3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
Quick Guide for Phoenix Service SW Installation
■ Service requirements
Supported operating systems
•Windows 2000 (service pack 2)
•Windows XP (service pack 1)
Hardware requirements
Recommended for Windows 2000
•Processor 700 MHz, RAM memory 256 MB, disk space 150 MB.
Service software
The service software used is called Phoenix. The Phoenix service software requires a 32-bit
operating system and is not compatible with Windows versions 3.X.
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
■ Phoenix installation steps in brief
DCT-4 generation test and service software is called “Phoenix”.
These are the basic steps to install Phoenix:
•Connect a DK2 dongle or FLS-4S POS flash device.
•Install the Phoenix service SW.
•Install the data package for Phoenix.
•Configure users.
•Manage connection settings (depends on the tools you are using).
•Phoenix is now ready for FLS-4S Point Of Sales flash device use.
•If you use FPS-8:
Update FPS-8 SW.
Activate FPS-8.
Update JBV-1 docking station SW (only when needed).
•Phoenix is now ready for use also with FPS-8 flash prommer and other tools.
Phoenix service software installation contains:
•Service software support for all phone models included in the package.
•Flash update package files for FPS-8* and FLS-4S programming devices.
•All needed drivers for:
DK2 dongle
FLS-4S point of sales flash device
USB devices
Separate installation packages for flash update files and drivers are also available, but it is not
necessary to use them unless updates appear between Phoenix service SW releases. If separate update packages are used, they should be used after Phoenix and data packages have
been installed.
The phone model specific data package includes all product specific data:
•Product software binary files
•Files for type label printing
•Validation file for the fault log repair data reporting system
•All product specific configuration files for Phoenix software components
Phoenix service SW and phone data packages should only be used as complete installation
packages. Uninstallation should be made from Windows’s control panel.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
Phoenix Service SW
■ Before installation
•Check that a dongle is attached to the parallel port of your computer.
•Download the installation package (e.g.
phoenix_service_sw_a15_2004_41_5_28.exe) to your computer (e.g. C:\TEMP).
•Close all other programs.
•Run the application file (e.g. phoenix_service_sw_a15_2004_41_5_28.exe) and
follow instructions on the screen.
•Administrator rights may be required to be able to install Phoenix depending on
the operating system.
•If uninstalling or rebooting is needed at any point, you will be prompted by the In-
stall Shield program.
•If at any point during installation you get this message:
“Dongle is not found and installation cannot continue.“
Possible reasons may be a defective or too old PKD-1 dongle (five digit serial
number dongle when used with FPS-8 prommer) or that the FLS-4S POS flash
dongle is defective or power to it is not supplied by external charger.
First, check the COM /parallel ports used! After correcting the proble m, inst allation can be restarted.
For more detailed information, please refer to Phoenix Help files. Each feature
in Phoenix has its own Help function, which can be activated while running the
program. Press the F1 key or the feature’s Help button to activate a Help file.
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
7. If the operating system used requires restarting your computer, the Install
Shield Wizard notifies you about it. Select "Yes..." to reboot the PC immediately
and "No..." to reboot the PC manually afterwards.
After the reboot, components are registered and Phoenix is ready for use. Note that Phoenix
does not work, if components are not registered.
Now the installation of Phoenix service SW is ready and it can be used after:
•Installing phone model specific data package for Phoenix
•Configuring users and connections
•FLS-4S can be used straight away
•FPS-8* can be used after updating flash update package files
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
■ Updating Phoenix installation
If you already have the Phoenix service SW installed on you r computer, you will need to update
it when new versions are released.
Always use the latest available versions of both the Phoenix service SW and the phone specific
data package. Instructions can be found in phone model specific Technical Bulletins and phone
data package readme.txt files (shown during installation).
To update Phoenix, you need to take exactly the same steps as when installing it for the first
1. Download the installation package to your computer hard disk.
2. Close all other programs.
3. Run the application file (e.g. phoenix_service_sw_a15_2004_41_5_28.exe).
4. Newer version of Phoenix is installed.
5. Driver versions are checked and if need be, updated.
When you update Phoenix (e.g. a10_2003_33_5_22 to a11_2003_41_5_28.exe), the update
takes place automatically without uninstallation.
If you try to update Phoenix with the same version that you already have (e.g.
a15_2004_41_5_28 to a14_2004_42_6_28), you are asked if you want to uninstall the current
Phoenix version. In this case you can choose between total uninstallation and repair.
If you try to install an older version (e.g. downgrade from a15_2004_41_5_28 to
a14_2004_33_5_22), installation will be interrupted.
Please always follow the instructions on the screen.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
3. If the operating system does not require rebooting, click “Finish” to complete.
4. If the operating system requires rebooting, Install Shield Wizard notifies
you about it. Select "Yes..." to reboot the PC immediately and "No..." to reboot the
PC manually afterwards.
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
■ Repairing Phoenix installation
If you experience any problems with service software or suspect that files have been lost, you
can use the repair function before completely reinstalling Phoenix. Note that the original installation package (e.g. phoenix_service_sw_a15_2004_41_5_28.exe) must be found on your PC
when you run the repair setup.
