical → Operating Instructions, then choose the appropriate
Occasionally, you may find that you need Ocean Optics to make a change or an upgrade to your system.
To facilitate these changes, you must first contact Customer Support and obtain a Return Merchandise
Authorization (RMA) number. Please contact Ocean Optics for specific instructions when returning a
Our Total Technical Service protection plans protect your spectrometer for one year for any contingency -
- no matter what the circumstances, including total loss. Under these plans, Ocean Optics will repair or
replace your instrument with no deductible or any other out-of-pocket expense required from you.
NIRQuest service plans include the following:
•TTS-NIR: Protects your Ocean Optics NIR spectrometer for any contingency for 1 year.
Provides for full spectrometer replacement, if necessary. Limited to 1 full replacement per year.
•TTS-NIR-E: This special plan for Ocean Optics NIR spectrometers not previously covered
protects for any contingency for 1 year. Provides for full spectrometer replacement, if necessary.
Limited to 1 full replacement per year. This coverage starts 30 days after purchasing the plan.
iv 016-700000-000-02-201301
Chapter 1
Product Description
A high-performance optical bench, low-noise electronics and various grating options make NIRQuest
Spectrometers truly extraordinary. This new generation of small-footprint, near infrared spectrometers is
available in four models that cover various ranges between 900 nm and 2500 nm and are ideal for
applications ranging from analyzing moisture content in food and beverage products to analyzing trace
metals in wastewater. In addition to improved optical bench performance, NIRQuest Spectrometers are
available with more grating options than our previous NIR Spectrometers. This enables you to take
advantage of the different grating characteristics to maximize experiment setups. The High Gain Mode
option improves sensitivity (5x) for low light-level applications and low concentration absorption
applications (not recommended for NIRQuest512-2.2 and NIRQuest512-2.5). See
Series Spectrometers for more inform a tion.
Advantages Over NIR
High Gain Mode is not recommended for NIRQuest512-2.2 and NIRQuest512-2.5
spectrometers, but can be used. An additional 30 minute warm-up time is necessary to
stabilize the detector response.
The NIRQuest (Near Infrared) Fiber Optic Spectrometer combines the high-performance InGaAs array
detector with the high-sensitivity NIRQuest optical bench. The NIRQuest Spectrometer and the 16-bit
A/D converter share a single housing, forming a small-footprint plug-and-play system.
016-700000-000-02-201301 1
1: Introduction
The NIRQuest Spectrometer can connect via the USB port to any PC that uses a Windows Me/2000/XP
operating system and has spectrometer operat ing soft ware installed and configured for use with your
NIRQuest Spectrometer. Furthermore, the NIRQuest Spectrometer has a serial port for interfacing to PCs,
PLCs, and other devices that support the RS-232 communication protocol.
An EEPROM memory chip in each NIRQuest Spectrometer contains wavelength calibration coefficients,
linearity coefficients, and the serial number unique to each spectrometer. Ocean Optics SpectraSuite
spectrometer operating software reads these values from the spectrometer, which allows “hot-swapping”
of spectrometers among multiple PCs.
As with all other Ocean Optics user-configured spectrometers, you can choose from six slit sizes and
hundreds of fiber optic accessories (such as light sources, probes, and optical fibers) to create the system
just right for your application.
NIRQuest can be used with a Wireless Spectral Server to capture spectral data wirelessly or via Ethernet.
About the Modular Approach
Ocean Optics fiber optic spectrometer systems are based on low-cost, modular data acquisition principles.
A typical NIRQuest Spectrometer system contains four basic elements:
• The NIRQuest Spectrometer (see NIRQuest Spectrometer Models
• The Ocean Optics SpectraSuite spectrometer operating software (see
• Software)
• A light (excitation source) (see Accessories
• A variety of sampling optics (depending on application need) (see Accessories)
The light (excitation source) sends light through an optical fiber to the sample. The light interacts with the
sample, and the results are collected and transmitted through another optical fiber to the spectrometer.
The spectrometer measures the amount of light and transforms the data collected by the spectrometer into
digital information. Finally, the spectrometer passes that information to the operating software.
NIRQuest Spectrometer Models
The NIRQuest family of spectrometers consists of the following models:
• NIRQuest512 with a detector range of 850 – 1700 nm ; usable range of 900 – 2700 nm
• NIRQuest512-1.9 with a detector range of 1000 – 1900 nm; usable range 1100 – 1900 nm
• NIRQuest512-2.2 with a detector range 900 – 2200 nm; usable range of 900 – 2200 nm
• NIRQuest512-2.5 with a detector range 900 – 2550 nm; usable range of 900 – 2500 nm
• NIRQuest256-2.1 with a detector range of 900 – 2100 nm; usable range of 900 – 2050 nm
• NIRQuest256-2.5 with a detector range of 900 – 2550 nm; usable range of 900 – 2500 nm
2 016-700000-000-02-201301
1: Introduction
SpectraSuite is the latest generation of operating software for all Ocean Optics spectrometers. It is a
completely modular, Java-based spectroscopy software platform that operates on Windows, Macintosh
and Linux operating systems. The software can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer and device,
as well as any other manufacturer’s USB instrumentation using the appropriate drivers.