To repair:
1. Run Windows Control Panel.
2. Choose Add / Remove Programs -> “Phoenix Service Software”.
3. Click "Add/Remove". In the following view, select “Repair”.
Phoenix reinstalls the required components and registers them, procedure is the same as in
the update installation.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
Data Package for Phoenix (Product Specific)
■ Phoenix data package overview
Each product has its own data package (DP). The product data package contains all productspecific data files to make the Phoenix Service Software and tools usable with a certain phone
•Product software Binary files
•Files for type label printing
•Validation file for the Faultlog repair data reporting system
•All product-specific configuration files for Phoenix software components
Data files are stored under C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix (default).
■ Before installation
•Product data package contains all product specific data to make the Phoenix
service software and tools usable with a certain phone model.
•Check that the dongle is attached to the parallel port of your computer.
•Install Phoenix service SW.
•Download the installation package (e.g. RAE-6_dp_v_1.0_MCUSW4_51.exe) to
your computer (e.g. C:\TEMP).
•Close all other programs.
•Run the application file (e.g. RAE-6_dp_v_1.0_MCUSW4_51.exe) and follow in-
structions on the screen.
Please note that very often the Phoenix service SW and the phone specific data package for
Phoenix come in pairs, meaning that certain version of Phoenix can only be used with certain
data package version. Always use the latest available versions. Instructions can be found in
phone model specific Technical Bulletins and readme.txt files of the data packages.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
4. From this view, you can see the contents of the data package. Read the text carefully. There should be information about the Phoenix version needed with
this data package. Click “Next”.
5. To continue, confirm location and click “Next”. Install shield checks where the
Phoenix application is installed and the directory is shown.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
8. To complete installation, click “Finish”.
You now have all phone model specific files installed in your Phoenix service SW.
Now Phoenix can be used to for example flash phones and print type labels after:
•Configuring users
•Managing connections
•FLS-4S can be used right away
•FPS-8* can be used after updating flash update package files to it
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
■ Uninstalling data package
1. To uninstall the data package manually from Windows, choose Control Panel
/ Add / Remove Programs/ -> RAE-6/RA-4 Phone Data Package.
2. If you try to install the same version of Phoenix data package that you already
have, you are asked if you want to uninstall the current version. Answer “OK” to
uninstall, “Cancel” if you do not want to uninstall.
Older versions of data packages need not be uninstalled unless instructions to do
so are given in the readme.txt of the data package and bulletins concerning the
release. Please read all related documents carefully.
3. Once the previously installed data package is uninstalled, click “Finish”.
4. To continue installation from the beginning, run the RAE-6_dp_v_1.0_MCUSW4_51.exe again.
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
Configuring Users
To configure users:
1. Start Phoenix service SW and login.
2. To add new user or edit an existing one, click “Maintain”. If a user ID is already
configured, choose your own user ID from the list and click “OK”.
3. To add information for the new user, click “New”.
4. Type in your name and Initials to fields and click “OK”.
5. User has now been created, click “OK”. You are now able to login with this
username, click “OK”
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
Managing Connections
Manage connections feature in Phoenix is for selecting, editing, and deleting existing connections, and creating new ones.
To manage connections:
1. Start Phoenix service SW and login.
2. From the “File” menu, choose “Manage Connections”.
3. In this dialog, you can select, edit, delete existing connections and create new
ones. You can create a connection either manually or by using a Connection Wizard.
To add new connection, click “Add” and select if you want to create it manually or
by using the Wizard.
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
9. Click “Apply”.
The connection is now selected and can be used after closing the “Ma nage Co n-
nections” window.
The selected connection is shown at the right-hand bottom corner of the screen.
10.To use the selected connection, connect the phone to Phoenix with correct
service tools, make sure that it is switched on and choose “Scan Product”.
When a product is found, Phoenix loads product support and when everything is
ready, the name of the loaded product support module and its version are shown
at the bottom of the screen, for example:
3 - Service Software InstructionsNokia Customer Care
Updating Flash Support Files for FPS-8* and FLS-4*
■ Before installation
•Install Phoenix service SW.
•Install phone model specific data package for Phoenix.
•The flash support files are delivered in the same installation package with Phoenix
data packages or newer Phoenix packages beginning from September 2003.
•Normally it is enough to install Phoenix and phone’s data package because the
Phoenix installation always includes the latest flash update package files for FLS-4S
/ FPS-8*.
•Separate installation package for flash support files is available, and the files can
be updated by following these instructions (if updates appear between Phoenix /
data package releases).
■ Installing flash support files (only separate installation package)
If you are not using a separate installation package, you can skip this section.
1. To start installing, double-click flash_update_03_13_001.exe.
If the same version of the flash update package already exists, and you want to
reinstall it, the previous package is first uninstalled. Restart installation again after
Nokia Customer Care3 - Service Software Instructions
If you try to downgrade the existing version, the setup will be aborted. However,
if you want to downgrade, uninstall newer files manually from the Control Panel
and then rerun the installation again.
If an older version exists on your PC and it needs to be updated, click “Next” to
continue installation.
It is highly recommended to install the files to the default destination folder
C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix.
2. To continue, click “Next”.
Note! When installing the flash update files for the first time you may choose an-