SpectraSuite is a user-customizable, advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time
interface to a variety of signal-processing functions. With SpectraSuite, you have the ability to perform
spectroscopic measurements (such as absorbance, reflectance, and emission), control all system
parameters, collect and display data in real time, and perform reference monitoring and time acquisition
experiments. Consult the SpectraSuite manual for hardware requirements when using SpectraSuite (see
Product-Related Documentation
Ocean Optics also offers a complete line of spectroscopic accessories to use with the NIRQuest
Spectrometer. Most spectroscopic accessories have SMA connectors for application flexibility. Thus,
changing the sampling system is as easy as unscrewing a connector and adding a new component or
accessory. A partial list of Ocean Optics spectroscopic accessories includes light sources, sampling
holders, filter holders, flow cells, fiber optic probes and sensors, collimating lenses, attenuators, diffuse
reflectance standards, integrating spheres and an extensive line of optical fibers.
This modular approach, where components are easily mixed and matched, offers remarkable applications
flexibility. You can select from hundreds of products to create distinctive systems for an almost endless
variety of optical-sensing applications.
Breakout Box
Ocean Optics also offers the Breakout Box (HR4-BREAKOUT), a passive module that separates the
signals from their 30-pin port to an array of standard connectors and headers, enabling easy access to a
variety of features found in Ocean Optics’ NIRQuest Spectrometer. In addition to the accessory
connector, the breakout box features a circuit board based on a neutral breadboard pattern that allows
custom circuitry to be prototyped on the board itself.
• Integration times from 1 ms to 120 seconds (depending on spectrometer model)
• Embedded microcontroller allows programmatic control of all operating parameters and
standalone operation
• USB 2.0 480Mbps
• RS232 (2-wire) 115Kbaud
• Multiple communication standards for digital accessories (SPI, I2C)
• Onboard Pulse Generator
• 3 programmable strobe signals for triggering other devices
• Software control of nearly all pulse parameters
• Onboard GPIO
• 10 user-programmable digital I/Os
• EEPROM storage for
• Wavelength Calibration Coefficients
• Linearity Correction Coefficients
• Absolute Irradiance Calibration (optional)
• Plug-n-play interface for PC applications
• 30-pin connector for interfacing to external products
• CE certification
Advantages Over NIR Series Spectrometer s
The NIRQuest Spectrometers offer a high-performance optical bench with low-noise electronics and more
gratings than have been available in the past. The following list of improved features shows how the
NIRQuest offers improved functionality over our previous NIR Spectrometers at a lower cost to you..
• 20 % Higher Throughput. Higher throughput means higher sensitivity and shorter integration
times needed. The chart below compares spectra from the NIR512 with the NIRQuest 512.
4 016-700000-000-02-201301
1: Introduction
• 2 to 3 Times Better Noise Performance. This permits integration for longer periods of time and
detection of smaller changes in absorbance. The charts below show 3x noise improvement for the
NIRQuest512 over the NIR512 at a 10-second integ ration time.
• Considerably Better Signal-to-Noise Ratio (now >15000:1 at 100 ms). This allows better
detection in low light levels, use of a smaller slit size (provides higher optical resolution without
sacrificing throughput), and simpler measurement of higher concentration samples.
• True External Trigger with a fixed 1-ms delay after an external event before integration begins.
• Thermoelectric Cooler stabilizes after 1 minute in the NIRQuest 512 vs. 2 minutes in the NIR512.
• More Grating Options are provided (up to 6) to better optimize your application setup.
016-700000-000-02-201301 5
1: Introduction
Operating System
Interface Options
The NIRQuest Spectrometer has both USB and serial port connectors (with the use of an adapter),
enabling you to connect the spectrometer to a desktop or notebook computer via a USB port or serial port.
However, you must create custom software if using the serial port. SpectraSuite software is available if
you are connecting via the USB port.
Computer Interface
Desktop or
Notebook PC via
USB Port
Desktop or
Notebook PC via
Serial Port
Windows Me/
Any 32-bit Windows
operating system
Cable Needed Description of Cable
(not included)
Cable connects from USB port on
NIRQuest Spectrometer to USB port on
desktop or notebook PC
Adapter block that enables connection
from serial port on NIRQuest to serial
port on desktop or notebook PC; comes
with 5 VDC power supply (required
when connecting to serial port)
Items Included with Shipment
NIRQuest Spectrometer
+ 5VDC power supply
Important information and documentation accompany your NIRQuest Spectrometer upon shipment. This
Packing List – The packing list is located inside a plastic bag attached to the outside of the
shipment box (the invoice is mailed separately). The items listed on the packing slip include all of
the components in the order, including customized items installed in the spectrometer, such as the
slit. The packing list also includes important information, such as the shipping and billing
addresses, as well as any components on back order.
6 016-700000-000-02-201301
Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet – Each spectrometer is shipped with a Wavelength
Calibration Data Sheet that contains information unique to your spectrometer. SpectraSuite
Operating Software reads this calibration data from your spectrometer when it interfaces to a PC
via the USB port.
Please save the Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet for future reference.
15-Pin Accessory Cable (se e NIRQuest 15-Pin Accessory Cable Pinout)
Software and Resources Library CD – Each spectrometer order comes with Ocean Optics’
Software and Resources Library CD. This disc contains all Ocean Optics software and manuals
for software operation, spectrometers, and spectroscopic accessories. Documentation is provided
in Portable Document Format (PDF). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher to
view these files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is included on the CD.
1: Introduction
Passwords for software applications can be found on the back of the Software and Resources
Library CD package.
Other Accessories Available
Visit us at for a complete list of products available for all of your spectroscopy
Light Sources
Integrated Sampling Systems
Filter Holders
Lithium Ion Battery Pack
HR4-BREAKOUT Breakout Box
Remora Wireless Spectral Server
Breakout Box
Ocean Optics also offers the Breakout Box (HR4-BREAKOUT), a passive module that separates the
signals from their 30-pin port to an array of standard connectors and headers, enabling easy access to a
variety of features found in Ocean Optics’ NIRQuest Spectrometers. In addition to the accessory
connector, the breakout box features a circuit board based on a neutral breadboard pattern that allows
custom circuitry to be prototyped on the board itself.
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1: Introduction
8 016-700000-000-02-201301
Chapter 2
Installing the NIRQuest
You must install the operating software application prior to connecting the NIRQuest Spec tro meter to the
PC. The Ocean Optics spectrometer operating software installs the drivers require d for NIRQuest
Spectrometer installation. If you do not install the software first, the system will not properly recognize
the NIRQuest Spectrometer.
If you have already connected the NIRQuest Spectrometer to the PC prior to installing the software,
consult Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
Once you have properly installed the spectrometer, refer to either the SpectraSuite operating instructions
for information on taking measurements.
for information on correcting a corrupt NIRQuest Spectrometer
NIRQuest Spectrometer Installation
This section contains instructions for connecting the NIRQuest Spectrometer via both USB and serial
Ensure that TEC power is always applied (using SpectraSuite software) before USB
USB Mode
Follow the steps in this section to interface the NIRQuest Spectrometer via the USB port to a desktop or
notebook PC.
To connect the NIRQuest Spectrometer to a PC via the USB port, the PC must be running the Windows
ME/2000/XP operating system.
016-700000-000-02-201301 9
► Procedure
1. Install spectrometer operating software on the destinati on computer, and then reboot the
2. Plug the +5VDC wall adapter into an electrical outlet, then connect the power cord to the
2.5 mm power jack (older versions may have a 1.3 mm power jack) on the rear of the
NIRQuest Spectrometer.
3. Locate the USB cable (USB-CBL-1) that came with the NIRQuest Spectrometer.
4. Insert the square end of the cable into the rear of the NIRQuest Spectrometer, and then
insert the recta ngular end into the USB port of the computer.
If the software was installed prior to connecting the NIRQuest Spectrometer, the Add New Hardware Wizard appears and installs the NIRQuest Spectrometer drivers. If the drivers do not successfully install,
or if you connected the NIRQuest Spectrometer to the computer before installing the software, consult
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
Windows XP users may encounter a Hardware Installation w arning window regarding
Windows XP driver testing. Click the Continue Installation button at this screen, as this
is an expected warning.
Serial Port Mode
To use the serial port capacity of the NIRQuest Spectrometer, the PC must be running a 32-bit version of
the Windows operating system.
Follow the steps below to connect the NIRQuest Spectrometer to the PC via serial port:
1. Plug the +5VDC wall adapter into an electrical outlet, then connect the power cord to the 2.5 mm
power jack (older versions may have a 1.3 mm power jack) on the rear of the NIRQuest
2. Connect one end of the serial cable to the RS-232 connector on the rear of the NIRQuest
Spectrometer, and then connect the other end to a serial port on the PC.
3. Note the serial port number (also called COM Port) on the PC to which the NIRQuest
Spectrometer is connected (some PCs may not have numbered ports).
The NIRQuest Spectrometer is now connected to the PC’s serial port.
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